A Dream

by totallynotabrony

Too Many Pinkie Pies

With all my money missing, all I had left in Las Pegasus was my stuff. Everything was paid for, at least.
The company would begin to put cash back into my reserves, but it would take a little while. My research pertaining to firearms would have to go on hold.
I had begun to develop cartridge weapons, although nothing too impressive yet. I hadn’t even figured out a way to carry them. While my money reserves were low, however, I decided to experiment with other things.
An alternate universe version of me had figured out how to grow blue agave plants to make tequila. I had no idea how that worked, but decided to give it a try.
I went outside and planted my hoof on the ground. Earth pony magic had never really been my thing. I couldn’t do Jedi mind tricks or anything with it. In fact, until that moment, I had never experienced it at all.
I felt something shift beneath my hoof. Lifting it, I found a sprout growing there. As I watched, it got bigger and bigger, shaping into the distinctive spiky leaves of the agave plant.
From a half-remembered documentary about tequila, I thought it took something like eight years for them to get big enough to harvest. The plant stopped growing when it was a little taller than I was.
“Cool.” I pulled the leaves off and was left with an egg-shaped bulb a little larger than a volleyball. After digging it up and cleaning off the dirt, I took it inside and plopped it in a cooking pot. I picked up a masher and set to work.
A couple of days later, I was left with a quantity of concentrated agave sauce. It was sweet and had an interesting flavor. It wasn’t alcoholic, though, and that’s where fermentation came in.
With the primitive alcohols I’d made in the past, I knew a little about the process, so it was simple to get the mixture cooking. I left it inside stainless steel vats that I’d bought for the purpose.
While I waited for the stuff to mature, I decided to swing by Ponyville and see how the PINP was doing. You can’t just leave a nuclear power station to go by itself without checking once in a while, even if said station wasn't actually operating yet.
I set the Monstrosity aircraft down outside the building and went in. The walls were all made of thick concrete. I wasn’t a total idiot when it came to power plants, even if the explosives rigged to the interior walls begged to differ.
Everyone I talked to had asked me why there was a destruction method already in place. I had decided that it was for emergencies, although exactly what kind I didn’t yet know. Hopefully the blast would be contained by the outside walls and just annihilate everything inside the building.
Checks finished, I went up to Canterlot. Something had been bothering me ever since the Crystal Empire affair. That something was Trixie still being alive.
I stopped in at the castle. My leg was still in a cast from punching Sombra so hard he exploded, and it made kind of a thunking sound on the floor. With that noise, I’m a little surprised Luna didn’t hear me coming.
As I walked into her office, she slammed a book shut. I recognized it as one I’d seen her with the last time I was in Canterlot.
“What’s that?”
“None of your business,” she said. “What are you doing here?”
“I just came about the ELF.”
Luna nodded. “Yes, the Eight Legged Freak. She’s revealed herself as Trixie, correct?”
“That’s right. I thought you sent her to the moon.”
The Princess looked bashful. “Well, I tried. She merely ended up in low orbit. I am not as powerful as my sister, after all.”
“It’s okay,” I reassured her. “I wanted another shot at killing Trixie anyway. First I have to find out where she got that robot, though.”
“And while you’re at it, could you perhaps determine how she was affiliated with King Sombra?” asked Luna.
“About that,” I said. “Just what kind of villain was he? I mean, Chrysalis wanted to suck love from everyone. Nightmare Moon wanted eternal night. Discord wanted chaos. What about Sombra? Did he just want crystals? Aren’t precious stones like a dime a dozen in Equestria? Was it actually crystal meth?”
Luna frowned. “You have to remember, a thousand years ago when he was here last, I was on the moon. You've already told me that he didn't say anything of importance when you met him.”
“Yeah, he just kind of mumbled. Okay, I guess I’ll have to find someone else to ask.” I paused. “It’s not actually a kingdom of crystal meth, is it?”
I was not able to get a suitable answer from Luna, and decided to go back to Las Pegasus. I saw a column of smoke as I approached and discovered that my building had burned to the ground. Written in the ashes was a simple message. Regards, Beauty and Blackwood.
The distilling tequila in its metal containers had survived. Nothing else had. I took a sip of the beverage. It must have been the burning building or something, but it was the best firewater I had ever tasted.
The pleasant experience let me blow off a little steam so I could think a bit more clearly about my situation. I still had the company infrastructure. I still had a place of my own in Ponyville. I had Monstrosity. Most importantly, I had gallons of awesome tequila. Oh, and Admiral Falcon. He showed up a few minutes later, looking disgruntled.
“Good thing you’re here,” I said. “Someone needs to be designated driver. Let’s go to Ponyville.”
While leaving Las Pegasus seemed like giving up, I preferred to think about it as regrouping to plan a massive counterattack. And oh, what a counterattack it would be.
I had no idea what the Black Twins wanted from me. That was fine. I was going to kill them so hard they wouldn’t know which way was up. Hopefully they would get Heaven and Hell confused and go the wrong way.
I reviewed the advantages I had over them. The biggest was that they didn’t know I was from Earth. I had surprise on my side, and could do things that they would never expect.
Somehow I got to Ponyville without crashing. I was pretty hammered by then because it was hard not to partake in the awesome tequila. I stumbled into my building and collapsed into a happy stupor.

The next day I went to find Twilight. It was only fair that I should tell her I was back in town for a while so she could avoid me. I found her practicing magic. Pinkie bounced onto the scene and interrupted the unicorn, who accidentally turned a poor bluejay into an orange.
Rarity showed up with some kind of crazy outfit and listened to Pinkie freak out about missing so much fun. I would have offered her some liquid fun but had forgotten to bring a bottle. She dashed off and I had a chance to talk to Twilight.
“I’m back,” I said.
“I’m a victim of arson.”
Twilight and Rarity traded glances, actually looked concerned. “How did that happen?”
“You remember how I told you about the Black Twins? Yeah, it was them.”
“But why would they do that? They already took all your money.”
“I don't know, but my building in Ponyville is the only place I have to stay now.” I shrugged. “Anyway, I should probably go find Pinkie. I’ve got something that’s sure to be fun.”
I left before Twilight and Rarity could ask. I found Pinkie making out with Fluttershy on a couch covered with butterflies. I say “Pinkie making out with Fluttershy” because it certainly wasn’t the other way around. The timid pegasus still hadn’t told her fiancé that she didn’t want to get married.
The wedding was supposed to have been a little while ago, but the spontaneous appearance of the Crystal Empire had put it off. I learned that it had been rescheduled for that afternoon.
I coughed politely. Pinkie looked at me and waved a hoof, but didn’t disengage her mouth from Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash and Applejack showed up just then.
“I’ve got something fun planned this afternoon that I thought you might want to know about,” said Rainbow.
“I’m here for the same reason,” said Applejack.
“This is perfect!” exclaimed Pinkie, finally coming up for air. She brought her hooves together like a supervillian. “Everyone will now bring their fun to me.”
“Everyone?” I asked.
She smiled and nodded. “Yep! I’m borrowing a word from you, Valiant. Not all the sapient beings out there are ponies, after all.”
I nodded. That made as much sense as anything. I turned to go. There was no guarantee that Pinkie would still be there when I got back, but at least I knew where to start looking so I could give her some tequila. I was going to call it a wedding gift.
I encountered Cheerilee while walking back into town. She was sitting on a bench, wearing sunglasses to compensate for the cloudless sky. I noticed that she was reading a book.
“What the heck?” I said. “I thought you were illiterate.”
“That’s what I said so you would leave me alone.”
“This…this changes everything. Suddenly, you actually are qualified to teach.” I thought for a moment. “You’re still a vampire, though, right?”
She glared at me. That was answer enough. I continued on into town. Before I could retrieve a bottle of tequila and return to the butterfly couch, a crowd of Pinkies went by. I stood for a moment, dumbfounded. “What the…”
This sounded like a problem for Twilight Sparkle. I went over to the library and found her frantically searching for answers. Spike found a secret compartment and pulled out the book she was looking for. I was about to ask why they had never noticed the compartment marked with a golden horseshoe before, but Twilight rushed outside.
She quickly explained that there was a spell to reverse the multiplying Pinkies, but first we had to figure out which one was the original. Gathering them all together was the first problem.
“I have an idea,” I said. “I know how to get them all in one place.”
“You do?” said Twilight.
“Really?” said Fancypants.
“What the heck are you doing here?” I asked him.
The stallion from Canterlot shrugged. “Rarity was dressed so fancily earlier because she invited me to a little fashion show.”
I nodded. “Makes sense. Anyway, back to my plan. It’s going to take a lot of sacrifice on my part. I’m taking one for the team here. And someday, I’ll take it back. But until then, know that I’m doing you all a huge favor.”
I walked to the center of town and cleared my throat. “It’s my birthday!”
There was a collective gasp that echoed throughout the town as everyPinkie realized that I needed a party. That took precedence over the wedding, but some of the decorations could be reused.
Sir Win was a little unhappy that his preparations for Pinkie and Fluttershy’s wedding had been ruined a second time, but being the rather jovial fellow he was, he didn’t complain too much.
I have to say, it was the most fun, most exhausting birthday party ever. You have no idea how hard you can party until you have a couple dozen Pinkies forcing you to. At least I got some gifts.
Fluttershy got me a bag of falcon food. Applejack made me a pie. Rarity said she would help me redecorate my temporary quarters to be more livable. Twilight presented me with a book that I didn’t read. Fancypants had heard about my financial difficulties and gave me a small bag of bits. Rainbow got me a cloud.
“What the hell am I supposed to do with this?” I demanded.
She shrugged. “It’s the thought that counts.”
My angry retort was interrupted by Sir Win. “Sorry, I didn’t have time to get you anything. I promise to make it up to you.”
“Can I have my soul?” I asked.
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Like a one-time free pass on death. Pleeeeeaaaase?”
“Well, I really shouldn’t, but I suppose I can make an exception just this once.”
“Cool, thanks.” I pulled out a bottle of tequila and grabbed Twilight. “Okay, here’s the next step of the plan. We get all the Pinkies drunk, and then whichever one stays true to Fluttershy the longest is the real one.”
She nodded. “I…guess that will work.”
I lined up a row of shot glasses and began pouring. Let me tell you, buzzed Pinkie Pie is way worse than normal. Luckily, they all progressed into mellow Pinkie pretty quickly and lecherous Pinkie soon after that. It’s a good thing Ponyville was mostly mares, because otherwise we might not have had enough to go around.
It scared the shit out of me when one of them sprouted fingers from her hoof in order to interact with the pony she was hitting on a little more thoroughly. Another one turned into a freaking horse in an attempt to provoke bestiality. I was happy to see that it didn’t work.
Twilight was zapping so many fake Pinkies that her horn had started to glow with heat. It looked like air cooling wasn’t keeping up, and I picked up the glass in front of me to douse her with it.
Wait a minute, is that what I really wanted to do? I set the glass down and picked up the bottle of tequila.
As Twilight’s head went up in flames, I spotted Fluttershy in a compromising position with a Pinkie. I could only assume that this was the correct one, and herded the two of them down the street away from the scene.
“So many v-vag…” moaned Fluttershy.
“It’s okay,” I said. “You’re safe from the Pinkie pussy now.”
“You can’t twat-stop me like that!” complained the Pinkie that was with us. I assumed that was the female equivalent of a cock-block.
“It’s your own fault,” I said. “You were the one who started it, plus the other weird things that have occurred. I think for your sake that waiting until you’re married would be the best idea, just to make sure nothing else crazy comes up.”
Pinkie sighed. “All right, I’ll reschedule the wedding for next week. I hope nothing else bad happens.”
We walked by Sugarcube Corner. A Pinkie was making out with Mrs. Cake. Mr. Cake stood there, with a strange look on his face. I assumed it was the expression stallions used when a sudden boner led them to discover that their homophobia was misguided.
I heard later that Twilight burned for a while, but an unexpected splash of orange juice managed to get her put out. I wondered what poor creature had sacrificed itself for the good of Ponyville.
True to her word, Rarity got my building outfitted. I moved in shortly thereafter. Having no experience with security, Rarity hadn’t set up the defensive perimeter yet. I set to work on that.
The Black Twins worried me, honestly. I didn’t fear them, but they were actively targeting me, and I hadn’t managed to figure out why.
That was put out of my mind for the moment as there was a knock on the door. It was Twilight.
“I hope you’re happy,” she said. “It’ll take weeks for my mane to grow out again.”
“It was still a successful anti-Pinkie party,” I pointed out.
She nodded. “I guess you’re right. Hey, wait a minute, how can it be your birthday? I thought time passed differently here than on Earth.”
I shrugged. “It’s complicated. Or is it? Honestly, I just thought of it on the spot and it worked out pretty well.”
Twilight nodded and turned to go. She didn’t ask for the book she’d given me back, since it wasn't actually my birthday. That was fine, because I had tossed it somewhere and still hadn’t read it.
A little while later, Sir Win came knocking at my door.
“I was hoping we might hold the wedding here,” he said. “You have the room for it, and with the rescheduled event, our intended venue is not available.”
“Can I charge a fee?” I asked.
He hesitated. “I’m still new to the whole ‘friendship’ thing, but I think that would be a rather unpleasant thing for you to do.”
I did feel a little bit like a dick for that, but said, “Do you realize I just lost my life savings?”
He nodded. “Well then, I suppose exceptions can be made. Could I at least ask you to help?”
“I suppose. I’ve never helped with a wedding before.”
Sir Win smiled. “I can promise that it’s more badass than you think.”
“Really? Okay, I’m in. What are we doing first?”
“I was just about to make the cake,” he said. “I’ve got the oven ready to go and everything.”
I stepped outside. “Okay, I’ll come with you.”
He turned away and I followed him. While I was still skeptical that preparing a wedding could be awesome, I’d never known Sir Win to lie to me before. I hoped making a cake would be a cool thing to do.
Oven, prepare to meet your baker.