//------------------------------// // We Turn Back the Hand of Time // Story: Humans Assemble! // by Mistershield //------------------------------// Chapter 53- We Turn Back the Hand of Time Now then, our dear Reader, we must turn back the hand of time. While our our brave, noble, slightly odd and perverted champions have been in Equestria for four days, there have been others humans still running about without any knowledge of what has been going on. We turn our sights now to the San Palomino Desert, which lies west of Appleloosa. We go back to Humans Assemble, Day 2. Dust. There was no better word for it, even sand was more dense. Yellow and brown shades of earth particles were traveling on the wind, hitting the face of the young teen. Her black hair was tied back on the back of her head, in a slight bun. She wore a green pair of short pants and a shirt. Over that she wore a light tan tunic that reached her knees. The sky had not a single cloud in sight, letting the sun shine brightly over the earth. Dust was annoying. Least her feet were not burning anymore. Although, it was always pitch black for the young lady. Each slow step taken vibrated lightly against the ground, telling her what she already knew long ago. There was no water for miles. No signs of civilization anywhere either. Not even a rabbit hole. The teen came to a stop to lift the left hand to pull the scarf down to her shoulders to breath the air a bit. The lips were a bit cracked, showing how dry they became. “Just how long have I been walking?” Her hoarse voice asked. She turned her head to the sides, trying to pick any scent in the wind. The vibrations her feet made were not helping at all, so the only hope was that the breeze carried a smell. Something that could get her on the right path. Nothing. Her hand moved to push the scarf back over her face. She hoisted the sheathed sword back on her shoulders and continued walking. Sooner or later, something was going to give. As it turns out, it was her. Unable to walk anymore, she fell to her knees and shut both her eyes. She couldn’t hear any vultures overhead, so that meant she was safe. There were no other predators or carrion beasts on the ground. A nap was sounding really good. Yeah, a nap. Just for a bit. Travel at night when it wasn’t so hot... Both of her eyes shut closed to sleep. “Chief!” “What is it?” A deep voice called off from the distance. A large buffalo with a feather headdress begun to make his way over to the much smaller female buffalo. “I’m... I’m not sure!” Little Strongheart called out, lowering her head to look down at the face of Toph Bei Fong. “I know this wasn’t here more than a few minutes ago.” “We’d better take it with us, maybe the herd elder knows something,” Chief Thunderhooves said to turn his head over to look at the little one. She nodded and moved to lift Toph up a bit. “Wow, this thing is alot lighter than I thought it would be,” Little said to help the human on the larger buffalo’s back. “That’s not a good sign. This creature can’t lose too much weight, it means a lot of water was lost. We must hurry.” The two buffaloes nodded at each other and took off, leaving a trail of dust behind them. ___________________________________ Little Strongheart perked up her ears, turning to look at the sound of rustling. Was that strange creature waking up? It was odd, the creature had not moved while asleep. The small buffalo turned her head to the flap of the teepee. Should she get someone? Feelings of confusion, fear, excitement, and worry filled her. She decided to stand up and head out to get an adult. Toph moaned a bit, the first feeling her body felt was warm. Not super hot or burning sweat levels, just warm. The first thing she could recognize was the smell. There was the smell of animal hides, earthenware bowls, some kind of... Grain? It smelled like a type of crop, but she couldn’t place it. Her tongue moved out from her mouth to lick her lips lightly. Some kind of medicinal moss or salve had been placed on her lips to ease the cracked lips. Least it stopped hurting. Having been lying on her back, both of her hands moved to push herself to sit up. Huh? The next thing she could feel was the lack of sun. The more pressing matter though, was the feeling of the foreign fabrics against her form. Someone had taken her clothes off and left her in some kind of- Yes, cotton. This was cotton thread weaved blanket. Weird, she expected an animal hide considering how much the smell was abundant in the air. “Are you alright?” A voice asked. Toph thought it belonged to a young girl. “Yes? Who is it?” Toph asked, moving her hands to rest on her lap. Not that she didn't want to be ungrateful, but a blind teen was an easy target. “Oh, I’m Little Strongheart! One second please,” The young buffalo said. “She’s ok!” Little Strongheart said to smile and look outside the flap. She then walked back into the teepee and walked over to sit close to Toph. The teen blinked once, trying to get a feel from the footsteps. It was hard though, the ground was covered by a blanket. Also, she was more used to do it with her feet than with her hands. Something about those footsteps was off. Also, the heartbeat was irregular. Did these people have a pet? But why only one heartbeat? “Thank you very much for helping me,” Toph said, trying to test where the location of the girl was. “My name’s Toph Bei Fong.” The blind teen smiled a bit, deciding to at least trust the child. Very few children could pull off scams like she could anyway. “I’m over here,” Little Strongheart said, turning to look at the direction Toph was looking at. Did someone else come in? “Oh I’m sorry. I can’t see,” Toph said, turning to look at the direction of the voice. Really? Did the girl mask her steps with the pet? Little Strongheart raised her eyebrows at Toph. How bad was she out of it? “Can’t see? Were you mean moon blinked?” Little asked. “Moon blinked? Never heard being called blind like that...” Toph said. What was moon blinked anyway? “Blind? Are you saying,” Little Strongheart stopped talking, lifting both ears at the sound of approaching steps. To Toph, they were heavy. Not as heavy as the Avatar’s pet flying Bison Appa, but a bit heavier than the Earth King’s pet bear. “Ah, I see you have awoken. Are you-” Chief Thunderhooves stopped talking, taking note of Toph’s eyes. “I’m fine, I think. Just really thirsty,” Toph said to smile. Although this guy’s voice was deep, it sounded friendly. And from his heartbeat, she could tell it was kind. If she had to place it, it reminded her of Uncle Iroh. She finally felt she could relax. Her nose twitched a bit though. Whoever this guy was, he had some deep musk to his scent. Her nostrils caught a whiff of this guy as soon as he opened the flap to walk in. “Should I get her some more water?” Little asked to look at her chief. “Ah, no. Its important to drink water, but slow and low amounts to prevent our guest from getting sick,” Chief said to smile a little. “Although, I must ask- What are you, creature?” He turned to look back at Toph. Maybe he was jumping the fence. Maybe this creature’s eyes were normally like that, and she wasn’t blind. “Creature? What do you mean? Never seen a teen girl before?” Toph asked, lifting her arms to cross on her chest. Did they not see her new boobs? Wait... Her eyes immediately frowned. “A teen girl?” Little Strongheart asked. “Don’t tell me- you never seen a human before,” Toph said to fit the clues. Multiple footsteps. Only two set of heartbeats. The heavy smell of animal hides. The heavy footsteps, not to mention the multiple sounds of footsteps only animals could make. “A human? I can honestly say I never heard of such race before,” The Chief said. “Are you here for the international competition? Is that why you were lost in the desert?” Toph lost her smile, hearing the male speak. She moved her left hand out, trying to find a spot not covered by the blanket. The human finally found a spot and pressed her palm to make it vibrate through the earth. “I’m in the Spirit Realm, aren’t I?” Toph said to sigh. She could feel the vibrations and detected the bodies of the buffaloes. “Spirit Realm? No, this the plains close to San Palomino. We were on our way to Appleloosa,” Little Strongheart said to lift an eyebrow at Toph. “What were you doing all alone?” “I wish I could remember what the others told me when they entered the Spirit Realm,” Toph said to herself. She’s never ever heard of those places. “I was making my way back home. I heard about some scavengers that visited the site of a battleground. They took something very important of a friend of mine, and I was getting it back.” Toph shut both of her eyes, remembering how Sokka gave up his sword to save her life. “I think we should start with introductions then. I am the leader of the Southern Buffalo Tribe, Chief Thunderhooves. This young one found you, and her name is Little Strongheart. We found you close to the desert, collapsed and dehydrated. We brought you along on our trek.” “My name is Toph Bei Fong,” The human said. She doubted her name would ring any bells, but it was worth a shot. Was this the Spirit Realm? She was starting to have her doubts. She was supposed to be a spirit here, right? Then why was she hungry and thirsty? “Thank you for saving me.” The Chief nodded. “I will look for our healer, Raining Meadows. Were you always blind? Or did that happen while in the desert?” Chief asked to turn around and head to the entrance. “Blind since I was a baby... Are you a bison?” Toph asked a question of her own. The smell was the closest to Appa that she could place. “Buffalo, that was a good guess considering though. Bison are our brethren though,” Chief said to walk out and leave Toph and Little alone. “Toph? Do you mind if I call you that?” Little asked to get closer to the teen girl. She smiled a bit, realizing that Toph wasn’t bothered by the blindness. Such was the way of a nomad. When you moved from place to place, you didn’t sweat the small stuff. “All my friends do,” Toph said to smile a bit. “But I guess you hate being called Little.” “While I do not like being called little, it is my name. I made peace with it, but my friends call me Strong for short,” Little said to smile. “I like it. I like my name, because it sounds alot like ‘tough.’ Tell me something though. Am I really the only human here?” “Well, that we have seen at least. Then again, we kept ourselves to Southern Equestria,” Little confessed. “We buffaloes are nomads, so even if we met other creatures, we wouldn’t know. We barely even had contact with ponies until recently.” “Ponies? What are those?” Toph asked. She wasn’t really a girly kind of lady that would ride on regal animals. Her father was too paranoid to even let her get on animals that were bigger than a rabbit. “You don't know what-” Little Strongheart stopped talking, lifting both of her ears close to the feathers on her headband. It was the sounds of thunder, least to Toph. It felt like the ground want to split from an earthquake. “Something’s wrong!” “This isn’t an earthquake,” Toph said as she placed her palm to the floor again. With so much rumbling, it was hard to pinpoint things properly. “A stampede?” “Little Strongheart, Toph Bei Fong!” Chief Thunderhooves peeked his head through the flap of the teepee. “We must run!” “What’s wrong Chief?” The human asked. She tried to stand, but she still felt drained. It didn’t help that the other buffaloes were running around. Little rushed over to Toph, helping her lean against her frame. “Twister?!” Little shouted, knowing there was very few things in the world that could make buffalo scared. Toph raised her eyebrows. While not as fluffy as Appa, the little buffalo’s fur was soft. But the word “twister” was new to her. “Yes! Raining Meadows was out looking for herbs for Toph when she spotted the twister! Toph, get on my back! I will carry you to safety!” “Wait, what’s a twister?” Toph asked. Once on her feet, the vibrations on the ground were easier to read. It also helped that the buffaloes were moving from the area. “I need my clothes!” “We don’t-” Little found herself quieted down when Toph placed her left hand over on her face. “Trust me, if this is anything like the storms Twinkle Toes makes, then running is not the best idea. Look, I can help, but I need eyes and my clothes!” Toph moved the blanket to her chest to keep her naked self from being seen. “Chief, are there any mountains nearby?” “Truly? A twister is a horrible storm of wind. It spirals at rapid speeds, and usual brings storms of thunder. The air itself feels angry, and out ancestors claim that the spirits of air are angry...” Chief Thunderhooves said. While he wanted to run, he would let Toph at least get dressed. The human was guided to her clothes, where she begun to get dressed quickly. “But no mountains, anything to hide or take cover.” “Sounds like a hurricane, alright,” Toph said to frown. She was used that term at least. “Chief, I can save your people, but I need someone to carry me. Who is the fastest? And how much time do we have before it gets here?” “I thought we were away from twister season though...” Little said to frown. “We have maybe minutes before it arrives,” Chief said to frown. He stepped out of the flap to lift his head to study the sky. He sniffed the air. Sometimes you could just smell a storm. The sky had gotten darker, and tumbleweed and dust could be seen flying around faster than usual. After a few moments, Toph finally walked out to join him. “Chief Thunderhooves! You have to get your buffalos back! The closer you are all together, the better. Hurry! I can try to stop this thing for now and buy you some time,” Toph said to frown. “But how are you going to help?!” Little said, frowning a bit to look out of the healing hut. “Little, listen to Toph. Sometimes you must feel these things,” Chief said. “Strongheart is the fastest out us all, but I do not know if she can carry you.” “She doesn’t have to carry me! Strong, let me lean on you,” Toph said to move her left arm out to wrap around the young buffalo’s back. She needed to hurry, she could smell the storm thing getting closer. “I don’t understand,” Strongheart said to frown. “Chief, gather your people, hurry! Strong, I need you to run. Run to one end of the, settlement? Umm, homes? I have no idea what these- You know what? Just go! Trust me!” Toph now screamed at the buffalo girl. Frightened now by the human, Little begun to run. Being lighter than her brethren, her thin legs could move faster. She ran now, the familiar feeling of racing against a train returning. Time and time again her race trained to be able to keep up with the Equestrian trains that ran by. She was confused though, why could she still feel Toph’s hand on her back? The Earthbender smiled, the wind created by the buffalo’s racing made her hair flap a bit against her face. As it were, Toph was now skating. A mound of earth had covered her feet, securing her in place. The mound burrowed through the earth, like a mole as it dug a tunnel under the surface of the earth. “How are you doing that?!” Little asked, turning her head a bit to look down at Toph’s feet. “I’m an Earthbender! The best there is!” Toph screamed out to grin. Eat your heart out Katara, this is how you earth skii! “Take me to the end of the area and stop!” The female buffalo nodded, turning to look back ahead of herself to speed up. Soon enough, she reached to one of the ends where the teepee were set up. “We are here! Now what?!” Little cried out, sliding to a stop. Her heartbeat felt like it was racing to get out of her chest. Toph released the mound at her feet to step forward a bit. “Now I make a post!” Toph said and moved both of her hands to her waist. She bend both knees and focused. Taking in a small breath of air, she shut her eyes. A second later, she stomped the ground with her left leg and then raised both of her hands out in front of herself. Strongheart’s mouth fell open, watching as a thick and long pillar made of rock shot up and extended into the air. It was almost like watching a flower grow up. “There, that’s one marker! Go to the other end!” Toph cried out to move and grab the buffalo’s back again. Once more, a mound of air collected around her feet. Little nodded, not sure what the plan was. Still, she saw magic more amazing than ponies could do. The young racer took off, heading to the opposite end of the settlement. While the two worked, Chief Thunderhooves raced to collect his “courageous” buffalo. Honestly, they were running around like cows frighten of a snake. It was almost embarrassing. The Chief pushed and headbutted the buffaloes, slowly to collect them to the center of the settlement. Once at the other end of the area, Toph once more created a pillar of rock from the ground. Her eyes wide like saucers, Little could only stare in wonderment. Was this human an earth human? “Alright! That’s two! I need two more... Ready Strong?” Toph said to grab hold of her new partner. “We are heading to-” “Four directions of the wind?” Little finished to smile. “Exactly! Lets go!” Toph said to nod. Although the young buffalo’s breath was getting heavy, she nodded and took off. This human was up to something. A frown formed on both of their faces when the sound of a roar was getting closer. “Take me to the side closest to the twister!” Still confused, Little nodded. East and West sides of the settlement had a marker, so they headed to the South. It was a shorter run, since Little didn;t have to run the whole opposite end of the settlement. Again, Toph made another marker. With no place to run or hide, the Chief managed to gather more and more of his herd to the center. The buffaloes moved in a circle, getting the younger in the middle. With luck, the buffaloes would be too heavy to be lifted. “Quickly, tie rope around yourselves!” Chief cried out to pass out rope. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see that Toph and Little were running around. What were they up to? Finally at the North end, Toph once more took her Iron Horse stance to erect the final pillar. “Finally! How are you holding up?” Toph asked, turning to face her partner. She could feel Strong’s heart beat going a mile a minute. She was also panting for breath. “I.. can... still go on,” Little admitted. She was still young and full of energy, but the twister was making it hard to breath right. She needed oxygen in her lungs. “One more stop then! To the center!” Toph said, moving her arms to wrap around and hug Little. Nodding once more, the young buffalo took off to gather at the center where her family was gathering. “Toph Bei Fong! Little Strongheart!” Chief Thunderhooves cried out as the two returned. “Whatever your plan be, now is the time!” All of the buffaloes raised their head to look up at the sky as lightning and thunder now joined the twister. “Alright! Watch this!” Toph cried out to let go and stand up straight once more. “No one move! Try to stay quiet, I need to concentrate!” Toph cried against the howling wind. Little moved to lean against the chief, looking at her partner. Toph pressed her feet against the ground, digging herself into the ground a bit. All of the buffaloes looked at the human. Some confused, other with worry as water started to fall of them all. “My name’s Toph Beifong! The greatest Earthbender in the world!” She cried out. She reached through the earth, looking for the markers she created. She found North and South, trying to rule out the wind and the the heartbeats of all gathered. She then raised up to being both of her arms up to have her fists hit against each other over her head. The buffaloes all looked at the sky, mouths agape as a different shadow took to the sky. Spikes made from rock emerged from the ground, meeting over all of their heads. Little starred with her eyes wide open, watching at the sky was covered from view. “What’s going on?!” A buffalo cried out. “Is this magic?!” Toph didn’t have time to explain things. Once more, she took her Iron Horse stance, though this time finding East and West. Like before, she raised her arms to have two more spike of earth emerge and meet the other spikes overhead. While the top of the spikes may have been thin, the bottom were easily thicker than giant redwood trees. “Is this...” Chief managed to regain his sense, looking down at Toph. The pillars moved with the movement of her arms. Was she doing this?! “Almost done!” Toph cried out, glad the rain still fell. It meant the pyramid she was making was still letting air in. Now that she had much bigger marker points, Toph took a different stance. This time, she had her right leg in front of the other. Her left hand moved to her right elbow to steady it. With a sudden rise of an uppercut, a giant wall moved to connect South marker with East. Not bothering to stop, she turned to the other direction to raise a giant wall to connect South with West marker. “By the spirits...” Raining Meadows said. She stepped out from the other buffaloes to stare at Toph. She was a bit smaller than the Chief, and also a light shade of brown than him. Unlike the other that wore feathers in headbands, she had feathers hanging from threads nest to her horns. The buffaloes were now more frightened of Toph than of the twister. They begun to take a few steps away from the creature that controlled the earth. “Hey! Stop moving, I can’t-” The twister finally hit the southern end of the pyramid. The wind picked up faster, and the swirling wind made rocks shift and fall to the ground. Toph frowned, she ran out of time. She quickly moved to connect a wall between East and North. The buffaloes shut their eyes, bracing themselves for the worst. “Wait... The earth is holding,” Little said. The buffaloes slowly begun to open their eyes when the last wall was put into place. While the sound of air could be heard buffertering against the earth, they could not feel much rain. The sound of thunder was also less intense. “I’m not done yet!” Toph cried out to smile. Face wet and clothes sticking her slightly, she turned to face them. “But we are safe, what can-” “I am going to make this twister stop! I always wanted to try this move, but Twinkle Toes is such a downer...” “But how can you stop a storm of nature?” Little Strongheart asked. “A spiral force of wind is just rapid speeds. But if you cut the wind at four different angles,” The Earthbender said to show off her teeth. Toph brought in her arms to make an X over her chest. Knees bent, she lowered her body a bit. “Brace yourselves!” Toph said to spread out her arms to the sides. North, South, West, and East markers spread out to the sides to stand straight up. Inside the eye of the storm, the buffaloes were safe. Even then, the walls were still up. Little picked up her head to turn her neck in circles to look at what Toph was doing. With four sudden halts to the wind, the rapid speeds took a sharp decrease. The buffeted winfs spilled out though, spreading through the outside of the walls. Toph frowned a bit, trying to keep her hold out of the pillars and walls. Still, the pillars did their jobs. The wind unable to keep its form, it started to relent. “Not enough huh?! Take this!” Toph yelled. She moved the walls of the pyramid up and outward to help the pillars disrupt the rapid speed of the wind. “Is this even possible?” Chief said to look at the form of the twister begun to vanish. True there was still wind and lighting, but the clouds were not moving as fast. Rain still fell, so Toph brought the walls to once more close over them all. Exhausted, Toph fell down to the ground, sitting to face the sky and smile. “I did it everyone,” Toph said in a low voice and smile. “I did it Sokka,” She said to close her eyes and relax. The buffaloes turned to look the human that started to laugh. “What manner of creature are ya?” Meadows asked, stepping away from the others to look down at Toph. While the wind had been calmed down, rain still continued to slip through cracks. “Hey guys... Did I have a sword on me?” Toph asked, turning her face to look at the buffalo. “Oh, is that what the giant metal knife is? Its back at the healing hut,” Little responded. Toph nodded to smile. “Great. Someone wake me up after a nice nap.” Toph shut her eyes and let herself fall asleep. Unable to help herself, Little Strongheart also moved to yawn and lay down to sleep. All that running made her tired. The adults turned to look at each other, not sure what to do. “As soon as the rain lets up, we shall continue to Appleloosa. Maybe we can find Toph Bei Fong’s family there. We have our own mission as well.” Meadows moved to look at the young ones taking a nap and lay down close to them to inspect Toph. She looked alright, considering all the activity done. Meanwhile, outside the stone pyramid, a few griffons stood on the storm clouds and look down at them. They all were a witness of what Toph had done. The winged chimeras took to the air and flew off. Chapter Notes: In case anyone’s wondering, the storm clouds formed around the same time Alduin was defeated. Toph Bei Fong is from the same show as Sokka, The Last Avatar. Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura. Bonus: “I bet you can’t make a face crazier than this!” Pinkie Pie said to move her hooves rapidly to rub her face. When she took her hooves down, she had a Generation One pony face. Everyone either covered their eyes or made motions of getting sick. “I have the weirdest of boners right now.” Everyone turned to look at Sephiroth, his one wing flared out straight and veins pumped blood through it.