Pact: Nullification : Lost

by SerriTovoka

Drink to the occasion.

“I realize”, I said in an unassuming tone.

Roseluck lounged in her chair, staring at the fire.

“You'll have to forgive me, Ryan. I'm a little mindfucked right now.”

I smiled, knowing the feeling inside and out.

“Take your time. I'm a little surprised too. You guys were a children's T.V. show back on my planet. Or in my reality. Not too sure if you're just on another planet or a different universe entirely. Usually, two things have to be on separate planes of reality in order to cross in such a weird way.”

The pony glanced over at me, her head never turning from the fire.

“You're a human. You're not supposed to be here. I mean, not to sound hostile or anything, but you literally shouldn't be here. It's impossible, or at least, it was. Well, I thought it was. I mean it's obviously not and I've been having weird feelings ever since last year and I ju-”

“Roseluck, my universe's reality has come to an end.”

The pony looked back to the fire.


I immediately snapped to attention.

“You know? Who told you? Did anyone tell you?”

She frowned, shaking her head.

“Sometimes words just come to me. Just like feelings. Just like THIS feeling. Terminus was one of them. It means 'end'. To stop.”

“That's exactly what happened to me. Exactly. A bunch of words and feelings that I didn't understand and then this. I hope you don't have to go through this.”

She shifted, laying her head on the arm rest.

“Popping up in places that I don't belong?”

“Most likely. It's different for everyone. I did a lot before I started disappearing.”

“How long do I have? Before it gets here?”

I brushed my hair back with my hand as I exhaled deeply, thinking.

“From the time I first had the thoughts, it took about four or five years.

She sighed.

“At least life won't be boring anymore.”

My hands went back in my pockets as I leaned forward, trying to get nearer to the fire.


“Yeah. I was exiled from greater Equestria about six months ago.”

“What for?”

She smirked, but it quickly faded.

“ 'Enticing rebellion against the powers that be'.”

We were so similar that it almost hurt.

“I led a rebellion on my side of the universe too. Against a corrupt and violent government.”

She looked almost sickly, she looked how I felt. Out of place. Tired.

Yeah. Tired.

“Did you win?”


“Neither did I.”

“Well, this is looking very familiar. Siding being banished.”

Roseluck sat up, her mane falling as she stretched in the chair.

“I'll get us some drinks, Ryan. We have a lot to talk about.”