//------------------------------// // Explain. // Story: Pact: Nullification : Lost // by SerriTovoka //------------------------------// ((This is what I wrote to. This is what it's set to. I also started putting speech in italics.)) Roseluck returned with a tray yielding two half filled wine glasses. She wore the same solemn look that she had since we'd entered the cabin. With a metallic thump, she sat the tray down on a small table betwixt the chairs. "Humans drink, right?" I took a glass and handed her the other as she mounted the chair. "Yes. Sometimes more than we should." Roseluck took the glass and settled into her seat. "How did you get here, Ryan?" I thought for a moment. She deserved to know what's been going on. With me, and with my world. It would be here in Equestria soon enough. "The Terminus is real. Very real. It's when the 'rules' of life don't take effect anymore. When things like gravity and the consistence of matter are disrupted or cancelled out all together. It's when..." She looked over. "It's when what?" It's when nothing matters anymore. It's when you lose everyone you've ever loved. It's when you wish you would just die. It's when you see everything dissipate right before your eyes. It's when you're bathed in the blood of the people that you would have given your everything for. It's merciless. It's cruel. It's a sick joke. "Roseluck." "Rose, please." I sighed deeply. "It's horrid. To see everyone go mad. To hear the voices of countless aeons all whispering to you at once. Some tempting, some saving. I've seen my father go mad and kill my little sister. My mother spontaneously became ill with Morgellon's disease and soon followed suit. The first day of the Terminus, the sky went out. No stars, no clouds, no sun, no nothing. It was impossible to see thirty feet ahead of you if there wasn't a streetlight. We went around with flashlights and guns, hearing nothing but the maddened screams of death and anguish. It was hell." Roseluck stared, her ears flattened and her head hanging low. "I've had dreams about that. Ryan, I'm so sorry." I wiped my face with the sleeve of my peacoat. "You're in the same boat that I was, Rose." The mare set her glass down and left her chair, trotting over to me. "Come here...", she said sweetly. She leaned into me and wrapped her front legs around my neck as she rested her head on my shoulder. I felt the full effects of the loss that I had experienced wash over me. Everyone's dead now. It's just me. Me and Rose. "I've only had the dreams, Ryan, but I know. I've felt the fear. I know." We pulled away at the same time. She walked over to the fire to stoke it again. "We shouldn't talk about it anymore. Sides, I need some more firewood. Care to come with me?" I inhaled deeply and stood. "Yeah. I'd like that very much."