//------------------------------// // Empress Midnight // Story: 20 Years, Celestia // by StarSwirl12 //------------------------------// Celestia landed on her stomach. “Oooh...” she moaned. Trixie helped her up. Celestia looked around. Tents were scattered everywhere, there were fires, a mare hushing her crying foal, Ponies were gathering spears and swords and shields and putting on armor, and there was something that caught the goddesses’ eye the most. It was the biggest tent. Two flags were in front of it, with the symbol that was on the armor. The tent was so covered with dust and dirt, that it blended in with the ground. Celestia cautiously took a step towards it. Ponies started to notice. They dropped their swords and shields and food and blankets to gape at her. They were dirty and pale and looked like they hadn't seen sunlight in a long time. “Uh, Celestia, come with me,” Trixie escorted Celestia to the tent. When they got there, Trixie put her hoof out, telling Celestia to stop. Then the unicorn walked into the tent. Celestia waited, and heard voices, slightly muffled. “Empress, there is somepony here to see you.” That was Trixie’s voice for sure. “They will have to wait. This is very important. Thank you General, but they will have to wait,” said a regal but stern voice. Celestia’s eyes widened. She felt she hadn’t heard that voice in 20 years. It had grown, and become more graceful. “But Your Highness, this is big. Very urgent. They have waited for a long time to see you,” Trixie pleaded. “Ah think we should let ‘em in,” a new voice said. “If they are a threat, Ah’ll buck ‘em mahself.” “I can kill them if they are a threat to you, Empress Midnight,” another voice said. It was more of a growl, and Celestia had a feeling that voice was supposed to be a cheerful voice, not a deathly one. “Fine. Let them in,” Empress Midnight said with a huff. Trixie came out and held open the flap for Celestia. Celestia hesitated, then walked in. There was a table, a bed, and there were papers everywhere. At the table, there were six ponies. Two earth ponies, a unicorn, and three pegasi. There was also an alicorn. Celestia’s jaw trembled. They all stared at her. One earth pony was a muted pink with a darker muted pink mane. She had a dried blood stain below her showing eye; the other was covered with her mane. She had a hostile look, that turned to shock when she saw the goddess. There was a black gem shaped like a balloon on her necklace. The other earth pony was orange with a long, messy blonde mane and green eyes. On her head was a 10-gallon stetson, and she had three freckles on each cheek. She was wearing a necklace with a green gem on it shaped like an apple. The unicorn had a purple wavy mane, blue eyes, and an ivory coat. She looked once-beautiful, but now she had some wrinkles, and her mane looked lifeless. She had a tired look on her face. On her necklace, there was a purple diamond. There was also a silver ring on her horn. The first of the three pegasi, was butter yellow, with a long fluffy pink mane. She had soft eyes, and one metal wing. She had blue eyes, and a pink gem shaped like a butterfly in her necklace. The second pegasus had a cyan coat and a rainbow mane. She had an eye patch, and her wings were rimmed with gold. She had a stern look on her face. On her necklace, there also was a gem. It was magenta and shaped like a lightning bolt. Celestia knew who these ponies were. They were the Elements of Harmony. But where was Twilight? Celestia needed to see her. The alicorn looked at the third pegasus. She was light grey, with a ruffled blonde mane. One of her eyes had a scar through the middle, and it had gone glassy. Her eyes were yellow. She had the same stern look on her face as Rainbow Dash. All six ponies were wearing the same armour as Trixie. Celestia looked over to the other pony. She was midnight blue with a blue mane, dotted with stars and had a semi-transparent rim. Her eyes were blue, and were welling up with tears. She also had armour, but it was silver, not gold. Luna’s jaw trembled. The two alicorn sisters stared at each other for a while, silent tears falling from their eyes. Celestia took a step forward. “Ah, Celestia. Come back, have we?” said a oh-so-familiar voice. Hearing this, Celestia froze. She slowly turned around, and faced him. “Discord.” She said through gritted teeth. How had he escaped?! All feelings were lost, only to be replaced with hate and loathing. She unfurled her wings, and raised both front hooves, to hit Discord in the jaw, then get out. Luna jumped in front of her. “Stop! He is on our side,” She said, walking backwards to him. When she did so, Discord looked at her, and his eyes softened. Celestia put down her hooves, and got back on all fours. Her wings rested back on her sides, folded. She then noticed that Luna had a diamond studded ring on her horn, and was looking at Discord in a way that she had never done to anypony. Discord also had a ring, but on his finger. Celestia took a step back, and bumped into the table. Pinkie Pie growled. Celestia suddenly felt dizzy. Her legs wobbled, and everything went fuzzy. Then she collapsed, unconscious. ------------------------- Luna screamed.Tears mixed with blood on her cheeks, and she couldn’t move; her hooves were chained to the ceiling and floor. The mare in front of her laughed as she dragged a dagger through Luna’s arm again. “Oh dear Luna,” She sneered. “It’s a shame your sister couldn’t be here to see this.” “Where is she? Please tell me...it’s been 18 months...” Luna gasped. But the mare just smiled. Luna only had one choice now. Her sister would never approve, but it had to be done. Fuzzy darkness was creeping into the corners of her eyes. She focused all her remaining energy into her horn, and cast the forbidden spell. Discord... Luna squeezed her eyes tight, and hoped for it to work. “Oh, you can’t escape me!” “I’m not trying to.” And with that, Luna’s eyes rolled back into her head and her head fell forward. Lightning flashed. The mare looked around. It wasn’t raining. She took a step back. One of the windows shattered. It was the one portraying The Elements of Harmony defeating Discord. Lightning flashed again, and thunder followed very quickly. And a figure appeared. It was a Draconequus. “Discord,” The mare growled through gritted teeth. “Ah, yes, and whom might you be?” He replied, stepping closer. “Oh, dear Disord, you really don’t recognize me?” She asked, stepping into the torchlight. Her features were exaggerated with shadows, and her slitted eyes glowed. “Oh, it’s you. Grown a bit, haven’t we?” “Yes. And why are you here? How did you escape your stone Prison?” She asked circling him. The two moved in a wide circle, trying to figure out each others weak spots. “Luna summoned me. We were together before the first imprisonment. But its a long story. I killed them all. Well, three survived. But enough talk. I have to get going.” Discord snapped his fingers and Luna’s chains disappeared. He snapped them again, and just before Luna hit the ground, she appeared in his arms, still unconscious. Then Discord disappeared. The mare heard his voice echoing, bouncing off the walls. “Goodbye, Twilight Sparkle.”