Symphony Shattered

by SteampunkBrony

4: Welcome to Manehattan

We arrived at the station without much further trouble, although I'm pretty sure the young couple in the next cabin were going at it like a pair of march hares from the sounds that filtered through the wood paneling. Tossing on my trenchcoat and hat, I gathered my cello and then we were on our way into the madness that was the streets of Manehattan. We were just waiting for a taxi carriage when i heard a oh too familiar voice to my right.

"Evening Miss Philharmonica." The voice that I had heard from the other side of the glass in the laboratory said. I spun to the right to look at the pony. "How are the modifications?"

"You're lucky this is a public place or I'd eviscerate you right now." I said to Shining Steel. Her fur was a silver that did shine like the metal she was named after and her eyes were an icy blue. Her cuitie mark was a few gears grinding against each other. "Then again, it is still very tempting after what you did to me." I could see Vinyl figuring out the situation out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh come now, a little bit of cybernetics never killed the user." She said with a grin, "Although It's so nice of the nobility to pay my bail, and thanks to that Celestia can't even touch me." She said with a chuckle, "After all, my research is funded by them and they like to keep getting new toys after all."

"I'll believe that when I hear it from Celestia herself." I replied.

"Here's the papers if you want, ta ta for now." She said tossing a manilla envelope at my hooves. Vinyl quickly levitated it off of the pavement and opened it up.

"By order of Judge Gavel of the Canterlot Criminal Court Shining Steel is hereby pardoned of any past crimes..." she read aloud.

I glared at Shining Steel. "I suggest you leave. Right now. Otherwise things may get very, very messy." I growled. "And if I hear of any more cases like mine... well you should start praying to Faust, because neither Celestia or Luna will be able to help you."

Shining just laughed. "Here in front of all these other ponies? I doubt you would do an-" she was cut off as my hoof shot out and connected hard with her jaw, sending her spinning to the ground with a nasty crack.

"Right now it's taking every ounce of restraint I have not to continue that particular course of action. Let's go Vinyl, before I do something that will make her regret ever deciding to experiment on me." I said as I turned and started off towards our home, leaving Shining Steel to nurse what was probably a broken jaw.

"Holy horseshit 'Tavi... What side of whose bed did you wake up on this morning?" Vinyl said as we entered our apartment. "Also, I see you've been practicing your hoof to hoof."

"I don't know if you picked up on it or not Vinyl but that was the pony that attached this thing to me." I said with a sigh as I removed my trenchcoat and hung it on a hook on the back of the door. Looking back Vinyl's face had frozen with that 'oh...' expression on it that one tends to make when they realize that they had missed something rather important. "And that' judge's note basically means that any legal prosecution that I try won't have any effect..." I trotted over to where I had placed my Cello as I walked in and flipped open the clasps. "I'll be in my room, give me an hour or two okay?"

"W... will do 'Tavi." Vinyl said as she turned and headed for our kitchen. "Damn bitch should be glad I hadn't realized who she was or else she would be wishing for 'Tavi to be the one delivering the beatdown..." I heard her mutter as I took out my cello and went off to my room.

I pulled out a small boombox and loaded in a tape, on it was a recording Vinyl had made of her practicing on her keyboard, I had liked the melancholy tune of the piano exercise at the time and it seemed fitting for how I was feeling right now.

I began to play as the track began on the CD, getting lost in the music.

I dropped the pitch down into a lower register as the song progressed, allowing my cello's notes to intertwine with that of the piano as my hoof traveled to the various notes on the neck of the instrument. I closed my eyes as my vision started to blur, sobbing as I played out my emotions, the strings of the cello singing as I cried, the wood of the instrument reverberating the sweet sorrow of the tune.

The tears ran freely as I played out my sadness at the sheer injustice of it all. My anger was drowned in the tears as the song finished. I laid my Cello down gently and slumped onto my bed, sobbing as I allowed myself to drift off to sleep.