//------------------------------// // On the balcony // Story: Back Home // by Maple Sunrise //------------------------------// Shining Armour was retiring to his chambers after a tiring week at the Crystal Empire. He was feeling extremely tired after the events on the last day. Maybe I shouldn’t be feeling that bad. I wasn’t the one protecting the town for a whole week without sleep. Shining shook his head for a moment. I should probably go check on Cadence. She’s probably gonna be waiting for me. Shining, though tired, doubled his pace through the hallways in the Princesses’ castle and arrived outside the doors to his chamber. Shining gave a light tap on the door, and waited for a few moments. A voice called out from the inside, a voice that Shining knew all too well. “Come in.” Shining pushed open the double doors and stepped inside, closing them behind him. The room was large, but the lights had been dimmed. Shining Armour took this to mean that Cadence was already in bed. The night air was coming in through the open balcony door, cooling the room as Shining made his way across. However, Shining was surprised that his beloved wife was not actually in bed, but on the balcony outside their room. Huh… Wonder why she’s out there. I thought she’d be beat after such a grueling week. Shining thought back to what he had done to make sure Cadence got the Crystal Heart. Maybe it’s about me throwing her like a javelin? Shining shook his head. Maybe it’s about me throwing her like a javelin? Shining thought back to how he perfectly estimated where the Crystal Heart would be when he threw Cadence. Heh, good to know I can still aim. Shining stepped out onto the balcony, and closed the door behind him. Cadence was watching over the city of Canterlot, with her hooves supporting her chin like she couldn’t hold her head up anymore. Shining was amazed that the alicorn mare still had energy left in her even after a week of sleeplessness. Okay, maybe not sleeplessness. She at least got some sleep on the train back. Cadence turned her head and glanced over at her husband. She gave a tired smile, “Oh Shining,” She began, “you have no idea how tired I am.” Shining nodded, “I hear you there.” Shining approached Cadence and gave her a nuzzle to her neck. “I’ve so proud of how well you protected the city.” Cadence nuzzled Shining back, “Oh come now, if it weren’t for Twilight, I’d still be protecting the empire, and I’d probably be asleep in a dark crystal tomb.” “Don’t say that. Really, you did really well.” Shining raised an eyebrow, “I thought you would have been asleep when I came in. You know, after such a tiring week, I doubt you even have the strength to stand up.” Cadence shook her head, “Au contraire, I still have energy. I slept on the train remember?” I hope she didn’t notice me talking to Twily about Cadence’s snoring. “Yes, I do remember, but that was only an hour of sleep!” Shining exclaimed. “Oh hush now, I’ve been awake for longer periods on lesser sleeping time before.” Cadence stopped for a moment, before she spoke again. “However, don’t mistake my energy with my magic. I need sleep, but my magic has been regenerating itself ever since it ran out. My magic normally keeps me running when I need sleep, so you can imagine, I’m brimming with magic right now.” Shining was confused, “Wait, why the sudden talk about magic? I mean, even if you’re full of energy from your magic, you still need sleep for your health, right?” Cadence nodded, “Sleep is needed, yes, but I don’t seem to need to sleep just yet….” She smiled slyly. Now Shining was really confused, “I think you’ve lost me there, dear.” Cadence sighed. “Do you remember when you threw me off the balcony so I could get the Crystal Heart before King Sombre could get it?” “Yeah.” “Remember how I was very weak from my lack of sleep and how my magic was practically zero from being used up protecting the city?” “Uh-huh….” Shining was beginning to suspect something was amiss here. Cadence frowned, “I’m just wondering why you threw me over the balcony even though you knew I was practically running on nothing.” Oh Celestia, she really was going to ask that question. Shining was silent for a few moments, sweat running down the side of his face as he tried to think of a suitable answer for his wife’s question. His wife stared at him with tired eyes as he did so. Shining could only find one reason for his actions, “I-I’m sorry Cadence.” He stammered, “I-I just thought that you would be the only one who could be able to save the Crystal Heart from falling into the wrong hooves.” He shook his head, “I didn’t really mean to throw you, but seeing as to how the others might not have the capability to bring the Crystal Heart to the right spot at the time, I guess I saw you as the only saviour for the empire.” Cadence nodded, “That’s what I wanted to hear. At least now I know the reason why you chose me instead of the other ponies to throw at the time.” Cadence hugged Shining tightly. Shining returned the hug with similar intensity. “So… I’m guessing you’re not mad for what I did?” Cadence smiled reassuringly. “You did what you had to do, even though you knew I was practically running on empty, because you wanted to ensure the safety of everypony in the Crystal Empire. Putting everything before the safety of the public is one of the things we must do, Shining, you know that.” Shining nodded. “Y-yeah, I guess so.” Shining stifled a yawn, “Hey dear, I think we should go to bed now. I mean, you’ve been awake with only one hour of sleep for the whole week, and I’m tired from the throwing and the protecting as well.” Cadence smiled, “Alright Shining.” Before Shining could go back through the door, Cadence spoke again, “One more thing, Shining.” Shining turned, “Yes, my dear?” What happened next, Shining did not expect. A field of magic surrounded him and lifted him up. He felt his limbs stretch out in a familiar way, the way his wife had stretched her limbs out before he threw her. “C-Cadence! What are you doing!” Cadence grinned evilly, “Oh come on, just a little fun.” Cadence aimed her husband up at the moon that was slowly rising into the sky, “She SHOOTS!” was all Shining heard, before he was ejected like confetti from a cannon at the moon. The last thing Shining heard from his wife was a shout. “SHE SCOOOOOOOOOOOREEEEEEESSSSS!!!”