//------------------------------// // Enter if you dare // Story: Too Spooky for You // by MoeMoarKrab //------------------------------// Too Spooky for You It was a dark and stormy night, mainly because they forgot to to do the storm last week and so now they have to do it tonight. Nopony really had this on their minds as they made their way up to the abandoned mansion. Rainbow Dash had dared her friends to spend the night with her. It took some time but they all agreed, some enthusiastically and some with much reluctance. The pegasus has been telling them of monsters, ghosts, and probably ghouls. Everypony is scared, even Rainbow. Everypony except Twilight Sparkle... "I don't see the big deal."Twilight grumbled."It's an abandoned place, of course it's going to look desolate and neglected." "There's nothing to see here, let's just turn back..." She concludes, levitating a lantern. Rainbow Dash scoffs and flies circles around the exasperated unicorn. "What's the matter Twi? Are you chickening out on us?" Twilight rolls her eyes and trots on ahead of Dash. Pinkie jumps out at Twilight in an attempt to startle her. She then clucks and does her best chicken impression, which was actually very good. "Aw, Twilight don't be a chicken! Are you really that afraid?" She giggles, and goes back to pecking the ground. "No, I just don't see the point in this," Twilight said."This all feels like the start of a bad Nightmare Night story." Applejack chuckles and studies Twilight, looking for signs of deception or fear. "Ya sure Twilight?"Applejack snorted."You're talking down the whole thing, ponies talk down things when they're nervous..." "Don't worry, Twilight I too can let my nerves get the best of me,"Rarity shivered out, looking at her surroundings vigilantly. Spike noticed Rarity's distress and moved closer to her. "N-never fear Rarity, I-i'll protect you...,"Spike uttered, it would have sounded brave if he wasn't shivering more than Rarity. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was shivering more than Rarity and Spike combined. A stray leaf blowing in the wind lands on her flank. She squeals and flies around frantically until Rainbow Dash calms her down. The shy mare turns to Twilight and whispers. "I-i-it's.....I'ts o-okay to be a-afraid...." Twilight turns up her head and groans in frustration. She canters toward the door letting out a snort, and faces her friends. "You know what!? I'll prove I'm not scared! I'll go in first!" Had she not been so annoyed at that moment she may have noticed the door open on it's own as she made her way inside. She grinned in relief when she saw the interior. It was a basic living room with a charred fireplace, a nice large rug with a coffee table, and some nice furniture. No ghosts or monsters here. "For an abandoned place this furniture is in pretty good condition,"Twilight observed."We could probably sell it all for a good amount of bits." "Careful Twilight, you don't want to take stuff from the ghosts and monsters living in here!"Rainbow Dash teases, and wraps her hooves around Twilight's eyes. "Let go." "You're no fun." She releases Twilight's eyes and lands beside her. Soon, the rest of the gang makes their way inside and all crowd around Twilight who possesses the lantern. Nopony says anything for some time and they take in the sights around them. As a group they approach the center of the room. Applejack decides to break the tension around this time. "So where are y'all sleeping?" She asked and then smiled."I call any bed if there is one." '"Darling, if there's room in that bed you'll share it." Dash shrugs her withers. "That couch is looking pretty nice to snooze on." "We came to see monsters, right?"Pinkie pondered and then gasped."Oh! The attic!" "A-anywhere that's n-not the attic!"Fluttershy squeaked. Spike nods in agreement. Twilight was about to scoff at her companion's silly superstitions when a loud banging noise suddenly came from an unknown location. Everypony jumps and huddles closer together. "It was probably just a rat,"Twilight reasoned. Rarity shuddered."Why did I ever agree to come to this filthy place?" Spike has latched himself onto to Twilight. She giggles at her dragon and uses magic to pry him off. Before everypony can calm down the loud noise repeats itself. Spike has once again latched onto Twilight. This time she has more trouble pulling him off. She uses as much magic as she can without harming him, but his iron grip persists. As she's about to tell Spike to let go a flash of lightning and thunder rumbles outside. The lantern goes out and everypony but Twilight screams. "Oh come on! It's just lightning!" Twilight awaits a response. Nothing. Spike who was still holding on to Twilight expresses his opinion. "I don't think it was the lightning...." "Don't be ridiculous Spike, they're just joking around,"Twilight scoffs and uses her horn to illuminate the room."See.....?" Instead of seeing her friends giggling behind the couch like she expected, she saw nopony else. Despite this, she still feels that she and Spike are in an elaborate prank. Twilight sourly admits to herself that she is scared regardless. "Okay this is just a bad prank Spike. Trust me,"Twilight muttered."....And let go of me!" Spike just keeps shaking. "Spike we need to find our friends,"Twilight says patiently."Don't you want to protect Rarity?" He nods frantically. Eventually he lets go, but the young dragon is still scared out of his wits. Twilight heads down a random dark hallway Spike reluctantly follows. "Where are we even going?"Spike asked. "I'm thinking we need to go to a bathroom first,"Twilight answered. Spike seemed to forget his fear at that moment and huffed. "Why a bathroom?"He inquired, and then crossed his arms."It's because of some fictional books you've read isn't it?" "Uh no, maybe, ugh I don't know!"Twilight snapped."Because one of our friends is most likely in there. Or a key or something. Why not?" Spike sighed and put a claw to his forehead and continued following Twilight until the pair came across a door about two meters away from them. "OooOOooOooooooOoooo" Twilight knew this couldn't be a ghost. She laughed and had to stop herself from snorting loudly. "Uh oh Twilight!"Spike shrieks and jumps onto Twilight's back. She shakes her head and teleports herself and Spike towards the door. She then bucks him off of herself and faces the door. "Lets go in now." "No!" "Yes." She wanted to teleport inside but that would expose themselves to an unknown location and despite her assurance that there was no ghost whatever was inside may be very dangerous. She could go in alone but splitting up was a horrible idea in this kind of situation. She needed Spike to go in with her. "Okay, what will it take for you to go in there with me?" "A Spikesnack?"Spike ventured. Twilight cocked her head in confusion. Did he mean gems? She concentrated and used her version of Rarity's gem finding spell. There was one nearby and underneath the floor. It was a bit deep but Twilight used her magic to pull it from the ground. It damaged the floor, but this place was abandoned anyway. Spike drooled and ate the gem immediately. "Ready?"Twilight ventured. "...Not really..." "Too bad you had your stupid 'Spikesnack', let's go!"Twilight shouted and kicked the door open. She levitated Spike into the room with her. The room was conveniently a bathroom. Of course. It was rather large and everything was covered in rust. It smelled as bad as it looked. Twilight flares her nostrils in disgust. "OoOoooooOoooO" It was dark in here, but the unicorn could recognize that voice anywhere. "Pinkie?" Twilight uses her horn again to illuminate the area. Pinkie Pie is in the ugly ornamented bathtub making ghost noises. Spike and Twilight sigh in relief only to simultaneously realize how strange this all was. "Oh hiya Twilight, Spike,"Pinkie greeted."I've been using the echoes in here to disguise as a ghost!" "I'm not even going to ask why you're not concerned,"Twilight said."Do you know how you ended up here?" "Well when the lights went out, I felt something move me around," Pinkie recalled, putting a hoof to her chin."It kind of tickled but it also was very scary." "Then it dropped me off here!" "That's it?"Twilight asked. "That's it." Twilight frowned. She felt this whole thing was nonsense. Spike gasped at Pinkie. "W-was the thing that moved you...,"Spike began and gulped."Was it a monster?" The pink mare was silent for a moment and then shrugged her withers."I didn't get too good of a look but I felt it...well as I was dropped off here I saw it take somepony towards the backyard...." Spike looks mortified. Twilight is uncertain about this whole thing but feels they need to go to the backyard next. "Well then let's go to the backyard already,"The unicorn said. Before she exits she remembers something. "By, the way...is there a key in here?" Pinkie giggles."Why would there be a key in here silly?" Spike rolled his eyes."Oh brother, she's been reading too many bad horror stories." "I'm beginning to think we're in one,"Twilight sighs."Pinkie could you lead the way?" Pinkie nods and the trio continue their way through the mansion. There are many rooms they pass in this massive place. Twilight is wondering why nopony has bothered trying to restore the property. Or why nothing in here has been taken and pawned off. They surely can't be the first to have come in here since it was abandoned. Now that she thought about it, why was this place abandoned? Rainbow Dash told them everything about ghosts and monsters here but nothing about a previous owner. She inwardly grumbled about this and got more annoyed when she realized this place was never mentioned in all of her time in Ponyville until recently. Before she could find more things to nitpick about Spike screamed loudly, causing her to lose her train of thought. "Spike!"Twilight exclaimed with concern."What's wrong?!" "I thought I saw something." "Uuuuuuugh..." Pinkie patted Spike. "Aaaaaw Spikey-wikey, remember to giggle at the ghostly." "Um what?" "Giggle at the ghostly!" "He wasn't there Pinkie,"Twilight reminded her friend. Pinkie grins and hops around."Well then I'll teach him!" "When I was a little filly and the sun was going down~" Some time later.... "Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuugggghhhh~!" Twilight smiled as she looked back on those memories. They were in peril at the time but she could only remember them fondly now. Spike was laughing and seems to have cheered up for now. In her moment of glee Pinkie ran on ahead of the group. Twilight and Spike only realized this too late. "Oh no! Don't split the group!"Twilight shouted and ran alongside Spike. They turned a corner and opened a large door to the backyard. Pinkie is nowhere in sight. Great, just great Twilight thought. Things are already going downhill it seems. Spike gets closer to Twilight in fear that he too will disappear like their pink friend. The two look around the backyard. "It's a graveyard,"Twilight said flatly."Yes of course it would be...." "WHY NOT, RIGHT?"Twilight shouted, she felt a headache coming on. "Twilight the monster might hear you!"Spike whispered. She puts a hoof to her face. As they explored the graveyard they soon figured out it wasn't just any cemetery it was...a pet cemetery! Here many poor pets like bunny's that ate too fast and got lethal tummy aches were laid to rest. It was very large and there are also big statues of scary and mean looking dragons throughout the area. "Whoever owned this place was as bad as keeping pets as they were at keeping this mansion,"Twilight mumbled. "Or they had strange hobbies..."Spike shuddered. "Oh! There's a hill over there let's get on top so we can see the entire area,"Twilight said."That way we can find our other friend and hopefully Pinkie again. They both scramble up the hill. They then looked out across the entire cemetery. The whole place was huge in fact there may have been a few crypts off in the distance. Twilight glumly wondered if there were going to be singing pony statutes at some point in the night. Unfortunately it was much worse that. There was a tree behind the two of them. This tree was no ordinary tree or maybe it was no tree at all. It's branches grabbed Spike and held him close. He struggled but the tree brought him closer. Twilight jumped back in shock. It took her a moment to realize what was happening. She charged her magic and shot the tree in it's center. The tree shook in surprise, but kept it's grip on the baby dragon. It was also very startled as it ran down the hill with Spike in it's grasp. This caused Spike to scream in a very high pitched fashion. "Get back here you....tree!"Twilight shouted, though she knew it couldn't have been a tree. Unicorn dragged a hoof along the ground and snorted. She vaulted over a few headstones as the tree creature made many sharp and frantic turns. "Do something!" Spike called out. The unicorn didn't answer and instead sent out several bolts of magic to subdue the tree. This time the tree dodged each one, much to Twilight's frustration. Next she teleported behind it and rammed it with her horn. It made a muffled noise and almost literally flew off in the opposite direction. With a groan, Twilight teleported beside it and tried levitating Spike. The tree sensed this and gripped Spike tighter. Eventually Twilight teleported in front of it. This caused the tree to turn around, but it saw one of the dragon statues and collapsed in fear. It still held onto Spike. Twilight noticed a hole in the back of the costume and out of that hole was a pair of yellow wings. This explains everything. Well not really, Twilight is still wondering how she didn't notice sooner, and many other things. "Fluttershy! It's me!"Twilight reassured."And Spike isn't in any danger!" Twilight levitated the costume off. "Oh! Twilight! I'm so sorry!"Fluttershy cried out."It's hard to see in that thing and it seemed like Spike was about to get hurt by some monster." She nuzzles Spike. He laughs and slowly releases himself from her grip. "Well you wouldn't be totally wrong, Twilight is probably the most dangerous thing I've encountered so far..." Fluttershy giggles but then stops when she notices Twilight's not laughing. "Sorry Twilight,"She mutters. "It's fine,"Twilight said."I'm just wondering how you acquired that tree costume." Fluttershy digs her hoof at the ground nervously. "Um it's a long story..."Fluttershy whimpered. Twilight didn't want to push the issue, but she definitely was going to ask for that story later. "I used to it hide from ...the monster!"Fluttershy cried out suddenly remembering the situation. She looks around frantically and backs up into her two companions. "I believe there is no monster,"Twilight stated."I think you and the others are pulling some prank on me, especially now since you have that costume." Fluttershy shakes her head. "Goodness no! I wouldn't prank you!"Fluttershy replied somewhat offended."A-and it chased me out here....then I heard noises from that room over there....." She hides behind her mane and begins shaking. She then points a hoof toward a door on the opposite end of the mansion. Despite getting a new lead on this supposed monster, the unicorn and her dragon aren't very thrilled at all. "Alright Fluttershy, stay with us,"Twilight warned."Pinkie was with us earlier...and now she's not." Fluttershy shivered and nodded. The group walked along the pet cemetery towards this new room. Fluttershy stopped at every grave to read the names of every fallen animal. Twilight and Spike found this very heartwarming at first, but soon found it very annoying. There was a grave about every few feet, and they had to stop, every single time. "Pumpkin the cat, who's death was from dysentery, may you rest in peace,"Fluttershy sighed, and put a hoof to the headstone. She stood silent for a moment and then turned to her friends. They had an obvious expression of annoyance, but Fluttershy didn't notice or didn't want to bring it up. Twilight and Spike smiled a little as that was over with and continued walking with Fluttershy. "Oh no!" Twilight and Spike groaned. "Poor little Johnny!" This went on for some time, and in that hour they found out that many things can die from dysentery. Eventually they made it to the door. "Oh man,"Spike grumbled."We're FINALLY here." Twilight nudged Spike a little roughly for being insensitive. She shook her head at him disapprovingly. Spike frowned and motioned to the headstones and Fluttershy. She nodded, but then narrowed her eyes and motioned him to keep his mouth shut. Spike shrugged. Fluttershy smiled at the two of them apologetically. "Alright, now let's go inside cautiously,"Twilight said, and used her magic to open the door."We don't want to panic." As if the universe itself were trying to ruin Twilight's night, strong winds began blowing, and lightning struck nearby. Thunder roared from the skies and soon it began to rain. All of these sights and sounds made Fluttershy panic. Without thinking about the consequences, she dashed inside the pitch black room. Twilight gasped, this was all going terrible already. She didn't want to follow after her friend in panic as well, so she took a moment to compose herself. "Fluttershy! Are you there?" Nothing. No response. No sounds. Twilight wasn't sure whether to be annoyed, scared, or angry. "I told her to stay with us,"She fumed under her breath. Spike was thinking the monster got her, but was hoping that this was a prank like Twilight said. "Haha!"Spike called out."V-very funny Fluttershy...." Still nothing. "You know Spike, if I get grabbed or attacked,"Twilight told her dragon."I'll scream, I'll leave a sign. ...Unlike somepony!" Her coat was getting drenched and Spike was shivering in the cold rain. There wasn't really much of a choice other than to go inside the mysterious room. "Actually, I'm not going in there,"Twilight shuddered."I want to help Fluttershy, but we'd just be potentially exposing ourselves to more danger than we need to." "What she said,"Spike agreed. They went inside. "No we didn't,"Twilight said. Yes, they teleported inside. "Nope." There's lots of rain, and they could catch a cold. They decide to go inside. "Nah,"Spike declined They went inside anyway. "No they didn't!"The Unicorn and Dragon both shouted. Yes.They.Did! They are now inside the room. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh,"Twilight groaned loudly. She uses her horn to light up the area, It's a large room and so much of it is still dark. Spike grins. "Hey, it's a kitchen!"Spike noted, and rubbed his stomach."I wonder if there's an icebox somewhere...." "Spike!"Twilight chastised."This is no time for that!" She stuck her tongue out in disgust."And this place is abandoned! Any food here will have gone bad by now!" Spike wasn't paying attention and was instead looked up to the ceiling while stuck in a food fantasy. "I could go for a big sandwich..." "Spike, no." "A large order of hay fries..." "No." "A drink with no ice..." "Nooo...." "And a fresh slice of hot apple pie,"Spike gushed. "No!" Spike frowned."I'm hungry!" "I don't care,"Twilight replied."Nopony cares." "Excuse me!?" Before this could escalate any further, a large pot moved on it's own and flew at Twilight. It bounced off her horn and landed atop Spike's head. "Ow...,"She complained and rubbed her horn. Twilight then jumped back and widened her eyes as a few more pots and pans came flying towards them. A loud noise of pots and pans being hit together filled the room and Spike hid behind Twilight. "G-g-ghosts!"Spike squealed. They dodged a few pots and pans, and the duo crouched and began making their way towards a counter. Many cookware and utensils were now flying around the room, looking for the unfortunate pair. The loud clanging noise persisted. "This can't be a ghost,"Twilight whispered as she moved on ahead."Ghosts aren't real..." "How do you know?"Spike shot back."Remember the Pinkie sense?" "This is different,"Twilight insisted."The supernatural doesn't exist. Just like the time we weren't really cursed by Zecora." "Well, It sure looks like ghosts to me,"Spike said. Twilight rolled her eyes."I'm sure this is one of our friends, watch." "You can come out now!" She couldn't be heard from the loud clanging noise, and received a pan to the face. The unicorn collapsed and Spike crawled over to her. "I think you offended the ghosts." She came to her senses and growled in frustration. "There...are....no....ghosts!" She stood up and used her magic to take control of a few of the flying cookware and began firing back. She began moving forward inch by inch with Spike close behind. The pots and pans began to push back harder, but so did Twilight. It soon became an all out war for control of the kitchen. Twilight observed that unicorn magic was moving the other cookware that she had no control over. She smiled smugly at Spike but said nothing. Swiveling her ears around allowed her to locate the sound of the clanging noise. "Hold on Spike,"She said. Twilight charged up her horn and they teleport to the source of the sound. The pair found themselves behind a counter, but it was still too dark to see. The noise was extremely loud and they couldn't help but flinch. Twilight illuminates the area and sees Applejack hitting a bunch of pots and pans together. Rarity was using her magic to move the cooking utensils and other cookware beside her. Their eyes both widen at the sight of Twilight and Spike. "Twilight, Spike!"They both exclaimed with relief. The Rarity and Applejack sandwiched the two in a tight embrace. Twilight was relieved to see them as well, but was equally annoyed that they had attack them moments earlier. She turned her head to Spike and gave him her best "I told you so" look. Spike stuck his tongue out at her. "I'm glad to see you both as well,"Twilight began, but then grumbled."Couldn't you tell it was us?" A thought occurred to Twilight and she huffed loudly."Yeah, I knew this was a prank..." Rarity abruptly respond."Sorry, we were so afraid and we couldn't hear you too well..." "We thought it was the monster,"Applejack added and nodded."I was hoping that the noise my Granny makes to scare off the timber wolves would also scare it." "And I was using the items in the kitchen to defend ourselves, we're very sorry,"Rarity said. Applejack laughs nervously."I guess that didn't really help with the whole communicating thing....oops." Twilight knew Applejack was very honest, but she was grouchy enough to believe she was being tricked at this point. "Ugh, there is no monster." "No Darling, we really saw it! The thing grabbed us and dropped us off here!" Spike gasped."Did it hurt you? Where did it go?" Rarity fumbled with her hooves nervously."I'm fine...as for the monster, well, It sounded like it was going upstairs...." "Okay great, let's go upstairs,"Twilight concluded. "Twilight Sparkle are you crazy?"Rarity uttered."We're not going after that monster!" "I agree with Rarity, I'll be in the living room if ya need me,"Applejack said. "I'm with you, Applejack,"Rarity agreed. Twilight was about to protest about them staying together, but she felt she was wasting her breath at this point. "Fine, go ahead....ugh" Twilight turned to Spike and nodded to him. "Second story here we come!"She exclaimed, and noticed the pot on Spike's head."Take that stupid thing off your head!" She levitated the pot off his head, Spike almost looked disappointed. He looked at his unicorn companion and shook his head. "I'm not going up there!"Spike objected."I'm going with Applejack....and Rarity" Spike gets a dreamy and content look on his face after saying Rarity. He grins widely and begins walking in the direction of Applejack and Rarity. Twilight gets an offended look and begins to levitate him toward her. "Good luck with the monster Twilight." "Oh no you don't!" "No! You can't make me go! Aaaah!"He shrieks and digs his claws into the floor. She pulls harder and his resistance causes scratches to appear on the floor. "Stop whining!"Twilight whined."I'll give you a gem!" She once again uses the gem locating spell and finds one far off outside. She concentrates and begins pulling it toward her. Spike just blinks at her. "Well?" "Wait for it...." It takes another minute, but then a gem comes flying into the room and get's shoved into Spike's mouth. He smiles in appreciation and begins sucking on it. Only to realize he was put into complacency. "Mmph!"Spike muffled out."Wait!" "Too late!" Twilight grins deviously and pulls him to her. She then charges up her horn to teleport them a few times, closer and closer to a staircase. Eventually she locates one and teleports herself and Spike up to it. Spike is glaring at Twilight and swallows his gem whole. She just turns her head away from him and motions him to follow. The young dragon doesn't follow for a little while, but then sighs and goes along with her. He mumbles various negative things under his breath with his head turned down. The second story wasn't very large it had only a few rooms from what it looked like. Twilight believed that this was still an elaborate prank and that there was one final prank left. Walking down a hallway was unnerving this time, mostly because she knew that the final prank was about to commence. The anticipation was killing her inside and she kept looking around frantically. She heard a scampering noise, and nearly jumped. She breathed out but didn't feel any better. She began walking more slowly and brushed up against Spike, just to know that he was with her. As she got closer to the end of the hall she heard the scamper more loudly, and she whimpered lowly. She and Spike began shaking. She took several deep breaths this time, and cantered toward the door. It was slightly ajar. It looked like a large bedroom. Twilight didn't want to waste any time now and rushed in with Spike. She assumed something was in the room with her, and she's shaking like crazy now. For a moment neither of the two move and then they nod to each other. Inch by agonizing inch they head toward the center of the room. Then they heard the scrambling noise in the corner. Twilight jumps and illuminated the corner with her magic. A face full of fangs, long whiskers, reflective eyes, and dark black fur greeted them. It made a yowling noise and Twilight jumped once more screaming at the top of her lungs. "Twilight calm down!"Spike assured her. Twilight continues screaming, but then realizes nothing is happening. She then takes a closer look. It's just a cat. The cat meows and it's fur stands up, it then slowly inches around the two and brushes up against Spike. It purrs at him and he pets it. Then the cat turns to Twilight and hisses angrily, before running out of the room. Before Twilight can say anything else she hears laughing above her. She illuminates the top of the room. Rainbow Dash is shaking with muffled laughter and then lands a few feet away from her friends. She then let's out all her laughter and collapses to the floor rolling around with fits of giggling. This confirms it, Twilight thought. This was all just a stupid prank. Her eye twitches and she suddenly fumes angrily. She stomps over to Rainbow Dash and growls. "Look here Rainbow! None of you have been fooling me, maybe Spike, but not me!"Twilight shouted. Rainbow Dash stands up and wipes away a few tears. She gets a smug grin. "What do you mean Twilight?"Rainbow Dash teased."I just thought it was funny how you were all high and mighty about not being scared, and a stray cat of all things scared you." Twilight glared."I haven't been scared! At least not by this fake monster or ghost or whatever this thing is supposed to be!" Rainbow is about to respond, but Twilight keeps ranting."Nothing we've encountered so far was super natural! It's just been you and the others!" She continues to rant for a few minutes."Who even owned this place anyway? This place isn't haunted!" Rainbow Dash hasn't replied, her ears are flattened. Spike nudges the unicorn. "Uuuh Twilight?" "It's just an abandoned, poorly constructed house!" "Twilight....,"Spike repeated. "WHAT?! Are you going to join along on this stupid hoax too?"Twilight growled. Rainbow Dash turns Twilight's head slowly. Her eyes widen. Behind the trio is a large and tall pony, with an ink black coat. It's very bony and it's ribs could be seen underneath it all. It had no cutie mark, and it's tail had a small axe tied to the end of it. Worst of all it had no head. "Oh......" There was a moment of awkward silence. Then Rainbow Dash shrieked at the top of her lungs and flew out the door in the blink of an eye. Twilight shivers and turns to face the Headless Horse, Spike looks at her. Twilight looks at him. "Zoinks!"She cried out. The Headless Horse raised it fore hooves into the air. The terrified duo then jump away in fear. Twilight teleports herself and Spike behind the monster and they rush out the door. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"They scream as they scramble down the hall. The Headless Horse is close behind. It's gaining on them, and Spike is falling behind. Twilight notices this and levitates Spike onto her back. She then gallops at full speed, despite her breath going ragged soon afterwards. She sees a large room past the a corner and teleports into the room. She hears the Headless Horse gallops on straight ahead passing the two of them. She lets out a sigh in relief. They both breath out heavily and take a look at the room they just entered. It's a dining hall. With a large long table and a big chandelier hanging over it. There are candles lit along the table. "Oh and food!"Spike exclaims happily. He runs over to the table and sits down in the chair with the large cream of mushroom soup. "Spike! We don't have time!"Twilight hissed."This is all very suspicious!" Spike ignores her, and Twilight takes a seat next to him grumbling nervously. She notices the nearest plate has a large lettuce, cucumber, and tomato sandwich. She half-heartedly munches on it. Spike rubs his claws together and sings a little tune to himself. He feels something put a bib on him. Then he is given a spoon. "Thanks!"He says, and turns to the kind pony who has assisted him. It's the Headless Horse dressed as a waiter. "Aaaaaaugh!"Spike yelps and pokes Twilight. She jumps in surprise and once more put's Spike on her back. She notices the chandelier and uses all her magical might to drop it onto the table. It falls and crashes down loudly destroying the table and everything on it. It narrowly avoids the Headless Horse, but it served as a good enough distraction. They go down several hallways and run into a private library. Twilight was running a bit too fast and ends up crashing into a bookshelf. It wasn't so bad, she observed, these books all look completely ruined anyway. Spike has dismounted her and begins exploring the maze of bookshelves. Twilight follows after the dragon. It turns out not all of the books were ruined. A few were in good condition, and Twilight was reading one of these few. Spike was getting frustrated because she was moving along very slowly and getting out of this room was taking longer than it should have. "So Twilight where are we supposed to go?" "Huh?" "Twilight..." "Oh! The living room of course, Rarity and Applejack will be there." "Then what?" "Uh huh...." "Twilight!" "Ugh! What?!" Spike was very frustrated at this point, and flicks her horn. Twilight loses her grip on the book and her page. She turns to Spike and glares. "What was that for?"She asked with frustration. "The same reason I shouldn't have tried eating in the dining hall." Twilight hangs her head and moves on forward. Then she laughs. "Hehehe! Spike that tickles!"Twilight chortled."Stop it!" "I'm not touching you..." Twilight sharply turns around to see the Headless Horse tickling her. She jumps back and levitates Spike with her. The unicorn backs away shivering very slowly until she reaches the end of the library. Then she screams. The Headless Horse makes a mocking gesture at the two of them, and the pair sprint out of there. The monster is right behind them every step of the way. Neither of the two dare to stop for a moment or to look behind them. They didn't even waste their breaths to scream. Eventually the living room was in sight, but Twilight didn't slow down. She put Spike on her back and jumped towards the room. Twilight, Spike, and the Headless Horse all enter the living room at once. They all felt them hit some sort of rope, and a net trap is set off. Before any of them knew it, they all found themselves in a large net crunched up together and hoisted into the air. Then, all of Twilight and Spike's friends jump out from behind the couch. Pinkie is somehow wearing her detective's hat and bubble pipe. "Just as planned!"She stated dramatically, and blew out bubbles from her pipe."You two made an excellent diversion!" "I uh...um...WHAT?!"Twilight shouted. Applejack undoes the trap and everypony caught falls to the floor. Twilight and Spike back away from the now dazed Headless Horse. "What is all of this?!"Twilight demanded. Pinkie didn't seem to hear her, and moves up to the Headless Horse. "Now to find out who the headless horse really is!"Pinkie announced to everypony in the room. Twilight can barely contain her rage at this point. Pinkie Pie bits down on a zipper from the neck of the costume. Spike and Twilight look to each other in embarrassment. How did they not notice this before? Pinkie pulls on the zipper and the Headless Horse is exposed to everypony. It's..... It's....! "Mr.Waddle?!"Everypony exclaimed. "That's right!"He said grouchily. The royal guards rush into the mansion and take him into custody. "B-b-b-but what?"Twilight stuttered in confusion. She motions to Mr.Waddle and then the room, and puts a hoof to her face. "Why?!"She demanded "How?!"She groaned. Mr.Waddle hangs his head and glares at everpony. "And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling mares and your dragon!" "And do not forget us!"Luna shouted, and stood alongside the rest of the gang. "Okay!? Why would Mr.Waddle even be here?!"Twilight argued."Why would she be here? When was she ever here?" Twilight stamps her hooves."This makes no sense!" "What crime did he even commit or attempt to commit?!"Twilight asked and pointed to Mr.Waddle. ( "Stop the story! Stop the story!" "What's wrong Twilight?") ------------------------------------------ Twilight and her friends are sitting around a campfire. "What's wrong is that this ghost story you've all been telling together makes no sense!"Twilight complained. Rainbow Dash blinks. "It seemed fine to me." "Yeah but why Mr.Waddle?"Twilight inquired."He wasn't established at any point previous, not in Pinkie's part of the story, not in Fluttershy's, not in Rarity's and Applejack's, and not even in your part Rainbow!" She then rolls her eyes."I don't even want to know how Spike's part is going to go..." Spike just rolls his eyes back at his unicorn friend, and crosses his arms. "And another thing,"Twilight added."Why did you all make this about Spike and I?" Rarity giggles, and decides to answer that one. "Well, you two tend to have the most amusing reactions towards these sort of things,"Rarity admitted, and rubbed Spike's cheeks. "Okay, and why is Luna in the story all of a sudden?"Twilight mumbled. "Well, um she's been here with us and It seemed rude not to include her...,"Fluttershy reasoned, a bit nervous about contributing to Twilight's bad mood. Everypony nods in agreement with Fluttershy. "We appreciate that thou-" Fluttershy hides behind her mane and motions with a hoof for Luna to lower her voice. Luna smiles sheepishly and nods. "We appreciate that everypony feels we should be in thine story,"Luna said with a smile."But it was not necessary." Rainbow Dash yawns. "My turn is up, since Twilight here seems so upset let's give her a turn,"Rainbow Dash said with no enthusiasm. "Gladly!" Twilight clears her throat. ------------------------------------------ Suddenly Mr.Waddle is let go because he did nothing illegal. Everypony listened to Twilight's reason that they should go home and stop being in a dumb, senseless, and abandoned mansion. Also Spike was grounded for being a terrible companion throughout the story. The End ------------------------------------------- "You really suck at this Twilight,"Rainbow Dash mumbled."Then again I was expecting a super long explanation for things nopony wants to hear about. You took this too seriously." Rainbow Dash puffs out her chest."Besides, in a real scary situation I would never leave you and Spike behind." Pinkie Pie was munching on a bunch of marshmallows and then swallows the entire mouthful. She frowns at Twilight. "Hey!"Pinkie protested."I thought the mansion concept was great!" Spike is sniffling, and Fluttershy goes to comfort him. Rarity glares at Twilight disapprovingly. "Twilight Sparkle!"Rarity hissed."How could you be so mean to poor little Spike?" "Oh boo hoo! Everypony made a bunch of jokes at my expense in this story..." "No need to get saddle-sore there partner,"Applejack interjected."It's just a story you should really just relax." "I'm checking scary stories off the list now,"Twilight said glumly. "But we never got a tur-" "Sorry just checked it right now,"Twilight replied. Just another Nightmare Night in Ponyville..... ---------------- AN:A little late for Halloween but it's here nonetheless. Thanks for reading!