Pinkie's September

by yolky206


!!DISCLAIMER!! I do not own My Little Pony or the song September. Those belong to Hasbro and TheLivingTombstone respectivly.

I opened my eyes. My blue irises swiftly looked around my surroundings. Charred buildings, strikes in the ground, crushed homes, and destroyed plants were all around me. I looked at the evening sky and saw no clouds. I looked down at my pink fur and saw blood splattered over some spots. My straight pink mane drooped to my side as I stood up. I remembered my name, Pinkamena Diane Pie. I remembered what my friends called me. I was known as Pinkie Pie to them and everypony else. Thinking of all my friends, I realized that I was alone. I turned my head around to see if anypony was nearby, but I didn't see anypony. Taking a deep breath, I began to walk around for any signs of life.
I went to the library first. The tree itself was leafless and branches were torn. The front door was cracked and its hinges were broken. I turned the doorknob with my teeth and walked inside. When I walked in, all the books were ripped from their bookshelves. Blood was on the walls, and almost all the wood was either burnt or eaten by bugs. I looked up the steps to the next floor and tried walking on them. My hooves made some of the stairs start to give way, and I decided it wasn't smart to walk upstairs. Instead I turned around and glanced at the room. I counldn't see Spike or Twilight Sparkle, and so I walked out to see if my other friends were here.
I walked down the barren path to Carousel Boutique. All of the houses I've seen have been destroyed and had blood on them. Blood was on almost all the plants, and I could see dried blood on the ground like a pony was being dragged. I couldn't remember what happened, but I only knew that some ponies died. I managed to make it to Rarity's home and I opened the door. I looked around and saw all the dresses and fabric clawed, chewed, and utterly ripped to shreds all around the floor. Blood was almost everywhere, and everything was destroyed. I realized that none of my friends could live in that mess, so I walked back out and shut the door.
My next destination was Sweet Apple Acres. That was where my friend Applejack lived. It wasn't too far of a walk, but everything around me was destroyed. It was atrocious. Once I reached the entrance to the apple farm, the first thing I noticed was the trees. There were some apples on them, but not many. All the trees around me had blood splattered all over them, and the ground was no better. Broken baskets and rotten apples were everywhere along with spots of dried blood. I continued along the path to the barn, which was where I hoped Applejack was. When I got there, I instantly knew that nopony could survive. The roof of the barn was completely caved in, and the walls were ready to fall over. Disheartened, I turned back to head back to the town square. But then I started to remember.


It was the month of September. The next month was only a week away, and everypony was terrified. The ponies were scared, and their fear intensified when they heard laughter. A pink pony with a straight pink mane walked into their view, and was laughing uncontrolably. She had a wide grin plastered on her face and small eye irises and pupils. She walked to the center of the terrified ponies and began to yell with laughter.
"Finally. Finally It's done!"
One brave pony from the small crowd yelled out in fear. "Stop it! She's trying to kill us all!"
"No!" She yelled. "No! Stay away! I'll save you all!"


I processed what my memory saw. I didn't understand what it meant, and I was beyond confused. I began walking to Fluttershy's cottage, thinking about that memory every step of the blood-strewn way. I eventually reached the home of my friend, and gasped in shock. All the bird houses were snapped in half and strewn across the area. The pens for some of the animals were covered in blood and ripped apart. All the animal feeders had blood on them and were completely crushed. Fluttershy's cottage was the worst, completely demolished. Blood was absolutely everywhere on the crushed home, and the rotten wood was stained redish brown. I was beggining to get terrified at the sights of my friend's homes. But I had to see if anypony was alright. I turned toward the direction of the house of Rainbow Dash and began the journey.
The fields around Rainbow's home were stained with blood. There were deep holes in the ground and charred spots where fire burned. I was horrified at the sight and began to gallop to my friend's cloud home. I looked up into the sky once I reached the location of Rainbow's house, but I didn't see anything. Only one small tuft of cloud remained, but it was a storm cloud and was too dangerous to get close. I turned my head and began to cry. All my friends were gone, missing, DEAD. I was the only pony left in Ponyville, and I was alone. That was the only feeling I've never felt before now. I realized being lonely was the most frightening feeling of all, and it felt horrible. My waterfall of tears wouldn't stop and I began to scream from my sadness. I tried to stand up and get home, but the weight of my best friends being gone was crushing me. But then my memory began to clear up, and I remembered something from September.


A pink pony walked around the town square, laughing incredibly hard. She stared at her audience and pulled out a remote with a large pink button on it. She laughed again, and yelled to the crowd. "This is your redemption day everypony! Stay away from me! Stay away! Oh, you see this button? I'm gonna press it!" Her pink hoof slammed on top of the button, and she laughed at the screams of terror from the citizens of Ponyville.


I began to recover from my sadness after that memory. I stood up with a newfound strengh and began the long walk to Sugarcube Corner, which was where I lived. I tried my hardest to understand the memory, but I only felt a strain whenever I tried to decode it. Instead I looked at the landscape while I walked. The bloody ground was torn up and everything was dead. I couldn't see any signs of living life, and it was very quiet. I didn't even notice that I reached my home until I hit my head on the door. I shook my head and rubbed the spot on the top of my head while I looked at what happened to my home. It was no longer the colorful shop I knew it as, and the door was tilted at an odd angle. Most of the roof was caved in, and I could see blood splattered on the broken remains of the windows. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and walked inside.
The remains of the bakery were demolished. All the pastries were eaten and broken glass was everywhere. Blood was all over the walls and the floor as I made my way up to my room. The blood covered stairs groaned under my weight once I stepped on them, but I didn't care if I died. All my friends were gone, and maybe I would be too. I reached the top of the stairs and stared at my blood-soaked door. I didn't know why, but my door was the bloodiest thing I've seen so far. I gathered as much courage as I could and grabbed the doorknob with my teeth. As I turned it however, the door fell out of its hinges and tipped over into my room. I reached for the light switch and hit it. I gasped when the light touched my room, and I staggered backwards. Blood was absolutely everywhere. On the ceiling, the rug, my bed, everywhere. I gulped and made my way to my blood-covered closet door and opened it. It was twice as bloody in my closet than my room, and I could smell the scent of wet blood everywhere. I held my breath and reached inside to grab a book. The one thing to help me remember what happened. I grabbed my diary.
I carried my diary downstairs and placed it on a clean spot on the kitchen table. I carefully flipped it open and found the most recent date. I began reading the words of my past, and I had a feeling that they would be worse than what I knew.

September 18

I did it. I finally did it. The day has come to show off the glory of my machine, and I'm always laughing from the excitement. They think I'm crazy, that I'm going to kill them, THEY'RE WRONG! I'll SAVE them! My machine will work wonders, and all from the press of my remote's button! They don't understand how injured Ponyville is, and only I seem to know. None of my friends believe me. I'll prove to them what I can do to cure this place! They think I've gone insane, bloodthirsty, that I deserve to be banished to either the moon or Tartarus, but they don't understand! I'll show them, I'll show them all! If I die from this, I don't care! This party is just getting started, and all they had to do was listen to me.....

The diary entry ended there. I felt the color leave my face once I knew what I've done. The machine in the basement, it killed everypony. It nearly killed ME. I began to cry from my mistake. I remembered what happened in September, and I couldn't believe what I've done. I didn't want any of this to happen. I couldn't even remember what the 'injury' was. I realized my life became worthless then and there, but I suvived after the fall.