//------------------------------// // Mercy's Lament // Story: The Sanctuary of Lights // by SapphireStarlightPony //------------------------------// Chapter 11 Mercy's Lament Dawn Chaser paced back and forth at the front of Town Hall's big meeting room. He had not said a word since he'd ordered out all of his troops. Armor and weapons were scattered across the floor like the battle had already ended. Only Stardust and Sapphire Starlight stood before him, waiting for him to talk. Emberwind looked on from her perch atop the stage. Finally Dawn stopped in front of them and looked Stardust in the eye with a glare that could turn a cockatrice to stone. It was the first time Sapphire thought someone might successfully stare the hybrid down. For a moment Dawn Chaser just stared into Stardust's eyes, seething. At last Stardust spoke. “Do you expect me to--” “I expect you to shut your mouth, look me in the eye, and listen carefully to every word I am about to say you,” Dawn Chaser shouted, his eyes still fixed on the former pegasus. He seemed to have sworn off blinking. “Do I make myself clear?” Stardust did not answer. “I am extremely angry with you,” Dawn Chaser raged. Stardust started to open her mouth but the wrathful pegasus shouted her down. “You put our entire city at risk! Light's Hope is gone. Sapphire is this city's last unicorn with proper magic training. And you had the audacity to use her as bait to settle your personal vendetta with a changeling.” “Avarice was a monster,” Stardust barked. She dug a set of grooves in the floor with her one clawed forelimb. “And because of me he is dead.” “Because of you one of our greatest assets was dragged halfway into the nightmare realm and nearly killed. I am responsible for defending this city! Not you. If you are aware of an enemy threat, you bring it to me. Do you understand?” “I had to be sure. He escaped me once.” “And all of Glendale should be put at risk, so you can kill the changeling that hurt you? You're not the only one that's suffered losses, Stardust. I suggest you remember that. If we didn't have a horde of wolven knocking on our door I'd have you in the clink. That is how serious I am about this.” “He's right, Stardust,” Sapphire said sullenly. Caught off-guard by the younger mare's support for Dawn Chaser, Stardust wheeled around with her hackles raised to confront Sapphire's betrayal. “You're-- I saved your life!” “This is important,” Sapphire said, trying to sound sympathetic. “If you want others to trust you, you have to show some trust in them. Yes, you saved me from Avarice, and he's one less threat we have to worry about. However, Dawn Chaser has an army, we could have handled all of this a lot better.” Stardust stared at her, considering the facts she'd been presented. “I was blinded... by my rage,” she said, looking away. “I will do better.” “Good,” Dawn Chaser said, sounding not nearly so sympathetic as Sapphire. “That's the last I want to hear of this. Now go and ready yourselves. The wolven are close.” * * * Through the darkness Brazen Soul could see cold yellow eyes staring back at him. He was accustomed to this ritual. She was the predator. He was the prey. From his perch atop the Lunar Stone he watched as the nightmare dragon slithered into the room. Eery coils of dark purple magic wafted around her, burning away before Brazen's sun like an early morning dew. The thin sheets of yellow light that hung around him like smoke were all that protected him from Insomnia's terrible strength. “You wonder what hope I have left,” Brazen said. Unflinching he met the dragon's cold glare. “I know your mind dragon. I can see your armies advancing on Glendale, amassing at the gates. You think they cannot stand against you but you're wrong. You think they'll whither before your strength. Six centuries have passed and you've grown stronger with every passing season, but you're not as strong as you think you are. Alone, I stand before you. A single earth pony holds the great Insomnia at bay. You think you've broken them, but you're wrong. You think she's just a little girl with a broken heart, but still the unicorn fights. Still Stardust fights.” Insomnia hissed her distaste, dragging her claws along the invisible barrier that protected the ancient earth pony. Her claws left trails of vibrant light in the air, bathing the tableau in an intense yellow glow before fading slowly away. “You sealed your fate when you killed the unicorn Light's Hope. Behold, they rally in his memory...” * * * Sapphire stood on the wall, looking out across the field at the amassing enemy. A dozen unicorns stood on either side of her, watching, waiting. Each wore a gem around their neck, glowing in soft sympathy with her own. “They're in range now,” Emberwind said, looking through a spyglass. The wolven had passed the first marker. “Ready?” Sapphire asked. “Ready!” her unit barked. “Catapults ready!” Dawn Chaser shouted. “Fire!” Timbers creaked and groaned as the catapults were loosed. Fiery boulders roared through the air, crashing down among the charging enemy force and spreading smoke and fire throughout. Sapphire closed her eyes for a moment, focusing her will. She could feel the magic of the others with her. Light crackled around her horn, and the others lit up around her. They would be her instruments, and she their conductor. And so the symphony began. It was as though the sky itself had seen Glendale's plight and in their pity the stars were falling to the earth in great waves of fiery glory. It was not enough to stop the advance, but the carnage on the field was evidence of the effectiveness. The winged wolven swarmed onto the battlements, but did not do so unopposed. Many met a sudden end by spear and lance, and those nearest Sapphire suddenly found icy spikes driven through their weak underbellies. “Beat them back!” Dawn Chaser shouted over the din. “We cannot let them take the walls!” Their courage does not falter, dragon. Bombs and stones rained down on the wolven as they scaled the walls, but for each that was struck down, another rose to take its place. A thunderous explosion rocked the city to its very foundation. All eyes were drawn to the gate, where wolven fire had found its way into a box of bombs. For a moment there was no movement, only smoke rising from the chewed up piece of ground. The gate shook, creaking. Ponies fled as it toppled over, collapsing under its own weight. Wolven poured through like blood from an open wound. “Sapphire! Get down there!” Dawn Chaser shouted. “But the shields...” Sapphire said, her protective aura was glowing around her unit, as well as many other ponies that would be left behind on the wall, Dawn and Emberwind included. Despite her frown, Dawn Chaser wasn't budging. In a flash Sapphire's unit was down by the gate. She gave them only a second to gather their bearings after the sudden, involuntary warp and then fired upon the wolven. Half a dozen soldiers rushed to their aid, but still several of her unit fell. Focused on the task at hand, Sapphire's magic filled the break in the wall with a thick sheet of ice. Immediately she could see wolven fire dancing across its surface on the other side. It was their mistake, thinking the unicorns could not reach them through this barrier. A moment later the earth itself erupted, and the wall of ice was splashed with blood, not fire. Twice more the wolven horde breached the gate, but Brisance's bombs and Sapphire's icy walls proved to be a more than suitable substitute for the iron-studded oak, now laying shattered on the ground. Time and time again the wolven made an attempt on Sapphire's life, only to meet a brutal end at the ruthless efficiency of Stardust's claws and teeth. She was lightning through the sky, silver light flashing through the dark night, casting blood across the snow in her frenzied dance of death. Even a fallen star, she burns so brightly. Where is your manticore now, dragon? Does he dare to face her again? He cannot hide forever. You cannot hide forever. Sapphire was so exhausted that even lifting a hoof made her feel like she might throw up. Stardust appeared beside her. Even in the silvery moonlight it was apparent that the hybrid was covered in blood. The stench of it stung Sapphire's nose, but Stardust paid it little mind. “Is that all of them?” Sapphire asked. Emberwind swooped in and lit neatly nearby. “They fell back. Something's coming,” she announced. “Something big.” Even the wolven had cleared out. Dawn Chaser became starkly aware of the uneasiness in his troops. Something had come, and blotted out the moon. It was like a shadow given life, a great hulking monster wreathed in dark purple light. “Ursa major!” the cry rang out. A moment later the wall crumbled beneath its massive paw. Ponies scattered before the monster's advance. “Stand your ground!” Dawn shouted and stamped his hoof. “Turn the catapults against it! Bomb it into dust!” A flight of pegasi raced through the night sky, peppering the astral bear's hide with bombs as they whistled past on the cold north winds. The beast roared, swatting at foes like pesky flies. In a thunderous clap its slammed its paws together around them. It cried out in pain as fire and smoke belched from between. Only thing wisps of dark smoke memorialized the bombers. Forces on the ground could only gawk helplessly at the spectacle. The bear shook off the pain and lumbered toward the bulk of the survivors. They had gathered together in the courtyard with what was left of the catapults to make one final stand. Without a word, Stardust plucked a bomb from Emberwind's pack and took to the sky on leathery wings. She swept low over the bear's head, then turned skyward, dropping the bomb as she bled off speed for a quick gain in altitude. For an instant she hung motionless, then dropped headfirst toward the monster below, chasing the falling bomb. Silver starlight gathered around her as she rocketed toward her quarry. The earth pony bomb exploded on impact, rattling the ursa major to its core. It was stunned, vulnerable... Silver light exploded around the once-proud pegasus as her speed crested the magic barrier. A bright halo of starlight spread across the night sky as through the smoke and fire Stardust found her mark and sliced through the ursa's neck as though it were no more than a cloud. Blood and starlight trailed behind her as she narrowly escaped being crushed beneath the dying monster's bulk. A cheer of victory rose from the square as the ursa fell. Your army falls, dragon. * * * A new expedition marched into the snowy courtyard of the Sanctuary of Lights. Fifty strong, under Dawn Chaser's command, they had a singular goal. Not a single wolven had dared to stand in the way. The canyons echoed with the tale. Glendale had felled the great ursa major. Its death had meant victory for the ponies, scattering the wolven horde into the night to the anthem of the ursa's dying groans. Sapphire stopped at the base of the steps, looking up at the doorway. This was the last place she'd seen Light's Hope. His amulet still hung around her neck, the subtle weight reminding her of the loss. A heavy stone still blocked the way. “Knock it down,” she said. “With pleasure.” Brissance mounted the steps and placed his ordnance against the barrier. “Fire in the hole!” When the dust cleared the way was open. “Do you remember the way, Stardust?” Dawn Chaser asked. The hybrid stretched her wings and stepped into the gap, peering into the darkness. “I do,” she said, calmly. “Follow me.” * * * “Do you hear those hoofbeats marching through your halls, dragon?” Brazen asked, relishing the sound. “They are the drums of war.” Insomnia hissed her displeasure. She crouched in the corner, waiting for her would-be slayers to come. At Dawn Chaser's command, Glendale's forces swarmed into the room, charging the black dragon with murderous intent. The dead would be avenged. A sea of fire blossomed from the dragon's maw, threatening to end the conflict just as it had begun. It was cut short; Brazen reached out with all of his strength and held it back. Everypony stood fast, bracing behind the soft blue glow of Sapphire's shields. A few of the more adventurous souls started to creep toward the wall of fire. The talismans they wore crackled with electricity. “Wait! Stop!” Sapphire warned, her voice barely carrying over the din. “The fire charms aren't strong enough for this!” “What? How?!” Dawn Chaser snapped. “She's too strong for them!” Sapphire shouted. “We have to fall back!” For a moment Dawn Chaser stood there, looking at the roaring wall of flames. “Alright, fall back!” “Free me!” Brazen Soul's voice boomed through the chamber. “Free me, unicorn.” “Who said that?” Sapphire asked. “There! On the Lunar Stone!” Emberwind raised a hoof to point. The flames had parted around Brazen's image. His eyes glowed with zeal. “Everypony out! Now!” Dawn Chaser ordered. His troops were quick to comply. “I'll be fine,” Sapphire said, but Emberwind could see the fear in her eyes. “But if he's free the fire-” “Go!” Sapphire shouted. “I have Light's amulet. It protected me before. I.. I have to do this!” Dawn nudged Emberwind toward the door. He stopped to give Sapphire one last look. His sorrowful expression brought her little comfort. She took a deep breath, then warped atop the Lunar Stone and forced the keystone toward the surface with all of the strength left in her. Dark magic hissed and popped, resisting her as if she were trying to shove two magnets together the wrong way. The further she pressed, the brighter Brazen burned. “For all that you've done, for all you might yet do, I condemn you,” Brazen proclaimed over the din. “Suffer the rage of the land!” Sapphire cried out as the fire was set loose. It washed around her, but she did not burn. Cold wind rushed in from the catacombs and smothered the flames, drawn by the wake of Brazen's charge. With a sound like thunder he had burst from the Lunar Stone with a great flash of light and impaled Insomnia. The momentum carried him and the dragon into the wall. When the dust settled, Sapphire stood atop the stone alone. Small fires burned here and there. Insomnia lay dying, Brazen's broken spear still sticking out of her chest. The earth pony stood, his legs wobbling from the force of the impact. He gripped the spear in his teeth and yanked it free of the dragon's chest. Thick black blood issued from the mortal wound. Brazen roared his rage, jamming the spear deep into Insomnia's throat. “Brazen? Are you alright?” Sapphire asked. He spat out the spear and turned to her, surveying himself, whole for the first time in centuries. “I will survive,” he said wearily. “You're glowing...” Sapphire said, eyeing the earth pony up and down. “So I am,” he said, lifting a hoof to his nose. “And you're fading.” He pointed at her. Sapphire could see straight through the ancient warrior's smiling face. Allies were gathering around her. “Brazen? Sapphire, what is happening to him?” Stardust asked, emerging from the crowd. Sapphire shook her head, mouth agape. “I... I don't--” “Sapphire! What is happening to Brazen Soul?!” Stardust pleaded. “Stop it! Fix him! Save him!” Before their eyes he faded away, leaving no trace but the shattered spear, still dripping with Insomnia's dark blood. “He's gone...” Stardust said softly. She stared into the middle-distance where the earth pony had stood just moments before. “There's nothing we can do about it now,” Dawn Chaser said. He stood before Insomnia's body and plucked the broken spear from her throat. “The monster is dead. We can all rest a little easier tonight knowing that. Let's get the Lunar Stone loaded up. It has served its purpose here, correct?” Sapphire nodded. “Good work everypony. I know we just got here, but let's go home,” Dawn Chaser said. Back in Glendale everything was slowly starting to get back to normal. The dead had all been cleared away, and repairs were well underway to the town's gate. The walls would take longer, but much of the rubble was salvageable. When Sapphire arrived at the churchyard with her companions she found dozens of new flags standing in rows. Light's was among them. At the front, a monument had been erected, built from the damaged keystone that had once held the arch together over the gate. Dawn Chaser placed Brazen's broken spear at the foot of it. In darkness these flags were raised so that when the sun rose, ours still flew. Epilogue A knock at the door broke Brindolar's morning routine. The clock on the wall showed a solid hour before his little shop was due to open. Begrudgingly he answered it. His heart skipped a beat. Stardust stood in the snow, brow furrowed as she studied him up and down with a scowl o her face. “I recognized you,” she said. “When I was hunting Avarice. You were a lot smaller 600 years ago. They tell me that's how long it's been...” “I didn't.. I didn't recognize you...” the old dragon said quietly. Today he was feeling his years. “Well?” Brindolar looked away. There on the shelf by the door was the book. “I can't talk about this now, not yet. So many things are coming back. But this... I had this in my things. I couldn't remember until the expedition to kill Insomnia. You should have it,” he said, and held it out to her. Brazen Soul's mark was emblazoned on the cover. The centuries had faded it, but the message was unchanged. Somewhere in the pages, Stardust found some small solace. I was forced by hunger to return to Glendale alone. There I found that time had not passed for me, despite my centuries within the Lunar Stone and I was greeted by old friends that I had long ago watched pass into the annals of history. For them I had been gone mere days, and they could not understand my joy after so many lifetimes. To my surprise and dismay Stardust and Lyric had been completely forgotten. They vanished from the minds of their families and friends as though they died the day we left to tend to the Sanctuary of Lights. Some say I've gone mad, that I'm a doddering old stallion, wishing to relive my past days of Glory. Three times so far I have returned to the Sanctuary to no avail and have given up on recovering my friends there, having searched every nook and cranny the place has to offer. There are no signs of Stardust or Lyric. The Lunar Stone lies dormant, and the dragon that we found sleeping there is gone. She haunts the place like an echo. My only solace lies in her ultimate death. I bare a heavy burden, being the only guardian of their memories. Wherever Stardust is, I hope she knows somehow that I remembered her. Unto my death I shall always cherish the memories of my little falling star. Author's Notes Well it's been quite a journey! I started this project about a year ago in an effort to improve my writing abilities. I think I've been successful in that. I really want to extend a special thanks to Fernin. He's been proofreading for me and been very helpful in bringing this project to completion. If you haven't heard of him, go look him up! I particularly recommend Whip and Wing! Go read! Sapphire Starlight's story will continue in Last Dawn. Thanks for reading! ~Frosted Lights