//------------------------------// // The Big Shots // Story: Twilight Sparkle's Anguish // by Trailblazer Rocker //------------------------------// Trailblazer and the other six ponies kept on winning each match they went in every couple days. Their ranks only rose, and their popularity continued to rise. They still didn't reach the Major League quite yet, as they could only schedule a couple fights a day. In the eyes of the media, they were still unworthy of getting any recognition. The interview/photographer partners wouldn't get a scoop on them. "You guys are called 'The Devastators', yet you're minor leaguers? HA!" "Move along, little nobodies. My camera doesn't take photos of Minor Leaguers." Trailblazer simply blew them off, and walked around the arena. Their next battle would be a shot at the major league anyways. They all got back in their rooms and decided to hang out for the night. "You guys are the bomb!" said Bronze Age. "I haven't seen ANY group of ponies reach their way to the top that fast before." "We are JUST that good!" Rainbow Dash said with a swag. "So, what are you fighting here for anyways?" "Have you seen the hole in the sky?" asked Twilight. "We need to gather some stones to stop it, and supposedly, one of them is on that trophy here." Bronze Age gave them a blank look, then let out a nervous chuckle. "Have you been reading too many comic books lately?" "No, this is pretty serious. That Sario Hole will destroy the world." "Wait, that's a Sario Hole??" he bolted outside to take a good look, then came back a minute later. "Yeah, I remember about that thing now! My grandfather is an astronomer, and he studies stars and their functions. He told me about Sario Holes and how they resembled actual black holes, and the difference being that they're caused by some Sinister Star or something." "And the Sacred Stars are what we're looking for in order to stop it." "Wow, you really are heroines and a hero... You have my blessing for good will in your adventure." "Thanks, bud," said Trailblazer. "Well, I suppose we should get our rest for the night," said Rarity. "Yeah, we should, it's getting late..." "OFF WITH YOU!" they heard a woman shout outside of their room. Sapphire took Super Shine back into the minor league locker room. "That room is off-limits to combatants! Understood?" "Yeah, whatever..." an unenthusiastic Super Shine said. "You keep it up, and you'll be taken off the roster. And another thing, quit following me around all the time like that! It's... creepy!" Sapphire left the room, leaving Super Shine in with the others. Bronze Age flew up to him. "Dude, you are a MAGNET for trouble!" he told Shine. "Eh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring 'Queen Nag' in here," he told him. "Hey, don't sweat it. Also, what's with you following her around the ring? You have a thing for her or somethin'?" "Shut it! She just happened to catch me behind her!" "Well, whatever, man." "Now, if you would please, I'm going to continue my research." Super Shine walked back outside the room. All the other ponies dispersed themselves around the room doing whatever they do. Trailblazer decided to walk out of the locker room and found Super Shine out in the hall. "Hey, Trailblazer! How are things?" he asked. "Ah, you know, just kicking some ass," said Trailblazer. "Yeah, you definitely are good at that..." "So, uhh, what exactly are you looking up on in this arena?" "Oh, you came to hear some of the research I've been doing?" Trailblazer nodded. "Now, this is great timing! I just got some juicy info on Smash Crash and Sapphire." "Just on those two?" "No, I've been looking up a lot of stuff here. Thing is, this place is crawling with secrets here and there. I can share with you what I've gathered if you're curious." "Sure, I'd like to know." "All right! Now, I know stuff about the Champion's room, the storage room, a hidden room in the major league locker room, some strange thing that goes on when the pit's empty, and, like I mentioned, Smash Crash and Sapphire. "Hm, how about you tell me all of them and work your way down?" "Sure thing, dude. All right, the Champion's room... I've snuck in there once, and I've heard phantom voices in that room." "Whoa, you mean, like... A ghost??" "Yeah, that room is speculated to be haunted. Supposedly, those voices are made up of all the ponies that the Champion has beaten." "Man, don't tell Fluttershy THAT one. It'll be so unnerving for her, it won't be funny." "Heh heh, yeah. Now, the storage room... Actually, a friend of mine did some research on this one prior to me looking into it... He said that there's a second floor there, but no stairs..." Trailblazer had a skeptical look after hearing that. "What's the story behind THAT? Lazy architects?" "That's the thing... There's no stairs leading up to it. He heard some moaning coming from that upper floor, which sounded like some past fighters. It's been dubbed, 'The Mega Ring Graveyard...'" Trailblazer was a bit shocked. "Whoa, that's kind of creepy..." "It startled me when I first heard it too... So, moving on to the major league locker room, there's supposed to be a wall there, but no way to get past it. And beyond that wall, lies more bodies..." "You're kidding!" "I don't exactly believe it either, but I guess it's still worth noting..." "Wouldn't the bodies start to smell after some time?" "Hmmm, good point. But I guess there is one thing about it: Something GOOD has to be lying beyond that wall." "I would think so too." "Now, for the empty ring... There are a few speculations onthis particular topic... When it's empty, there is ALWAYS something weird going on in there. It's strange, though... It's closed to the public when it happens. It could be something from working with the light fixtures, or something else really bizarre." "If it is that way, then that means somepony doesn't want any other pony to see some dirty secret." "Oooh, that's good! I should try to sneak in there sometime and see for myself! Imagine how the media would flip if we found out that secret." "Yeah, that DOES sound cool!" "I'll let you know when I have a little stealth thing going on, and then we can find it out." "Cool, cool!" "Yeah! Now, last but not least, Smash Crash and Sapphire. They are an odd pair. Smash Crash is really fit, even though he's past 60. I'm not sure if it's some secret training he does to keep it toned or whatever, but he won't discuss why either... And then there's Sapphire. You know how unicorns have those horns to do some magic? Well, even though Sapphire's just an earth pony, she just, disappears for some unknown reason. I was actually trying to look into it some more earlier tonight, but she caught me lurking behind her." "Does anypony know exactly how it happens?" "One can speculate, but what DOES happen is that when he goes around a corner that acts like a blind spot... Well, somepony can be following behind her, and when they go around that corner to keep following her, she's gone..." "Whoa..." "I know, there's no confirmation on how, or WHY, that happens." "Here's something to consider: maybe it's not exactly her that disappears at her own will, but with the help of some other unicorn." "Another good point, Trailblazer. Sometime, we'll have to go do this research together. Promise me that we'll still be friends after you get into the major league." "I'm a pony of my word, brother. And you have it." "Thanks, man. It'll be fun." The next day was another day. Things were about to change for them. They walked up to the terminal and got ready for their major league shot. "Howdy, Devastators!" Smash Crash answered. He laughed eagerly. "This is gonna be good, youngin's. You're going to have a chance at the major league! Ranked 10th, is The ShadowBolts! Now here, in this main event, I want to see your pair of pegasi fight their pair of pegasi. It's a match where things get real, and feathers versus feathers is how you'll have to fight. The rest of ya can't go on the ring for this, y'hear? Now, get in there and make me proud!" He disappeared from the screen. "Just our pegasi?" asked Pinkie Pie. "That means that it's all up to Rainbow Dash and..." "Fluttershy..." said Trailblazer, rolling his eyes. "Oh, what if I mess this up? Will we get another chance? I don't want all this pressure!" She cowered against a wall. "C'mon, Flutters!" said Rainbow Dash. "You don't need to worry, I have your back!" She got Fluttershy back on her feet, ready to enter the ring. "Leave it to me." "That sounds really dangerous..." Rainbow Dash walked up to Trailblazer. "You're okay with the standards Smash Crash put up... Right...?" "I don't need to worry about you, Dashie." He smirked at her, then scowled at Fluttershy. "It's HER that I don't trust." "Can't you just give her a chance, darling?" asked Rarity. "Honestly, I'd rather have Twilight do that type transfer spell so I can be that second pegasus in the ring." "I'm. Going. To. Get. On, that, stage," an angry Fluttershy reassured him with. "Whatever..." Security came in to take Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy on stage. The other five got in the stadium to watch the fight. Smash Crash was already on to start the show. "And now, our main event! A clash of the minor league versus the major league! First off, let's get our challengers in here! Please welcome, The Devastators!" At the cue, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew onto the ring. Smash Crash walked up to them. "So, how are ya feelin' 'bout this here shot at the major league?" "I'm ready to get it on!" yelled Rainbow Dash. "Okay, I think..." Fluttershy responded with. "These two are rarin' to go! Now, for the major leaguers! The Wings of Night, the ShadowBolts!" Two dark-toned pegasi flew onto the stage, bearing mean expressions on their faces. "Only one thing's for sure in this battle: a group of fighters is staying in their soot, or they're going to change places!" "All right, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash whispered into her ear. "Just think about it. We pull this off and we'll be one step closer to getting that Sacred Star!" Fluttershy was breating anxiously. "Okay... Yeah, I can do this..." But she was shivering. "Look at that yellow pony shaking like a plate of jello!" the red hued ShadowBolt said to the green hued one. "How about you take on that rainbow one, and once I knock the yellow one out, we gang up on the rainbow one?" the green one suggested. "Heh heh heh... This is going to be too easy, brother." "Let the battle... BEGIIIIIIN!" The gong rang, and the two teams were off. The ShadowBolts lunged at them, but Rainbow Dash was the only one that started to fly at the opponents. Fluttershy was spooked, but before she could react and do the same, the green ShadowBolt closed the distance and started to pound her onto the ring. As Rainbow Dash was fighting off the red one quite well, Fluttershy was just a punching bag. "AAUUUUGH!" yelled Trailblazer at the sight of her getting beaten easily. "Attack back and defend yourself! Don't you know how to do that?!" She didn't respond, but then, she got thrown into the air by the ShadowBolt, who was getting ready to pound her back onto the ring from the air. As he got above her to drill her, she got out of the way and gave him a weak kick when he lost his timing. He then turned around and retaliated some more, leaving her defenseless. "...And she is part of our Devastators squad... I really don't see why I even bothered letting her sign that contract." Trailblazer continued to speak negative comments on her combat capabilities and shouted jeers at her as well. "What the hell is your problem?!" "Get with the program!" "Hey, here's something you should try: ACTUALLY FIGHING BACK!" "Go ahead, hit me! I'll stand still," said the green ShadowBolt, smug. But he found himself tackled from behind, with Rainbow Dash kicking him to the ground. "Get her off!" he yelled. He looked to where he saw his red counterpart, but he was knocked out. It was two against one, and Rainbow Dash was going to finish the job. She grabbed him and took him up into the air, keeping him held tightly beneath her. He squirmed to break free, but she kept a firm grip. Then, she drilled him onto the ring, leaving him out cold. "And, there you have it, folks!" Smash Crash shouted. "The Devastators pulled off a victory against the ShadowBolts! Congratulations, Devastators! You are now in the Major League!" Loud cheers rang out in the arena, for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. After the fight, all seven of them got back in their minor league locker room to greet the two as they came in. They came back inside, led by Sapphire. "Here's your cut, Devastators," she said, giving them 15 coins each. "Now then, follow me. Smash Crash would like to have a word with you." All seven of them followed her outside into the hallway, and into Crash's office. When she came inside, Smash Crash jumped and then hastily put away a piece of paper he was looking over into a desk drawer. "S-Sapphire!" he said, a bit shaken. "I've brought the Devastators here for you, sir," she said. "Mind your manners, Sapphire. We KNOCK around these parts!" "I'm terribly sorry, sir..." "Aw, don't worry now, Ah'll let it slide. Now then... Devastators, yer a dang SIGHT! Ah said that you'd all go big, and dang, Ah LOVE it when Ah'm right! As a little thank ya gift for makin' me proud, here's a little pocket change for y'all." Smash Crash handed each of them 40 coins. "Whoa, we can just... TAKE 'em?" AppleJack was surprised. "Yeah, of course!" "Now, THIS here is what Ah'm talkin' 'bout!" "So, now that Ah got that taken care of... Sapphire, be a dear and take these ponies to the major league locker room, wouldya?" "I will, sir. Follow me again, Devastators." All of them were escorted to the major league locker room, which was closer to Smash Crash's office than the minor league locker room. There, they found themselves in a much cleaner brighter room with no vandalism and wear and tear on any of the furniture or lockers. "Here in the major league, the bouts will be harder, and you can only fight with the minimum amount of opponents on the opposite side. For instance, if one team has five and the other has three, only three of the five ponies on the bigger team can enter the ring and fight. I trust that you understand, right?" "Yeah, we're good," said Pinkie. "Very well. Now then, I must be off." She walked out of the room. The other ponies in the room looked tough and unfriendly. "Ya know, it probably wouldn't hurt to show some kindness 'round these parts..." AppleJack commented. Just then, a big chubby pony barged into the room. It was the champion they saw earlier, Grub Gut. "All right, you wimps, listen up! I've been hearing about some group of idiots tearing up the place." He turned around and saw the seven new major leaguers. "It you guys! Yeah, you're the ones stealing the spotlight from me!" "How did you get in here? Aren't there any regualtions in this place?" wondered Rarity. "Show up fighting me, and you'll be in a world of hurt! That's not a threat, it's a promise!" He walked out of the room. "Oh dear, looks like we angered him just by being here..." Rarity said. "Hey, we can't help it if we're THAT good!" taunted Trailblazer. "We need that Sacred Star." He walked up to the terminal and got ready to prepare another match. He saw a blinking envelope in the top right-hand corner of the screen. "Huh, what's this?" The other six crowded up to the terminal and saw it. Trailblazer tapped the envelope, and an animation played where it expanded into a piece of paper, taking up the entire screen. "If you want the Sacred Star, heed my instructions. -from R" "R? Who's R?" Fluttershy asked. "I don't know, but it looks like he or she knows about it, and it must be in this place too..." answered Twilight. "Wait, is that all it said?" "Yeah... I guess we can't do anything about it now, except to wait." They scheduled their next match and got prepared to fight sone more, wondering what was left to come from this 'R'.