//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Darkness in our Souls // by Black Light //------------------------------// Chapter 2 I was packing up our camp in the morning before Skies had woken up. I made sure that there was enough wood to make another fire in case we had to come back here for the night or just in case some other pony came along needing a place to camp at. I had just finished packing away our supplies when a stirring behind me got my attention. "So you finally decided to get up." I teased. "Not so loud I still haven't completely woken up yet" was the response I received. I can't blame her though. Skies has never really been a morning pony. I was always waking up first and making preparations. Personally I was actually surprised she had woken up before I had made breakfast. As if she knew what I was thinking she asked "So what's for breakfast today?" "Well I don't know you woke up before I started making it." "What? You must have really slept in then." "Oh come on. It's our first day back on the road. At least try and understand that." "Yeah I know. So is there a town nearby where we can get some breakfast?" "Let me look." I took a deep breath and delved into my powers. I expanded my senses searching for the fears of ponies. I slowly turned my head to the right I had found a large grouping of fears. Probably a town of sorts. I started shifting through them trying to see what this town was like. It seemed nice enough there were no unusual fears. I going through the fears. Fear of heights, fear of spiders, fear of pointy objects, .... Fear of being tardy? That one was a little unusual, but didn't seem too dangerous. I let my sense drift to the outskirts of the town. Lets see what's out here....... Wow...... That is a long list. I'm not going to bother trying to sort through that. I let my powers recede and I opened my eyes. "It looks like there is a small town down this path. It seems pretty peaceful. Let's head out that way." "Alright, as long as they have some food." "Is that all you care about right now." "No, I'm also very thirsty." "Right" I said with a small chuckle "Well remember I'm going to keep my wings hidden for now. I don't want a repeat of Fillydelphia. When everypony thought that I was some cousin to the royal sisters." "But that was hilarious. We couldn't walk anywhere without somepony bowing down in the middle of the street. " "Yeah I remember, but we're trying to avoid attention remember?" "Yeah Yeah I know. So no flying?" "Well you can still fly around, but stay close we don't want to get separated." "Don't worry I will stay close." "Alright then, let's go." I tucked my wings in close to my body. They blended in with my black coat, and obscured them from view. The only way you would see them was if you looked extremely close at the bulges on my sides. I started walking in the direction of the town. Skies took off behind me and started to fly in circles around my head playfully. After walking for a couple minutes we arrived at the exit of the forest. I looked at the road that the path merged into and looked farther down and saw buildings in the distance. As we drew closer to the town I noticed the sign on the road "Welcome to Ponyville" it read. Using my amazing skills of observation I deduced that the town was named Ponyville. We walked into town and saw many ponies hurrying around going through their day. I looked around for a bit before I spotted building with the word Cafe written on its side. Both Skies and my stomachs growled at the thought of food. We looked quickly at each other, nodded our heads, and walked towards the building. We ordered our food and ate in peace and paid when we were finished. After we left I looked around and saw what looked like a school building in the distance. Perfect, that's just what I was looking for. I turned towards Skies and said "Hey Skies, I'm gonna go over to that school and see if there is anypony there that can look after you while I try and find a job in town. Ok?" "Alright, but you come and get me as soon as your done got it?" "No problem I'll try and be quick" I said as I started walking towards the school house. Skies quickly followed behind me. As we neared the school I saw lots of fillies and colts running around the school yard playing tag and other games. I also saw one mare watching them run around and I slowly approached her. "Hello" I said calmly. The mare turned around and saw my sister and me and greeted us warmly. "Hello there, do you need something?" "Actually yes, you see my sister and I are traveling and I'm going to go to town hall to try and get a job. I was wondering if you would be able to look after my sister while I'm there?" "Well of course I can, my name is Cheerilee by the way." she smiled warmly extending a hoof. I took the hoof and shook it saying "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Shadowmere and this is-" "I'm Bright Skies." my sister interrupted. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you Bright Skies. Also Mr. Shadowmere-" "Please just Shadow, my full name is such a mouthful." "Alright then Shadow. Your sister can certainly stay here we're almost done with recess and we will be starting class soon." "That's great, but since we're traveling Bright Skies might not be in the same place in your curriculum." "I'm sure it will be fine. What have you been teaching her?" "Well most recently I have been teaching her advanced calculus equations" I saw Cheerilee's mouth drop. Skies let out a small chuckle at this "What? I said she might be in a different place. I never said I wasn't keeping up." I finished with a small chuckle of my own. "I..uh... Well that is great" Cheerilee said recovering from her shock. "Thank you again. Well Skies I'm going to head to the town hall now I'll see you when I'm done." "You'd better. If I'm not with you you're bound to make a fool of yourself" she said happily. "I'm not that bad....am I?" I said back lowering my neck and nuzzling her head. "Yeah, you really are that bad." she said returning the gesture. "Right, well I'll see you later Skies, and thank you again Cheerilee" I said turning around and walking back into town. "Seeya big brother" "Bye Shadow, don't worry I'll make sure Skies has a good time." I turned and waved back once more before I continued walking into town. After I got to town I asked around and found my way to town hall. I walked in and talked to the receptionist. She said the mayor wasn't busy and I could walk back and see her. I thanked the receptionist before continuing down the hall and stopping at the door marked Mayor. I was about to open the door but stopped as I heard snores coming from inside the office. I smiled to myself and knocked on the door I heard some rustling from inside the room before somepony called out "Come In" I opened the door and walked into the room and introduced myself to the mare sitting at the desk. "Hello, my name is Shadowmere. I'm new in town and I was wondering if you had any jobs available." "Well Mr. Shadowmere we don't have many openings for a unicorn like yourself, but our town's librarian might be able to use your help." "I don't know I don't really work well in libraries. Do you have any openings on the weather team?" I mentally face-hoofed at what I just said. I guess Skies was right I really am that bad. The mayor looked at me confused and asked "How would you work on the weather team as a unicorn?" "Well you see I'm not exactly a unicorn." I said slowly before unfurling my wings "I was born with a horn and wings." And for the second time that day a mouth hit the floor. The mayor looked at me for a second before responding "Well I wasn't expecting that, but since that is the case I actually could use some more help on the weather team. You can start in two days since I'm sure tonight is going to be a long night." "What do you mean by that?"I asked wondering if I missed something. Her only response was "Don't worry you'll find out later. That much I'm sure." "Okay, thank you for the job. I have to get going now." "Of course goodbye Mr. Shadowmere." I walked towards the door slowly before turning around and saying "By the way you might want to find a better place to hide your pillow than your desk drawer." I said smiling as I walked out and shut the door. From inside the room I heard her say "I need a vacation." I walked away from the office and walked out before taking off towards the school. As I flew through town I saw a lot of the same ponies, but as I neared the school house I noticed a lot of ponies staring at me. And I thought to myself" What haven't these ponies seen somepony flying thought town before?" as soon as I finished my thought I realized the answer. I'm flying, my wings are used to fly, my wings are showing. I turned my head back towards the school house only to be met with some very angry eyes looking at me. "What did I tell you? You haven't even been gone half an hour and you've already done something stupid!" "Oops" I said "I have a good explanation for this." "Really?" "....No... Not exactly." "I thought so." "I should run now shouldn't I?" "Yes, Yes you should" And with that I ran off fearing the torment I would face if I was caught. She maybe only a filly, but just like all little sisters she can be downright evil. Last time I made her mad I walked around a city with make-up and a dress on. I didn’t even notice until I walked back to where we were staying and looked in a mirror. How she did it i will never know. Oh well no time for reminiscing now have to run very fast....Wait..... Why am I running I have wings? At the top of my lungs I yelled out load enough for the entire town to hear " Up Up and Away" as I took off of the ground heading for the cloud cover above. As I neared the clouds I looked behind me and I saw tons of ponies staring into the sky watching the chase unfold, but more importantly I saw a blur of white keeping on my tail. By Celestia how is she keeping up with me. Well not important now have to escape. I thought as I turned back around only to be tackled mid-flight. Well so much for escape, I guess I have to move to plan B.... begging for mercy.