//------------------------------// // Chasing the Rainbow // Story: Off the Record: Chasing the Rainbow // by The King of Hearts //------------------------------// //// Chasing the Rainbow //// //// ----------------- Line break. /-/ ----------------- Flash back Finally, I have finished. (Sorry to those who have had to wait so long) I hope that you'll enjoy everything that I've written, but one small thing before it start. There may be a couple of things wrong with the story (grammar, continuity, whatever) As i made several changes to the finished story, but lost a bunch of them to some weird auto saves in Word. I would have nitpicked through the story again, but that would have taken me a couple weeks, as i am currently in school, and working. So, feel free to toss me a PM with anything wrong, I'll fix it up as soon as i get the chance. So, now, please enjoy! //// “Where’s Colors?” Alex asked suddenly. “Is she not with you guys? I… I need to talk to her!” The girls looked nervously at each other, before Twilight spoke up. “Um, About that…” //// “You can’t blame her!” Twilight insisted. “We all thought you were gone!” “How could she just, up and do that?” Alex asked, “I’ve only been gone for three months!” “It crushed the poor girl!” Rarity said. “So what, then? She sat around sad for a few weeks, and then moved on?” Alex asked angrily. “She held out a lot longer than that!” Fluttershy spoke up, silencing the group. “Rainbow cried her eyes out for almost two months!” Alex immediately felt terrible. “And when she finally got pulled herself together, she put all of her focus into the one thing she knew best.” Fluttershy continued, “Racing.” “She became so obsessed…” Rarity added, “She would train from dusk till dawn.” “Even on days with blistering snow storms,” Twilight continued, “We thought she was going to hurt herself!” “Nopony could get through to her.” Pinkie said, in a rather serious tone, “And then… She heard about the Wonderbolt tryouts.” “She’s always been talkin’ ‘bout goin’ to the tryouts… But she never actually went through with it.” Applejack said, “She loved it here.” “So… where is she now then?” Alex asked. “She was accepted into the training program in Manehattan…” Twilight said, “That’s where they separate the good fliers… from the best fliers.” “And we all know that Rainbow Dash IS the best.” Pinkie said, “She’ll be a Wonderbolt for sure!” “Colors had told me about the life of a Wonderbolt…” Alex said, “She always said that there was one downside to being that famous, and that was the lack of free time they had.” “I’ve heard her say that, also” Rarity said, “It seems like they always have a race to race, or a party to attend, or a dragon to defeat…” “And a Wonderbolt is bound to pretty tight contract as well…” Twilight said, “She won’t be able to back out after it’s signed.” “So… If Dash is accepted, we’ll barely see her again.” Alex concluded. Twilight nodded. “When does this training finish?” Alex asked. “Three days from now.” Twilight said, “We were all invited to see who gets accepted.” “And from the letters she’s written, it sounds like she’s a shoe in.” Rarity said. “Well, I guess I should go see her then,” Alex said. “Tell her myself.” “It doesn’t have to be so difficult!” Rarity said, “I’m sure Twilight could send some kind of message to her, right?” “Actually…” Twilight started slowly, “The training compound is extremely private… Only particular kinds of magic are able to be used in the grounds. So I can’t send her anything.” “Well, why not just mail her?” Applejack asked. “It would take days to get there.” Twilight explained, “She’d be long since inducted.” “Well that’s stupid.” Alex said. “The Wonderbolts believe that seclusion helps their trainees focus.” Spike elaborated, “Not even Princess Celestia has the power to get us in there.” “What do you mean, she can’t?” Alex asked in disbelief, “She’s the Princess!” “The Wonderbolts like to have complete privacy,” Twilight said, “And Princess Celestia respects that.” “But, Colors needs to know that I’m alive!” Alex said, “I’m sure the Princess would understand!” “If there was no way to contact Dash, I’m sure that she would help…” Twilight said, “But… There’ll be one chance for you to talk to her before she joins.” “Why didn’t you say that before?!” Alex almost shouted, relieved to hear about this. “When can I talk to her?” “There’s a party just before the ceremony.” Twilight said, “It’s open to family and friends of the trainees. You can talk to her then.” “I guess it’s decided then…” Alex said, “I’m going to Manehattan.” “Correction,” Applejack said, “WE’RE goin’ to Manehattan.” “I couldn’t ask you guys to do that,” Alex said, “I mean, you have to wrap up winter!” “This is much more important,” Rarity said, “We’ll simply inform the Mayor that something has come up.” “No,” Alex said, “You guys come out in time for the party… This is something I’d like to do alone.” “Are you sure?” Twilight asked, “We work better as a team!” “I have to see her myself,” Alex said, “Tell her myself.” “Tell her what?” Pinkie asked. “Tell her how sorry I am for missing our date… Tell her that I need her here with me.” Alex confessed. The all gave a collective ‘aww.’ “We’ll stay back, but at least take Spike with you,” Rarity asked. “He’s been going on for weeks about how excited he was to see Manehattan.” “Okay,” Alex said, happy at the thought. “You don’t mind, Rarity?” Spike asked, “Aren’t you worried I’ll be swarmed by a pack of girls?” “Aren’t you so cute!” Rarity said, patting him on the head. “They’ll keep away if they know what’s good for them.” “When can I catch a train there?” Alex asked the girls. “Well… it runs once every two days,” Twilight said, “It comes tonight, but it’ll be an overnight trip.” “That’s fine.” Alex said, “Being there tomorrow will be fine.” The girls watched as Alex walked past them, back toward the library. “Well… I’m going to pack my things…” Alex said, “Assuming I still have things…” “Your room is exactly how you left it,” Twilight said. “Go grab whatever you need.” “Thanks.” Alex said, heading off toward the library, with Spike following behind him. /-/ Dash stirred. She had been waiting in the library for Alex to return from his winter set-up duties, and had apparently sat down and fallen asleep. Looking up, she was completely shocked at the time displayed on the clock. “It’s 2:30 in the morning?” Dash said loudly, realizing just how loud she was being. “Twilight must have just let me sleep here…” Quickly moving past her embarrassment, she started to think about what could have happened… Had Alex come in and walked right past her? He would be getting a smack for doing something like that. Walking to his room, Dash was a bit baffled when she didn’t find him in there. Had he not come home yet? Deciding to ask Twilight about this, Dash walked up to the second floor of the library, and knocked on her door. After a few seconds, Twilight finally answered the door. Her mane was very messy, something that was to be expected. “What do you need?” Twilight asked, rubbing her eyes with her hoof. “Did Alex come home tonight?” Dash asked. “Not that I saw…” Twilight mumbled, shaking her head to wake herself up. “Is he not back yet?” “No.” Dash said. “Well, maybe he’s doing something important.” Twilight suggested. “Why are you so worried?” “Oh!” Dash said quickly, trying not to let on that she had feelings for him. “No reason. I just thought he had important plans…” “Sorry, Dash.” Twilight said. “But don’t worry, I’m sure that he’ll show up.” /-/ Alex stood at the station, waiting for the train to arrive. All he had was a saddlebag with a few necessities. “Now remember, once you arrive, the training grounds are only a short walk from the train station.” Twilight instructed, “So, go there and try to convince them to let you talk to her. Maybe this can all be over with tomorrow.” Alex nodded. “But, in case you can’t get to her, you don’t have to worry too much.” Twilight said, “We’ll be able to see her at the party, two days from now.” “What time does it start?” Alex asked. “7 O’clock.” Twilight answered. “That’s in the evening. Don’t so don’t be there before the sun rises.” “I don’t think I could drag Spike out of bed.” Alex said, earning a chuckle from Twilight. “It’s good to have you back, Alex.” Twilight smiled, “Things have been far too boring without you around here.” “It feels so strange for time to just to have gone like this!” Alex said. “And, about what happened to you...” Twilight started, “Do you think you could fill me in on that?” Alex sighed, “I’m still trying to collect all of my thoughts over it… We’ll talk when we get this all sorted out?” “Well… Okay. Besides that, I think that’s everything I wanted to tell you,” Twilight said scratching her head, “Don’t get yourself into trouble though, okay?” “Me? Trouble?” Alex laughed, “When has that ever happened?” “Well, TRY, okay?” Twilight asked. “I’ll try.” Alex said tracing an ‘x’ over his chest. “Cross my heart.” “You be good too!” Twilight said, turning to Spike. “Don’t make any problems for Alex.” “Twilight… Come on…” Spike said, embarrassed. “I’m not a baby anymore…” “You’ll be a baby until I decide otherwise.” She said, checking his saddlebag. “Did you pack everything you need?” “Yes…” Spike said. “Did you remember that teddy bear Rarity gave you?” Twilight continued, “I don’t want you to go without it!” “Please stop…” Spike said, completely red. “Why would I need a bear with me?” Ignoring him, Twilight continued checking his bag. “Oh, here it is!” Alex felt bad for poor Spike. But, at the same time, he was happy. Spike changing into a pony must have been huge for Twilight. But, in the end, they still had the same relationship. “Okay Spike, have fun.” Twilight said. “I will.” Spike said, his embarrassment fading. “Thanks.” “Spike!” Rarity called, running toward the station. “I wanted to give you something before you left!” I’ll leave you two alone, Twilight said, winking at Spike, and heading away. Turning to face her, Spike couldn’t help but smile as he watched her run toward him. As soon as she reached him, she kissed him deeply, surprising Alex. Alex still wasn’t used to Spike being a pony. And he ESPECIALLY wasn’t used to Rarity kissing him. It was like everything had changed overnight for him. Pulling away, Rarity smiled at the grin that Spike now wore. “Remember that when all of those girls are chasing you.” “I-I will…” Spike said happily. “Well, just as an extra precaution, I wanted you to wear this.” Rarity said, lifting Spike off the ground, and slipping a sweater on him. Examining the sweater, Alex couldn’t help but laugh to himself. “What?” Spike asked, turning his head to look at it. “Is… that your face on it?” “Mhmm,” Rarity said sweetly, “This way they’ll definitely know that you’re mine.” Spike blushed deeply. “Hey, it’s not so bad!” Alex said, “With her face on there, it’s like she’s always watching you!” “Oh, yes!” Rarity agreed excitedly, “Think of it that way!” Spike laughed, “Okay, Rarity. I won’t take it off once.” Hearing the train pull up, Spike turned to the platform. “I guess this is our ride.” Alex nodded, and walked toward the now open train door. “Hey, wait!” Applejack said, running to catch him. “Twilight sent a letter off to some of my relatives in Manehattan, askin’ if you could stay with em’. An’ they said yes! “Oh, awesome!” Alex said, “Thanks a lot!” “Here,” Applejack said, pulling a piece of paper out of her team vest and dropping it in Spikes bag. “That’s their address. Head on over whenever works for you.” “Thanks, Applejack!” Spike said. “No problem!” Applejack smiled, “We don’t want you two out in the cold, now do we?” “Sure don’t,” Alex said, “Thanks, again.” “Don’t go worryin’ about it.” Applejack said, “Oh, an’ Alex, it’s great to have you back.” “Thanks.” Alex replied. The train whistle blew twice, signaling it’s departure. “We’d better get going,” Alex said. “Have fun, Spike.” Rarity said sweetly, “I’ll see you in a few days.” Spike leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “I’m looking forward to it.” Blushing, Rarity watched Spike turn and head for the train. He really had matured in the past few months since his transformation, and she loved it. Walking into the train, Spike and Alex grabbed a few seats facing the platform. Alex looked at Spike and took a moment to really look at him. He was a fairly small pony. But, that made sense, considering his size before the transformation. Alex was much larger than him by comparison. Still, he knew that Spike was pretty small before the whole thing happened. It was quite the improvement over his previous form. “Hey, Alex.” Spike said, causing Alex to turn. “I didn’t get a chance to say it before… But I’m glad you’re back. I really missed you.” “I wish I could say the same,” Alex laughed, “But I’ve only been gone for a day from my point of view.” “That makes sense…” Spike said, a bit sad that those feelings weren’t returned. “I mean, so much has changed… I feel like somepony ripped a chunk out of my life.” Alex sighed. “I’m sorry that happened.” Spike consoled, “But for what it’s worth, when you disappeared, everypony was miserable.” “Why did they think I was dead?” Alex asked, “I mean, it’s not like they saw what happened to me.” “Well, Twilight cast some spell, and it showed her what happened.” Spike tried to explain, “She was pretty vague.” “So, how are things with Rarity?” Alex asked, curious about how things had gone between them. “You sure do seem close.” “They’re going great!” Spike said, smiling. “She’s the best thing that ever happened to me!” “That’s awesome to hear.” Alex said, “I’m really happy for you.” “Thanks.” Spike said, “I don’t think it would have happened if it weren’t for you, though.” “What do you mean?” Alex asked. “Well, you were always telling me to push harder when it came to her.” Spike said, “And that attitude is what she said she loved.” “That was all you,” Alex said, “It may have taken longer without me around, but you two would have gotten together eventually.” Hearing the train roar to life, Spike and Alex looked out the window, and saw that all of their friends had gathered at the platform. Alex and Spike waved, as the girls waved back. Eventually, the train car pulled far enough away that they were no longer visible. “Well… Here we go.” Alex said. “Off to Manehattan.” “Yup.” Spike said, standing up and looking around. “Is there anypony else on this train?” “I don’t think so…” Alex said, “I didn’t see anypony else get on… Probably because of Winter Wrap Up. Everypony is too busy.” “Awesome!” Spike said, “Rarity tells me that I snore terribly, and I don’t want to be disturbing everypony!” “Wait… What?!” Alex asked, shocked that he was sleeping with Rarity. “Oh, it’s not what you think!” Spike said quickly, “Since I turned into a pony, I have a slight tendency to… fall asleep at random times…” “Really?” Alex asked, surprised, “So you’re saying that at any point, you could just fall asleep?” “According to Twilight, it’s a difference in internal clocks, between dragons and ponies.” Spike explained. “It’s like that one condition called Narcolepsy.” “Well that’s… Random.” Alex said. “Did Pinkie have anything to do with it?” “I wish!” Spike laughed, “I’ve fallen asleep at some pretty bad times.” “I’ll bet.” Alex said, “When was the worst time?” “That’s easy.” Spike said, “It was on my first date with Rarity.” “Oh.” /-/ Spike walked together with his new girlfriend, Rarity, through the snow toward the town’s café. This had been their first official date, but Spike just didn’t have his heart in it. Alex had gone missing, a few weeks before, and this was Rarity’s attempt at taking his mind off his missing friend. “Spike…” Rarity said, not receiving any kind of acknowledgment. “Perhaps this wasn’t a good idea after all…” “No,” Spike said, lifting his head up from the ground, “I’m sorry… This is just kinda hard for me…” “I completely understand.” Rarity said, closing the distance between them as they walked, “Alex was dear to us all…” Arriving at the café, Spike and Rarity stepped inside, took their respective winter garments off, and found a table. “I feel like we should have gone somewhere more special for our first—“ “Oh hush, Spike.” Rarity said, “I don’t care where we go, as long as I’m spending time with you.” Spike blushed, and picked up the menu, and quickly decided what he’d like to eat. After a few moments, the waiter came and took their food and drink orders, and then headed into the kitchen. “So, Spike.” Rarity said, “Has Twilight had any kind of luck finding a lead on Alex’s whereabouts?” “No,” Spike said sadly, “As far as anypony is concerned, he’s just disappeared without a trace.” “Well… We can’t give up hope!” Rarity said, “We’ll find something, I’m sure of it.” “Yeah?” Spike asked, happy to have her being so positive. “Absolutely.” Rarity said, smiling. Spike opened his mouth to thank her, but was cut off by the waiter delivering their food. “My! That was fast, wasn’t it?” Rarity said, “Did you get a new cook?” Looking toward the Kitchen, Rarity clearly saw the cook poking his head out the doors, and wiggling his eyebrows at her. Seeing this, Spike growled, a very dragon-like growl. “Calm down, Spike!” Rarity scolded, “I assure you that he is no threat to YOU.” Hearing this, the cook sighed, and disappeared back into the kitchen. Levitating her fork, Rarity was about to start her salad, when she noticed that Spike was having some difficulty. “I wasn’t really thinking, and I ordered the spaghetti…” Spike said. “I have no idea how to eat this, without hands.” Rarity watched as Spike tried (and failed) at picking up a fork by wrapping his hoof around it. “Spike… Perhaps you should just—“ “No!” Spike said, completely determined, “I can do this!” Rarity watched Spike try for the next few minutes, but he still had no luck. “Listen, Spike.” Rarity said, “Why don’t you just-” Rarity was cut off again as Spike suddenly passed out, and landed face first in his pasta, splashing sauce all over his face. “Oh dear,” Rarity giggled, finding more humor in this situation than embarrassment. “You have really got to work on that.” As she finished speaking, Spike immediately started snoring loudly. “You’re going to have to work on THAT too.” Rarity said, snickering. Reaching into her purse, Rarity pulled out the necessary payment for lunch, and dropped it on the table. “Let’s get you home Spikey.” Rarity said, levitating him off the table with little trouble. “After all, you need to clean up so you can go back to being the most stunningly handsome pony that I’ve ever laid my eyes—“ /-/ “Wait…” Alex said, cutting off the story, “If you were asleep… How did you know that she said that?” “Well, I ASSUME that she said that.” Spike said, grinning like an idiot, “Why wouldn’t she say that?” Alex laughed, and then decided to continue the conversation. “How often do you fall asleep like that?” Alex asked. “Not as often as I used too.” Spike explained, “It used to be once or twice a day, but now we’re down to once a week.” “That’s good.” Alex said, “I’d hate for you to pass out at any point in the next few days.” “Well, there you go.” Spike said, “You jinxed it. It’s gonna happen now.” Alex laughed, then decided to move on. “So, you don’t have a cutie mark yet, huh?” Alex asked, having noticed his lack of one. “No…” Spike sighed, “I thought it would be something easy like… Parchment and a Quill.” “Well, maybe that means you have some other talent that you just haven’t discovered yet.” Alex encouraged. Spike nodded. “I hope so.” Alex patted Spike on the shoulder, before glancing at the clock on the wall. “We should probably get some sleep,” Alex said, “Get this trip over with as quickly as possible.” “Definitely.” Spike agreed; walking to the other side of the car, dropping his saddle bag, and lying down on the bunk-bed like cots they had set up. Alex walked over, and dropped his bag as well, and then lay down in the bed across from the one Spike had chosen. “Sorry if I snore,” Spike laughed, “I really don’t mean to.” “Don’t worry about it,” Alex said, “Get some sleep. We’ll talk in the morning.” “Okay,” Spike said, “Goodnight.” “’Night.” Alex said back, before closing his eyes, and slowly drifting off. /-/ Twilight shifted uncomfortably. Next to her bed, laid Spike. However, he wasn’t the Spike she was used to. A few days ago, he had been transformed into a pony, and she was still completely baffled when it came to it. He would still come up to their room, and curl up in the bed that was much too small for him. And, on top of everything, Spike snored like crazy. Before, it had been quiet, and very easy to ignore. But now, it was like somepony was smashing her in the head with a brick. Sometimes he would stop, making her think that she was finally going to be able to sleep soundly. But, he always seemed to start up again when she dozed off. She had been considering giving him his own room, but had been reluctant to do so, as Spike had been sleeping in the same room with her for years. She was used to his presence. So, as bad as the snoring was, she was just going to have to live with it. Snoring wasn’t enough for her to change their sleeping arrangements. Even if he was a pony. Twilight closed her eyes, and started working on tuning his snoring out. “Mmmmm…” Spike mumbled in his sleep, “Stop it, Rarity… Twilight is asleep in the bed next to us.” Twilights eyes snapped open. Maybe another room would be in order. /-/ “All off for Manehattan!” The conductor said, walking up and down the car ringing a bell. “We’re here already?” Alex asked, rubbing his eyes. “We sure are!” Spike said, already awake. “Come on! Get up!” Alex opened his eyes slightly, and saw Spike trotting around in his sweater from Rarity. He really wasn’t going to take that off, was he? Rolling out of the bed, Alex grabbed his bag and tossed it over his back, before walking slowly toward the front of the train car, still in a tired daze. He really wished that he could just go back to sleep. He felt like he hadn’t had any yet. Stepping outside the train, Alex was snapped into awake-mode by the brisk air outside the train. “It’s still cold here!” Spike said, inhaling deeply. “Well, winter did just end,” Alex said. “I’m sure the warm weather will start soon enough though.” Spike nodded and walked alongside Alex, as they walked away from the train station. “Okay… So, which way did Twilight say was the way to the Wonderbolt training facility?” Spike asked. “She said it was… That way.” Alex said, pointing toward a large stadium, a short distance from the station. “Let’s go then!” Spike said eagerly. “I wanna see Rainbow!” “Me too.” Alex said with a smile. “Me too.” //// Alex couldn’t believe how different Manehattan was from Ponyville. There were apartment buildings, skyscrapers, and even shopping malls! It really made him miss home. Sure, he loved Equestria, but there were just some things that this world didn’t have… “Wow… Everything is so… big here!” Spike said, looking around. “I’m pretty used to it.” Alex said, “My world had lots of places like this.” “Well, maybe we can look around once we get Dash outta there!” Spike said. Alex could feel his heart beating. Even though he had seen her only a few days before… It still felt like three months anyway. She had gone and done so much… But, he was going to try and get her back. “What if she doesn’t want to come back?” Alex asked suddenly, surprising Spike. “What do you mean?” Spike said, “Of course she’ll want to come back!” “But… Being a Wonderbolt has always been her dream…” Alex said. Spike sighed, “I don’t think Twilight would want me to tell you this… But, she spent a lot of time with Rainbow after you disappeared.” Alex cocked an eyebrow, “What do you mean?” “Dash confided a LOT in Twilight about you.” Spike said, “She was… She was crazy about you.” /-/ The Library had been quite busy since Alex had disappeared. Twilight and Spike had dedicated themselves to finding a way to get him back. Twilight looked through every book she could think of. Looking for tracking spells, reappearing magic, but nothing seemed to work. Inside Alex’s room, Spike sat and read through any magic guide he could find in there. However, he stopped when he heard the door open, and then close. Pressing his ear against the closed door, Spike listened to the conversation that followed. “Hey Twi,” Dash said walking in through the front door of the library, “Any luck?” “Nothing yet…” Twilight said, noticing Dash’s expression immediately sadden. “I’m sorry…” Dash sighed, and sat down on the floor. Alex had disappeared a few nights ago, and nopony had heard a word. “Where could he have gone…?” Dash said sadly. “I don’t know Dash,” Twilight said, still flipping through the book in front of her. “But, wherever he went, he couldn’t have made it far!” “You don’t think he did this on purpose… Do you?” Dash asked. “Of course not!” Twilight said, turning a page. “Alex isn’t the type to just up and leave.” Dash remained silent. “Something must have happened, that made him have to leave.” Twilight said, “Either that, or something took him away.” Still, Dash didn’t say a word. “But, I’m sure he’ll turn up eventually,” Twilight said, “I just hope he isn’t hurt when he does…” Twilight’s ears perked up when she heard an odd noise coming from Dash. She was… sniveling. “Dash?” Twilight asked, approaching her friend, who was looking at the ground, with her arms over her eyes. “Are you okay?” “…No,” Dash croaked out, hiding her eyes from Twilight. “I’m not.” Sitting down next to her friend, Twilight wrapped her arms around Dash. She was a little surprised that Dash was having this reaction. But, all Twilight needed to worry about right now, was that her friend was feeling bad. “I… I miss him…” Dash cried. “I do too…” Twilight said truthfully, missing his presence in the library. He always seemed to cheer the place up. “I don’t want him to be gone, Twilight…” Dash said, “I… I just don’t…” Twilight was a little more surprised to hear this. Was there something between them that Twilight hadn’t known about? “Dash…” Twilight said, trying to find the right words, “Were you two…?” Looking up from the floor and revealing her very bloodshot, and tear filled eyes, Dash looked at Twilight. “A little bit…” Dash admitted, wiping a tear away from her cheek. “At least… I thought we were going to be.” Twilight remained silent, and let Dash speak. “That’s why I was at the library the night he disappeared.” Dash said, “He was going to take me out on… On a date.” Twilight felt her heart wrench as Dash’s eyes once again filled with tears. “Please Twi…” Dash said, “Find a way to bring him back… There must be some obscure spell, or-- or something!” That gave Twilight an idea. The library was filled with books on common magic. If she wanted to find some less-known, more helpful spells, she should be in the Canterlot Archive. The entire Star Swirl the Bearded wing would be full of those kinds of spells. “Of course!” Twilight said standing up, “It’s a long shot, but Canterlot might have just what we need!” Dash looked up at her hopefully, “Really?” “I can’t promise anything,” Twilight said, “But I’ll try my best.” “Thank you…” Dash said, standing up and approaching Twilight. “Don’t thank me yet…” Twilight said. “No… I mean, for being here for me…” Dash said, trying to make herself a bit more presentable, “I don’t know how anypony else would have reacted if I had done that in front of them…” “Well, if you ever need somepony to talk to… I’m here for you.” Twilight said, placing a hoof on Dash’s shoulder. “Thanks.” Dash said, smiling weakly. “It means a lot to me.” /-/ Alex felt his heart flutter. He was happy to hear that she said those things. She felt the same way for him that he felt for her. “So, all we have to do is get her to SEE you,” Spike said, “She’ll come running.” “Good.” Alex said smiling. Looking up, Alex and Spike were surprised that they were at their destination already. Wonder Stadium. Looking around, Alex could see the large anti-magic bubble that had been placed around the stadium. It was bigger than he had thought. It encompassed a huge field behind the main building, and extended to some garages that were almost out of sight from their position. “I didn’t think this place was so huge.” Alex said as he and Spike walked up to the front doors. Opening the door, they walked through the empty lobby toward a help desk on the far side of the room. As Alex and Spike got closer, they saw a rather apathetic looking unicorn, sitting behind the desk, flipping through pages of a magazine. The two stood awkwardly, waiting for her to acknowledge them. But, after a few moments of silence, Alex finally cleared his throat, causing her to look up at them. “Welcome to Wonder Stadium,” The receptionist said in a very bored voice, “How can I assist you?” “I was wondering if I could speak with one of the Wonderbolt trainees…” Alex asked hopefully. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that’s impossible.” The girl said, “Wonderbolt rules clearly state that—“ “Yes,” Spike cut in, “We know the rules, but this is an emergency!” The girl looked at Spike, and then to Alex. Seeing her gaze on him, Alex nodded quickly. The girl sighed, “I’ll let you speak with the team manager, but don’t hold your breath.” “Thank you.” Alex said, hoping that it would all work out. The receptionist stood up, and walked through a door off to their left. “I hope she lets us see her…” Spike said. “You and me both, buddy.” Alex agreed. The receptionist walked back out the door, and looked to them. “She’ll see you.” Looking at each other and nodding, Spike and Alex walked past the receptionist, and into a rather long hallway. Passing several doors on both sides of the hall, they eventually came to a door at the very end. On it, it read ‘Comet: Team Manager.’ Opening the door, Alex and Spike saw a very important looking Pegasus, who they assumed was Comet, standing behind a wooden desk, surrounded by various ribbons and trophies, all hung up on the wall. Comet was a scarlet red pony, with an auburn shade of red in her mane. She was dressed in a light red business suit, and had an even had red lipstick on. Overall, she was really, really red. “How can I help you Gentlecolts?” Comet asked examining the ponies in front of her. “Well…” Alex said slowly, trying not to be intimidated by the impressive pony in front of him. “I was wondering—“ “You’re an Alicorn, eh?” Comet cut in. “How’re your flying skills?” Alex wasn’t sure where she was going with this, but he didn’t have time for it. “I am horrid at flying.” “Shame.” Comet said, “We could use one of you.” “Look, we really need help,” Alex said, moving on, “We need to see one of the trainees here.” “Yes, I was informed.” Comet said, “However, I’d like to know why I should break our rules for you.” “I have a friend in there,” Spike said, “Her name is Rainbow Dash—“ “Oh? You know Dash?” Comet asked, “She’s the most promising trainee we’ve had in years. What do you need to tell her?” “We need to tell her that I’m alive!” Alex said, earning a hard look from Comet. “You’re Alex?” She asked, suddenly completely serious. “Uh, yes?” Alex said slowly, “Has she mentioned me?” “She has mentioned you, yes.” Comet said. “So you understand that I need to see her?” Alex asked. Comet remained silent, clearly thinking. “I’m afraid that I can’t do that.” She finally told him, “It could potentially… hurt the future of the team” “What?” Alex asked, shocked that she was saying this. “As I’m sure you know, Rainbow Dash is a very gifted pony,” Comet explained. “She’s fast, she’s tough, and she had a kick-rump cutie mark to boot. She’s going to be a Wonderbolt. No question.” Alex didn’t like where this was going. “That girl could even be the Captain in a few years.” Comet explained, “So. I’m afraid that I have no intention of allowing you to speak to her.” “You can’t do that!” Spike shouted. “I can, and I just did,” Comet laughed, flaring her wings. “I can’t risk losing such a strong flier.” “But…” Alex started, before feeling himself being lifted up by a levitation spell. “Hey!” “Right on time, boys.” Comet laughed. Alex and Spike were both being lifted off the ground by a pair of rather tough looking ponies. One of the stallions was a normal green unicorn, with a black suit, and sunglasses. The other, was an absolutely massive white pony, that looked like he had a small… Okay, massive steroid problem. He even had the tiny horn to match. “Could you please remove these ponies from the premises, Jango?” Comet asked smaller one. “Right away, Ma’am.” The Jango said, “Come on, Tulip.” “YEEAAAAHHHH!” The massive pony said walking away, floating Alex and Spike away from the office, and eventually out of the building, where they were dropped on their rumps at the bottom of the stone stairs that they had climbed a few minutes earlier. “Don’t let us see you two around here again,” Jango said menacingly, “This meathead is unstable.” Alex and Spike looked at Tulip, and watched his eye twitch. “HAVE A NICE DAY.” Tulip shouted, walking back into the stadium with Jango. “Well.” Spike said, “That didn’t go as well as I hoped it would.” //// Rainbow Dash stood inside the famous Wonder Stadium; the place where ponies went to become Wonderbolts, something that she had dreamed of her entire life. She had always pictured herself racing through the sky as her fans cheered for her. Right now, she was training on the ground. The only stadiums that featured high altitude racing were the ones in high altitude locations, such as Cloudsdale, and Canterlot. Not everypony would be able to attend, if all the races were held in the sky. Her hair had grown out a couple of inches in the past few months. At first, it had simply been because of winter, and she would have gotten her usual haircut before the winter wrap up started. But, since she had left well before that, she had just never gotten around to it. The air felt warmer that it had at her previous practices. Winter was ending. The magic barrier surrounding the stadium kept the inside warm enough that snow would almost instantly melt, so training had been much better here than back in Ponyville… Dash sighed, she felt bad that she wasn’t in Ponyville with her friends cleaning up winter. But, she was here now, and she was going to see this through to the end. Standing on the start line of the stadium race track, Dash flexed her wings, and readied herself for another easy win against her fellow trainees. “Alright, Ponies!” Spitfire said to the group in front of her. “Today, you’re all going to show me just how much you’ve progressed!” Dash looked down the line, and felt completely confident. Sure, the best young fliers in Equestria were here. But, as she had learned from the past few weeks, when it came to speed and agility, none of these ponies held a candle to her. “This is going to be just like your final exam, deciding if any of you will be making it into the Wonderbolts!” Spitfire announced, “Five laps around the track, first one done wins.” “Easy.” Dash mumbled. “Stay in your lane, and don’t get anypony else hurt!” Spitfire instructed. “Now, is everypony good to go?” Every pony in the group, except Rainbow Dash got in starting position. They leaned forward, lowered their heads, and raised their flanks. “Ready… Set… Go!” Spitfire blew the whistle around her neck, and watched as all of the trainees took off. All of the trainees, except for Rainbow Dash. “Dash!” Spitfire shouted, “What are you doing?” “I’m just giving them a fair chance.” Dash said casually. Spitfire couldn’t argue with her. She was well aware of Dash’s speed. As soon as the group passed the starting line again, beginning their second laps, Dash raised herself, and then took off at an absolutely blinding speed. Leaving a long streak of rainbow in her wake. Rushing around the course, Dash finished her first lap in half the time it had taken every pony else. On her second lap, she caught up to the group. On her third, she put herself in first place. Something she liked about having her mane longer, was the rainbow effect that she achieved while moving at high speeds. The colors traveled much further behind her with the aid of her longer hair. Something that she knew made her look amazing during a race. In the final two laps, Dash put such a large distance between her and second place, that she was able to stop short of the finish line, and trot slowly over it. “You’re somethin’ else Dash.” Spitfire said, laughing, as Dash walked away from the track. “I’m surprised that you weren’t trying out for this earlier.” Dash shrugged, not at all phased by the race she had just taken part of. “I never had a real reason before.” “Well, either way.” Spitfire said, “You’re going to make a great addition to the team!” “Thanks.” Dash said plainly. As the other trainees finished the race, most of them collapsed at the finish line, gasping for breath. “Everypony could learn a thing or two from Dash here!” Spitfire said to the group of panting ponies. “But for now, go rest up! We have a busy day ahead of us!” The group collectively sighed, as they separated, and headed off on their own. “See you in a bit, Dash.” Spitfire said, heading toward the change rooms. Dash sighed and sat down. Looking up at the sky, she thought about everything that had happened recently. Leaving her home, her friends… Losing Alex… She still wasn’t sure if she should be here. Being so lost in her thoughts, Dash failed to notice the pony walk up behind her. “Well howdy there, Dashie.” A pony said. “What’cha thinkin’ about?” Dash quickly stood up and turned toward the pony behind her. “Uh… Hey… Mr. Bear…” Dash said avoiding contact with the pony in front of her. “Hey now, Mr. Bear is my father.” He said, breathing heavily through his teeth. “Call me… Cuddly Bear.” Dash Cringed. For a middle aged Pegasus, Cuddly Bear was rather small. He had a brown coat and a very thin layer of dark brown hair over the top of his head that had been gelled down to his scalp. He was the custodian of Wonder Stadium, and was notorious amongst all the girls who trained there, for his ability to creep anypony out on a whim. He had been pestering Dash for the past few weeks, and making her extremely uncomfortable in the process. “Hey… Cuddly...” Dash said nervously, avoiding eye contact with him. “I was actually... Just going to get something to eat!” “Oh, well, would you mind if I tagged along?” Cuddly asked, staring at her with a piercing glare. “I’m hungry something awful.” “Did I say eat?” Dash corrected, “I meant that I was going to SLEEP! I’m just… So tired… That I don’t know what I’m saying!” “Well… Maybe I could join yo—“ “Woah! Would you look at the time!” Dash said glancing at the watch she had just drawn on her wrist. “I’d better get going!” Dash then zoomed away from the field, leaving Cuddly alone. “I’ll see you later, Dashie.” Cuddly said to himself, licking his lips. “I’ll miss you.” //// Alex sighed, as he and Spike headed away from the stadium. Things had NOT gone according to plan. “I can’t believe they just threw us out!” Spike said, as he and Alex walked down the road. “That manager is evil!” Alex agreed, “She does not want us taking Dash away from her.” “And did you see that one henchman?” Spike asked. “He was scary!” “I know! It looked like he was on steroids!” Alex said. “Steroids?” Spike asked, “I… don’t think those exist in Equestria.” “Oh… Well, they’re a kind of drug that make you really muscular and make your… Horn really small.” Alex said, after a brief pause. “Either way… I don’t want to mess with him.” Spike admitted, “He didn’t even look stable.” “Well, we just might end up crossing paths with him again,” Alex said, to Spike’s dismay. “We have to get word to Dash that we’re here.” “Oh man…” Spike grumbled. “Well… We can relax for right now,” Alex said, “We’ll give it a bit of time, and maybe they’ll let their guard down.” “Well, in the meantime, do you want to go sightseeing?” Spike asked, “There’s plenty to do.” “Well, let’s just get settled first.” Alex said, “What was the address Applejack gave us?” “It’s just down 17th…” Spike said, pulling a piece of paper out of his bag. “That’s where we are though,” Alex said, looking around, “And I don’t see anything but mansions.” “Oh! Spike said, running a short distance down the road, and reading a sign. “I think this is it!” Alex walked over, and stood next to Spike. “Orange,” Alex read, “So, Applejacks is related to a family called ‘The Oranges?’” “I guess,” Spike said. “So… Should we go and knock?” “Sure...” Alex said, walking up the large lawn toward the front door. Raising a hoof, Alex knocked on the door three times. Spike had made his way up behind Alex, and now hid behind him. The front door slowly opened, and the two were faced with a rather tall, white Unicorn, dressed in a suit that covered his flank, with a navy blue mane, that was combed back. His suit extended down his body, and covered his cutie mark, leaving Alex wondering what it could possibly be. “Please come in,” The Pony said in a polite voice, “I’ve been expecting you.” Following the pony into the mansion, Alex and Spike were marveled. The house was absolutely massive. “Wow!” Spike said, “This place is beautiful!” “I didn’t know Applejack had relatives with so much money!” Alex said as they arrived in the living room. “Now, you’ve been invited to stay in the Oranges Residence while they’re out of town.” The Unicorn said, “So, please try to leave things as they are.” “Sure!” Spike agreed. “Are you one of Applejacks relatives? Or do you work here?” “Well, I could try to overstate my title,” The Unicorn said, “But, simply, I am the butler, and my name is Ramsley.” “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Alex!” Alex said extending a hoof, which Ramsley hesitantly shook. “I promise we won’t be causing any trouble.” “And I’m Spike!” Spike said, deciding not to push his luck on a second hoof-shake. “That’s quite the sweater you have on.” Ramsley said, eyeing Spikes outfit. “Thanks!” Spike said, mistaking his comment for a complement. “So, that pony on the side has you under her hoof, correct?” Ramsley asked. “Under her… What?” Spike asked. Alex nodded quickly to Ramsley, earning a chuckle from him. “Very good.” Ramsley said, “Now, let me to show you to your rooms.” “Great!” Alex said, walking behind the butler, “So… Where are Mr. and Ms. Orange?” “Mosley Orange was called away on a business venture in Fillydelphia, so the mistress went with him to keep him company.” Ramsley explained, and the trio headed up a flight of stairs. “They’ll be gone for the next two weeks.” “Well, we’ll try to get out of your mane as quickly as possible.” Alex said, “We just need to reach our friend.” “Ah yes, the Wonderbolt-in-training that Applejack mentioned in her letter.” Ramsley said, “I do hope you succeed in your endeavor. I know how difficult the security can be.” “You do?” Alex asked, surprised. “Oh yes,” Ramsley said, “I used to work there.” “Really?” Spike asked. “When?” “It’s been… almost fifteen years now.” Ramsley answered, a bit surprised at the time passed. “What did you do?” Alex asked, as they turned down a hallway. “I was a bouncer of sorts,” Ramsley continued, “I would deal with unruly fans and such.” “You don’t seem like the type!” Spike said. “You notice that I’m working here now?” Ramsley said, cocking an eyebrow. “Oh yeah…” Spike said, embarrassed. “The pony that replaced me was much more suited for the job. He was much colder than me” Ramsley continued, “He worked under me for a while… And hated every minute of it.” “Why?” Alex asked. “Always thought he was tougher than me,” Ramsley explained, “I put him in his place… But he got my job as a result; he was quite smug about it.” “You didn’t quit that job?” Spike asked. “Here we are,” Ramsley said ignoring his question as they reached the end of the hallway, “Please choose which room you would like.” Alex looked at the doors on either side of the hall. There were two on the left, two on the right, and one in the center at the very end. And for some reason, that was the one that Alex wanted. Unfortunately, Spike had the same idea. So, when they saw each other heading for the same room, they both picked up speed, wanting to be the first one there. Ramsley spoke up, trying to end the race. “The room on the end is—“ He was cut off when Spike fumbled on his relatively new hoofs, and crashed into Alex, knocking them both on the floor, only inches away from their goal. “—The restroom.” Ramsley sighed. “Now, please choose a room, unless you wish to sleep in the bath tub.” The two scrambled to stand up. “Uh… Sorry.” Alex said, laughing nervously as he chose the first door on the left side. “Quite.” Ramsley said, watching Spike choose the second door on the right. “Now, please take some time to get yourselves settled. Lunch will be served shortly.” “Thanks!” Alex said, poking his head out the door, only to see Ramsley gone. “He seems nice!” Spike said, stepping back into the hallway. “Yeah,” Alex said, “I’d like to hear that story about him being a bouncer, though.” “Oh well.” Spike said, “Let’s get unpacked.” “Sure,” Alex said levitating his bags off his back. “I wish that I had packed my…” Spike began. “Your… what?” Alex asked, turning around. “Oh…” Spike had collapsed, and was now snoring loudly. “Does it happen that fast?” Alex said out loud, “Let’s hope you don’t keep doing that.” //// Rainbow Dash walked through the lobby of Wonder Stadium, and approached the front doors. “Where do you think you’re going?” Jango said, cutting her off. “Relax!” Dash said, “I know the rules. I’m just taking a look outside.” Knowing that Alex and Spike could be back at any time, Jango decided not to risk it. “I’m going to have to insist that you return to the innermost parts of the stadium,” Jango asked, “Some ponies can have over-zealous attitudes when it comes to meeting a Wonderbolt… Even ones in training.” “Really?” Dash asked, smelling something fishy. “When has that happened?” “Is there something wrong, Jango?” Comet asked, clearly seeing that Dash was being a problem. “No Ma’am!” Jango said quickly. “I hope not.” Comet said, seeing the problem he was having. “Dash, would you please take a walk with me?” “Uh… Sure.” Dash said, heading away from the doors. “I’d like to discuss your future as a wonderbolt.” Comet said, as her and Dash headed toward her office. “Now, you know that Spitfire is finishing her final term as team captain in a few years, right?” “Yeah,” Dash said, “She told everypony that a few days ago,” “Well, let me tell you what I was thinking,” Comet said, “I know that in a couple of years of training, you’ll be the strongest flier on the team, bar none.” “So…” Dash said, trying to comprehend what Comet was telling her, “You’re saying that… I might become captain that fast?!” Comet smiled, Dash was taking the bait. The more excited she could make her about the team, the more likely she would be to stay. “Absolutely,” Comet answered, “I can’t think of another pony to fill the position.” “Well… I don’t know what to say!” Dash said, picturing herself in the leading position. “Don’t say anything.” Comet smiled, “Just remember, the sooner you’re a Wonderbolt, the sooner we can get this done.” Hearing Spitfire blow the whistle out on the field, Dash turned toward the door. “I’d better go. But, thanks for the offer.” “No need to thank me.” Comet said, “I only want what’s best for you.” Dash thanked her, then turned and headed toward the field. She couldn’t help but feel a bit strange. She thought she would be more excited for that kind of news… Under different circumstances, Dash knew that she would be jumping up and down ‘oh-my-gosh-ing.’ But, she still felt like she had abandoned her friends. Which, made all of her victories feel like complete failures. Comet walked to the VIP lounge overlooking the field, and sat down. Dash was, as Comet expected, destroying all of the competition. She hadn’t seen a single pony excel like this since... Since herself, almost twenty five years ago. Everything Comet saw in Dash, was what she had been, back when she was a Wonderbolt herself. The skill, the cockiness, the drive to become better… She was almost surprised at the similarity. But, there was still one thing left that she would have to cut off. Alex. Comet knew how one little distraction like him, could ruin Dash’s future in the Wonderbolts. So, she was going to have to find a way to make her cut all ties with her friends. And, hopefully, she’ll become so involved with the team, that Alex’s inevitable return to her won’t lead her to make a stink about her contract with the team. Which, she would lose in the end either way. Comet herself had even thrown away the stallion she loved to become a part of the team. And as far as she was concerned, that was best choice she had ever made. //// Alex had woken up Spike when they had been called down to the table for lunch. They were now sitting at the table, anxiously awaiting the food Ramsley had prepared for them. “Lunch is served.” Ramsley said carrying out a large silver platter, just high enough that they weren’t able to see what was on it. “Thank goodness!” Spike said happily, “I’m starved!” “Definitely!” Alex agreed, “Getting thrown out of stadiums has a way of working up an appetite.” “Well, If you’re hoping to stuff yourself, then…” Ramsley said placing the patter on the table, “You came to the wrong place.” The sadness that Alex felt in his heart was almost unbearable when he saw the miniscule portions on the platter. “Are those… Crackers?” Spike asked, scratching his head. “Biscuits.” Ramsley corrected, “With a dab of a rather runny cheese that I wouldn’t want to confuse you by pronouncing.” Alex poked one of the biscuits with his hoof, before levitating it off the plate, and placing it in his mouth. Chewing for a moment, Alex tried his best not to make a face. The dab of cheese had gotten a thin layer of skin on it that was sticking to the roof of his mouth. It wasn’t bad tasting whatsoever. In fact, he quite liked the taste. But, in this case, texture was the killer. Having a mouthful of cheese juice, and a bunch of soft lumps, was almost enough to make him gag. “It’s… Great!” Alex said, feigning a smile. “Really?” Spike asked excitedly, “Let me try one!” As soon as the biscuit went into Spike’s mouth, he spat it right back out. “Ugh! What do you mean!?” Spike said, trying to wipe the taste off his tongue. “Why would you lie to me about something like this?” Ramsley couldn’t help but laugh at the reaction. “The truth is, I quite dislike that myself.” Ramsley said, “In fact, most of the fancy foods that ponies eat these days are rather... Gross.” “I didn’t expect you to say that!” Alex laughed, “I figured it was just an acquired taste that I didn’t have.” “I haven’t acquired it myself,” Ramsley said, “And I hope I never do.” “I agree.” Spike said, “This stuff is nasty! What else do you have around here?” “Well, we don’t have much in the house…” Ramsley said, scratching his head, “Perhaps we could go out?” “Sounds good to me!” Spike said, happy to be getting away from his current lunch. “I know just the place.” Ramsley said. //// Walking away from the mansion, the three chatted lightly as they followed Ramsley. After 15 minutes of walking, they arrived at a small pizzeria, a few blocks away from Wonder Stadium. “This isn’t exactly what I was expecting,” Alex said to Ramsley. “Pizza is probably my favorite dish,” Ramsley said, “I’ve been eating it for my whole life.” Walking into the diner, the three chose a table, and let Ramsley handle the food. “Hey, Ram!” An older pony said, walking toward the table, “Back so soon? And with friends?” “Of course!” Ramsley said, smiling, “And these ponies with me are, Alex, and Spike. They’re staying at the house.” Ram? That was not a name Alex had expected to hear him called. “Well, it’s nice to meet you guys.” The waitress said, “My name is Daisy.” “Nice to meet you!” Alex and Spike both said. “I like your sweater!” Daisy said to Spike, pointing at Rarity’s face on the fabric. “Really?” Spike asked. “That your marefriend?” Daisy asked, “She sure looks pretty!” “Thanks!” Spike smiled, “She gave it to me, so the girls here would know that I’m off limits.” Daisy chuckled, before turning back to Ramsley, “You just want the usual?” “Well, you’d best make it a large,” Ramsley said, “And as for drinks… I believe that water will suffice…?” Alex and Spike both nodded. “Sounds good to me.” Alex said. “Alright, I’ll be back with your stuff in a bit, Ram.” Daisy said. As she walked off, Alex had to ask. “She shortens your name to Ram?” “Ah, yes.” Ramsley said. “It actually has a bit of a story behind it.” “Oh?” Alex said, very interested. “The truth is… you two lengthen my name.” Ramsley said, earning looks of confusion from the two. “Ramsley isn’t my real name.” Ramsley explained. “So… What’s your real name?” Spike asked. “Oh, wouldn’t you like to know?” Ramsley asked, chuckling. “So, tell me, how do you plan on getting to your friend?” “Well… We really don’t know.” Alex said, sighing. “They have some kind of anti-magic barrier surrounding the stadium. Only a few spells can be used there, and they’re not every helpful to us.” “I remember the barrier.” Ramsley said. “I had to learn those spells myself when I used to work there.” Alex lit up. “Do you think you could help us?” “I’m afraid I can’t,” Ramsley admitted. “It has been a few more years than I care to count since I was taught that magic. I don’t think I could even preform them myself.” “You never did tell us about how you quit that job.” Spike said, earning an annoyed look from Ramsley. “Again, it’s something that I would prefer to keep to myself.” Ramsley answered. “Maybe once we become best friends, I’ll tell you.” “Do you really think that we’ll become—“ Spike started, before seeing the dead-pan look on the butlers face, “Oh. That was a joke” Ramsley sighed as he thought back to that day. That had been the day his whole life had changed. If Spike or Alex were to see him back then, they wouldn’t have recognized him at all. He was a very different pony back then. /-/ Ram was sitting on a bench inside Wonder Stadium. He couldn’t believe everything that had happened in the past few hours. His marefriend, a member of the Wonderbolts, had just broken up with him. The massive amount of time that the team demanded from her left her with no time for him. He had met her when she first became a trainee, and had quickly gotten together with her. They had been together for almost two years, but, she ended it just before their anniversary. “Hey, Ram.” A voice said from behind him. “I heard Chaser dumped your rump.” “Leave me alone, Jango.” Ram growled, not turning to face him. Jango was the grandson of the team manager. He had gotten this job for that reason, and only that reason. He was smug, pompous, and had the biggest superiority complex that Ram had ever seen. He acted out constantly, but would never be fired for it. “If you ask me, I’m surprised that she didn’t do it earlier!” Jango laughed. Ram silently fumed. “What’s wrong, Ram?” Jango asked, feigning concern. “Are you going to cry?” “Keep this up, and one of us will.” Ram said quietly. “What was that?” Jango asked, “You sad because you lost that fine piece of tail?” Ram stood up, but kept his back to Jango. “Shut up.” “Why don’t you turn around, and say that to my face?” Jango asked, happy to be getting the rise out of him. Ram turned around, and stepped to within an inch of Jango. “Shut. Up.” Grinning cockily, Jango pulled his head back, and then threw it forward, head butting Ram. Ram staggered back, wincing in pain from the sudden hit. “Who do you think you are?” Jango asked angrily. “Taking to ME like that? My grandfather is the manager of this whole place!” “You think you’re special?” Ram asked, “Better than everypony else?” “I don’t think that,” Jango laughed. “I know it.” Righting himself, Ram growled. “Back off, or else.” Jango laughed loudly. “Or else what?” “Or else I’ll make you back off.” Ram warned. “Bring it.” Jango said, standing up on his hind legs. “You don’t stand a chance.” Ram saw that Jango wanted to have hoof to hoof combat, and was more than happy to oblige. It was an unconventional way of fighting, but not unheard of. He had even been trained in it for a few months. So, smiling, he followed suit, and got himself into attack position. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Ram said. Instead of answering, Jango immediately lunged at Ram, trying to get in the first blow with a right hook. Ram had anticipated this, and quickly dodged under Jango’s attack, causing Jango to lunge past him. Seizing the moment, Ram hit him in the small of his back, knocking him back to his normal standing position. Quickly turning, Jango stood back up, and tried his best to get in a hit of his own. Throwing a punch, Ram moved his head to the side, sending Jango right past him. Ram returned with a hard hit across his face with a strike of his own. Jango growled, and wiped some blood from his nose. “I’m just getting started.” Ram grinned. “You should quit before you get really hurt.” Taking a step toward Ram, Jango decided to play dirty. “Fine.” Jango lied, “You win.” Relaxing, Ram tried to make good, and extended his hoof for a shake. Seeing Ram lower his guard, Jango quickly cast a levitation spell, and pulled a small potted plant off a table, which hit Ram in the back of the head, and then smashed. Causing him to fall forward, putting him on four legs once again. Still on his hind legs, Jango walked over Ram and laughed. “What did I say before?” Seeing Jango lower his guard to gloat, Ram, reached forward and hooked his front hoof around the left leg that Jango was standing on. Yanking as hard as he could, Jango started to lose his balance, and tried his best to keep from falling backward. Which, gave Ram the opportunity to stand himself up, and throw a powerful punch into Jango’s stomach, sending him into the floor. Jango collapsed on his back, and groaned in pain loudly. “I don’t know what you said before,” Ram smiled, answering Jango’s pervious question. “I was too busy thinking about your mother and me last night.” “Ram!” The Team Manager shouted, having seen the altercation, and heard the comment about his daughter. “Get in my office, now!” Jango ignored his pain long enough to laugh at Ram and say, “It’s been nice working with you.” The truth was… Ram really didn’t care. At this point, he would be happier doing a boring job, rather than sticking around here, and seeing Chaser every day. Walking into the office, Ram was immediately bombarded by the screaming of the team manager. “By the time I’m done here, you won’t be able to get a job waiting tables at McBucks!” /-/ Ramsley smiled to himself. He sure showed him. All had had to do, was learn to speak in a more fancy way, and he had no problem getting hired by the Oranges. “So… What else could we do?”” Spike asked, snapping Ramsley back into the conversation. “Well… There’s no roof on the stadium,” Alex said, “Can anypony here fly?” Ramsley and Spike both shook their head. “Swing and a miss.” Alex sighed, “You don’t think we could get somepony to do it for us, do you?” “I don’t think so.” Ramsley said, “Everypony around here knows the rules regarding the stadium… Breaking them always ends with you being roughed up by security on your way out.” “Well…” Alex said, “Let’s try to think of something else then.” //// Dash went into her room, and laid down on the bed. She had just finished a busy training session, and was feeling like a nap. She wouldn’t be needed back on the field for a little. And, since the rooms were located within the stadium, she could be back to practice within minutes of waking up. Lying down on her bed, Dash put her hoofs behind her head, and closed her eyes. She had so many questions in her head… Should she go through with this? Should she run home right now? Or should she stay, and fulfill her lifelong dream? All that mattered right now, was that she was tired. So, pushing those thoughts aside, Dash allowed herself to doze off for a few minutes. Unfortunately, what awaited her in her sleep, wasn’t any better than what she was dealing with in the real world. /-/ Dash sat in the Library. Twilight had said she would be back tonight, and that she had learned a spell that might help them locate Alex. He had only been gone two weeks, but it felt like an eternity at this point. Hearing some sparks behind her, Dash turned around as Twilight appeared, with a saddlebag filled with scrolls. “Twilight!” Dash said, running to her, “Well? What did you find?” Composing herself, Twilight opened up her saddlebag, and lifted a book out of it. “Since nothing else was working, I decided to try and find something a bit more… extreme.” Twilight explained. “What do you mean, ‘extreme?’” Dash asked. “Well… I found a few spells referencing time travel,” Twilight explained, “A few of them would allow me to travel back for a few seconds… But apparently, they can have some pretty serious consequences if used improperly… So, after a bit more digging, I found another one. One that might work.” “And…?” Dash asked, feeling her heart start pounding. “I found a spell that will let the two of us go back. But, we won’t be able to change anything.” Twilight said, “We’ll be able to watch passed events, which we can use to find out what happened to him.” “It’s better than nothing!” Dash smiled. “I’ve been preparing for the last few hours in Canterlot…” Twilight said, “I figured you’d want to go immediately.” “You know me too well!” Dash said, standing in front of Twilight. “Let’s do this.” Twilight nodded, and then started concentrating. Dash watched as Twilight’s horn started to glow, before a small bubble appeared on the very tip of it. The bubble expanded quickly, enveloping both of them. “Get ready,” Twilight said, casting another spell. “The scroll said that this part can be a bit nauseating.” Suddenly, everything on the outside of the sphere started to rewind rapidly. Twilight and Dash watched events they had done days before in reverse, as they traveled further back. “I see what you mean…” Dash said, closing her eyes. “Tell me when it’s over.” Twilight several things happen again. She saw herself leaving for Canterlot, then she saw herself reading books in the library… She wanted to close her eyes too, but didn’t want to miss the time they were looking for. After a few minutes, Twilight finally rewound to the night Alex hadn’t come home. Slowing down the rewind, she fine-tuned it to a few minutes before he had finished his snow spreading job. “Alright, Rainbow.” Twilight said, as the bubble faded. “Applejack said that she saw him finish his job, then head home. So let’s try to find him.” Opening her eyes Dash nodded, and then followed Twilight, passing the past version of herself, who was still waiting anxiously for Alex to return. “If only she knew…” Dash said to herself, as the two of them headed out of the library. Following behind Twilight, they headed down the path, in the opposite direction that Alex would have taken, so they would bump into him. Looking forward, Dash felt her heart leap as she saw the past version of Alex walking toward them “There he is!” Dash said, pointing toward him. The two stood in place, and allowed Alex to pass them. “Now, all we have to do is follow him.” Twilight said. “We’ll see what happened soon.” Just seeing him here made Dash feel a little better. He may not be able to see her, but she was able to see him. Following Alex, they walked back toward the library. Finally, after a few minutes, they arrived back at his destination. “He made it this far?” Twilight said in surprise. “What could have possibly happened to him, between here and the library?” As if on cue, a blinding white light enveloped Alex. Then, after a moment, the light completely disappeared, leaving only a scorch mark, where the snow and grass used to be. Dash and Twilight were stunned. Neither had expected Alex to be suddenly burned in a ball of energy. “W-what happened?!” Dash stammered. “I… Don’t know…” Twilight said, slack jawed. “So…” Dash said slowly, “He was just… teleported somewhere, right?” Twilight remained silent. “That must have been a spell or something!” Dash said, panicking. “You recognize that one, right?” Again, Twilight was silent. “Well?!” Dash shouted. “I don’t know of ANYTHING that looks like that.” Twilight confessed. “If he was being teleported or something… I would recognize the magic… That was something else entirely.” “What then?” Dash asked, her voice cracking severely. “He’s just… Gone?” “We… We don’t know that.” Twilight said slowly, still stunned. “Something else could have happened to him…” “Like what?” Dash shouted, “Tell me that you’re confidant that he’s still alive!” Twilight sighed, “I can’t say that…” The silence between the two was thick. Trying to move things along, Twilight recreated the bubble they had been in before, and fast-forwarded time. Dash was vaguely aware of her return to the present, but hardly cared. One thing kept repeating in her mind. Alex was gone. He wasn’t coming back. Tears started to fill her eyes. She was happier being ignorant. But now, she knew, and there was nothing she could do about it. /-/ Feeling her face pressed up against something wet, Dash opened her eyes, and saw that her pillow was moist with tears… Something that had happened on more than one occasion. Flipping the pillow over to the dry side, Dash dried her tears on her blanket, and then put her head back down. “Why did you have to leave, Spot?” Dash sighed, closing her eyes, forcing a few more tears out. “We were just getting started…” That nickname he had given her, he had never used anything BUT that when talking to her. He hadn’t once called her Rainbow Dash. She had realized this a few months ago, and had dwelled on it more than she should have. She would give anything to hear him just say her name… “Dash!” Spitfire shouted from outside her door. “We need you out on the field so we can go over the ceremony proceedings.” Sighing, Dash rolled out of bed, and headed out. At least this would clear her mind for a little bit. //// Alex, Spike, and Ramsley had been talking about their plan to reach Rainbow Dash, for a while at this point, but really didn’t have much. “How about this!” Alex suggested, “We go up that building over there, and we toss a paper airplane with something written on it down, INTO the stadium.” Spike and Ramsley looked toward the building that Alex was gesturing too, and then back to him. “You’re… Joking, right?” Spike asked. “Well… I can’t think of anything else…” Alex sighed. “Why don’t we head back to the mansion, and we can take a break from all of this brainstorming.” Ramsley said, “Worst case scenario, you just talk to your friend tomorrow night, at the party.” Alex sighed, “Yeah, I guess.” “I know you miss her, Alex,” Spike said, “But either way, we’re going to see her tomorrow. Why don’t we just relax until then?” “I just… want to try everything possible.” Alex admintted. “Well, if it’ll make you feel better, we can go try your paper airplane plan.” Spike said, laughing. “Who knows, maybe it’ll work!” “Thanks.” Alex smiled. “Well, you two enjoy yourselves,” Ramsley said, “I’ll be heading back.” “Okay,” Spike said, “Thanks for lunch!” “Anything for a house guest.” Ramsley said, bowing his head to them, before heading back home. “You ready to go?” Spike asked. “You bet!” Alex said determinedly. “Let’s do it.” //// Alex and Spike had headed to the large building overlooking the stadium, and headed to the roof. Luckily, the building was open to the public, so access wasn’t an issue. Finishing their long trek up the staircase, Alex and Spike walked through the doors, and were pleasantly surprised to see a whole observation area, outfitted with several mounted binoculars, that allowed anypony to see the entire area around the building, which included the training area below them. “How big is the barrier?” Alex asked, seeing the magic barrier extend well beyond the back of the stadium, toward some distant buildings. “Huge…” Spike said, “Anyway, let’s use these binoculars to look into the stadium.” “They sure are convenient!” Alex laughed, walking toward the nearest pair, and adjusting it downward. “I wonder what’s happening down there right now…” Spike watched Alex press his eyes into the binoculars, and found himself extremely curious. “What do you see?” Spike said, walking beside Alex. “I see… a lot of little dots that are standing in a line…” Alex answered, feeling for a zoom toggle. “Here,” Spike said, flipping a switch on the site of Alex’s binoculars, zooming them in. “What now?” “Much better!” Alex said happily, scanning the field below him, “I… I think I see her!” “Really?!” Spike asked, walking to his own pair, and flipping the zoom switc. “Hey, I do too!” Alex found himself uncontrollably smiling. It was great to see her again. “Why are they just standing like that?” Spike asked, “Oh wait, one of them is moving!” The two watched the pony step forward, bow his head, and then step back in line. This happened with every pony down the line, until it finally ended with Dash, who was standing on the far side of the line. “We should probably do this now, while she’s here.” Spike said, grabbing a piece of paper out of his bag, along with quill and some ink. Alex kept his eyes focused on her, as Spike quickly wrote out the note. “Okay!” Spike said, pushing the paper toward Alex, “Do your thing!” Pulling his eyes away from the binoculars, Alex levitated the paper off the ground, and folded it into a paper airplane. “What did you write?” Alex asked, as he levitated the quill and wrote, ‘read me’ on the wings. “I wrote: ‘Alex is back, you have to come home. –Spike’” Spike said. “Perfect.” Alex smiled, “Now… Let’s just hope that I can make this throw…” “Can’t you just levitate it down to her?” Spike asked. “I can’t,” Alex said, “There’s an anti-magic barrier around that place. I even if I could levitate it that far… I would only get a quarter of the way, and then I’d lose it.” “Oh, well, why not try something that will drop straight down to her?” Spike asked again. “We’re not right above the stadium,” Alex explained, “I’d have to levitate it out, and THEN drop it. But, at this height, who knows who’d get hit, right?” Spike though again, “How about flying right in?” “I can only glide,” Alex explained, “I could slowly circle around until I landed, but I’m pretty sure Jango would teleport me away before I got to the ground. If only I could gun straight down…” “Well, I’m sure Rainbow will be happy to finish teaching you when we get her back.” Spike said. Alex nodded, as he prepared his paper airplane for the throw. Walking to the very edge of the building, Alex gauged the distance, the wind, and the drop of his plane. Luckily, he was an expert with this paper airplane. He had spent many school days torturing substitute teachers with them. Unfortunately, the distance to the stadium was much greater than the distance to the whiteboard at the front of the class. “Okay…” Alex said, squinting, “Cross your finger—Uh… Hoofs.” Then, as best as he could manage, Alex tossed the plane into the air, and off the side of the building. Spike quickly moved back to the binoculars, and looked into them. “Do you see it?” Alex asked, trying his best to keep track of it, “I’m losing it here.” Toggling the zoom, Spike was able to see the plane headed straight downward, at what seemed like the perfect spot. “I think… I think it’s good!” Hearing this, Alex ran to his pair of binoculars, and anxiously watched. Alex could feel his heart pound as he followed his message on its path downward. The moment became more intense as Alex saw the other ponies start to disperse. “Don’t move!” Alex shouted, knowing full well that she couldn’t hear him. Finally, the paper airplane came down, to the ground, and flew right into Dash’s nose. “Yes!” Alex cheered, “I can’t believe it! I love living in a cartoon world where everything just… works!” //// Dash stood in place, the practice for the selection ceremony had just ended, and she was now free to go. Trying to decide whether she should go for something to eat, or back to bed, Dash was interrupted when she was poked in the nose by a paper airplane. “What’s this…?” Dash said, looking downward. “Read me..?” Delicately placing one of her hoofs on the paper, she gently unfolded it with her mouth, until the paper was back to its original shape, as a flat sheet. “Aiet is… beck?” Dash read, completely lost, “Yuu havf to… Com hoom.. Spyte?” Trying her best to decipher the poorly written text, Dash found herself unable to come up with anything. “What’cha readin’, there, Dashie?” A voice said from behind her. Dash closed her eyes and prayed that he wasn’t standing behind her again. “It’s a… piece of paper with some scribbling on it.” Dash said, “That’s all.” “Well, I guess I should clean that up.” Cuddly said. “Um, you definitely should!” Dash said, heading for the change rooms quickly, “Don’t let me get in the way!” Smiling, Cuddly watched Dash for a few minutes, before returning to his loitering, leaving the paper on the ground. Dash shivered as she closed the door behind her. That pony gave her the creeps. //// “Wha—What happened?” Alex stuttered, “It looked like she was having trouble reading it!” “Oh…” Spike said, “Maybe I shouldn’t have written that with my mouth… I’m not really good at that yet…” “That… That is exactly how it would happen in a cartoon…” Alex sighed, understanding the duality of it all. “I still don’t know what you mean by that.” Spike said. “That’s fine…” Alex sighed, “Let’s head back…” “You can’t do anything else?” Spike asked, “Can’t you cast some big spell to get her attention?” “I could… But I don’t know enough to spell ‘I am alive’ or something like that,” Alex explained, “I could make a big explosion, and then those thugs would chase after us.” “Well, you always have tomorrow, right?” Spike asked. “Yeah,” Alex said, lightening up a bit. “We’ll finish this tomorrow night.” //// Comet casually walked onto the field, to where Dash had been sanding. She had seen Dash reading a piece of something off the ground. At first, she thought that a newspaper had blown in from the outside. But, as she got closer to it, she quickly recognized it as a piece of paper. Approaching it, Comet examined it closely. “Alet…?” Comet said, tilting her head. “Or maybe it’s… Alex!” Glancing upward, Comet narrowed her eyes. It had come from the overlooking building. Obviously, their attempt at getting her attention had failed, but now she knew that they would continue trying. Something would have to be done about that. //// Alex and Spike arrived back at the Oranges estate, and were greeted by Ramsley. “How did your plan fare?” Ramsley asked the two. “It didn’t.” Spike said. “What a surprise.” Ramsley said sarcastically, “And I was so hopeful.” “I think I’m going to turn in early tonight…” Alex sighed. “I’m still a bit thrown after my whole ‘time travel’ experience.” “Well, if you wish,” Ramsley said, “Please inform me if you need anything. I’ll be just down here.” “Thanks,” Alex said, heading up the staircase. “I’ll see you two in the morning.” “Well then,” Spike said, turning to Ramsley, “Wanna play a game?” Cocking an eyebrow, Ramsley took another look at Spike’s outfit. “Perhaps we should play, ‘wash your sweater.’ It’s gathering stains.” “I told Rarity that I wouldn’t take it off, so I’m not!” Spike huffed. “Very well, Master Spike.” Ramsley sighed. “Master…?” Spike repeated, “I like the sound of that!” “Of course you do.” Ramsley said, rolling his eyes. //// Alex crawled into his bed, and pulled the covers over his body. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. He was going to go and see Dash, and he was going to take her home. Thinking over the time he had spent with her, he couldn’t help but laugh. Their whole relationship had started with him forgetting her name, after the battle with Night Mare Moon. But, eventually, he proved himself to be a good guy, when he exposed that griffon for what she really was. After that, they sat together, and had a real conversation… And they made pet names for one another. Colors, and Spot. Smiling, Alex closed his eyes. Too much was at stake for anything to go wrong tomorrow. But, somehow, he knew that it wasn’t going to be as easy as just walking in, and leaving with her. But, easy or not, he needed sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a big one. So, closing his eyes, Alex drifted off to sleep. //// The girls lined up at the Ponyville train station, equipped with saddlebags, briefcases, and a party cannon. Winter had been wrapped up successfully, and even though there had been some hiccups, it had been a rewarding experience for everypony. “Is everypony sure that they’re ready?” Twilight asked her friends. “Yes ma’am!” Applejack said. “Mhmm.” Rarity smiled. “I sure hope so…” Fluttershy said. “I brought everything I could carry!” Pinkie said, wheeling her party cannon in front of her. “Great!” Twilight said, “I can’t wait to see Rainbow!” “Darn tootin’!” Applejack agreed, “I’ve missed that girl!” “Alex wasn’t able to reach her, then?” Rarity asked. “No, they were stopped by security.” Twilight explained. “Spike wrote me saying that the party was their best bet to see her.” “Well, at least we aren’t going to miss the big moment!” Pinkie said, smiling. “Big moment?” Twilight asked. “Duh!” Pinkie said, “When they kiss!” “Uh... Kiss?” Applejack asked. “When they see each other, what do you think is going to happen?” Pinkie asked. “Well, I never thought about it…” Twilight said slowly. “You ponies haven’t been excited for it?” Pinkie asked in disbelief. “I have…” Fluttershy spoke up. “I suppose I have as well.” Rarity said. “Do you think it’s going to be cute?” Pinkie asked the two. “If you mean romantic, then I do hope so.” Rarity said. “I just hope that he doesn’t ask Spike for advice on romance. That pony hasn’t got a clue!” The girls all giggled as the train pulled up. “I guess we should head in.” Twilight said, levitating her bags. The girls all filed in, until Twilight was the last one outside. Taking one last look around before entering the train, Twilight couldn’t help but remember when Dash had left. She had tried so hard to stop her… If only they had known that Alex wasn’t dead. /-/ “Rainbow!” Twilight called, running after the Pegasus. “What are you doing?” Dash remained silent, as she headed toward the train station, with a couple of fully packed bags on her back. “Are… You leaving?” Twilight asked, pulling up beside her. “…Yes.” Dash said simply, continuing forward. “But, what about everypony here?” Twilight asked, “You’re not even gonna say goodbye?” “Look, Twilight.” Dash said, “I just…. I can’t stay here anymore.” Twilight frowned. She knew that Dash was still completely devastated over Alex’s extremely sudden disappearance, but she didn’t think it was so bad that she was going to leave her friends behind for it. “Where are you going to go?” Twilight asked, “Just, hop a train to Manehattan? “There’s on open tryout for the Wonderbolts being held tomorrow,” Dash explained, “I’m going out for it.” “But… What about us?” Twilight asked, “Aren’t you taking this a bit far…?” “No, Twilight!” Dash shouted suddenly, stopping in place, “I’m not!” Twilight took a step back in surprise. “I’ve never been a girly pony,” Dash said, “But… He made me want to be!” Twilight just stood and listened. “Every place in this town, reminds me of him, in one way or another…” Dash explained, “And every time I’m reminded of him, I think about all the stuff that’ll never happen between us!” Twilight hadn’t thought that her infatuation with Alex was so strong. “I thought those feelings would go away with time, but it isn’t getting any weaker.” Dash said, “So… I just need to get out of here for a while.” “We both know that getting accepted mean a lot longer than ‘a little while’” Twilight said, “You can’t just go and do this! When is the next time we’d even see you?” Dash sighed. “We both know that you’ll regret this decision!” Twilight said, watching Dash step on to the platform and head toward the open train. “You know that… right?” Dash stopped and looked down to the ground. “This is my dream Twilight.” Dash said, “And if he’s gone, that’s all I have left to focus on.” “But—“ “Tell everypony that I’m sorry, Twilight,” Dash said, “I just can’t stay here right now.” /-/ Alex lay in bed, and was trying to sleep, but was being kept up by some talking that he could hear. “I… Don’t want to hurt you.” Alex opened his eyes, and was confused when he saw that he wasn’t in the mansion anymore. He was back in the Doctors ship. And weirder still, Alex was staring at another version of himself. “I’m only thinking of your safety, Doctor.” Slowly, Alex started to realize that this must have been what happened after he passed out on the Doctor’s Ship, the night he was warped three months into the future. Discord must have taken control of him… At least, that was the best explanation he could come up with. “I can’t have you hurting my lesser half,” Alex said to the Doctor, lifting him off of the floor with some kind of spell, “I need that goody-two shoes alive.” “Goody-two shoes?” Alex said, “Does he mean… me?” “Who are you?” The Doctor croaked, “Where did you come from?” “You can call me… Dax.” //// Alex sat up suddenly, panting heavily. “Did all of that happen?” Alex said out loud. “Maybe it was all just a dream…” No. That was way too real. “Mayb—“ “Alex!” Spike shouted, knocking on the door, “I think you slept in!” Looking at the clock, Alex saw that it read 9:00. How did a 5 minute dream, translate to hours and hours of sleep? Alex sighed and crawled out of bed. “At least I’m caught up on my sleep now…” //// “So, how long do we have until this party, again?” Spike asked, between the bites of his oats. “We don’t wanna be late.” “The party starts at 7,” Alex explained. “So, that gives us ten hours.” “What can we do in the meantime?” Spike asked. “Well, we should put some time aside later, so we can get ready… But that still leaves us with plenty of time to kill,” Alex said, “So, I guess we could go site seeing.” “Awesome!” Spike said, quickly downing the rest of his breakfast, spilling some on his already dirty sweater. “Let’s go!” “Hold up,” Alex said, “Where are we even going?” “Well… We could go to the Empire Stable Building.” Spike suggested. “Stable, huh? I wonder why they named it THAT.” Alex asked sarcastically. “Because it’s really sturdy!” Spike answered. “…Really?” Alex asked, “That’s just… Bad.” “Why?” Spike asked. “Um, never mind.” Alex dismissed. “Let’s go!” “Awesome!” Spike said. “Since all the snow is melted now, maybe you should take off the sweater before we go.” Alex suggested, hoping that Spike would take the hint. “No way!” Spike said, “This is staying on at all times, to fend off girls!” Alex sighed. “Well, I’m sure it’ll do a great job.” //// “Jango! Tulip!” Comet called, “Get your rumps in here!” Quickly walking in to the office, Jango and Tulip presented themselves to their boss. “Are you two aware that Alex was trying to reach Rainbow Dash yesterday?” Comet asked, earning a panicked look from Jango. “W- When did this happen?” Jango asked. “Did Tulip screw up again?” “No. It happened during the practice last night.” Comet explained. “From the overlook.” “Well… How could we have possibly—“ Jango started. “I don’t want to hear excuses!” Comet shouted. “I don’t care how you do it; I don’t want anypony trying that stunt again.” “Fine,” Jango sighed. “Consider it done.” “Good. Now, I need you two to do one more thing for me,” Comet said simply, “I need you two to make sure that Alex and his friend don’t make it inside for the party tonight.” “Of course,” Jango said, “Should we keep all of her guests out?” Comet thought for a moment, and realized just how good that would be for her. “Yes, we can’t risk anypony else telling her about her coltfriend coming back…” Comet answered, “Besides, if nopony shows up, her resolve for becoming a Wonderbolt will be even stronger.” “Whatever you say, ma’am.” Jango said, “Also, if anypony tries to push past us, do I have permission to sick Meat Head on ‘em?” “I’d be worried if you didn’t.” Comet laughed, “Anyways, go get ready for tonight. I’m sure that you two will have your hoofs full with upset ponies.” “Hopefully I won’t have to do ALL the work this time.” Jango said, glaring at Tulip. Tulip didn’t respond, his eye simply twitched for a moment. Comet frowned as the two exited her office. He scared her a little. //// Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity had just gotten off the train, and were headed into the city, as they started to discuss what was next on the agenda. “Where should we head first?” Applejack asked the girls, as they walked away from the train station. “There are a few stores I wouldn’t mind visiting.” Rarity suggested, looking around, at the various tall buildings. “I think the Mare of Liberty would be nice to see.” Fluttershy said, marveled by the large amount of ponies that populated the streets. “Shouldn’t we meet up with Alex and Spike?” Twilight asked, “We could kill the time together.” “And have them ruin all the fun?” Rarity asked, “I think we would enjoy ourselves much more, if we kept this a GIRLS day.” Twilight kinda liked the sound of that, but was still bit worried about the whole situation. “Wouldn’t it be better if we had a girls day AFTER we get Rainbow back?” Twilight asked. “I think Twi’s right,” Applejack said, “We should be workin’ first, and playin’ later.” “I suppose you’re right,” Rarity said. “Shouldn’ you be excited to see Spike anyways?” Applejack asked. “Of course I am!” Rarity defended. “However, I’d like the opportunity to buy something nice for myself, so I’ll look my best for him, the next time he takes me out.” “Uh, Rarity,” Applejack started, “Spike wouldn’t care if you were covered in garbage.” Fluttershy nodded. “Neither would I!” Pinkie added. “That’s not the point at all!” Rarity said, “A stallion like him, deserves a gorgeous mare at his side.” Twilight stayed quiet during this conversation. Rarity talking about Spike in this manner was still a little odd for her. She had only just gotten used to Spike being a pony. She had acted fine in the beginning… But it wasn’t until she talked to Princess Celestia about it that she finally started to allow herself to start getting used to it. /-/ Twilight paced nervously back and forth in the throne room of Canterlot Castle. She hadn’t told the Princess that she was coming, as she had decided to show up on a whim. Spike had been transformed into a pony a day ago, and was still rapidly adjusting to the changes it presented him with. Twilight had constantly asked him if he was sure about staying this way, and had always received a ‘yes’ from him. Secretly, she had been hoping that he would want to change back to a dragon, but hadn’t had any luck in that department yet. She knew that Princess Celestia would have to be told, so she decided to tell her in person, and use the face time to ask her opinion on the whole situation. Still, Twilight couldn’t help but worry that Celestia would be upset with her, for not wishing Spike the best with his new form. “Twilight?” Princess Celestia said from the entrance, surprised to see her student in the throne room. “What’s brought you here?” “Well… It’s kinda complicated…” Twilight said, trying to collect her thoughts. “You’re clearly troubled, Twilight.” Princess Celestia said, walking toward her. “What’s the matter?” Twilight sighed, and tried to think of a reasonable way to explain the situation. However, no matter what way she looked at it, she always came to the same thing. “Spike was turned into a pony…” Twilight sighed, earning a shocked look from her mentor that she had never seen before. “Do… Do you know how this happened?” Celestia asked, recomposing herself. “Apparently, it was caused by a flower called, ‘Heart’s Desire’ the Spike had.” Twilight explained, “Last night, a common wish between Rarity and Spike unlocked the plants full potential, and it grated it for them.” “I’ve heard of it,” Celestia said, “How did Spike come to possess such a thing?” “A zebra living within the Everfree forest named Zecora.” Twilight explained, “Spike took it while her back was turned.” “Spike took it?” Celestia asked, surprised, “He wouldn’t have taken it without a good reason, Twilight.” “Which brings us to his transformation.” Twilight sighed. “So, Spike has transformed into a pony, and you’re not happy that he did.” Celestia said, “Twilight, that’s completely understandable.” “It is?” Twilight asked, “It’s not… Mean?” “Of course not,” Celestia said, relaxing Twilight, “Even I’m a bit unsure with this change of his.” “You are?!” Twilight asked, shocked that Celestia was feeling the same as her. “I’ve watched Spike grow up, Twilight,” Celestia explained, “It’s never easy to watch someone you care about change… I’m sure that this is especially true for you.” Twilight nodded. “I… I want him to change back.” “I’m sure that you do,” Celestia said softly, “But we have to take his feelings into account.” “I know…” Twilight sighed. “If this transformation was granted by a wish that he had, then we need to let him experience this for himself.” Celestia said. “You’re right.” Twilight said, till unsatisfied. “If this is what he needs to attain happiness, who are we to stop him?” Celestia asked. “I just… Feel like I’m losing a member of my family, and he’s being replaced by this strange new pony…” Twilight admitted. “I’m sure that Spike will always be Spike,” Celestia reassured, “For instance, when was the last time he asked to have ice cream for breakfast?” “…This morning.” Twilight said slowly. “He told me that he needed to ‘experience it as a pony.’” Celestia simply raised an eyebrow and smiled. “You’re right…” Twilight admitted “Maybe I should give this some time.” “Wonderful,” Celestia smiled, “Now, tell me all about Spike and Rarity!” Twilight smiled, Princess Celestia may have been one of the rulers of this land, but she loved a good story. And this sudden relationship between Spike and Rarity was the kind to pique her interest. “I don’t know all that much,” Twilight admitted, earning a slightly dejected look from the Princess, “But I know that they’ve kissed.” “I always knew that Spike would find himself somepony wonderful,” Celestia said, “I just didn’t think he was going to be experiencing it so soon.” “Me neither, Princess.” Twilight laughed, “Me neither…” /-/ Twilight was snapped out of her flashback when she heard Rarity ask where Alex and Spike had been staying. “At my Aunt an’ Uncle Oranges house,” Applejack answered. “It’s not too far from here.” “Well, I suppose that we should head over there, and try to collect them.” Rarity said, still a little sad that she had lost her shopping day. “We’re going to meet Applejacks family?” Pinkie asked, “Oh! Can we go see my family afterwards?” “You have family here?” Twilight asked. “Yesirie!” Pinkie smiled, “My Uncle Pie!” “Well… When we’re all done, reuniting Alex and Dash, it’ll be on the list.” Twilight said. “Awesome!” Pinkie beamed. “He’ll be so excited to see me!” “I’m sure he will be.” Twilight laughed. “And we’re not goin’ to meet any of my kin,” Applejack spoke up, “Only pony there is their butler Ramsley.” “A butler, you say?” Rarity asked, “This trip may turn out better than I thought.” The girls all laughed as they headed toward their next destination, The Orange residence. //// Alex and Spike walked away from the Filly Island Ferry. So far, they had eaten breakfast, gone to the Stable Building, stopped at a few museums, eaten a late lunch, gone on the ferry, seen the Mare of Liberty from it. And through all of that, Spike had only fallen asleep once. But, now they were now headed home, to meet the girls and get ready for the party. “That statue was so much taller than I thought it would be!” Spike said, “I can’t believe that you got seasick though!” “This pony is meant to stay on the ground.” Alex defended. “Besides… Did you feel the violent rocking?” “That boat was totally still!” Spike laughed. “Besides, couldn’t you just use magic to make yourself feel better?” “I cannot.” Alex laughed. “Nothing would have stopped me from ralphing.” Spike laughed for a moment, before moving onward. “Do you know the way home from here?” “Well…” Alex said, levitating the map out of Spikes bag, and opening it up, “It looks like we’ll have to turn left after a few blocks… But after that, it’s a straight walk.” “Well then, let’s get going!” Spike smiled, heading off in the direction Alex had indicated. Following the road for a few blocks, the two turned left, and entered an area filled with upper class clothing stores. And, after passing a few shops, Alex got an idea. “Hey Spike…” Alex said slowly, “What do you think of stopping on the way back?” “What do you mean…?” Spike asked. Alex simply pointed at some mannequins. “You want to get dressed up?” Spike asked. “Why?” “Girls love dapper ponies, Spike.” Alex explained. “Don’t you think Rarity will love attending that party if you’re in a tuxedo?” It didn’t take much thought for Spike to come to a conclusion. “Let’s do it!” Spike agreed, reaching into his saddlebag, and pulling out a massive bag of bits, “It’s a good thing that Princess Celestia gives Twilight such a large per diem! She had plenty to give us.” “Well, knowing the price of this stuff… We might be spending it all…” Alex said, looking through various windows. Walking down the street, Alex window shopped for the kind of tuxedo that he thought would work best for the occasion. And, after a few minutes of searching, something caught his eye. “Oh yes.” Alex grinned, “That will do nicely.” //// The girls all sat in the living room of the Oranges residence. Ramsley had shown them in a few hours ago, and had been waiting on them the entire time. “I sure hope that Alex and Spike get back soon.” Twilight said, “They’re cutting it a bit close.” “Alex cares for her, Twilight.” Rarity said, “He won’t be late.” “Darn’ tootin’!” Applejack agreed. “Yeah,” Twilight said, “I guess so.” “Would anypony like more tea?” Ramsley asked, stepping into the room. “Yes please!” Rarity said, levitating her cup to his teapot. “So, you’re the one that Master Spike has been wearing on his sweater?” Ramsley asked her. “Yes, that’s correct.” Rarity said. “He is quite taken with you,” Ramsley continued, “Last night; he couldn’t seem to stop talking about you.” “You two were talking about me?” Rarity asked, curious about what kind of conversation Ramsley and Spike would even have. “Oh, the two of us weren’t talking,” Ramsley explained, “Master Spike was talking, while I tidied the house.” Rarity blushed lightly, “What exactly did he say?” “I believe the better question is, ‘what didn’t he say?’” Ramsley smiled, “Once he started, he didn’t stop. I almost regretted bringing you up.” “How did you bring it up?” Twilight asked, very engaged in the conversation they were having. “Well, I was asking him about his sweater, and whether or not he was going to take it off.” Ramsley explained. “Of course, he fell asleep halfway through a sentence.” “Wait a moment…” Rarity asked, “What was wrong with the sweater?” Ramsley paused for a moment. He really didn’t want to answer that question. “Well… You see—” “We’re back!” Alex called from the front door, as he and Spike walked in. “Ah, well!” Ramsley said quickly, happy to be interrupted, “I’d better get something prepared for them to eat!” Walking from the entranceway, into the living room, Alex placed a large number of bags that he had been levitating, on to the floor. “Spike!” Rarity said, standing up and walking toward him, “What’s in all the—“ Suddenly, her expression was a very serious one. “Spike.” Rarity said, “What is wrong with the sweater I made you?” “Golly… That ain’t pretty!” Applejack gasped, looking at the gross sweater. “Told you.” Alex whispered in Spikes ear. “You should have listened to me a few minutes ago.” “Whatever…” Spike grumbled. As he thought back to the warning Alex had given him, a few minutes before. /-/ Walking up to the Orange Mansion, Alex stopped Spike before he entered the front door. “You should probably take that sweater off,” Alex suggested, “Rarity might be here by now.” “Na.” Spike said. /-/ “Well, Spike?” Rarity asked, yanking him out of his lengthy flashback. “What?” Spike defended, “It’s just a bit dirty!” “Spike, a drop of grape juice is a bit dirty.” Rarity said, gesturing to the large amount of stains on his clothing, “This is filthy!” “But—“ Spike tried to start. “Even my face has been covered in… What is that?” Rarity asked, “A large grease stain?” “I just—“ Spike tried again. “Have you even taken this off once?” Rarity asked, annoyed, “I expected better of you, Spike!” “But… I promised you that I wouldn’t take it off…” Spike said dejectedly, avoiding eye contact with her. “Spike… I didn’t expect you to keep such a promise.” Rarity said, softening her voice, “Especially when it comes to something like this!” “I’m sorry,” Spike said, looking back up to her, “And, to be honest… I probably would have taken it off sooner, but it was REALLY warm.” Giggling, Rarity stepped away from Spike, and levitated the sweater off of him. Tossing the sweater into a nearby laundry bin, Rarity then motioned to check out some of the bags that that Alex had carried in with them. “Nope!” Alex said quickly, levitating the bags away from Rarity, “Those are a surprise.” “Oh yeah!” Spike said, “I almost forgot!” “What kind of surprise?” Fluttershy asked, just as curious as everypony else. “Is it the kind of surprise that I can eat?” Pinkie asked, “Or is it the kind of surprise that I can swim in to?” “Uh… Neither?” Alex said, not even attempting to understand her. “Are you sure it’s a surprise then?” Pinkie asked with a very confused look on her face. “Yes, I’m sure.” Alex laughed. “Can this surprise wait?” Twilight asked, glancing at the clock. “The party starts in an hour.” “Don’t worry,” Alex said, “You guys just go get ready. Let me and Spike do our thing.” “I hope it’s worth it.” Applejack said. Alex and Spike quickly exited the room with all their bags, leaving the girls all wondering what they would see next. //// The girls all stood at the front door, and were now waiting on the boys. “How does is it taking them so long?” Twilight asked. “Well, perhaps they’re taking longer for once.” Rarity laughed. “Celestia knows that I’ve kept Spike waiting before.” “But this party isn’t a formal one.” Twilight said, “They shouldn’t take any time at all!” “Maybe they fell asleep!” Pinkie said, “Should I go check?” “That won’t be necessary.” Spike said, turning all eyes to the top of the steps. “Oh my!” Rarity said breathlessly upon seeing Spike. Alex and Spike stood at the top of the stairs, both dressed in full tuxedos. Spike wore a full black, single breasted suit jacket, with a matching black dress shirt underneath. The only thing that deviated from the complete black of his outfit was his bowtie, which was white. His normally messy hair was combed to the side, and lightly gelled down. Alex wore the exact opposite, and had on a complete white tuxedo, with a black bowtie, that had a hole cut on either side for his wings. Originally, he had thought that his own white color would make the tuxedo less noticeable. However, the pure white color of the suit was different enough from his coat to be easily differentiated. “How do we look?” Alex said smiling, knowing full well that he and Spike looked darn good. “You look great!” Fluttershy said, surprising a few of the ponies. Quickly shrinking back, she changed her answer. “Yes… You, um… Look nice.” “I completely agree with Fluttershy!” Rarity said, “You two look simply dashing!” “You two do clean up quite nicely.” Ramsley admitted. “You two are going to stick out like sore thumbs!” Twilight giggled, “Why would you dress up?” “I think the question is, why WOULDN’T you?” Spike said. “Spike is right!” Pinkie agreed, “We should have all dressed up!” “I didn’t bring anything…” Rarity said, “You won’t mind if I don’t dress up, will you Spike?” “Of course not!” Spike said. “You two are quite the pair,” Ramsley chuckled. “Just show him off, Rarity.” Alex said smiling, “But, do you think that Dash will mind that I’m dressed this way?” “She’ll just be happy to see you alive,” Twilight said. “You’re right, I could be naked and she wouldn’t care!” Alex started laughing, before slowly stopping when nopony else joined him. “Oh… Right, you guys are always naked.” The girls looked at him, all giving the ‘you don’t know this world very well,’ look. “Well, naked or not,” Applejack laughed nervously, “We’ve got to get goin’ pretty quick, here!” “Yeah,” Twilight agreed, “We don’t want to be late.” “Wait!” Pinkie said quickly, “I thought you said that I COULDN’T swim in the surprise!” The group was silent. “Well… let’s get going!” Alex said, trying his best to ignore her comment. “I have some colors to see.” //// Saying goodbye to Ramsley, the group headed from the mansion, to the party. “What are you gonna say to her?” Pinkie asked Alex. “I don’t really know…” Alex said, “It hasn’t been all that long since I saw her last.” “Well, I’m sure she’ll have plenty to say to you.” Twilight said, “You took the short road. She was stuck taking the long one.” “I really do feel terrible…” Alex said, “I’ll make up our lost time, somehow.” “About that...” Twilight said. “You still haven’t explained what happened to you.” “I know.” Alex said, “But let’s just finish this, and I promise, I’ll tell you everything.” “Right.” Twilight said, “Let’s just get Rainbow back.” “Yeah!” Pinkie shouted. //// “We’re here!” Applejack announced, as the group walked up to the stadium. Alex could feel his heart start to race. This was it. He was going to see her again… Just as long as nothing went wrong. Walking up the stone steps, the group reached the front doors. Inside, they could clearly see several ponies heading through the lobby, and out to the field, where the trainees were all waiting. Walking inside, Alex kept his eyes open for the two ponies he had already encountered, Jango and Tulip. “We should hurry,” Alex said, “Before those two henchponies notice us comin—“ “Alex, buddy!” Jango said, stepping beside him. “How long has it been?” “Look… We’re just here to see Rainbow Dash.” Alex said. “You know I can’t let you do that.” Jango said. “Excuse me?” Twilight asked, “You can’t LET us?” “I’m afraid not,” Jango said, “Boss told me to keep you and your friends out.” “I may not be able to cast any magic,” Alex said, “But I feel like we could take you in a fight.” “All of you could probably beat me senseless, but do you know who you couldn’t beat?” Jango asked. Suddenly, the very massive pony, Tulip, was standing on the other side of Alex. “I could just start shouting my name.” Alex said, “I’m sure that word would get to her about the crazy pony in the lobby screaming ‘Alex.’” “You would only get one syllable into that word, before Tulip would shut you up.” Jango threatened. “Right big guy?” Tulip was silent. He didn’t really want to do this, but, it didn’t look like he had a choice. “He can hurt you.” Jango said, glaring at Tulip. “I figured that you say something along those lines.” Alex sighed. “Now, if you’d be so kind, as to leave.” Jango said, gesturing toward the entrance. Alex growled. “We’ll find a way in here, regardless.” “I doubt that,” Jango laughed, “Comet’s so excited about your friend joining the team, that she’s beefed up security ten-fold, just to keep YOU out!” “So, you plan on using a bunch of hired muscle to keep me and my friends from a party?” Alex asked, shocked that Comet would go to such lengths to keep him out. “Well, today and tomorrow.” Jango said. “Just long enough for her sign with the team.” “She’ll find out that I’m here.” Alex said, “Even if I just have to pay somepony to come in here and tell her for me.” Jango frowned. Alex had a point. No matter what Comet did, whether it was blocking magic, or hiring muscle, she wouldn’t be able to keep Alex out. He would find a way. “Well, try whatever you like.” Jango said. “We’re locking the doors after you leave, so nopony is going to be telling her anything tonight.” Alex grunted then turned around. “Come on everypony, let’s go.” “Just like that?” Rarity asked in disbelief. “If we all just ran, one of us might be able to reach her!” “They have magic,” Alex said, “We don’t.” Twilight sighed, “He has a point.” “What are we going to do then?” Pinkie asked sadly. “I don’t know.” Alex said, “But there are plenty of options, we’ll get it done, no matter what.” Spike looked back at Tulip as him and Jango walked away. Something was up with that Pony… “I wish there was somethin’ we could do sooner…” Applejack sighed. “Me too…” Fluttershy agreed. “We’ll think of something,” Twilight said, “And we’ll get her back.” //// Rainbow Dash stood in the field alone, and watched her fellow trainees talking with their family and friends. Where were her friends? “Dash!” Comet called, walking toward her from the arena. “What’s up? Where are your friends?” “I… I don’t know.” Dash said. “They told me they’d be here…” “That’s weird,” Comet lied, “Are you sure that they know the right day?” “You don’t know my friend Twilight,” Dash answered, “She’d never forget something this important.” “Well, is there any reason that she wouldn’t come?” Comet asked, feigning concern. “Well… We had a fight before I left, but from the letters she’s written, I thought that we were past it!” Dash explained, “Maybe their train is late… I should go check.” “Oh, no!” Comet said quickly, “I’ll check for you, alright? You don’t want them to arrive while you’re away, do you?” “You’d do that?” Dash asked happily, “Thanks!” “No problem Rainbow.” Comet said, “You just hang around, I’ll go find out for you.” “Alright,” Dash smiled, “Let me know what you figure out!” “Of course Dash,” The Red pony said, “I’ll get right on it.” Turning her back to Dash, Comet smirked, and walked away. //// The group had arrived back at the Oranges estate, and had headed off to various places around the house. Alex had just sat down with Ramsley, in hopes that he could help come up with a solution to their problem. “I’m sorry that your endeavor was a failure, yet again.” Ramsley consoled the group of ponies. “We’re not out of the game yet.” Alex said, “We just need to think of something that will get her attention… Something that will keep her from going through with the contract.” “Well, the big race is tomorrow, correct?” Ramsley asked. “Yeah, but it’s first thing in the morning.” Alex answered. “Hmm…” Ramsley thought, “Perhaps I could arrange for somepony to cast a spell in the sky big enough for her to see.” “You could do that?” Alex asked. “Of course,” Ramsley smiled, “I have a friend that could help me with that.” Alex thought for a moment. “Could they stop that from happening?” “They could always tint the barrier surrounding the stadium,” Ramsley replied, “Or… Have somepony write something bigger in front of it.” “Not that I guess…” Alex said, “How about an invisibility spell?” “Wouldn’t work beyond the barrier.” Ramsley said. “How about sending somepony in?” Alex asked “Security will be on them long before they could tell her anything.” Ramsley said. “I guess so.” Alex sighed. “Could we take the barrier down somehow?” Alex asked. “I’m afraid not.” Ramsley answered, “Not unless you can find the unicorn casting it.” “And he’s probably…” Alex started. “In the stadium now.” Ramsley finished. Alex slammed his hoof down on the table in anger. “This is ridiculous!” He shouted. “Calm yourself.” Ramsley asked politely. “Let’s keep thinking.” Sighing, Alex went back to thinking. “So… what WON’T work?” “Flying in, walking in, teleporting in, making a sign, sending somepony in… Hmmm.” Ramsley said, earning a look from Alex. “What?” Alex asked. “Well, if you could send somepony in, what would the criteria be?” Ramsley asked. “Somepony we trusted to get the job done… But that would have to be somepony that isn’t associated with us to them.” Alex explained. “But… Everypony was seen tonight. They’ll know us.” “Well… Not ALL of us.” Ramsley said, smiling. “Wait, you mean… You?” Alex asked. “As long as I don’t run into the head guard, I think everything will be fine.” Ramsley explained, “I think I could get to her before security roughed me up.” “You’d do that for us?” Alex asked. “Well, the sooner you get your friend, the sooner I have the house to myself.” Ramsley smiled. “Of course.” Alex laughed. “Alright, let’s do it.” “Perhaps we should let the others know.” Ramsley suggested. “Right!” Alex said, “I’ll grab them.” //// Normally, Dash didn’t like standing in one place for too long, but right now, she didn’t care. Right here, her friends would see her as soon as they walked out on to the field. At first, she had been convinced that they would show up. However, as the hours passed, her hope started to fade. Eventually, the family and friends of the other trainees started to leave, until only a few stragglers were left. “No friends yet?” Comet asked “…No.” Dash sighed sadly. “Well… I checked the train schedule for you, and I looks like the train showed up on time this morning.” Comet said, “And no ponies matching your friends’ descriptions were on it.” Dash felt like she had been punched in the chest. Her friend didn’t come? “I’m truly sorry Dash.” Comet said, “Look, why don’t you come inside? We can talk about this over something to eat.” “I just… Wanna wait a few more minutes…” Dash said slowly, “Maybe they teleported here… Or Pinkie brought them in on one of her contraptions…” “Your choice” Comet said. “Join me whenever you feel ready.” Dash was silent. Comet simply turned her back and headed away. She felt a pang of guilt, but quickly pushed it from her mind. This was for the good of the team. Nothing else mattered right now. //// “You’re okay with doing that?” Twilight asked Ramsley. “Of course!” Ramsley said again, “I’ve seen too much for it all to end sadly.” “That’d sure help a bunch!” Applejack said, smiling. “You’re a very selfless pony.” Fluttershy complemented. “You’re quite sure that you could get to her?” Rarity asked. “Of course.” Ramsley answered. “I know that stadium like the back of my hoof.” “Nothing could possibly go wrong.” Alex said. “Why would you say that?!” Pinkie asked. “Now something IS going to go wrong!” “Calm down Pinkie,” Twilight said, “This is real life. Things don’t just ‘go wrong’ in real life.” “Well, now that the plan is decided,” Ramsley started, “What would everypony like for dinner?” “Oh!” Spike said quickly, “You should go get some more of that Pizza!” Ramsley looked around the room, and if seemed like everypony was on board with the idea. “Well, I guess it’s settled then,” Ramsley said, “Everypony relax here, and I’ll go out and pick up the food.” The group collectively thanked him as he headed out of the living room, toward the front door. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Ramsley called, heading out the front door, and closing it behind him. “I really like him,” Alex said, “I need a butler like him.” “I agree!” Twilight smiled, “He’d be a huge help around the library.” Spike immediately turned to Twilight, “But… You have me, right?” “Of course,” Twilight said quickly, “He could never do a better job than Spike!” “I don’t know,” Alex said, missing the fact that she was trying to cheer Spike up. “Spike is always screwing up—“ Alex was cut off as Rarity bonked him on the back of the head, making all the girls all start to laugh. “With Rainbow Dash gone, somepony has to keep you in line!” Rarity said. “Spike is great!” Alex said, smiling at Spike “He’s just… the best at book stacking!” Again, Alex was smacked on the side of the head. Spike laughed, “Those magic hands that Twilight makes for me aren’t quite the same, you know?” “I need to work with those, myself.” Alex said. “Well, I can-“ Spike began, before being cut off by a knock at the door. “Who could that be?” Twilight asked, “Ramsley wouldn’t be back so soon…” The group collectively got up, and watched as Alex approached the front door. Looking out the peep hole, Alex was confused when he saw no one outside. As soon as Alex opened the door, he grabbed by a levitation spell, that brought him off the ground. Before anypony was able to do anything, the house was quickly filled with a large number of the henchponies that had been at the stadium. Once the group filled the entrance way, Jango and Tulip entered the front door. “What are you doing here?” Twilight asked angrily. “Well, as your friend so politely told me, I wouldn’t be able to stop you from getting to Rainbow Dash.” Jango explained, “So, the only thing I could think of, was to take you out of the picture entirely.” “What’s that mean?” Applejack asked, taking a fighting stance. “I’ll just put you and your friends ‘away’ for a few hours, until your friend has become an official Wonderbolt.” Jango laughed. “You think that you’re going to be able to just take us?” Alex asked, “Twilight could squash all of you with one spell!” “Well, we’d better move fast then,” Jango laughed, as he turned to his henchponies, “Go!” Suddenly, everypony else was engulfed in the same levitation field. “Don’t worry,” Jango said, “In a few hours, it’ll all be over.” Then, instantly, everypony was teleported away, leaving only Jango and Tulip. “This is just too easy.” Jango laughed, walking into the house a few steps and examining some pictures on a mantle. “The Oranges? I wonder what business they had with them.” “FAMILY!” Tulip shouted. “I didn’t know you were smart enough to figure something like that out.” Jango said, levitating one of the pictures off the shelf and laughed. “Hmm… This butler of theirs looks like somepony I used to know.” Tulip’s eye simply twitched. Dropping the picture on the floor, Jango chuckled. “Get us out of here.” Tulip sighed. He didn’t like all the kidnapping and overall mean-ness of Jango. But, he was the boss. So, he had to comply. “What’s taking you so long?!” Jango snapped. Quickly casting the spell, Tulip teleported himself and Jango away. //// Alex felt himself suddenly drop a few inched out of the air, and onto a hard floor. “Ouch..”. Alex said, beginning to stand up, before Fluttershy dropped on his head. Everypony was teleported into the large room, and were similarly dropped on the floor. Looking around, Alex saw nothing special about the cell that he had been brought to. It was a large completely stone room, that had four walls, and a single door, with a small window halfway down it, presumably so they could be watched through it. Shaking his head, Alex slid his head out from under Fluttershy, and stood up. “Is everypony okay?” Alex asked the group, earning several mumbles. “Hello everypony!” Jango said, teleporting himself into the room. “How do you like your accommodations?” Deciding that he had had enough, Alex attempted cast a levitation spell on Jango, but found himself unable. “Come now, Alex.” Jango laughed, “No spells here.” Alex growled. What had been with all the anti-magic stuff recently? It was starting to get out of hoof. “Listen up, kiddies.” Jango announced, “You’re going to be here for the next, oh, say, twelve hours. But, you have my word of honor, that as soon as Dash sighs her contract, you’ll all be free to go.” “Word of honor, huh?” Alex asked, “Tell me, what is that exactly worth?” “Almost nothing.” Jango laughed. “Now, everypony relax, I’ll come get you in a few hours.” Turning around, Jango walked to the door, and exited the room. Alex would have chased him, but was still a little woozy from the transport. “Have a nice night, Ladies.” Jango said, said from behind the door, as he walked away. “Hey!” Twilight called, stumbling as she tried to stand up. However, he was long gone before she was able to walk properly. “What a meanie!” Pinkie said. “You can say that again!” Rarity agreed. “What are we going to do?” Spike asked, standing up, and moving next to Rarity. Applejack stood up, and shook her head, “How strong do ya’ figure that door is?” “Strong.” Alex said, inspecting the thick metal shape of the door. “No offence, but not even you could kick this thing open.” Applejack checked out the door herself, and reluctantly nodded. “What are we going to do…?” Fluttershy asked quietly. Nopony said a thing. Fluttershy simply squeaked unhappily, and looked downward. “Let’s not give up!” Twilight said, “We can think of something!” “Yeah!” Pinkie agreed, “We can’t just give up!” “What are we going to do though?” Alex asked, still feeling defeated. “Well… We still have one ace in the hole.” Twilight said, “Ramsley is still out there.” “What could he possibly do?” Rarity asked, “He’s a butler!” “Well, if this place has an anti-magic barrier, then chances are that we were brought to the stadium itself!” Twilight worked out. “He’s a smart pony. I’m sure that he’ll figure that out somehow.” “You’re putting a lot of faith in him.” Alex said, “I can’t help but agree though. He knows what he’s doing.” “I sure hope so…” Fluttershy said quietly. “Don’ worry Fluttershy,” Applejack said, consoling her, “This’ll all work out, just you wait!” “You guys are right.” Spike added, “I’d hate for this—“ Spike promptly fell over, asleep. “Boy, that’s a great omen.” Twilight giggled, “Come on everypony. We can’t solely depend on Ramsley, so let’s work on our own escape plan.” //// Ramsley walked down the street, back toward the mansion, floating a couple of large pizzas along with him. As he approached the manor, he immediately noticed that something was off, as the front door was open, and nopony could be seen around it. Walking through the front door, Ramsley looked toward the living room, and saw that it was empty. “Where is everypony?” Ramsley muttered to himself, as he walked forward. His preliminary investigation of the house was cut short when he stepped on a piece of glass on the floor. Looking down, Ramsley noticed that it wasn’t just a piece of glass that he had stepped on, but a picture. Looking closer, he saw that the picture was one of him, and the Oranges. “Why was this dropped?” Ramsley said to himself, as he set the pizza down next to him. Looking up, Ramsley noticed something else… In the place that Rarity had been sitting previously, there was instead, a broken teacup. It didn’t take long for him to piece together what happened. They had been taken by… Somepony. Which, again, took little thought to figure out. “Jango.” Ramsley growled. Trying to further understand the situation, Ramsley worked through the problem. First, how were they taken? Twilight and Alex were both gifted magic users, and wouldn’t go down without a fight. So, they must have been taken by surprise. Second, why hadn’t they simply teleported themselves back? Wherever they were, they weren’t using magic. So, that either meant that they were unconscious, or that they were being kept from casting anything. Then, all at once, it clicked. Wonder Stadium. If there was one place in Manehattan that they could be kept powerless, it would be there. Unfortunately, there were several places that they could be, as the stadium itself wasn’t the only thing encompassed by the barrier. There were a couple of various fields, for various sports, a parking garage for parade floats, and Wonder Blimp. The stadium also had a network of underground storage areas that were completely empty. He knew the upper level of the stadium off by heart, but the underground section was a different story. Quickly walking to his room, Ramsley pulled out a box from the back of his closet that contained a couple of things he could use to help himself out. The box contained an old maintenance map for the stadium, a pamphlet with instructions on using magic within the barrier, his old Wonderbolt-Blue suit, and, at the very bottom, a picture of Chaser Sighing, Ramsley slipped the picture into the pocket of his old suit as he levitated it out. He was going to study the map until he had it memorized, use the pamphlet to recall the magic for use in the stadium, and then, suit up. He knew that it would take him a few hours to get all that done. So, he got to work immediately. Ramsley hadn’t felt this kind of rush in years. Still, he understood why. He was about to walk into Wonder Stadium, and single hoofedly rescue a group of ponies in trouble. Then, reunite one of them with the mare he loved. It wouldn’t be easy… But it sure as heck would be awesome. //// Alex lay on his back, and counted the dots on the ceiling. More time had passed than he cared to count. And he was sure that the race would be starting sometime soon. Everypony had tried their best to get out, but had no luck. Rarity had tried flattery with the guard outside the door, but had failed. Pinkie had told the best joke she could come up with, but simply insulted the guard’s mother. Fluttershy had given the guard the saddest look she could muster, but had no luck. Applejack threatened the guard. He simply laughed at her. Twilight tried to explain the consequences that he would face once Princess Celestia got wind of this, but he simply didn’t believe her. Everypony had expected Alex to do something himself, but he couldn’t come up with a single thing. Now, everypony sat around in silence, feeling completely defeated. “Does everypony hear that?” Twilight asked, “I think I can hear the guests arriving.” Listening, the group could easily hear the light thudding of hoofsteps above them. “I guess that’s it then.” Alex sighed. “Don’t say that!” Pinkie encouraged. “I’m sure that Mr. Ramsley is on his way right now!” “Come on, Pinkie.” Alex said, “He would have been here hours ago.” Their conversation was cut off when they heard a loud grunt come from outside the door. Standing up, Alex walked over to the door, and peeped out the glass. All he could see was the guard pony unconscious on the floor. “What the…?” Alex started, as the door was unlocked. The door slid open, and revealed a very happy Ramsley. “Ramsley!” The group collectively said. “It’s good to see everypony.” Ramsley smiled, “But, I’m not a butler right now, so… Call me Ram.” “I’ll call you whatever you want me to!” Alex said happily, “How’d you find us?” “Well, it didn’t take much figuring.” Ram explained, “This is the kind of thing that Jango would do.” Alex couldn’t help but notice that Ramsley was no longer wearing his suit, which exposed his cutie mark. And, to his surprise, it was a shooting star. However, now wasn’t the time to ask for a back story. He would find out once this was all over. “What time is it?” Twilight asked. “The sun came up about an hour ago.” Ram explained, “So we need to get moving.” “You don’t remember the teleportation spell by any chance, do you?” Alex asked. “I’m afraid that I don’t.” Ram sighed, “I tried to re verse myself in the magic here, but, I ran out of time. I would have been here much sooner had I not spent so much time trying to use those spells again.” “Oh well,” Alex said, “We just need to get out of here, and find Dash.” “Right.” Ram agreed. “We just have to head out the way I came. We’ll come out at the garage, and then we’ll have cross the fields, enter the stadium, and get to the racetrack.” “Is that all?” Alex laughed. “Let’s hurry.” Ram said. “I didn’t encounter much resistance on the way here. I think most of the henchponies are stationed upstairs.” “What’s going to stop them from teleporting us again?” Twilight asked. “We’ll just have to take them by surprise.” Ram said. “Wonderful.” Rarity sighed. //// Dash looked out the door of the change room, and felt her heart pound. The stands were absolutely filled. She knew that without a doubt she’d win. In fact, she had even been saving up a special move for the end of the race. She was going to perform a Sonic Rainboom as she crossed the finish line. It wasn’t to prove herself further to Comet, or Spitfire. It was for the crowd. This would be a day they would remember “Hey Dash,” Spitfire said walking into the change room. “You ready to become a Wonderbolt?” “I… I guess.” Dash said quietly. “You don’t sound very sure of yourself.” Spitfire said, slowly. “Well, my friends didn’t come to the party last night…” Dash explained, “Maybe it’s because they didn’t want me to go through with this.” “You told me that being a Wonderbolt has always been your life goal.” Spitfire said, “So, why wouldn’t your friends what that either?” “I guess that makes sense,” Dash sighed, still a bit unconvinced. “Look, I’m sure that they have a very good reason for missing last night.” Spitfire consoled, “They’ll be here today, I’m sure of it.” “Thanks.” Dash said, feeling a little better. “I guess I’d better get ready, huh?” Spitfire nodded, and headed back toward the door she had entered in. “Good luck, Dash. Make me proud out there.” Turning to her locker, Dash opened it, and pulled out the Wonderbolt suit, that she and all the other trainees had received for this race. She was going to go out there, and she was going to win this. After all, this had always been her dream… This is what she wanted! …Right? //// Everypony walked through the seemingly endless maze of tunnels, underneath Wonder Stadium. Ram kept at the front of the group, leading everypony out the way he had come in. Still, he couldn’t help but feel that something was wrong. “I can’t believe that Jango wasn’t watching us a bit closer…” Alex said, looking around. “One guard? That’s all you’ve seen so far?” Ram nodded. “I don’t know what to say.” “Maybe he underestimated us,” Spike suggested, “Maybe he thought one would be enough.” Suddenly, a voice boomed over the intercom. “Attention! Post six hasn’t called in his scheduled status report. Team blue and green dispatch and investigate!” “Fantastic.” Rarity said sarcastically. “What do we do?” Fluttershy asked, clearly panicking. Everypony started talking at once. They all tried to get their voice heard, but in the end, it was just a mesh of incoherent chatter. “Does anypony hear that noise?” Pinkie asked loudly, quieting the group down. Listening carefully, it only took Alex a few seconds to figure out what the noise was. And he didn’t like it one bit. “What is it?” Ram asked, seeing the look that Alex wore. “Tulip.” Alex said. After a few seconds, it became too clear to everypony else. The sound of fast running, paired with the horrifying “YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!” “I don’t think that we’ll stand a chance against this guy.” Alex said. As much as everypony hated to admit it, they agreed with Alex. This pony was not one that they would want to get on the bad side of. And, unfortunately, they were probably already there. “Wait!” Spike said, “I have an idea!” “What?” Twilight asked. “I think we can talk sense into him!” Spike said. Twilight sighed. “Spike, have you seen that pony?” “Yeah… But, I can do it! Haven’t you seen the way that he’s been treated?” Spike asked. “Spike, you’ll just get yourself hurt!” Rarity said, “Please don’t do anything reckless.” The shouting wasn’t far now. He would be on them in only a few seconds. Taking a step forward, Spike put himself in the front of the group. “Spike!” Twilight shouted, “Get back, NOW!” Spike ignored her, as he watched Tulip come into sight, as he turned a corner at the end of the hall. “Spike…” Alex said beside Spike, “Are you sure about this?” “Just trust me.” Spike asked. “Please.” “Alright.” Alex said, stepping back. “Good luck.” Seeing the group, Tulip slowed his pace, until he eventually stopped, only a few steps away from Spike. “You have to let us go!” Spike said. Tulip simply stared at him, not making a noise. “This pony behind me has to get to Rainbow Dash!” Spike said, gesturing to Alex. “WHY?” Tulip asked, scaring the whole group with his massive volume. “Well... Because he cares about her!” Spike explained. Tulip raised an eyebrow, but again, remained silent. “Haven’t you ever cared about somepony?” Spike asked him. The truth was, Tulip used to care about somepony. Somepony very special. “How would you feel if something tried to keep her away from you?” Spike asked. She had moved away… To Canterlot. “Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to make sure that you could see her?” Spike continued. He would have followed her, but he never had the money. “Even if it meant taking an amazing flyer away from the Wonderbolts, against the team managers wishes?” Spike finished. Then, as if something inside him had broken, Tulip let out the single, most manly tear any of them had ever seen. It ran down his cheek, collected on his chin, and fell to the floor. Tulip then stepped aside, allowing a clear path for them to continue. Everypony couldn’t believe what they had just witnessed. Spike, a thoroughly small pony, had just made the largest, and scariest pony any of them had ever seen, cry. Rarity had never been so attracted to him in her entire life. “We’ll need your help to get out of here.” Spike said. Tulip nodded. Everypony erupted into cheering. Never in a million years had any of them seen that coming. They all congratulated Spike, as they started heading forward again, knowing full well that time was tight. Getting an idea, Spike walked over to Tulip, and whispered something in his ear. Alex watched as Tulip nodded, and then bent his front legs, lowering himself to the ground. Spike then jumped up, and sat human style on Tulips back. “W-what are you doing?” Alex asked, cracking up, “You’re not a dragon anymore Spike!” “Don’t take this away from me!” Spike said defensively. “We don’t have time for this,” Ram said, “We need to get out of here. We’re almost to the exit.” Suddenly, Alex felt that familiar feeling. That sudden rush of power within him, that had shown up the night he was taken by The Doctor, and so many times before that. Looking around, Alex saw that nopony had noticed his sudden change stance. So, he was going to try his best to act normal, and hopefully, not black out again. The intercom came back online, this time, with Jango on the other side. “Tulip!” Jango said, “Those ponies are the ones that broke out! Teleport yourself back, we’re going after these guys together. I’m at the garage entrance.” “What is he going to do when you don’t show up?” Twilight asked. “Maybe he still can show up!” Pinkie suggested, “Except, he could take us with him!” “Fabulous idea, Pinkie!” Rarity said. “Can you do that?” Twilight asked him. Tulip nodded. Alex tried his best to stay focused, but he was being overwhelmed. Every time he experienced this rush, it got stronger, and took less time to take hold. It was making record time, and Alex wasn’t sure if he was even going to make it out of this place before he blacked out. After all, he wasn’t able to use up the magic as he had before, since he wasn’t able to use any magic within the barrier. “What’s taking you so long, you big oaf!” Jango bellowed. “Get up here!” “CLOSER!” Tulip shouted. Everypony except Fluttershy obeyed. “What are you doing?” Twilight asked. “We need to be around him.” “Um… Actually, I think that I’ll just stay here!” Fluttershy said, backing away. “It’s not so bad down here! In fact, I think it’s a bit nicer than my cottage!” Tulip sighed as he cast a levitation spell, pulling Fluttershy toward the group. As soon as she was within range, Tulip cast the teleportation spell, and took everypony to the front entrance. //// Rainbow Dash walked out to the race track to a thundering applause; something that she would have to get used to. Her Wonderbolt uniform was fantastic. It tightly clung to her body, allowing for more aerodynamic flight. The only piece missing was the face mask. She preferred flying without it, as it squished her face uncomfortably. At first, she had thought it to be a tailoring error, but it turned out that it was like that for everypony. On the field stood a number of ponies: her fellow trainees, Spitfire, Comet, and of course, the guests of the competing ponies. Dash had hoped that her friends had been late for some reason, and that’s why they had missed last night. But, it didn’t look like that was the case. They had simply decided not to show up, or even send her a letter. “Rainbow!” Comet called, hurrying over to Dash. “Yeah?” Dash asked, as Comet pulled her to the side a bit. “Are you ready to become part of the best flyers in Equestria?” Comet asked, making sure they were out of earshot of the other ponies. “I guess,” Dash said, non-definitively. “I just wish that my friends were here…” Comet was starting to get a little fed up with her attitude. She just wouldn’t let go. “Look… Dash,” Comet said, “This race is about you, and you alone. If they decided it wasn’t important enough to attend, then maybe they weren’t worth—“ “Don’t say that!” Dash shouted suddenly, not happy with the way Comet was talking about her friends. “Those ponies are my best friends, and I KNOW that they wouldn’t miss this unless something big came up!” Comet scolded herself for being so careless in her choice of words. “I didn’t mean to insult your friends, Dash.” Comet explained, trying to do as much damage control as possible. “What I meant to say is… that this is your moment, and you need to do this for yourself!” Dash sighed. She couldn’t stop now just because her friends hadn’t shown up. She would have plenty of opportunity to tell them what happened later. “So go out there, and give ‘em hay!” Comet said, “You got that?” Dash nodded. This was happening. “Okay.” //// “Tulip!” Jango shouted, seeing the group appear in front of him, “What are you doing? And why is that pony riding you?” “He’s doing that right thing!” Spike shouted back, “And I’m riding him, because I feel that it fits the moment!” Alex squinted, he was starting to get tired. Just as he had the last few times this had happened to him. “You’ll regret this, Tulip!” Jango said angrily as he looked over the ponies in front of him. “Wait a minute… You…” Jango and Ram’s eyes met. “Jango.” Ram said, stepping forward from the group. “Do you remember me?” Jango couldn’t believe it. The pony from that picture at the Orange mansion was indeed the pony he used to work with. “Ram.” Jango said back. “Have you missed me?” Ram asked. “What are the chances?” Jango laughed, “How serendipitous… Why are you even here?” “I’m here to make sure that they get to their friend before she signs her life away. And unless you got a lot better at fighting, I suggest that you step aside.” Ram explained Alex tried to focus on the exchange in front of him, but was close to the blackout point. He had been fighting it as hard as he could, but knew that he was going to lose the fight any time now. “You can try as hard as you want to leave, but I’ll just teleport you all to one of the many rooms under here!” Jango threatened, “I’d like to see Tulip find you in time!” “That can’t happen!” A voice said to Alex. Suddenly, Alex was feeling much more awake. It was happening… But it wasn’t the same. “So, we’re all going to stand right here, for the next, oh… ten minutes?” Jango instructed, “More than enough time for your little friend to win her race.” “I’ll stop this guy…” The voice said again, making Alex gulp. It was the same voice that Alex had heard before. It was the same voice that he had had in his dream. “And don’t even try to teleport them out of here, Tulip!” Jango said, “I’ll make sure one of them gets real hurt in the process!” “Lording magic over all of us like that. Let’s see how strong he is when everypony has none!” Alex felt himself lose control of his body. But, this time it was different. He was still conscious. “Hey Boba!” Dax said through Alex. “You think you’re so tough?” “Boba?” Jango asked. “Jango,” Dax corrected, smiling cockily. “Wrong movie.” Leaning forward, Dax started to casting the first spell that came to his mind. Jango chucked as he watched Dax attempt to cast a spell. “Sorry champ.” Jango laughed, “No magic here. I thought you knew that!” “This isn’t magic,” Dax laughed, “This is much more powerful than that.” A shockwave originated from the tip of his horn, and exploded outward at an incredible velocity, quickly encompassing everypony. “W-what did you just do?” Jango asked, trying to cast his teleportation spell, “I can’t use my magic!” Everypony turned and look at Alex, completely shocked. “I just wanted to level the playing field.” Dax laughed, panting slightly. “What… Who are you?” Twilight asked. “Dax,” Dax replied, winking at Twilight. “I’m sure that you’d all love a nice long explanation, but I used up most of my time here, casting that spell.” “B-but…” Twilight stammered. “I’m someone new, but something old.” Dax explained vaguely. “I’m a side of Alex that none of you knew existed.” “Where did you come from?” Rarity asked. “Chaotic Magic, Discord… Take your pick.” Dax said, “You can ponder that for a while. In the meantime, I’ll give you your friend back.” Suddenly, Dax collapsed on the floor, as everypony surrounded him. “Are you okay?!” Applejack asked. “He’s… Sharing his body?” Rarity asked. “I’ll bet this had something to do with Alex disappearing.” Twilight said. “There are two ponies in there?” Pinkie asked. “How does he fit them in?” “I’ve never seen anything like this…” Ram said. “Did… Did that just happen?” Alex said, wobbling as he stood up, relieved that the power had disappeared. “You… Changed.” Twilight said uneasily. “Crap. I guess it did.“ Alex sighed. “You guys!” Spike shouted, “Jango is making a break for it!” “Teleport us to the stadium now that he’s gone!” Applejack said. Tulip grunted, and tied his best to cast them a spell. But, he was able unable to use magic. “Looks like Al—Dax cut everypony off,” Spike said. “No just Jango.” “We should have teleported when we had the chance.” Alex sighed. “He’s getting away…” Fluttershy said quietly. “We have to follow him!” Alex said suddenly, turning around, and heading for the door as best he could. Everypony stood in place behind Alex, still a bit baffled at what had just happened. “Hurry!” Alex shouted, “If we stop now, we might lose Dash!” //// Rainbow stood at the starting line for the race. Her competition looked nervous. Something that she had expected to feel herself... However, for some reason, she was content. Perhaps it was because she knew she was going to win… Or maybe because there was nopony here for her to disappoint, if she were to lose. “Alright everypony!” Spitfire called, “This is going to be just like the races from practice, with one small exception. There are going to be ten laps!” A quiet murmuring broke out amongst the trainees. “We want to see how long it takes everypony to finish, and just how tired they’ll be!” Spitfire said. Dash wasn’t fazed. Endurance was never her weak suit. All that she wanted, was to get this race over with, so that she could move on. “Hey Dashie.” A voice whispered in her ear. Instinctively jumping back, Dash was perturbed to see Cuddly Bear standing right beside her, giving her the same smile he always gave her. “I sure hope you do good today.” Cuddly said, “You smell great. Have I told you that?” Dash went wide eyed. She just wanted to fly away, and never look back. “You should probably let me get back to listening to Spitfire…” Dash said, praying he would get the hint. “Alrighty….” Cuddly said, staring into her eyes. “I’ll be waiting for you at the finish line…” Dash gulped. Maybe she shouldn’t finish this race. //// “Where are we?” Twilight asked, adjusting her eyes to the bright morning sun. “We’re as far from the stadium as we could possibly be.” Ram said dejectedly. “How convieniant.” “Is it too far for Fluttershy to fly?” Alex asked. “Even if she did make it, the security would stop her.” Ram explained, “If only we had something that they couldn’t…” Ram thought for a moment, and then smiled. “The blimp!” Ram exclaimed. “Uh, I don’t think that’s going to work…” Spike said slowly. Turning, Ram watched as the massive garage door finished opening, and the huge blue blimp started to roll out on to the grass in front of them. “Jango!” Ram shouted. “I should have stopped him when I had the chance…” “Can’t we stop it?” Alex asked, watching the blimp’s massive propellers push it upward. “Not unless you have any more of that super-magic.” Ram said. “I can’t control it…” Alex said, trying his best to think. “There’s gotta be something…” “Fluttershy, Can you chase it?” Twilight asked, turning to the pony, who had been hidden in the back. “I’m not Rainbow Dash…” Fluttershy said, “I’m not that fast.” “If only we had another blimp.” Ram said to himself. “Oh, we do!” Pinkie smiled. “We can take mine!” “…What?” Alex and Ram said together. Pinkie trotted off to the garage next to the one Jango had come out of, and disappeared into the door. After a moment, the garage door opened, just as it had before, and out rolled a bright pink balloon, with a matching gondola. “What in the name of Celestia…?” Twilight gasped. Pinkie stuck her head out the window, and smiled brightly. “All aboard! We have a Rainbow to catch!” //// “-and finally, good luck to each of you!” Spitfire finished as she got herself in position to start the race. Dash leaned forward and flared her wings. It was almost time for her dream to come true… The dream she wasn’t even sure about. “Ready!” Spitfire shouted. Comet smiled. In a few minutes, Dash would cross the finish line, and officially become the next Wonderbolt. Something even Princess Celestia herself couldn’t change. “Set!” Spitfire continued. “This is it…” Dash said quietly “Go!” //// Pinkie’s blimp sped after Jango, in the team blimp, in an attempt to get to the stadium first. Everypony had piled into the large metal gondola that hung from the huge balloon. Inside, was a wheel and some dials, a bunch a chairs, and a balcony that could be used when the blimp was simply floating, and not moving. Alex couldn’t help but laugh at the situation he was in, and how he got to it. There were so many things that went wrong. He could have gone straight to Dash when he first arrived, instead of asking for her. He could have written the note on the paper airplane himself, he could have gotten Twilight or somepony else to go in and find her. He could have even just gotten Tulip to teleport them to the stadium immediately after they befriended him. But, he hadn’t had the foresight. “We’re almost past him!” Pinkie announced. The massive pink blimp was about to inch ahead of the Wonderbolt blimp, but Jango refused to give them the lead, and instead turned his blimp into theirs. “Everypony hold onto something!” Twilight shouted as the blimps collided. The hit that Pinkie’s blimp took wasn’t a good one. The propellers on the Wonderbolt blimp tore a hole in the balloon, starting a loud hiss that was heard by everypony. “That meanie pants!” Pinkie shouted, “We’re leaking!” “What do we do?” Rarity asked desperately, “I’m too young to die!” “We need to get to safety somehow!” Spike said, still sitting on Tulips back. Then, Alex got an idea. “Pinkie, Take this blimp as high as you can!” Alex said to her. “We need to be goin’ lower!” Applejack argued. “Can we please go lower?” Fluttershy said, shaking in fear. “If we break the barrier, Twilight can teleport you guys to safety!” Alex said, “And, going higher will allow me to get on to the Wonder blimp!” “How do you know if we’re able to even use magic, after that weird spell you cast?” Twilight asked. “He canceled out the ability to use magic in the barrier completely.” Alex explained, “Don’t ask me how I know that… Because I just do.” “Alright.” Twilight said. “How are you going to get across thought?” Alex walked to the balcony, and opened the door. “I’ll jump here.” Alex shouted over the wind that blew through the open door. “Alright Pinkie, take her up!” Pinkie complied, and started to ascend the blimp. Gauging his distance, Alex waited for the gondolas to line up for him. And, as soon as they did, he threw caution to the wind that was current whipping past him, and jumped. Alex had a plan. One that he wasn’t sure would work, but he was going to try nevertheless. This was worth the risk. Everypony ran to the ledge of the balcony, and watched Alex fall down several feet before spreading his wings, and gliding the last of the distance to the balcony of the other blimp. “Holy buck.” Alex gasped, happy that he had learned proper gliding from Dash. All of his friends wished him luck. //// Dash sped along the track. For some reason, the laps felt like they took longer during this race. Of course, she knew that she was still moving at the same speed as she always had. Still, when you’re hyper aware of something you’re doing, it always tends to take longer. Dash was even listening to every word that was being said by the announcer said. “In the lead, is the amazing Rainbow Dash!” The commentator announced over the intercom, “She’s just starting her fourth lap, and is showing no signs of slowing down!” //// Alex opened the door to the blimp, and stepped inside. Jango turned around and snarled. “What do you think you’re doing?” “I’m here to stop the race!” Alex barked. “And you think that just because I’m without magic, that you’ll be able to stop me?” Jango asked. “I’ll do whatever I have to.” Alex said looking out the window. They were almost over the stadium. He would have to work fast. “Let me tell you something,” Jango growled, “Unless you’ve taken years of combat training, You’re going to be in some real trouble.” It was then that Alex realized that he might be a tad bit out matched. Now would be the perfect time for that alter-ego of his to appear, and save the day. “Are you ready?” Jango asked, grinning cockily. “Come on evil pony…” Alex said, hoping to coax out his alter ego. Backing up, Alex found himself at the back of the gondola, with nowhere left to go. Jango bent his hind legs, and then lunged at Alex. However, before he made contact, he was knocked away by Ram, and sent into the side of the gondola, where he got his face plastered into the window. “Not today, Jango.” Ram laughed. “How did you get in here?” Alex asked, happy to see Ramsley. “I’m a fantastic jumper.” Ram winked. “You… You don’t want to do this, Ram.” Jango said slowly, picking himself up off the floor. “There are things you don’t know.” “What is that even supposed to mean?” Ram laughed. “You’re just trying to stall!” “Just go home, and live in ignorance.” Jango said. “How stupid do you think I am?” Ram asked. “Come on, Ram.” Jango said, wincing at the volume he was speaking at. “Who do you think is behind all of this?” “Well, you!” Ram guessed, “And the team manager! You and him probably—“ “It’s a her,” Jango said, smiling, despite the pain he felt. “So?” Ram asked. “What does that have to do with anything?” “Her name, Ram. It’s… Comet.” Jango said, before laughing in a rather maniacal way. “That… That couldn’t be true!” Ram said, “C- Chaser would never do something like this!” “Who’s Chaser?” Alex asked. “Her name is… Comet Chaser…” Ram explained, “And, she used to be very special to me.” “Oh.” Alex said, understanding. “I… I can’t believe that she would ever do something like this…” Ram said, still shocked. “Look,” Alex began, “I know that this sucks… But we need to focus on getting to the ground. You can confront her then!” “Yeah...” Ram said after a moment, approaching the controls and suddenly freezing. “Um… You don’t know how to fly this by any chance, do you?” //// “Rainbow Dash is way out in front, and is almost at the start of her eighth lap, mares and gentlecolts!” The commentator said, “And if you look up right now, you can all see the Wonderbolts blimp just coming into view!” Dash glanced up. Sure enough, there it was. “It’s pretty high up there; I wonder what the pilot is doing?” The commentator said. Looking away, Dash pushed herself to fly faster. She needed to achieve a Sonic Rainboom before the end of the tenth lap, so she could finish this with a bang. //// “How do we bring this down, Jango?” Alex demanded. “You think I’m going to tell you?” Jango laughed. “We’re going to stay up here until the race is over!” Alex growled as he started to pace back and forth. What could he do? “Rainbow Dash is starting her ninth lap, everypony!” The announcer’s voice could be heard from below. Walking over to the controls, Ale tried his best to decipher which ones would have been able to help him. Still, none of the controls made sense to him. Suddenly he got an idea. It may be a bit rough though. “Ram!” Alex said, “I know what to do!” “What?” Ram asked, happy to hear a suggestion. “All we need to do is—“ “No!” Jango shouted, suddenly standing up and rushing toward Alex. He wasn’t going to let him ruin this. Unfortunately, all he had wanted to do was slow him down from getting to Dash. But, when he made contact, something much worse happened. The next thing Alex knew, he had been hit by Jango, and was knocked out the open door, and off of the blimp. “What have you done?” Ramsley shouted running to look over the edge. “I-I didn’t mean too…” Jango stammered. “It-it was an accident!” //// Alex was in free fall. His entire body flipped and spun through the air. He felt like he was going to be sick. His heart was pounding as he plummeted toward the race track. Knowing full well that his magic wouldn’t be able to help him, which left him with one alternative… His wings. “Rainbow Dash has started her final lap everypony!” The commentator announced, “We almost have ourselves a winner!” Alex was high enough to know that gliding down would take too long. So, he was going to have to speed himself up. Stiffening his body, Alex clamped his arms to his side, and kept his legs straight out behind him. He was going to plummet headfirst toward the ground. That was so much better than falling slowly. Alex watched Dash as she progressed around the track, and noticed something. The air around her was starting to warp. She was moving fast. Faster than he had ever seen. She was going to finish this race soon, and that meant that he needed to speed up himself. Spreading his wings, Alex started to pump as hard as he could. He could feel his speed increase with every pump. And he hoped that it would be enough to get himself to her in time. Dash made her final turn at the end of the loop, and was now gunning straight for the finish line. Alex adjusted himself, and clamped his wings to his side once again, and waited for the right moment. It was going to be close. “I’m coming, Colors!” Alex shouted, flaring his wings, and rapidly decelerating. //// “This is it…” Dash said to herself. “Just a little more…” Dash sped up again, making sure that she would make her Rainboom just as she passed the finish line. But, just as she got to the last leg, she heard a voice bellow from above her. Looking up, Dash watched as a Pegasus plummeted right toward her. And before she knew it, she had collided with the pony, which sent the two of them into the ground, skipping along toward the finish line like rag dolls. The crowd gasped as they watched the whole event play out. They finally came to a stop only a few feet away from the finish. Looking up, Dash groaned in pain. The entire audience was silent. In her daze, the only things she could think of, was getting herself over the finish line. Standing up, Dash staggered toward the finish line. Her mind started to clear as she approached the line. She certainly hadn’t expected somepony to fall out of the sky. At first, she was angry at the pony, but she quickly realized that they could be really hurt too. But that didn’t matter. She had made her choice. If her friends didn’t want to come to her race, then there wasn’t anything else for her to do. This was it. There was nothing in all of Equestria that was going to make her stop from staggering over the finish line now. The sun could explode, and she would cross that line, and step in to a whole new life. She would never stop. Never. “You grew your hair out…” The pony said quietly from behind her. “It looks great...” Dash stopped. “You should keep it that long…” Dash turned around. The pony she had collided with was… “A-Alex?” Dash asked, her voice cracking. “I’m sorry I’m so late for our date, Colors.” Alex said, sitting up and wincing in pain. Dash was completely speechless. Here he was. He literally fell out of the sky. “A-Alex.” She muttered, as each step she took closed the distance between them both, her face showing such a complex range of emotions, thet nopony watching could hope to figure out what she was going to do next. Not saying another word, Dash ran to him, pushed his back to the ground, and kissed him. Pushing her face into his as hard as she could, Dash gave him the kiss she had wanted to give him for three months. Alex hadn’t kissed as a pony before. But, luckily, it was pretty same across the board as a human kiss. So, he relaxed, and joined her. Dash could feel her heart pounding harder than it had during the race. She couldn’t believe this was happening. The stallion she would give up her life as a Wonderbolt for, had just dropped out of the sky. Two minutes ago, Alex had been dead. But, here he was, under her as she had her way with his mouth. This was the single happiest moment she had ever experienced. Alex was a little surprised… For such a competitive pony, Dash had surprisingly soft lips. Something that he knew he could get used to. In the back of her head, Dash could hear the commentator mentioning what was happening on the field. She could hear the crowd cheering louder than they had at any point during the race… She could even hear the other racers finishing. But, that was something that she couldn’t have cared less about. //// Comet couldn’t believe what she was looking at. Dash had been only inches away from the finish line, when she had been hit by that pony, and knocked into the ground. And now, here they were, making out in the middle of the racetrack. However, seeing this did make Comet realize something: Dash cared for this pony, a lot. Comet had assumed that Alex would have been an option B for Rainbow, and she would have had to choose between him and becoming a Wonderbolt. But, seeing her immediate, and complete forfeiture from the race, made her see that it was no contest. Alex would always win, should Dash be presented with the choice. Sighing, Comet watched as security waited for the race to end so they could remove Alex from the stadium. But, knowing full well that Dash wouldn’t be changing her mind at this point, Comet stood up from her seat, and walked into the announcer booth beside her. Alex had earned this moment. The least Comet could do was give it to him. //// Twilight ran through the stadium lobby, followed by all of her friends, and Tulip, wanting to see what had happened to Alex after he fell out of the blimp. She feared that they were all going to see what remained of Alex after he hit the ground. But, nopony was screaming, so that was a good sign. Security had tried to stop them with their magic, but was unable to do so. So, Tulip simply ran them over to clear a path for everypony. Running through a tunnel toward the seating section, a booming voice suddenly come on over the PA. “Security, stand down.” Comet’s voice said, “Leave those ponies be.” Exiting the tunnel, Twilight was extremely relieved to see Alex safe on the ground, kissing Rainbow rather feverishly. “Thank goodness!” Twilight sighed. “Oh my…” Fluttershy said, blushing at the sight. “Those two certainly got to it quick, didn’t they?” Rarity said. “Darn tootin’!” Applejack agreed. “They’re so precious!” Pinkie squeaked, giggling. “Those two look really…” Spike stopped, trying to find the right words to say. “CUTE TOGETHER.” Tulip finished. “Yeah.” Spike agreed, “They look really...” Spike then, collapsed, asleep. //// Alex and Dash had been so involved in their kiss, that security showing up hadn’t crossed either of their minds. But, as all good things had to come to an end, so did this kiss. Pulling away from each other, Alex was surprised to see Rainbow biting her bottom lip, and starting to tear up. “W-what’s wrong?” Alex asked. But, instead of a proper answer, he got a smack on the side of the head. “Where were you?” Dash asked quietly, trying to keep her voice from cracking, and not cry at the same time. “I… I’ve missed you!” “I’m sorry I left you alone,” Alex responded, brushing some of her mane away from her eye, “But I promise. I’ll never leave you again… Rainbow Dash.” “Y-you used my real name…” Dash said as her tears started to flow freely. “I like it when you do that.” “I’ll be sure to use it for you in the future, then.” Alex said, leaning into her face, and kissing her softly on the lips again. “So… Where were you?” Dash asked, blushing lightly. “It’s a long story…” Alex admitted. “But, now I have plenty of time to tell you.” //// The epilogue will be posted in my original story! ////