//------------------------------// // She is Coming... // Story: 20 Years, Celestia // by StarSwirl12 //------------------------------// “Its Her,” He panted. “She’s coming.” “Pound! Pumpkin!” Pinkie yelled. “I told you not to leave! And you!” She walked up to the earth pony, and grabbed for her sword. “If I find you with them again especially Pumpkin, I swear, I will kill you myself. Is that clear?!” Pumpkin ran in front of Pinkie, separating the two. “Please! Pinkie! Don’t hurt him, please. For me,” Pumpkin pleaded. "I love him," She whispered. “Fine,” Pinkie growled. “And my name is Pinkamena.” She walked away, over to the table. Three more ponies came through the opening. An earth pony, a pegasus, and a unicorn. All mares. They had news too. “We saw Her! We barely lost Her! Sweetie Belle hid us at the last moment! They passed to Spot, but lingered near it!” The earth pony cried. Luna turned to the crowd, who had dropped their food, and was gaping at the six ponies and Luna. Some had their mouths open. “Listen, everyone. Stay calm. Just continue eating your food, and I’ll sort this out later,” Luna ordered, and the crowd obeyed. But there were mutters going around. The six ponies went to a table, were other mares and stallions their age were. A cream pegasus, much like Pound, hugged the earth pony with a bow in her hair, and Sweetie Belle sat next to a handsome orange unicorn. Sweetie Belle...I know I’ve heard that name somewhere...Oh yes! Sweetie Belle was part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders! Then the orange pegasus must be Scootaloo, and the earth pony must be Apple Bloom! Then another thump. Another pony? Who could it be? Luna got up and investigated. A sharp gasp was heard. Luna came running out from the tunnel with a pony on her back. “Oh my Celestia, Film Reel!” A pony shouted, and ran after Luna. “Medic!” She shouted, and a brown stallion ran after them to a tent. Discord also followed Luna. The crowd went wild. Ponies grabbed others and ran towards tents, some got weapons and started to arm themselves. Celestia had to do something. She flew up into the air, and yelled in the Royal Canterlot voice, “STOP!” Everyone stopped. It was silent. Everyone stared at her. Celestia lowered down, and stopped using the Royal Canterlot Voice. “We need to stay calm. Everything will be fine. I know its has been 20 years since you have seen me, and Luna is your leader now. I have not seen my beloved sister in twenty years, and she has not seen me. Things have changed, yes. But we are still strong! We are Equestrians! We will fight Twilight Sparkle, and we will win!” The ponies and dragons and zebras and others cheered. They cleaned up the messes, and started doing their daily work. They sew and knitted, they polished their armor and weapons, played with their children, and started plotting attacks. “Good work. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you do that.” Celestia turned, and saw Luna leaning against a rack of spears. “How long have you been there?” Celestia asked. “In the middle of your speech. It was good.” Luna walked over to Celestia’s side, just like the good old days. “Thank you. How is Film Reel?” “Doing better.” “That’s good.” “She is a savage. Twilight. It’s been along time since they heard that name used, instead of ‘Her’. Especially The Elements. Well, it’s getting dark. We should go to bed. I’ve gotten someone to set up a tent for you. It’s next to mine,” Luna and Celestia started to walk to Luna’s tent. Surely enough, there was a tent near Luna’s. “How can you tell that it’s getting dark? Why aren’t you raising the moon and lowering the sun?” “They move themselves now. Good night, dear sister,” Luna walked into her tent, and Celestia heard voices. Luna must be with him. Celestia still shuddered when she thought about them being together. And the sun and moon? Move themselves? That is crazy. Celestia walked over to her small tent. There was a bed, and a small table with scrolls, ink and a quill on it. Celestia collapsed on the bed, and quickly fell asleep. Her sleep was unsettled, and she woke up many times in the night. Twilight Sparkle haunted her dreams. When Celestia woke up in the morning, she heard something. A laugh. It turned her blood cold. Hahahahaha...Oh dear teacher, I can’t wait to see you again.....