Subject Six

by folded_napkin

Chapter 1- Voices

…I muster the strength that I have and get up, I have no knowledge of what happened, It is all a blur. As I survey the land around me, I try to recollect the memories of what had happened. The first thing that I notice is… Well, Nothing, All I see is just barren terrain, and nothing else. All of what I remember is a blur, the last thing was a dark shadow, and then white… Everything was white. I look around more, all I can see besides the terrain is what appears to be a mountain, far off in the distance. I think to myself, It could be miles to there, or even hundreds of miles…
But then I think, it is somewhere to start now isn’t it?

I sit down and rest for a while, trying to regain my strength. It is odd, I must have been sleeping, but I was neither awake nor well rested. I slowly get up once again, and start walking.

As I walk, I get an odd feeling, It really is quite odd, it is like I’m being watched, That feeling for some reason is nostalgic to me. It is strange. For some reason, as I walk, the landscape doesn’t change much, nor does the temperature. Once again, another peculiar feeling…

I walk for what seems like days, but was only a few hours, because I slowly started to notice the change in lighting, it was night. I couldn’t tell where the sun was at all, I could see far, but the sky was obscured by an odd, hazy fog. I decide to rest for the night, as I can’t see much at all anymore. I was drifting into sleep as I hear something... a voice? It was definitely a voice, but who was it? Was it me? I look around once more and decide it was just nothing, so I fall into sleep once again.

Throughout the night, I had one dream, it was odd. It was just me, walking around in this barren place, and nothing else, me and the hard ground alone. In fact, the next day I noticed something strange, the ground was hard… Very hard. Hard enough that I couldn’t scoop a single speck of dirt from it. All I could do was put mere scratches on it, like it was some sort of metal. It was also cold too, so cold in fact, I shivered throughout the whole night. As I walk on the second day I begin to wonder, like how did I get here, and what is this place anyway. Despite all the questions, I keep walking, locked on a perpetual staring contest with that never changing lump of land on the horizon.

Over the next few days I start to notice some strange things. First off, when I am walking, I never seem to notice the small mountain changing, but when I wake up, it’s closer. It could be me, or maybe something else. Another thing, I have started to hear voices in the night, and an ever growing dread of the fear of being watched. One more thing was the fact of food and water. The only thing I have consumed in the past 6 days was a small, browning plant. Its roots weren’t even in the hard ground, just lying on it. Then the water, I am honestly baffled on this, but I haven’t had a drink from even a murky puddle in 4 days, and normally one of likes of me would be surely dead by now. It is all strange, something is off about this, very off, but I can't put my hoof on it, not even the slightest bit.

As I walk for the next few days, My mind starts to swirl with these questions, not only that but the voices… They are ever growing in intensity. I have been getting headaches from all this, and in the back of my head, I can hear them. I can’t make out a thing, but I just know… they’re laughing. I lie on the ground in pain, clutching my head, while they laugh, demonically and never ending. But somehow, every night, they quiet down, right to a whisper. Barely making a single sound, but I can hear them, and they know I can too…

The voices seemed to be at a peak of intensity, but then they vanished, without a trace, for six days. For those six days, I felt more lonely than I have in my entire life, never was I this alone, and I hope I never will be. After those six painful days. The voices were back, but not with the same intensity as before. They are much more subtle now, ever growing but yet ever shrinking, like they had lost interest in my pain, and have turned to somepony else’s. This went on for a few days or so, but then… It happened again. Another four dreadful days pass, and I am beginning to wonder how much longer I can cope with this…

The Voices… They are speaking. It is about me, but I don’t know what. They aren’t insults, but I feel these comments aren’t happy ones either. With all the voices, it gets hard to think sometimes, and because of that, I have lost all recognition of time. All I will now eventually is night and day, I have been starting to lose my grip. I can’t even remember what happened to me before I ended up here, I can tell I knew it, but it is gone, lost forever. Some of my less memorable moments are gone, I remember my family, but that is slipping too.

I don’t know what happen, but another two days of utter, bone chilling silence. Over those two days though, I drilled my family into my head, my Mother, Father, and Jack. Every possible moment I was running them through my head, free from the prodding voices.

I wake up, aware of the voices, but something else, what was it? I was supposed to remember something… But what? I look up to the murky fog of a sky and hope, just hope, that what I forgot… Wasn’t important.

I don’t know why, but the voices aren’t bothering me anymore. They are just as intense as before, but when I hear them, I laugh… I am chuckling at what has been haunting me for what seems like lifetimes, I have been losing my grip on reason. I think as hard as I can, back beyond this torture, to my college professor. The class had a discussion about insanity, and what he said, if he was a stallion, was that first your reason goes, and then… Reality does.

I have lost almost everything, a few things I am holding on to are slipping. But the rest… they are gone. Among the last are me, and my name. All I know now is that mountain, I never cease staring at it, it has barely changed, and it is still a brown lump on the horizon.

I don’t know how many days it has been since I haven’t heard voices, but I know they will be back. But for that period of time, I run… I am running to the mountain, as fast as I can go. I don’t know what is happening, but I am running, day and night, never ceasing… Not even once. As I run on the third day or so, It is getting dark and I almost lose my hoofing a number of times. But in the pitch black… I trip. I am sent hurtling into the hard ground. I should be hurt, but my body is numb… as I lay there, they come back… I laugh… and I laugh some more, and soon I say to myself”

“I am Erin Star, and I… am insane.”

I stand up, my whole body aches… It is growing lighter, and I hear something odd. It could be me… but I thought I heard a crash…

My head is swirling, the voices are insane… The intensity is the likes of something impossible. I lay there clutching my head in anguish. The voices are killing me, and they are ever growing. I try to stand… I fall under the crushing weight of the sound…

It gets louder, and at a peak of unmentionable intensity… I open my mouth and I hear something audible…

A scream.

I am confused, but as my vision fogs I lose it, I lose it all. I fall. I lost my grip, and the last I see is a familiar white…