//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 (Fly!) // Story: The First Year // by TwilightsmyMare //------------------------------// Within a half an hour the rescuers had made a path to the cabin door, once we informed them of the situation they immediately bundled up Cadence, Shimmer and Prism and with Armor in tow took them immediately to the medical center at the chateau. Twilight and I were in no danger now so we thanked them as they headed out to check some more cabins. We were slated to head back to Canterlot in the afternoon but there was a good chance that would be delayed now. We built up the fire and collapsed back on the couch together. "I hope their going to be ok." I squeezed her tightly. "I'm sure they are, both the foals looked strong and healthy and Cadence was looking much better after a bit of rest too." She leaned up and kissed me softly. "Thanks to you." "You too Twi. I couldn't have done it without you." "Oh please. What did I do?" "Lots. You got everything ready and kept her calm don't discount yourself my love." She blushed slightly. "Not quite the relaxing weekend we had envisioned was it?" "No. But definitely... Fun? Well the last hair raising bit I'm sure we could have done without. Better if they had been at home and had time to get to a hospital right?" "Safer to be sure. But it turned out ok. And this is a story everypony will want to hear." I chuckled. "I guess so." We relaxed for awhile then packed up our things as well as Cadence and Armors waiting for the chariot team to come and pick us up. They finally came midafternoon and we were able to lean that Cadence and Armor had already been taken back to Canterlot so the twins and Cadence could be checked out at the hospital there as well. Nothing to panic about, just precautions. We asked them to drop us off there and they were more then happy to comply. We rode along huddled together against the cold but enjoying the beautiful scenery, Twilights eyes still had a sad faraway look in them. Clearly she was concerned about Cadence and her foals; I wrapped my arms around her squeezing her tight and whispering/singing in her ear. Wise men say only fools rush in... But I can't help falling in love with you... I'll always stay. It can't be a sin. For I can't help being in love with you... Like a river flows, slowly to the sea. Darling so you know. This thing was meant to be... Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help being in love with you... Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling so you know. We will always be... Take my hand; you've taken my whole life too. For I can't help falling even deeper in love with you. I'll never stop being in love with you... When I finished she turned in my embrace and kissed me softly. "Our song. Thank you, I love how you changed it." I kissed her back embracing her and burying my face in her neck and mane. "Looked like you needed a little cheering up love. They'll be fine." Before too long we came to Canterlot, the Pegasus team dropped us at the hospital and departed after we gave them our heartfelt thanks. We got directions at the front desk and headed to Cadence and Armors room, knocking gently we opened the door and found them both asleep Shimmer and Prism also asleep between them. That’s a relief. I'm so glad their all ok. Same here. Lets just wait, they need their sleep. Ok. I sat down leaning against the wall Twilight beside me leaning against me; we waited patiently discussing things mentally with some soft kisses thrown in. We drifted off leaning together while we waited. I don't know how long we napped for but we were awakened again by Shimmer and Prism's healthy cries, we rubbed the sleep from our eyes as Cadence fed them smiling down at us. "So good to see you both. We thought we'd let you sleep you looked tired." Cadence whispered. "We were doing the same for you." Twilight grinned. "How are you? Is everything ok? I hope?" "The twins are doing just fine, healthy and happy. And Cadence just needs a little rest and she'll be fine as well. We'll be back at home in a few days the doctors think.” Armor explained. "That’s great news. We had better get home too Twi, we need to pick up Scootaloo tonight." "Oh that’s right! We'll be bringing her to visit this winter holiday by the way." "Sounds good. You two have a safe trip." Armor and Cadence bid us farewell, and after one last peek at the twins we gathered our luggage and headed to the train station just making it in time for the train we needed. We relaxed in our cabin enjoying the ride relieved that everything had turned out fine. Arriving back in Ponyville we quickly took our luggage home and headed out to Fluttershys cottage. We were a little late but we could still hear all three rambunctious filly’s inside as we walked up and knocked. Fluttershy answered the door and smiled at us. "Oh, just in time." She ushered us in to find Applejack and Rarity both there as well trying in vain to get their sisters ready to go. "Mom! Dad!" Scootaloo galloped over and we hugged her tightly. "I missed you!" "We missed you too Angel." "And we have an amazing story for you all." Twilight stated. "Oh? What happened?" Trixie asked she didn’t look nearly as frazzled as I had thought she would. Everyone gathered around and Twilight and I told them what happened on our weekend. "So glad you were both there darlings! They would have been in trouble if they had gone alone!" Rarity gasped. "And you've got two new cousins Scootaloo! Cool!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. "Cousins are great! I've got tons of em, right sis?" "Sure do Applebloom. Why when we have our yearly get together there’s so many filly’s an colts runnin around ya'll wouldn't believe it!" While they were discussing that I walked over to Fluttershy and Trixie. "And how did everything go this weekend for you two?" "Oh they were little angels for us." Fluttershy cooed. Trixie looked at her shocked. "What?! Angels? It was madness! Running here and there, yelling and shouting." Fluttershy just smiled at her. "Oh Trixie. You had fun too admit it." Trixie smiled back and kissed her softly. "Okay... I admit their pretty cute. And we did have some fun too. But seriously I couldn't deal with all three of them for too long." I laughed. "They sure can be a handful. We really appreciate you both having them over for the weekend though. Thanks. Okay! Time to go I think, ready Angel?" "Okay!" Everyone said their goodbyes and thanked Fluttershy and Trixie for a fun weekend sleepover. I swept Scootaloo up onto my shoulders as we exited, Rarity and Sweetie Belle walked back to town with us as Applejack and Apple Bloom headed back to the farm. We walked together until they split off to Carousel Boutique and we waved goodbye to them. We strolled through town as dusk began to fall my arm over Twilights side while Scootaloo balanced up on my shoulders blocking my view occasionally with her forehooves with a giggle. I laughed and sang to her as we walked. Oh my twitchy witchy girl I think you are so nice I give you bowls of porridge And I give you bowls of ice... Cream. I give you lots of kisses And I give you lots of hugs But I never give you sandwiches filled with spiders, mud and bugs... Heee... She laughed and giggled. "What was that Dad?" "Oh just silly something from a different world Angel." We got home and had a simple supper before heading to bed, we tucked Scootaloo in and she snuggled happily in her bed. "Night Mom and Dad, glad your home." "Good to be back honey." "Sleep tight Angel." Twilight and I cuddled in our own bed, glad to be home we quickly drifted off to sleep. Things got back to normal quickly enough, well as normal as things get. We had to retell our weekend adventure plenty of times for our friends and other ponies around town too. Twilight, Trixies and my magical studies continued, I was perhaps up to the level of a preschool unicorn now in skill; however my knowledge of spells and their function was much greater… I just couldn't use them very effectively, oh well, practice, practice, practice. One day in the middle of the week Twilight and Trixie were off in the Everfree forest at Zecoras studying her particular methods of magic as well as potion making techniques. I had stayed behind to mind the library and do a bit of studying myself. I was down in the basement reading when I heard the door bang open and closed upstairs, school was out. "I'm downstairs Angel!" I called up. I could hear her little hoof beats as she ran across the floor to her room and then slammed the door. That’s not good I thought. I headed upstairs to her bedroom and listened at the door for a moment. I could hear muted crying from within. I knocked gently. "Angel? Can I come in?" "Go way!" I cracked the door open slightly to see Scootaloo face down on her bed heaving with sobs. I walked over quietly and sat down next to her gently rubbing her back and stroking her mane. "Angel. Were those mean filly’s making fun of you again?" "Um hmm." Was her muffled response. "Darn those two. I thought we got through to them a bit on that camping trip. Someone should take those two and paddle their little behinds." I muttered to myself. She spun over to face me her eyes wet. "It’s not just that! I'm used to their teasing. It’s that their right! I've got no Cutiemark! I can't even fly! I'm not special at all!" I pulled her onto my chest as I lay down on her little bed holding her tightly while she sobbed. "Angel. You know that’s not true, everypony is special. You can do things those two could never dream of right now! Once you get in the air and get your mark you'll blow them away!" "But I don't have it! I'm the only one in my class who doesn't! Even you have a Cutie mark Dad, and Mom says that’s amazing as it is." She said pulling the neck of my shirt down to show my mark and scar which she gently traced with her forehoof a sad and faraway look on her face. I squeezed her and kissed her on the forehead. "You'll get it I promise. How many ponies do you know who never got their mark? None?" "I guess... But I still can't fly... Even Pound Cake can fly already..." She grumped. "You’re getting stronger everyday Angel; you are so close I know it.” "But... The best young flier’s competition is coming up soon in Cloudsdale and I was hoping to compete this time! It’s just the junior division but I really want to try!" I squeezed her tightly. "Ok. Twi and Trixie will be at Zecoras until late this evening. What say you and I go out to one of Applejacks fields and get some more practice in?" She looked up excitedly. "Really!" Then crestfallen. "But I have homework..." I laughed. "I'll help you with it after." She lunged forward hugging me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Yay! Common Dad lets go! Let’s go!" Yeah she knew she had me wrapped around her little hoof. We headed out of town to one of Applejacks open fields where we had permission to practice. We spent the next couple hour’s running back and forth, I would carry her above my head and run with her as fast as I could while she beat her wings trying to take off or I would toss her into the air as high as I could as she flapped trying to get airborne. She was so close; I felt her lift off a few times while we were practicing but she lost her focus and couldn't keep it up. We rested on the grass as it got late in the day. "Well Angel? Should we call it a day?" "One more Dad pleeeeease?!" I chuckled. "Okay, one more. Then we got to go home and make dinner. And homework." "Aww... Ok." We lined up at the end of the field and I began to run holding her above my head as she flapped her little wings vigorously. After about twenty feet I could feel her beginning to lift off my hands, looking up I could see her eyes were closed and she had a cute look of concentration on her face. She lifted a little more and I knew this was the moment... Give her that final push and watch her soar up finally free on her own two wings? Or maybe poke her 'accidentally', break her concentration and bring her back to ground, safe and secure with me for another day? Between my desires to see her succeed and the ones to keep her with me there was no real contest. After a moments hesitation I pushed her up and ground to a halt gasping for air but watching her intently as she soared forward slowly gaining altitude. "Open your eyes Angel! You’re doing it!" She faltered for a moment, but only a moment when she opened her eyes. She squealed with delight as she quickly came to the edge of the field and barely pulled up in time to avoid the trees there. She disappeared over the treetops for a moment scaring me slightly before she circled coming back into view flying towards me. "Dad!" She bowled into me knocking me off my feet as I grabbed and held her tightly. "I did it Dad! I did it! And it was easy!" She snuggled in my arms happily a big grin on her face. "You sure did Angel." Letting go was the hard part... We headed back home Scootaloo flying circles around me until she was tired then resting on my shoulders. As we entered Ponyville she excitedly showed off her flying skills for any and every pony we came across, they were all of course very impressed pleasing Scootaloo immensely. As we came to town square pretty much all of the vendors had packed up and went home and across the square we saw Twilight and Trixie about to part ways and head home. Scootaloo gasped excitedly and looked to me for permission. I chuckled. "Go on Angel." She squealed excitedly and took off. "Mom! Mom! Look!" Twilight looked over and gasped, by the time I walked over her eyes were tear filled while she hugged Scootaloo tightly Trixie stood off to the side smiling. So sorry you missed her first flight love. Oh that’s ok, you were there. And look how happy she is. She looked at me and could see something was bothering me. What’s wrong? What? Oh nothing... Rick... You can't fool me. You know me so well Twi, I love you so much. She’s just growing up so fast, I just worry. Maybe I'm being silly. No. Your being a father. And I love that, I love you. I leaned down and kissed her sweetly. "Ewww... Mom, Dad. Not in public." She tried to push us apart unsuccessfully. Twilight, Trixie and I laughed as I scooped her up tickling her. "Congratulations Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash will be very excited for you." "Thanks Trixie! I can't wait to show her tomorrow! Bye!" Scootaloo called out to her as she left. "But first little filly supper then homework." "What! Your homework’s not done yet!?" Twilight scolded jokingly. Scootaloo hung her head. "Sorry Mom..." Twilight giggled. "Well I suppose for something as important as you flying for the first time I could let you off this time. Let’s go home." We headed home and had supper; Scootaloo didn't have too much homework so with our guidance she finished it up quickly. We tucked her in as she yawned sleepily. As we were about to close her door she called out. "Dad?" I walked over and knelt by her bed. "Yes Angel?" "Thanks." "For what? You did it on your own." "For always believing in me." "Oh Angel, everyone believed in you." She leaned up and hugged me tightly. "You’re the one who ALWAYS believed Dad." "And I always will." I kissed her brow and tucked her back in. "Night Angel." Twilight and I snuggled down together in bed kissing passionately. "You're a great father." I chuckled. "For someone who doesn't know what their doing you mean?" "Seems like your doing a pretty good job to me." "Thanks love. You’re doing pretty darn well yourself." She smirked at me and kissed me again, we made love softly and sweetly then drifted off to sleep together. The next morning we discussed the best young flier’s competition and Twilight assured me we could attend even though it was held in Cloudsdale. Scootaloo and I headed out early to swing by Dash’s place before school. Arriving there she flew up and rapped on Dash’s door, after a few moments a sleepy eyes Dash answered. "Surprise Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo shouted hovering in front of her. Dash shook her head vigorously. "Squirt! You’re flying? When did you...?" "Last night! Dad took me out to practice and I finally got it!" She swooped down to give me a hug and Dash followed her down. "She just couldn't wait to show you." I laughed. "And she’s very interested in entering the best young flier competition, junior division of course. Can you tell me about it?" "Can I tell you about it? Heck ya! I won the main competition last year you know?" "I had no idea congrad..." Scootaloo excitedly interrupted. "Ya Dad! She saved Rarity and three of the Wonderbolts lives! I wish I could have been there it must have been so cool!" Dash laughed. "Sure was squirt! Okay..." Dash outlined what the competition was all about and where I'd need to go to get Scootaloo entered, furthermore she offered to coach Scootaloo after school for a few hours everyday to get her ready. I agreed somewhat reluctantly, Dash might be the epitome of loyalty but that didn't mean she was particularly safe. I walked Scootaloo to school and watched a bit as she flew circles around her friends excitedly. I then headed to the mayors office to get her entered in the competition and went home to let Twilight know. She showed me the spell she had found that would let us walk on clouds so we could attend; we were both very excited and proud to see our little Scootaloo doing her best. We both went to meet her after school and see just what Dash would be teaching her. Dash was waiting when we arrived at her house. "Heya squirt! Ready to get to work?" "You bet Rainbow Dash!" Twilight and I sat down on the grass and watched as Dash led her through a series of stretches and exercises as well as some low altitude and simple stunts. "Okay, that’s all we can do down here. Next step is..." Dash pointed straight up with her forehoof. Scootaloo looked over at us a bit nervously and I gestured her over. Twilight and I hugged her tightly. "You'll do great Angel." "Be careful!" "I can't believe I'm going to say this... But listen to what Dash tells you to do ok?" I grinned. "Hey! I heard that! She's in capable hooves, not to worry." "We know Rainbow Dash, thanks. Have fun! We'll be right here when you’re done!" Twilight cried out as they soared upwards. We lay back together to watch them fly together from cloud to cloud, Twilight clutched me tightly a few times seeing the maneuvers they were attempting but true to her word Dash never let her fall. The contest was on the Friday after next so we had a little more then a week to get Scootaloo ready, Dash was happy to train her everyday. Twilight and I came to watch and cheer her on after school everyday often joined by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle as well as some of her classmates. Pinkie Pie showed up often as well with treats for everyone watching while she ooh'd and ahh'd with us all. Fluttershy and Trixie as well came to watch; sometimes Fluttershy would fly up with them occasionally to offer encouragement. Applejack and Rarity also came when they could, Rarity insisted on designing a outfit for Scootaloo to wear at the contest going through a great deal of ideas and designs before she came up with one she would actually wear. A bold design very reminiscent of the Wonderbolts costume. But instead of blue and yellow Scootaloo insisted on purple and dark pink, she looked adorable... Oh I mean cool, yes very cool! The big day came all too soon; Scootaloo had pushed a lot of training into a short amount of time. I just hoped she wasn't moving too fast. I was watching from the doorway while Twilight helped her struggle into her costume. "Now just do your best honey, it’s not about winning but having fun." Twilight advised. Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Moooom... It’s a contest; the whole idea is to win." "That’s true Angel, but what she means is do your best. Even if you don't do the best at everything if you have fun then it will be worth it right?" She thought about it for a moment. "I guess so... But I want to win!" I leaned down and gave her a hug. "I know you do Angel, you’re so competitive. But don't be mad if you don't, you've trained hard but a lot of them might have been training a lot longer ok?" "Well... Ok." "That’s my filly." We all gathered at the hot air balloon rental place, we had rented two for all of us. Dash, Scootaloo and Fluttershy flew of course. Twilight, Trixie, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I piled into the two balloons. Twilight had cast her cloud walking spell on all of us earlier in the day so we were all ready. We arrived early and got Scootaloo all signed up, I unfortunately created a bit of a stir as practically nopony in Cloudsdale had ever seen or heard of humans, fortunately seeing me with my group of friends and carrying Scootaloo on my shoulders as well as attention seeking Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom in my arms seemed to quell most worries they might have had about me. We found a good area to view the competition and everyone sat and relaxed. That’s the great thing about clouds; if you have a Pegasus with you they can form them into almost anything. So we were all very comfortable. We watched a bit as some of Pegasus filly’s and colts did some practicing before the competitions, unlike the main best flier competition there were many separate competitions, speed, agility, talent and at the end a timed obstacle race that encompassed everything. As Scootaloo watched the other filly and colts she began to look more nervous, as the start time got closer her little legs were shaking. Twilight and I took her aside to talk. "Don't be nervous honey." Twilight comforted. "But their all better then me! I'll just be making a fool of myself!" Her eyes began to fill with tears. We hugged her tightly and I wiped her tears away. "Angel, you can't think of it like that. You wanted to come and try remember? You can't only compete when you know you'll win. What would be the point? We believe in you and know you'll do your very best! And no matter if you come in first or thirtieth we'll be so proud of you." She sniffed slightly but smiled. "Really?" Twilight smiled down on her and kissed her brow. "You know it. We'll be right here cheering you on!" "Okay... I'll give it my all!" "We know you will." With a final hug she flew off to line up with al the others and Twilight and I took our seats waiting anxiously. The speed trials were first, there were thirty filly's and colts in the competition and Scootaloo was number twenty seven probably because we registered a little late. So we were able to watch and guess plenty of times before her turn, Twilight was of course very good at accurately guessing them. Scootaloos turn came up and we all cheered wildly for her as she zipped speedily down the line. Not the fastest but definitely no slouch, but they each had three runs at it to try to best their own times. Each time she gave it her all and they were all very close to the same time range. After all the competitors had taken their three runs in order there was a short rest break, we calculated that Scootaloo was likely in the top ten of the group, not too bad at all. "Yeah! Speeds what it’s all about!" Dash boasted. "I hope you taught her how to turn too Dash." I teased. "Of course! That’s almost as important as speed!" Agility was next with a long slalom course that would also be timed with time added for brushing or hitting any of the cloud pillars. We watched intently as the competitors passed through cheering Scootaloo on when her turn came up. She was very quick through the pillars but she brushed them several times in her haste making for a poor time. On her next try she didn't brush them even once but had to slow down considerably to do so unfortunately making her time even slower, her third try she had learned and tried her best to be fast and to avoid the pillars, she still brushed twice but all in all it was her best time yet. By Twilights calculations she only placed around twentieth this time but I could see she had learned from it. Talent was next, the competitors had to show off flying tricks they had learned or taught themselves. Scootaloo hadn't been flying long enough to really have developed any tricks of her own but Dash had taught her a few of hers, I hoped that they wouldn't penalize her for unoriginality. Some of the filly’s and colts were quite talented showing amazing tricks, and some others had very simple ones it was plain to see they were just here to compete and have a good time. Scootaloos turn came up and she did her best, Dash's newer tricks were far too advanced but she remembered some from when she was young and had shown her them. Midair back flips, cartwheels, barrel rolls and dive bombing. Simple but she performed them with great enthusiasm, we all cheered as loud as we could for her. We couldn't really guess how well she had done in this one it was all up to the judges, Twilight and I thought she had been the best... But we might have been a bit biased. The obstacle course was last incorporating speed and agility with a few tricks that hopefully their talents could compensate for. It was a tough course, a lot of quick turns and narrow obstacles to squeeze through which they could fly over if they chose but it added time. A small regular slalom course and a sideways one as well to add a twist. It was only one try each so each filly and colt gave it their all, the courses difficulty showed in the times we estimated. Scootaloos turn came up and I was pleased at how calm she looked, she looked over and waved wildly to us as we cheered for her. She threw herself into the course with amazing zeal, she was fast and accurate, she cart wheeled through the narrow obstacles, jinked her way through the regular slalom without a problem and back flipped through the sideways one. At this point we had stopped cheering because we were all on the edge of our seats watching her. As she finished we all rose up cheering and yelling and so did a lot of the rest of the crowd. We had gotten so engrossed with her performance we had forgotten to time her, but we all agreed she had done an amazing job. The judges retired to tally up the scores and we all waited eagerly. They finally came out ready to announce the top ten, every other pony still got a small participation trophy but the ten best got bigger ones. As they called out names from ten to five Scootaloo wasn't among them, which was either very good or bad. I hoped she had enjoyed herself anyhow and by her performance on the obstacle course I thought she had. Number five came up to get his trophy and then they call it Scootaloo Sparkle, fourth place! We all cheered our hardest again for her as she trotted up on stage to accept her trophy, balancing it on her back she came to join us. "Way to go Angel! You did so well!" Twilight and I hugged her tightly. "We're so proud of you!" Everypony else congratulated her as well. "Nice work squirt." Dash leaned close to her and whispered. "You know when I was young and competed I only got tenth place.” Scootaloos eyes got wide and she smiled. "Really?!" "Yup but don't be spreading it around." She shook her head and hugged us and Dash running off to show her trophy to everyone else. I smiled and leaned over to Dash whispering. "You won when you first competed didn't you?" She smiled slyly. "Who me? Yeah, but she did awesome." Twilight and I hugged her tightly. "You’re the best Rainbow Dash." Twilight complimented. Dash enjoyed the hug for a second before pulling away. "Yeah, yeah don't get all mushy on me." We laughed and joined the celebration. Heading back to Ponyville we all headed to Sugarcube Corner for a small celebratory party, Pinkie Pie was of course prepared for this. We had some treats and Scootaloo told us all about the courses. We got home late and had a simple dinner with Scootaloos trophy in the center of the table and her still excitedly wearing her costume, but it had been a long and tiring day and by the end of supper her little head was nodding. I carried her to bed and Twilight and I removed her costume careful not to rip it. We both stopped and stared; there it was her own cutie mark. I roused her out of her near sleep gently. "Take a look Angel; you really went all out today." She gasped. "My cutie mark!" A pair of beautiful blazing wings showing her willingness to give it all for what she loved. "Its beautiful honey." Tears of joy streamed down her face as she leapt up to hug us both. "Thank you! Thank you!" "You did it all Angel." She gave us a serious look. "I'd never have gotten to fly or gotten my mark if you hadn't adopted me. Even during the contest I was really nervous but I looked up and saw you both watching me... Loving me... And it made it all ok." Twilight and I were getting a bit teary ourselves. "We're so glad we found you Scootaloo, you've made our lives even better." Twilight cried. We all hugged and cried a bit more before we tucked her in her excitement to show off her cutie mark couldn't keep her awake long. Twilight and I laid down together smiling. "And she’s another step away from us." I said sadly. Twilight kissed me softly. "She'll be with us a lot longer yet love don't you worry." "Your right... As always." I kissed her and we snuggled down together. I wonder what their going to call themselves now? Just the Crusaders maybe?