//------------------------------// // Discovery // Story: Pact: Nullification : Lost // by SerriTovoka //------------------------------// - … - With a sudden jolt, I avoid sleep. At least...I think so. Or was it the voice? A faint...voice? I stand, and with a fleeting foot, run to the gate and throw it open. Off in the distance I can see it. Some small shape. Calling out...to? I open the gate, shutting it quickly behind me. “Hey! Hey you!” The figure turns. “Hey!” , I call out, “Hey! Wait a second.” The quadruped silhouette turns to face me. “Who...you...what...can-”, it replies. I begin to walk closer, avoiding a hasty approach so as to not be perceived as a threat. The creature maintains its ground. A lantern in its mouth. Surely it's not... “You're a...” “Are you a...?” The creature looks me over, its small toboggan and scarf masking its appearance. “You're a human...” It states in a muffled female voice, almost dropping the lantern. “Yes...yes I am. You're a...well...” , I began. The creature looked about itself, confused and taken aback, it set the lantern in the snow before it as it readied for a reply. My mind searched for the right words. “...you're a pony.”, I said. The stare lasted forever, the furred pony in front of me staring into my eyes as it wondered. “You're a human...you don't...” I knelt down, trying to remove the frightening aspect of an already strange situation. “Where am I?” The pony retrieved its jaw from the ground and swallowed hard as it looked around again, seemingly to be momentarily confused as to where it was. “You're in the northern mountains...I mean...you're in Equestria.” The pony stepped closer to me. “Aren't you like...cold?” I didn't answer. Equestria. Ponies. My Little Pony? This is ridiculous. Either this place has existed all along or I've gone mad. Maybe the Terminus has gotten the best of me. Maybe this is it. No. I searched myself, patting all around my neck and collar until I finally felt it. The cross. This is real. Equestria is real.