Rebirth of the Damned

by Borsuq

28. All's well that ends...

Chrysalis looked satisfied at the green amber containing the troublesome stallion. Now that their fight was over, she found that she wasn't that much angry at him anymore... although, she still intended to punish him in some fashion, but that could wait.
"Who are you?" she wondered once again. "You are definitely a unique pony, you know a lot about combat... but why then aren't you a royal guard? You would have make a much better captain than Shining Armor, that's for sure. I didn't have a battle this intense since... since..."
She grabbed her head with her hoof as a migraine attack hit her.
"You won't get away with this!" Princess Cadance's words pulled her back to the present moment. "Twilight and her friends will..."
At the same time, the door opened, and six ponies escorted by her subjects entered.
"You were saying?" she asked Cadance.

When changelings captured her and her friends, Twilight thought that things couldn't be any worse.
She was wrong.
Not only her brother was still under the Changeling's Queen spell, but also Cadance was glued to the floor, Princess Celestia was in some lime green goo cocoon on the ceiling upside down, while Matthias was in some kind of green amber.
Twilight looked at Cadance, hoping her eyes would tell her how sorry she was that she failed her and everypony.
"You do realize the reception's been cancelled, don't you?" said the queen, rubbing it in. Looking at the other changelings, she added: "Go! Feed!"
All the changelings beside her flew away, and their queen closed the door behind them with magic.
"She's that confident that we won't be a threat to her?" thought Twilight, but knew that the Queen of Changelings was probably right. After all, she did beat both Celestia, who was the most powerful pony, and Matt, who came from the world that was in a constant war. "What now?"
The Changeling's Queen laughed as she came closer to them.
"It's funny, really." she said, lifting Twilight's head with her hoof. "Twilight here was suspicious of my behavior all along."
Angry, Twilight pushed her hoof away.
"Too bad the rest of you were too caught up in your wedding planning to realize those suspicions were correct." she continued to laught at everypony.
"Sorry, Twi." said unexpectedly Applejack. "We should've listened to you."
"It's not your fault." replied Twilight, simply glad that her friends were once again on the same side with as her. "She fooled everypony."
"Hmm, I did, didn't I?" said to that the queen, glancing back at them as she walked up to the trapped in amber Matthias. "Although, I wouldn't say 'everypony'. This one managed to somehow figure it out." she poked the amber, as if to see if it still holded him. "He also proved to be quite an opponent... much more dangerous than your Princess Celestia, that's for sure." she added with a smirk, looking at the Princess trapped in the cocoon. Returning to gazing at Matt, she said, as if after a thought. "He is also quite the kisser."
Twilight's eyes went wide. Was she saying that Matt had kissed her?!
The Changeling's Queen looked back at her and chuckled.
"Oh, your faces now are priceless." she commented.
Twilight glanced at her friends and noticed similar to hers reaction on their faces.
The Queen of Changelings, still chuckling, walked away from Matthias toward the window, that opened to the balcony, and out of a sudden, started singing:

This day has been just perfect
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
Everypony I'll soon control
Every stallion, mare and foal
Who says a girl can't really have it all?

Twilight, who's been thinking what they could do this whole time, had an idea. Taking advantage of the queen's smugness, she sneaked over to Cadance.

Chrysalis watched through the window as her minions were wrecking chaos all over Canterlot. Despite those ponies behind her interfering with her plans, the victory was hers.
It was now only a matter of time before the whole of Canterlot would belong to the changelings.
Soon, very soon, she would find him.
"Where are you?" she wondered, not caring for what the ponies were doing inside the wedding hall.

"Quick! Go to him while you still have the chance!" Twlight whispered to Cadance and used her magic to free her.
She knew that if anypony could break the spell on Shining Armor, it was her old foalsitter. The prisons of Princess Celestia and Matt looked too strong to be destroyed by Twilight, at least not without notifying the queen, so everything she could do right now was to hope that if her brother was free, he could cast his spell to throw the changelings away from Canterlot.
Twilight and her friends watched as Princess Cadance came over to Shining Armor, tears in her eyes. She rubbed his cheek with her hoof, and when he didn't react, she hugged him and closed her eyes, concentrating. Sparks appeared around her horn, as she casted her love spell. Soon, a heart appeared, and it hovered over Shining Armor's head, enveloping him in a small blast of magic.
Her brother closed his eyes and shook his head. When he opened them, there was no longer any trace of green hue.
"Wha- whe- huh?" said Shinig Armor, as everypony, but especially Cadance, looked happily at him. " the wedding over?"
Before anypony could reply him, the Queen of Changelings landed in front of him and Cadance.
"It's all over!" she declared, not even caring that the princess broke the spell.
"Your spell!" Twilight shouted to her brother. "Perform your spell!"
Hearing that, the queen laughed.
"What good would that do? My changelings already roam free." she said, pointing at the chaos outside.
"No!" said Shining Armor as he realised what happened.
He closed his eyes and concentrated, but nothing happened beside a little light appearing at the top of his horn.
"My power is useless now." he finally said, sweating, as the light disappeared. "I don't have the strength to repel them."
Cadance came closer to him.
"My love will give you strength." she told him as she hugged him.
That caused another wave of laughter out of Changeling's queen.
"What a lovely but absolutely ridiculous sentiment."
"That coming from a monster that feeds on love." thought Twilight, glancing at her brother and Cadance.
The two of them looked into each other eyes and concentrated.

Chrysalis was about fed up with those ponies. She let them be, for the moment, allowing them enjoy each other's company for few more moments, before she would put them in cocoons.
Suddenly, she noticed that her shadow moved. Earlier, she wouldn't care about something like this, but her fight with Matthias caused her look back, and she was glad she did.
Princess Cadance and Shining Armor horn's were connected, and magical energies circled around them.
"Nice try." said Chrysalis and used her magic to strangle them, interrupting their spell.
"No!" shouted Twilight, her horn glowing, and her friends about to charge at her.
Rolling her eyes, Chrysalis started strangling them as well. Not that she planned to kill any of them. She just wanted them unconscious. She mentally summoned her minions so that they could capture them.

Twilight gasped for air, but there wasn't any.
"This can't end like this!" she thought.
She opened her eyes and looked around, trying to think about something she could do. But due to the lack of air, she couldn't cast any spells.
At some point, her gaze rested on Matthias, still encased in green amber.
"Matt... please..." she thought, despite knowing he couldn't hear her thoughts, hoping would cause some miracle. She knew he could. "... help me... please, save me... Matt..."
She gasped as she noticed that her vision started turning black. She fought to stay conscious, knowing everything would be over is she gave in.
"...Matt..." she tried to think once again, but she couldn't concentrate on even that now.

Matthias mind was plagued by nightmares.
...turn to bloodlust, we will become as vile as the orcs...
...forget this business! Lead your men home...
...and you've ground it to dust in a matter of days... lied to your men, and betrayed the mercenaries who fought for you! What's happening to you, Arthas?...
...How fares your noble father?...
...Your curiosity will be the death of you.
Face now your tragic end!
...No king rules forever,...
...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...
...I'm sorry, Arthas. I can't watch you do this.
Matt... please...
Matthias shrugged as his mind registered Twilight voice.
... help me... please save me... Matt...
He opened his eyes, but what he saw didn't seem much different from his nightmares.
Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Shining, Cadance were all being choked by Chrysalis... and he couldn't do anything!
He tried to move, to break the amber around him, but nothing even budged.
"I have to do something!" he thought, desperetly trying to save his friends.
He looked at Twilight and noticed that her struggling was ceasing.
"Light," he thought, putting every bit of his soul into this prayer, "please, I beg of you, give me the strength to break this prison!"

It was over.
Twilight could only see darkness before her. Some part of her mind wondered why she never asked Matt how it felt like to die, or what happens after that.
... crack...
A bright light shone threw the darkness and reached her, giving her warm and the feeling of safety.
She opened her eyes.
Were Matthias was a moment ago was, imprisoned in the green amber, now a pillar of Light shined, and Matt himself was flying towards the Changeling's Queen, emiting the same warm Light.
"Wait, flying?!" thought Twilight as her vision cleared.
Matthias wasn't just emiting Light. His coat's color turned from white into gold, his entire body beside his head was enclosed in a glowing gold plate armor, his eyes shone brighter than a thousand suns, his mane and tail looked like golden fire, and...
... and he had wings and horn.
Matt has just became an alicorn!
She watched, as in slow motion, he descended upon the queen, who with fear on her face tried to move away. Matthias lifted his hoof, and as long beam of Light shot from it, he brought it down on her. A second before he hit her, Twilight noticed what that 'beam' really was.
It was a huge sword, with a glowing crystal embedded into it.
For a heartbeat, Twilight thought that the sword cut threw queen's head, but soon realised that wasn't what happened.
"My horn!!!" screeched the Queen of Changelings, squinting her eyes to look at her forehead and what was left of her horn.
Matthias landed between her and everypony else.
"No more, Chrysalis!" he shouted, spreading his wings and pointing the sword at her. "No more ponies will be harmed by your hunger!"

On Azeroth, inside Mardenholde Keep in Hearthglen, Highlord Tirion Fordring sneezed. Waving his hand, he urged the commander to continue his report about Andorhal.

Matthias was well aware just how ironic this all was.
And he was delighted by it.
When the Light shoot from his hoof and formed into a blade, he was afraid for a heartbeat, but as he registered the shape of it, he smiled in his mind, and couldn't help himself from uttering the same words Tirion have said.
He didn't know why the Light decided to take shape of the Ashbringer, or why did it change him into an alicorn, but he had more important things to worry about, namely a pissed of queen and an army of insectoid creatures that were about to fly into the wedding hall. He raised the Light's blade as he prepared to strike at them, but then:
...your methods might be considered barbaric here,...
...deciding who can live and who should die!
...he can't do as he please, and decide to kill somepony, even if that happens to be rampaging dragon.
Matthias rolled his eyes and caused the blade to vanish.
"Whatever it is that you're about to do, I suggest you do it fast!" he said, glancing behind him and summoning the Guardian of Ancient Kings once again, this time equipped with the mace Remorseless and shield called the Crystal Plated Vanguard. Asking the ancient spirit to protect them, he turned back to Chrysalis and her changelings. "I will hold them all off as long as I can. Esarus thar no'Darador!" he shouted as he charged at them, sending a wave of Light that pushed them away.
He jumped outside the window and confronted the changelings.
"You will pay for this!" Chrysalis hissed at him, pressing a hoof to her bleeding forehead.

Twilight could hardly believe what had happened, but she didn't have time to ponder on it.
"Quick, complete the spell!" she told Shining Armor and Cadance, ignoring the towering figure made of Light that appeared as Matt's horn glowed.
Her brother and her old foalsitter both shook their heads and once again connected their horns and closed their eyes.
"Look out!" shouted Rainbow Dash, pointing at the window.
Twilight looked that way and saw two changelings that gotten past Matt and flew toward Shining Armor and Cadance. She was about to counter them with magic, but they suddenly bounced back as they hit some kind of barrier.
Twilight glanced at the strange creature, which was holding up its shield as it regarded the changelings. Knowing she didn't need to worry about them, she looked back at her brother and the princess, who were once again enveloped in the whirling magical light that lifted them into the air.
When they opened their eyes, they glowed with light that soon spread through their bodies.

Matthias wondered how long he could keep this up.
Between sending waves of Light, summoning the golden chains, blinding changelings and causing them to flee in terror, he started to feel a bit tired, despite the Light filling him with it's warmth and strength. He could also tell that this empowered form of his wouldn't last much longer.
And then, it happened.
A huge wave of purple light erupted from behind him and blasted all the changelings away... beside those that were bounded by the golden chains, including Chrysalis.
Matt released them one by one, letting them be thrown away as well. Soon, there was only their queen left. He walked up to her.
"What? Are you going to gloat now?" she growled, and Matthias thought he could see tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" he frowned.
He pointed his horn at her and basked her in the Light. Chrysalis gasped and closed her eyes, most likely thinking that he was going to hurt her. So she must have been surprised as after a second she noticed that she not only didn't feel any pain, but didn't feel any pain at all now.
Matt stepped back as she squinted her eyes to look at her restored horn.
"Don't ever dare to return." he told her as he released her.
"Whaaaa..." screamed Chrysalis as she was thrown away from Canterlot.
Matthias turned away.

Twilight looked as her brother and Cadance gently landed on a floor.
"Princess Celestia!" she suddenly reminded herself as she looked for her mentor.
Celestia was laying on the floor, free of her prison. Twilight run up to her and helped her get up.
"Don't worry about me." said Princess Celestia. "I'm fine."
As she said that, a gold glow enveloped her, and everypony else. Twilight once again felt the warm spread across her body, soothing her strained nerves. She looked up and saw Matthias walking in.
He smiled, while suddenly his eyes stopped glowing, his wings, horn and armor disappeared, his mane and tail returned to normal and his coat turned white... soaked in blood and green liquid, which, Twilight realised, was most likely chagelings' blood.
"How did you do that?" she heard Rainbow Dash ask him.
"I must admit, I was surprised by that as well." replied Matt, and turned his head toward the strange being he somehow summoned. "Thank you for your help, ancient one." he said, bowing his head.
The being repeated the gesture and disappeared.
"All I did was ask the Light for help, and a miracle happened." he finished answering Rainbow's question. "Although, it pales in comparison to the one you caused." he nodded toward Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.
"And what was that being?" asked Twilight as the two of them smiled after his complement.
"A very old spirit, called the Guardian of Ancient Kings, that one can summon through Light to help him or her in battle." Matt replied as if they were talking about the weather.
"Soo..." interjected Applejack. "Is it all over?"
"It would appear so." said Princess Celestia. "The changeling, along with their queen, have been repelled from the city. This reminds me..." she added, turning to Matthias. "How did you realise that it wasn't the real Princess Cadance during the ceremony?"
For some reason, he frowned at the question.
"I would have realised that much sooner if somepony told me who was responsible for keeping the shield around Canterlot." he said, looking at Shining Armor. "Didn't I mentioned to you yesterday that targeting the one that sustains the barrier is the easiest way for enemy to break into the city?"
Twilight glanced at her brother, who looked a bit uncomfortable from Matt's remark.
"Well, yeah, but..."
"You're lucky that the sergeant you were yesterday on a patrol was sitting next to me. If we hadn't talked, you would be married to Chrysalis."
"Chrysalis? You mean the Queen of Changelings?" asked him Celestia.
"Yes, Your Highness, she mentioned her name to me as we fought." Matthias replied with a shrug, as if he didn't think that was important.
As Twilight heard him say that, she recalled something that the queen have said, and she suddenly felt angry.
"Was that before or after you kissed her?"

Matthias stared at Twilight wide eyed.
"H-How did you..." he started to ask, but then all the other girls gasped.
"So the bug was telling the truth?" asked Rainbow with disgust on her face. "Eew!"
"That..." Matt thought, regreting healing Chrysalis.
"Eee..." he stammered, rubbing the back of his head with his hoof. "How much did she tell you?"
"Please, Light, tell me that she didn't say about transforming into Twilight!" he prayed.
"Enough to be disgusted!" said Twilight. "Why would you do that?"
Matt looked closely at her face and decided it was safe to assume that Chrysalis didn't mentioned that which he feared. If so, Twilight would have been more embarrased than angry.
He cleared his throat.
"Why, it was a part of my brilliant battle strategy, of course." he said with a smirk.
"There is no way that I'm going to tell them that I was molested by her."
"A 'brilliant battle strategy'?" asked Twilight, and Matt realised that putting a smirk on his face in this situation probably wasn't his best idea today. "Care to explain how exactly does putting your tongue in the throat of your enemy helps in battle?"
"That's... complicated." replied Matthias, wondering what to say. "I swear, if I knew she told you all that, I wouldn't have healed her horn."
"Wait. Did I thought that, or said that?" thought Matthias.
Everypony gasped.
"Oh, for Light sake." he sighed, wondering if he was low on sugar or something.
"Why in thunderation would'ya healed her?" asked Applejack.
"Because I... felt sorry for her?"
"Felt sorry for her?!" screeched Twilight.
"Why are you this angry?" inquired Matt, while at the same time backing away.
"I am just wondering why one of my friends would first kiss and then healed a monster that trapped me in cave and nearly destroyed Canterlot!" replied Twilight, following him with with her horn frowing few sparkles.
"Technically, she's not a monster... " Matthias started to explain before he could stop himself.
The look that Twilight shoot him immediatelly silenced him.
"She kidnapped Cadance, pretended to be her, turned everypony against me, trapped me in a cave, and all that while trying to take over Canterlot and whole Equestria." she counted as Matt continued to back away and she continued to follow him. Now they were on the balcony. "And you say, that she isn't a monster!?"
Matthias felt his tail brush the balustrade.
"Well, eee... you see..." he glanced behind Twilight, hoping to see some help.
He saw none. Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie looked at him disgusted, Cadance and Celestia were glancing surprised at Twilight, Fluttershy stared scared at Twilight, while Shining Armor and Spike were exchanging uncomfortable looks with each other.
"... It's like this... "he said to Twilight while trying to think of something.
"Oh, forget it."
"Later!" he told her and jumped off the balcony.
As he fell, he twisted in the air, and rolled few times as he hit the grounds to minimise the pain, unsure if Light would agree to help him in a situation like this.
"Get back here!" he heard Twilight shout after him.
"What are you looking at?" he asked the royal guard that stood nearby.
"Nothing, sir!" he quickly replied, probably scared of his blood-soaked coat and scars, or remembering him from his fight yesterday.
Matt was about to go away, but he noticed few wounds on the stallion. Concentrating, he asked the Light to heal him. As he gasped, Matthias realised that his work wasn't over yet.
"Were any ponies wounded in the attack?" he asked the guard.
"Only a few, sir." answered the stallion. "The changeling preferred to capture ponies unharmed. Those few that were wounded were directed toward the Sacred Heart Hospital."
"Which way is it?"

Twilight couldn't believe him.
"Oh, that..." she muttered angrily.
"Calm down, sugarcube." said Applejack. "Ah am disgusted by him as well, but'ya shouldn't be that mad at him."
"Oh, really? Why?"
"Well... " said Applejack, blushing with shame a bit. "After we told him about... you know, the rehearsal, he was pretty angry at us for not stickin' with'ya, and he went looking for'ya."
Twilight frowned. That did sound like something he would do.
"Twilight..." said Rarity. "We all are really sorry that we didn't believe you earlier."
"Yea..." added Rainbow, rubbing her neck. "We should have listened to you."
Twilight was about to replie, but Celestia interjected.
"I am sorry as well, my faithful student. I should have trusted your judgement."
Hearing not only her friends, but Princesss Celestia apologise as well, caused her to feel a bit embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, Twily." said her brother. "I more than anypony should have trusted you. I... will understand if you don't want to be my best mare again."
Overwhelmed with emotions, Twilight hugged Shining Armor, answering his question.
"No hard feelings." she told everypony.
Everypony had tears in their eyes. Princess Celestia smiled to her.
"I think you have a real wedding to put together."