Pact: Nullification : Lost

by SerriTovoka

So here I am.

((This format only continues to chapter 5. Stick with it.))

So here I am.

I awoke in a far too familiar way; face down on the ground.

This was different though.

Face down...

...face down in snow.

- … -

This place was a confusingly hued and cold parcel.

Almost like a pink...or a bright and saturated purplish yellow.

There was no wind, but a far-too-present biting cold that surrounded me on all sides.

I hoisted myself up with my arms, slowly gazing out at the landscape before me.

With a push, I was on a knee, trying to take it all in.

Before me sprawled weeping willows radiating cool color tones, and placid waters.

Off from my left there was a powerful yet faint orange glow.

My breath bellowed out on from of me; a smoky and opaque cloud.

I have no idea where I am.

But that's usually the case.

I stood, my feet sinking slightly into the snow as I brushed myself off and stuck my hands into my coat pockets.

With a shiver, I ventured forth into the still and empty air. An eerie feeling about me. So dark, yet...

...the glow of the trees...a light in the distance.

I pulled my jacket around me as tightly as possible.

To the light I go.

- … -

The Terminus has had a funny way of not ending anything.

I'm beginning to wonder if it was just a way to throw me in the weirdest places until I eventually died.

DEA would be looking for me, and maybe I'd be here longer than 2 hours.

I begin my passage, pushing a tree branch away from my face as I approach the water's edge.

I look out to see a few rocks that form a strangely convenient stepping stone bridge.

I step out and quickly hop across the rocks to the other side of the pale moat.

The low hanging willows and autumned spruces speckle the powder ground before me.

With haste, I trek on through the cold and silence.

The light.

A gate.


I see it off, just a little ways against a small hillside.

Flakes of snow spot the ground, and obscure my view to a glimpse of a glow.

I shiver and press on, hoping to find some kind of shelter there.

A lamp.

That's where it was coming from. A warm yellow glow amidst the cold and dark terrain.

I approach the gate, and gently push it aside to enter.
