Revenge is a Dish Best Served Squeaky

by Pony Professor

Chapter 2

The sun was already setting by the time Vinyl and Sweetie Belle finished cleaning up the filly’s little “project.” All the while Vinyl was shooting Sweetie evil glances in hopes that one of them would make her explode... or simply disappear, but the former of the two would be more visually satisfying.
Then again, Vinyl thought, there’d be another mess I’d have to clean up.
“Sorry about the mess, Miss Scratch.” Sweetie said as Vinyl used her magic to dry the young one’s face with a towel.
“Yeah, well, apology accepted and all, but you seriously need to watch what you’re doing. I’m not going to clean up after you all week. I have a hard enough time cleaning up after myself,” Vinyl sighed.
“Rarity says Miss Octavia does everything around here while you go out and play with your tubs. I don’t know what that means, though. Even I don’t play in the bath anymore.”
“Tubs? What the hay has that sister of yours been teaching—oh, you must mean wubs. You have no idea what I do for a living, do you, kid?” Sweetie Belle climbed up into a chair at the kitchen table.
“Make Miss Octavia’s life a living Tartarus?” she cocked her head. Cheeky little filly,
“No, that’s my second job. Anyway,” Vinyl sat down the chair opposite Sweetie Belle, “I’m what you call a DJ. It means ‘disc-jockey.’”
“So you’re a disc… racer?” Sweetie squeaked. The intonation in her voice made Vinyl chuckle a bit,
“Haha, no, kid, I don’t race them. I play them for other ponies at huge parties. The cool part, though, is that most of the music on my discs is made by yours truly.” Vinyl seemed proud of herself, but Sweetie seemed puzzled,
“I don’t get it. You get money for putting down a disc and pressing ‘play’? And who’s Yours Truly? Is he your friend?” Vinyl put her hoof to her face,
“It’s more complicated than just pressing play, kid. See, the kind of music I play is hardcore stuff. It’s nothing like the snooty concerts ‘Tavi plays all the time. There aren’t any violins or trumpets or pianos. Nope, what I got is pure bass and wub-tastic awesomeness!” Sweetie Belle simply blinked. Vinyl realized she had lost her audience somewhere between the attempted shaping of an invisible “wub” in mid-air and her finishing hoof-pump. Embarrassed, she coughed, “Y’know what, lemme just show you. Come on, kid. I’ll take you to my studio.”
Sweetie and Vinyl headed upstairs to a locked room with a thick door. Vinyl used some magic key spell to gain access and stepped inside. Sweetie Belle tried to follow before being stopped by Vinyl’s hoof,
“Hold up, kid. I have to deactivate the traps first.”
“Traps? Why would you set up traps in your own house?”
“’Tavi may not have magic, but that earth pony is as clever as they come. Sometimes she likes to break in and use my huge speakers to blast her classical nonsense all over the house.”
“Is that a problem?” Sweetie asked. Vinyl poked her head out and looked at the filly like she hadn’t heard a note of good music before. Being Rarity’s sister, though, that probably wasn’t too far off.
“A problem? Kid, if it wasn’t a problem, Mama wouldn’t have to protect her speakers from that stupid cello music. My babies love their wubs. Yes they do! Yes they do!” Vinyl had retreated back into the studio to caress her “babies”. Sweetie took this as a sign that the traps were off. Cautiously stepping in, the little unicorn was quickly overtaken with the number of weird machines and magic apparatuses that lined the room. She noted that they were surprisingly well-kept, considering the mannerisms of their owner.
“Rarity says she can hear your music all the way from Carousel Boutique sometimes. If you can turn your music all the way up, why can’t Miss Octavia?” Sweetie asked. Vinyl tried to provide a quick reply, but found her mouth open with no words coming out. When it came down to it, she had never given her studio’s restrictions any thought. After all, the only thing Octavia did in there was listen to music. It wasn’t like she was totally wrecking Vinyl’s work or anything. Meanwhile, Octavia’s practice or enjoyment of her prized cello would always be cut short just because Vinyl decided she had heard enough for the day, which was usually only a few minutes.
Sweet Celestia, Vinyl thought. I thought she had been bringing home fewer bits lately. I mess with ‘Tavi, her stuff, and her music all the time and she doesn’t get mad, but I flip my lid the second she steps into my studio. It’s like, a total imbalance.
“Wow, I have really been not cool lately,” Vinyl sighed. Suddenly, Vinyl looked up. It’s been too quiet. She and Sweetie Belle had only been together a few hours, but Vinyl knew that fillies weren’t known for being quiet.
“Wait a minute; I’ve had too much time to think,” She said, “That kid usually is usually talking non-stop. What is she—STARSWIRL’S BEARD, NOT MY RECORDS!” Sweetie Belle had wandered off in Vinyl’s silence, her attention span clearly not long enough to deal with a pensive mare. An impressive sculpture of Canterlot Castle had been haphazardly stacked together by using Vinyl’s record collection, many of which were—
“Kid, why!? Those were some of my greatest hits! Now I have to make all those beats from scratch again, and I’m not talking about my name!”
“I-I’m sorry! I made Canterlot Castle because we both have a pony we care about there and I thought—”
“No, you didn’t think! Do you have any respect for other ponies’ stuff?”
“Miss Scratch, I—” tears were beginning to well up in Sweetie’s eyes.
“I don’t want to hear it! Go to ‘Tavi’s room and go to bed, NOW!” Vinyl was livid.
The final ‘now’ startled Sweetie Belle into a rare magic burst, which sent a blast of pure energy ricocheting around the room, damaging many of the elaborate machines in Vinyl’s studio. No further words were needed for Vinyl’s rage at that moment. Sweetie ran out of the room, tears streaming down her face, as Vinyl slammed the door behind her, locking it with every lock and sealing spell she knew.
Vinyl would have to spend a long time in her studio repairing. She didn’t care though.
“That stupid kid can take care of herself for the rest of the week,” Vinyl said with spite.
“’Learn responsibility’, my flank.”