20 Years, Celestia

by StarSwirl12

The Dark Days After

The next few days were dark. Rarity had a funeral, and was buried in her first Gala dress, complete with the makeup, hairdo, and accessories. In the casket, there was a framed picture of her and Sweetie Belle, and a plain picture of Braeburn. She was buried outside the ruins of Carousel Boutique, and Luna crafted a plaque that was indestructible.

Here lies Rarity Elizabeth Caressa, Element of Generosity.

“Beauty is found in many forms, and one of those forms is you.”

Celestia didn’t see much of the Citizens of Infinity, most of them only came out to get some food, or see another friend or family member. Some of the others went outside to get food, and gather more supplies and refugees. Luna didn’t come out of her tent at all, and neither did the Remaining Elements. Celestia came out from time to time, to get food for her sister and The Remaining, and to help other ponies mourn. One day she was laying down by a very small, very young colt. Celestia had a wing wrapped around the sniffling filly. They were mourning his dead mother, Fleetfoot, who had gone missing a few days before Rarity got killed. Since Pinkamena admitted to killing Fleetfoot and the others, the little pegasus colt, who’s name was Rush Flight, had the same reaction as Sweetie Belle did when she found out what happened to Rarity. Celestia looked up at the ceiling, wishing she could see the sky and her beautiful sun, or Luna’s magical moon. I swear, I will find a way to stop this, to go back in time. I’ll fix this. Even if I have to die, to save my sister and Equestria.


Pumpkin and Pound cake found themselves staying in Fluttershys tent. She wouldn’t let them step a hoof in Pinkie’s tent. “I don’t want you in there, Pinkamena’s essence may still be there.” She had said, shooing them into her tent. The only time they were allowed to go in there, was to get there things. Now Pinkie’s tent was closed, deserted. The only thing in there, other than her things, were two empty, neat beds. The tent now just stood there, abandoned, gathering dust. There was some upsides living in Fluttershys tent, though. She was caring, and let them roam as they pleased, as long as it wasn’t dangerous, like going outside. They had to ask her if they wanted to do that. But she always shook her head. She was like a second mother to them. Pinkie never cared for them like that, not after Twilight had gone evil. Pumpkin really liked living with Fluttershy. Fluttershy liked that Pipsqueak and Pumpkin were together, and let them be together. Pumpkin also really liked that because Pipsqueaks tent that he shared with the CMC was very close to Fluttershy’s. So the Cake twins enjoyed their life living with Fluttershy, but still thought of Pinkie when she was Pinkie.


Pinkamena was found on the edge of Nedra. Some un-horses found her and brung her to Her. Twilight Sparkle checked Pinkamena. She was well, just unconscious. When Pinkie woke, She couldn’t remember much. She told Twilight, or Queen, what happened. She did kill Rarity. Twilight Sparkle was happy. She led Pinkamena to a room, Luna’s old room, and told her she could stay there. Pinkamena obeyed.


The days passed, and still a solemn aurora encased Infinity. The Crystal Ponies living there had gone dull, and the rest of the ponies and zebras and dragons and buffalo had turned grey, like they were Discorded. Celesia had confronted Discord, but he said he had nothing to do with it. Celestia also told him to stay away from Luna, or he would get hurt. He told her if he did, Luna would get hurt as well. Not physically, of course. Nothing really happened other than that. and sometimes when Celestia tried to comfort the young ones, their mothers picked them up and took them away. They were still wary of her. Celestia felt like Luna had felt like after she had turned back from NightMare Moon. Celestia talked with Trixie, the Elements, and some other ponies. at least they trusted her. So Celestia gathered them, and started to plan an attack. They would present it to Luna, and hopefully, she would accept it. And they would attack.