//------------------------------// // Through Despair, Lies Hope // Story: Upon Wings of Sacrifice // by Rated Ponystar //------------------------------// Upon Wings of Sacrifice (Rewrite) Chapter 4: Through Despair, Lies Hope An MLP: FIM fic by The Rated PonyStar Edited by Halcyon and Clavier Formerly edited by: Fernin Artwork done by: alfa995 *** The blade of the ax bit into Rainbow Dash’s skull with a wet crunch. Her eyes snapped open and immediately narrowed in pain as the invisible lumberjack jerked the ax out and brought the tool down for another sickening blow. Moaning, she fought both her desire to keep sleeping and the urge to vomit. Cursing the creation of hangovers, Rainbow Dash swung her legs across her bed and prepared to step on her cold floor. Instead of the soft yet freezing touch she was greeted to every morning, she felt a sharp pain in her hoof. Biting her tongue, she lifted it up and started to take out the pieces of broken glass. Figures, as soon as all my old wounds heal up, I get a new one. She touched the horrible scar on her side. It may have faded away, but the memory still fresh. With the last of the blood-slicked shards deposited in her wastebasket, Rainbow flew gingerly to her living room, floating carefully over the sea of broken bottles scattered around her bed. She searched the debris for her couch, noticing it overturned and among a few broken trophies from flight school. Rainbow scooped up one of the discarded trophies—first place for the Ghastly Gorge Circuit—and stared at her reflection from its marred yet still shiny surface. Her eyes were completely bloodshot and her mane was worse than ever. Food stains and tear marks covered her coat, and each of her feathers looked out of place. I look half dead. Dash scoffed and dropped the trophy like the useless relic that it was. She flipped the couch right side up, sat down, and picked up a nearby bottle, one of the few not in pieces across the floor. She hissed as the potent drink poured over her new cuts, but the pain soon faded. After finishing the bottle with a quick gulp, she tossed it away and started scanning her torn up living room. “Where’s that darn emergency kit?” Her search was interrupted by a knock on the door. Silently cursing, she went towards her doorway and opened it, revealing a nervous Fluttershy. She spotted Rainbow Dash and gasped, “Oh my gosh! Rainbow Dash, you look awful!” “Nice to see you too, Fluttershy,” grumbled Rainbow Dash as the other pegasus began inspecting her as if she was a patient. “Your eyes are red! You smell horrible and...” Fluttershy sniffed near Dash’s mouth and gagged. “... you’ve been drinking! You know you're still recovering from your fight and—oh my gosh, you're bleeding!” “It’s just a cut,” said Rainbow Dash, eying her hoof. Unconvinced, Fluttershy pushed RD back into the house. Fluttershy’s mouth dropped as she saw the state of the house. “It’s like... there was a battle in here.” “Just a little redecorating,” mumbled Rainbow Dash. The two landed on the sofa as Fluttershy took Dash’s hoof and looked it over. Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to argue, but soon shut it after a single stern look from her friend. Fluttershy looked at the wounded hoof a while longer before flying up the stairs. Finally having a moment of peace, Rainbow lay down and closed her eyes, trying to ignore the pounding in her head. “Rainbow Dash! I asked where do you keep your first aid kit!” shouted Fluttershy from above. “I don’t know! Look in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom! And be quiet! My head hurts.” Fluttershy came back down with the kit in hand. Opening it, she chided, “Honestly, Rainbow Dash. Getting drunk and hurting yourself. Everypony’s been worried about you, including me.” “Whatever” muttered Dash, wincing as Fluttershy used the disinfectant spray. “I used alcohol! Just wrap me up already!” Fluttershy nodded and went back to work. “What about your other wounds? Are they recovering nicely?” “I took the bandages off those yesterday. They’re fine,” answered Dash, emotionless. When her hoof was completely bandaged, Dash turned to her side and closed her eyes. Despite having Rainbow Dash’s back to her face, Fluttershy said, “Well, that’s a good thing, right? Besides, you once told me that you always wanted to have scars. You said it would make you look cooler.” “Does that mean it’s also cool to lose a friend to just get these scars?” responded Rainbow Dash, coldly. Fluttershy stuttered a bit, a small blush coloring her cheeks before she covered her mouth with her hoof. Finally given silence, Rainbow Dash put her best efforts towards falling asleep, but found it hard with somepony watching. She turned her head back and stared. “Why are you here, anyway?” “I... I was worried about you,” answered Fluttershy, poking her front hooves together. “Nopony’s seen you since the... f–funeral, and I just wanted to see if you were alright.” “Do I look alright?”, snarled Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy looked around the house and sighed. “Well... it could be worse?” “Worse?! Worse?!” shouted Rainbow Dash. She sat up and glared at the shivering Fluttershy. “Oh, tell me how it can be worse?! Applejack’s dead because of me and everpony blames me! Well, they should! It’s my fault anyway that all this happened!” “Th–that’s not true! I... I don’t blame you, and I’m sure there was nothing you could have done, Rainbow Dash,” stammered Fluttershy, stepping back as Dash’s intense glare became more fierce with each passing second. An unbroken bottle went spinning away across the floor as Fluttershy tripped, falling to her haunches. “It’s not your fa—” Before she could finish, Rainbow Dash screamed and smashed her hoof into the wall, tearing a hole that allowed sunlight to seep in. She grabbed one of her Daring Do books and started tearing it apart. Fluttershy gave out a frightful cry and hid behind a table as Dash continued her ongoing destruction. Parts of the wall, ceiling and floor were ripped apart in her rage, sometimes letting out rain or lightning. Rainbow Dash picked up one of her chairs, ready to throw it straight out of her house. Just as she lifted it above her head, Fluttershy finally gathered her courage and grabbed her friend’s front legs. “Rainbow Dash! Stop! You’re going to hur—” SMACK! Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened as her sanity finally return. She took a look at her outstretched right hoof and then at a shivering, shell-shocked Fluttershy. Her hoof covering the fresh bruise on her cheek. The two stared at each other, both in stunned terror at what had happened. Fluttershy’s eyes started to mist as whimpers, barely audible, surfaced. “Fluttershy... I...” Rainbow Dash tried to finish, but Fluttershy was already gone. Running to her door, Dash screamed Fluttershy’s name over and over again, even when the retreating pegasus was but a dot in the sky. Exhaustion soon forced Dash to fall to her stomach. She buried her face into her hooves. Sobbing all alone. *** Dash didn’t think her day was going to get any worse, but it did. When she looked into her kitchen she found no more food or alcohol in her storage. Having no desire to starve to death, there was little she could do but head outside; something she hadn’t done in three days. Better at least look more presentable, just in case they start to worry about me like… Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth. She would have to fix that later, but for now she needed to get her food. She preened her wings and showered twice. Reluctantly, she even made a vague effort to comb her mane. Normally, she would just let her hair be, but considering how freaked out Fluttershy had been over her appearance, every bit counted if she was going to avoid ponies talking to her. If they even wanted to talk to her to begin with. Grabbing her saddlebags, she jumped out one of her windows and spread her wings, feeling the cracking of her joints. After a few loops to get her blood moving, she turned towards town. Her stomach turned at the thought of seeing everypony for the first time since the funeral. Their shocked stares still haunted her, day and night. How were her friends going to react? How would the town? What if Fluttershy...? Another pang of regret struck Rainbow Dash as she added another mistake to her growing list of failures. She would have to fix what had happened as soon as possible, but for now it went on her ever-growing ‘to do later’ list. The town seemed to be returning to normal. Ponies walked or flew around Ponyville, focused on their everyday routine. Lyra was playing at the town square. Colgate was waving goodbye to a filly and her mother as they exited her dentist’s office. Even Derpy was flying around and bumping into things. Yet despite the superficial normalcy, something felt subtly wrong. It felt as if something was missing from Ponyville, a void that couldn’t be filled. Putting aside her thoughts, Rainbow Dash quickly saw something purple heading towards her face, forcing her to jerk her head down. She turned around and recognized it as a wing from Cloud Kicker, one of her weather patrol teammates. “Hey, watch it!” Cloud Kicker turned around, giving Rainbow Dash a blank look before leaving. Rainbow grumbled to herself, making a mental note to double Cloud Kicker’s hours first chance she got. Touching down in an alley just behind the markets, Rainbow Dash peaked out of the corner. Even with the sparse population of the market today, the chill tendrils of fear curled around Rainbow’s throat. She glanced around furtively, trying to find the best way to do her shopping while avoiding as many ponies as possible. Taking a nervous step forward, Rainbow paused and shook her head. Was she really trying to hide from everyony while grocery shopping? Dang it, Dash. Stop acting like a baby and go out there already! Taking a deep breath, she walked into the market. Almost instantly, Rainbow found herself the center of attention. Conversations stopped or dropped to whispers about a single pegasus who had become the talk of the town for the last three days. “It’s Rainbow Dash.” “What is she doing here?” “She’s got some nerve for walking in here after what she did.” “Poor girl... having to do that to her best friend.” “Murderer.” “It’s not her fault. She was just ending her suffering…” “She doesn’t look too good...” “Applejack didn’t deserve what happened to her. It’s all her fault.” Sweat dripped down Dash’s brow as she continued on, trying to ignore both the scowls of disgust and glances of sympathy. She suddenly felt something hit her in the back of her head and turned around. Shifting her head back and forth, Dash demanded, “Who threw that?!” Nopony said anything, they just turned away and went back to their business. Right beside Dash’s hoof was a carrot, giving her an immediate clue who the culprit was. Sure enough, she turned to her left and saw Golden Harvest glaring at her. Dash briefly wondered if all the other farmers in Ponyville were also blaming her for Applejack’s death. Making a note to stay away from them, she picked up the carrot and put it in her saddlebag. Free food was free food. Even if it was being thrown at you. Golden Harvest looked ready to yell something, but a customer approached her, forcing her attention elsewhere. Grateful for the distraction, Dash was about to head back towards her first stand when she heard ponies shouting. Turning around, she noticed a growing cloud of dirt making its way through the crowd, forcing them to jump out of the way. The familiar buzzing of tiny feathered wings grew until a scooter screeched to a halt, kicking up enough dust to make ponies halfway across the market cough and wave away the swirling cloud. Throwing her helmet away, Scootaloo rushed into Dash’s chest and shouted, “Rainbow Dash! You’re okay!” Rainbow Dash, despite the sudden surprise arrival, returned the hug to her number one fan. “Hey, squirt. Missed me?” “Are you kidding?! I’ve been so worried! Last time I saw you was three days ago and I had no idea if you were okay!” said Scootaloo, rapidly. “I’m just so happy to see you're alright. You are alright, right?” Forcing a smile, Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest and raised her head. “Y–yeah, I’m a little shaken up, but I’m still Rainbow Dash. Nothing keeps me down for long.” A small glow of pride pulsed inside her. It felt good to let her old self out again, the proud and daring Rainbow Dash that all adored. Even if she wasn’t feeling ‘alright’, it was worth it to see the smile of admiration on Scootaloo's face “So how are you doing, squirt? You still crusading?” asked Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo’s smile was soon replaced with a bitter frown. Her eyes narrowed in anger and her wings buzzed like an enraged hornet. “I... I don’t want to talk about it.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widen before she placed her hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder, and said, “Scoots? Is everything alright?” “It’s... it’s nothing, just Apple Bloom being stupid,” said Scootaloo, turning away. “Apple... Bloom?” inquired Rainbow Dash, hesitantly uttering her name. She could still feel every blow the little filly laid on her. The hateful glare, the heartbroken tone. Rainbow Dash quickly snapped out of it, reminding herself who needed help here. “Did you two fight?” “We... we argued about... well... you,” muttered Scootaloo, glancing back at her idol. “M–me?” Scootaloo shot her head straight up and began to ramble. “She kept saying you were a murderer, but that’s not true! You and Applejack were best friends and you would never do what some of the big ponies are accusing you of. She kept saying she wished you were dead instead of her sister! I... I tackled her, and l...” Scootaloo sniffed and sighed. “When we finally stopped, she told me to find a new best friend and just left the treehouse. Me and Sweetie Belle tried to talk to her, but she just tells us to leave her alone. Ever since then... the three of us just haven’t been...” “Scootaloo...” whispered Rainbow Dash, nuzzling the filly. “I... I did kill Applejack, Scootaloo... I did end her life.” Just saying that sentence alone made her want to throw up and cry in a fetal position. She could hear growling from other nearby ponies who were giving her looks that could kill. “But not on purpose! It was accident right?! You only were trying to help her! You would never kill anypony! Anypony who thinks like that is just being stupid!” shouted Scootaloo, glaring at a few staring passers by. She looked ready to ram her scooter up their flanks. “Scootaloo,” said Rainbow Dash firmly, grabbing her fan’s attention. The ponies that were staring had begun to turn away, but some occasionally they glanced back. Only now, some were glaring at Scootaloo as well. She lifted the filly’s chin, forcing her eyes upwards. “You’re right... I didn’t want to do it… but it’s still my fault. I failed to protect her... I’m still guilty of that.” “Rainbow Dash, you...” whispered Scootaloo as Dash patted her on the head. Giving her a sad, but wide, smile, Dash said, “Head on home, squirt. I’m sure Apple Bloom just needs some time. You’ll be back to being friends in no time.” Scootaloo’s eyes shone with hope as she grabbed her helmet and nodded. “Okay... just be alright yourself, Rainbow Dash.” She jumped back on the scooter and flapped her tiny wings, sending herself towards the market’s exit. With that out of the way, Rainbow Dash sighed in relief and started her market run. *** “Here’s your milk. Take it and go,” growled the owner who pushed the bottles away. Taking the bits, he turned his back and muttered, “Lucky I need the bits… murderer…” Rainbow Dash didn’t say anything. She grabbed the milk and went on her way, trying to ignore the stallions words that rang in her ears. Even aside from the occasional dirty look or hurtful whisper, her shopping experience had been far from pleasant. Most of the shop owners had glared or muttered angry remarks under their breath like this one. This wasn’t a surprise, since Applejack had sold apples at the market regularly and had a reputation. A few times she had to haggle in order to get prices lowered. Prices she suspected had been raised far above the usual, but only for rainbow-maned mares named Rainbow Dash. Friendly vendors were few and far between, but some still greeted her with a smile and treated her as a friend. One of them, Roma the tomato seller, actually told her to not worry. “Some of the folks here are still dealing with the loss. They’ll come around, Rainbow Dash. Trust me.” Rainbow thanked her, but didn’t put any faith in the words. I could have saved her. I could have spared them all this pain and misery. If only I did something, anything to change it. With only one more item left to go, Rainbow Dash headed to the liquor stand. Ringing the service bell, she watched Berry Punch come out from the tent, frowning the moment she saw Dash. “What the hay are you doing here, Rainbow Dash?!” “I’m here to make a purchase,” Dash calmly replied, swallowing her desire to tell Berry to watch her tone or else. “Well go somewhere else! This booth isn’t for the likes of you!” responded Berry with a scowl. Rainbow Dash slammed her hoof against the booth, glaring back. “Look, Berry, I’m already getting this manure from everypony else, I don’t need more right now. Just give me a bottle, I’ll pay for it, and we can just go home and forget this happened!” “How about no! I’m not about to sell my wares to a murderer!” shouted Berry Punch. “I told you! I was paralyzed! She asked me to do it! Do you think I wanted to stab her?! Do you think I wanted to kill her?! Do you think I wanted to see my best friend die?!” yelled Rainbow Dash, leaning closer and flaring her nostrils. “You still could have done something else! She could have possibly made it if you didn’t quit! Applejack would have fought against anything to save your life if you were in her position!” shouted Berry Punch. Rainbow Dash began to shake with fury. Her teeth grounded against each other as her wings flared. Leaning over her counter, Berry Punch whispered, “You could have done something, even without those useless wings of yours. I guess in the end the great Rainbow Dash is nothing more than a murdering coward.” In a split second, Dash had Berry Punch on the ground, pummeling the snarling earth pony with blow after vicious blow. Berry fought back, biting and kicking to give as good as she got. They wrestled on the ground, hitting and biting one another through blood and tears. Ponies either started rooting for the fight, with most in favor of Berry Punch, or tried to separate the two without getting hurt. A voice carried over the din of the crowd, clear as a trumpet. “What in heaven’s name?! Stop this madness at once!” A blue glow separated the two fighters, depositing them on opposite ends of the street. Rarity walked over to Rainbow Dash and helped her up. “Are you okay, dear?” Rainbow Dash wiped a stain of blood off her lip and nodded. “I was doing fine on my own, Rarity.” They turned towards Berry Punch. She was black and blue all over her face and had patches torn from her mane. Rarity sighed, “Yes, I can see that. Now what caused this?” “That crazy pegasus tackled me!” accused Berry Punch, pointing at Rainbow Dash. “Yeah, well you call me a coward!” retorted Dash, pointing back. “Rainbow Dash started the fight!” shouted a mare. “But Berry Punch egged her on! She started it!” cried out a stallion. Soon everypony nearby was yelling out their opinions on who started the fight. A few went farther, screaming at and shoving one another. Eventually, the conversation started going from the fight to Rainbow Dash in general. Looking at the chaos, Dash couldn’t help but wonder, Is all of Ponyville like this? Arguing about me? Rarity lit her horn up again. Her magic wrapped around her neck and she screamed, “QUIET!” The spell echoed her voice out like a bullhorn, spreading across the market. Everypony quickly shut up. Rarity dispelled her magic and gave a scolding glare at the crowd. “Are you a bunch of barbarians, or civilized ponies?! I highly suggest we all just go back to what we were doing and forget this ever happened! Agreed?!” A few muttered in approval and the crowd soon dispersed. Berry Punch gave one last dirty look before putting up her closed sign and disappearing into her tent. Rising to her hooves, Rainbow Dash dusted herself off and was ready to walk away. She didn’t get far before Rarity used her telekinesis to grab Dash’s tail and pull her back. “And just where do you think you’re going?” “Uh, home?” replied Rainbow Dash. “Not yet you aren’t. You’re coming with me and getting cleaned up. Maybe a spot of tea too.” Rarity smiled and continued to drag Rainbow Dash, despite her pleas. *** After the third shower of the day—a record for Rainbow Dash—she joined Rarity by her dining table. Although she wasn’t a big fan of tea, the pegasus had to admit it was relaxing. After their second cup, Rarity cleared her throat. “So Rainbow Dash, I take it that’s not the first rude response you’ve gotten today?” “Well...” began Rainbow Dash, hesitantly, “...not as violent as that last one.” “I see.” Rarity’s lips curled into a scowl. “Honestly, I can understand some ponies still trying to get over our loss, but to blame you entirely? That’s just being foolish. I’ve tried to encourage ponies to see the truth, but they’re so... stubborn!” “So... you don’t blame me?” asked Rainbow Dash. Rarity shook her head. “Of course not, Rainbow Dash. I believe you. Celestia knows I would ask the same thing if I was in Applejack’s position.” She shivered. “I wish to die with dignity and grace, not slowly and… messily.” She took noticed of the uncomfortable look on Dash’s face and coughed. “W–well, let’s get off the grim subject. Anything else you would like to talk about?” Rainbow Dash shifted in her cushion. Lowering her eyes to avoid Rarity’s gaze, she asked, “How are you and the girls dealing with... Applejack?” “I... I admit that I sometimes can’t believe she’s gone, but I’m moving forward,” answered Rarity, finishing her cup in one gulp. “As for the others, Twilight’s been inside her library, but that’s not a big surprise when it comes to her, is it? Fluttershy’s been moving on as well. She mentioned she was going to see you today, actually.” A bead of sweat slid down Rainbow’s neck. “Uh, n–no. She didn’t come.” “I guess she had other business,” said Rarity. “And Pinkie?” asked Rainbow Dash. The glimmer in Rarity’s eyes began to fade. “Pinkie hasn’t been doing well, from what I’m told. She’s hasn’t come out of her room in days, and the Cakes have mentioned they heard her talking to herself. What’s even more distressing is the fact that she hasn't thrown anypony a party in the last three days.” Rainbow Dash almost dropped her tea cup. Pinkie? Not throwing a party? She never goes a day or two without one! “Maybe... maybe she’s just planning a big party, you know?” suggested Rainbow Dash, desperation in her tone. “I can only hope so,” said Rarity. She glanced at the clock and gasped. “Oh, dear. It’s that late already? I’m sorry to cut this short, Rainbow Dash. I promised my parents and Sweetie Belle that I would have dinner at their place tonight. Let me show you out.” They got up and made their way towards the door. Taking her saddlebags, Rainbow Dash noticed that most of the mannequins Rarity used to design her work orders were naked. “Has business been slow or something?” Nervously looking at the mannequins, Rarity answered, “Well... yes. Some of my normal customers in town have decided to... take a break from my services for a while.” Rainbow Dash nodded and was about to put the subject at rest when she remembered something Rarity had said earlier. “Rarity... Have you been defending me to ponies who hate me?” “Yes, of course.” Turning back to the plastic dolls, Dash hesitantly asked, “Were some of them your customers?” Rarity’s silence was all that was needed. Anger began to grow inside Dash as she furiously kicked one of the mannequins and screamed, “I can’t believe it! They refuse to do business with you just because you're defending me! Why did you even do it in the first place?! I can handle it!” “Well, sorry if I was trying to be a good friend, Rainbow Dash,” chided Rarity, puffing her cheeks. “It’s just a few customers; rude ones, may I add. You’re more important than that, and besides, I still have clients outside of Ponyville.” “Who cares?! You shouldn’t have to suffer because of me!” shouted Rainbow Dash, stomping her hoof. “I am not suffering, Rainbow Dash. I am just dealing with some customer problems. It’s not a big deal, so don’t blame yourself,” said Rarity as she opened the door. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and slowly exited the building. “Honestly, darling. I understand that—” “No! You don’t understand! Nopony does!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she galloped away. She heard Rarity call her name, but she ignored it. She shouldn’t have to pay for my mistake! And Pinkie shouldn’t be suffering either! Why does everything I do always ruin everypony’s life?! *** After galloping for a few minutes, Rainbow Dash found herself reduced to a slow trot, her mind plagued all that had happened to her. Fluttershy. The market. Scootaloo and her friends. Rarity and Pinkie. And it all came back to Applejack. She really held so much together, didn’t she? Rainbow Dash was ready to kick off the ground when a large purple flash of light erupted from the other side of the street. A pulse wave of magic flew right past her, shaking nearby trees and houses on their foundations. Ponies nearby held onto one another or looked out the windows. As quickly as it had come, it was gone, and everypony was left standing, wondering what the hay happened. Dash, however, could already guess. She flew across the street and into one of the library's open window. “Twilight! Are you okay?!” The library was almost as messy as Rainbow Dash’s house, with nearly every book on the floor and furniture tossed around or broken into pieces. She heard a groan from underneath the sea of literature as Twilight poked her head out and slowly got up. A second moan was heard, followed by Spike rising up from his pile, eyes spinning around like a certain mailpony. Landing next to her friend, Rainbow Dash helped Twilight stand still as the last of the nausea washed away. “Ugh, what happened.” “I don’t know, you tell me,” said Rainbow Dash, raising an eyebrow. “That was Twilight losing it,” replied a dizzy Spike, who was starting to look as green as his stomach. “Next time you’re going to lose control, Twilight? Give me a five second head start.” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment as Rainbow Dash tilted her head. “Uh, somepony mind telling me what’s going on?” “Well, I got a letter from Princess Celestia, and... well, read it yourself,” muttered Twilight as she levitated a scroll towards Rainbow Dash. It read: “My faithful student, Twilight. I bring you news regarding our efforts finding the griffins who were responsible for Applejack’s death. For several days, both Luna and I have sent our top regiments throughout Equestria to hunt these griffins down. We even placed a bounty on them, something I have not done for over seven hundred years. However, I fear that the griffins have already fled Equestria, and have taken refuge in Grydon. Equestrian forces do not have permission to enter, in accordance with the treaty we have with the Grydon Republic. My ambassadors and I are currently in talks with Grydon’s Prime Minister to negotiate a suspension of this restriction, but he is defiant and is dealing with problems of his own. Ever since word got out about Applejack’s death, riots have been occurring involving ponies who live in the Grydon Republic. Many Equestrian expatriates there are outraged that the Element of Honesty has been killed. Similar riots have occurred within Equestria as well, mostly in areas where griffins reside. I have been forced to deploy extra forces to quell them, delaying further efforts to find the thieves. However, the damage is done, and now both our countries are flooding with refugees trying to return to their respective homelands. Yet further complicating matters is the fact that the Grydon military is focused on dealing with the anarchist group, “Blood and Liberty.” If you do not know, they are an organization that is determined to bring down the Grydon government by any means necessary. It’s unfortunate, but I understand why the Prime Minister is more worried about a rebel organization instead of four thieves. This doesn’t mean that I will yield. I promised I would bring justice to the griffins who caused Applejack’s death, and I will continue to work on keeping that promise. I hope you are well. If there is anything you need, even just to talk, know that I am only a letter away. Signed, Princess Celestia P.S. Luna sends her regards as well.” However hot Twilight’s rage, it was nothing to the fury boiling up inside Rainbow Dash. If she had had claws, she would have torn the accursed letter into two. “They... they refuse to help find those... murderers?!” “Unfortunately, yes,” answered Twilight, her tone just as angry, but more subdued than Dash’s. Rainbow Dash was prepared to scream and rip out Twilight’s wall, but reminded herself of what happened with Fluttershy and Berry Punch. Taking deep breaths, she forced her anger to wane—at least for the moment—and turned back to the letter. “What is this group? Blood and Liberty?” “According to the news I’ve read, they’re some sort of anti-government militia that’s been wanted for acts of treason and terrorism in the Grydon Republic,” answered Twilight as she put the letter away. “They’re not just griffins though. Some are ponies, zebras, even minotaurs.” “Bunch of nutjobs if you ask me,” commented Spike as he started picking up the books. The books were suddenly lifted away via magic as Twilight settled them on the shelves. She gave her assistant an apologetic smile and said, “No, Spike. I made the mess, so I’ll clean it up. Why don’t you make dinner?” Spike shrugged his shoulders and made for the kitchen without a complaint. Turning back to Rainbow Dash, Twilight asked, “You want to join us?” “No thanks, Twi. I’ll just head to my own kitchen and cook up a meal,” said Dash as she leaned back to lift off. She stopped and looked at the books. “I don’t suppose you have a new Daring Do book I can read for the night?” “Sorry, no, but you're free to look around for another book if you want,” said Twilight as she started placing the books back on their shelves. Rainbow Dash turned to the huge pile and shifted the books around, trying to find something that caught her eye. She then spotted a large yellow book with a silver spine, lying nearby. Picking up, she flipped through a few pages. There were stories and details of swords, cursed vases, rings of power and more. Turning back to the cover, she read it out loud. “Mystical Artifacts and Legends Volume XII.” Twilight’s head snapped towards the book and she quickly summoned it to her side, much to Dash’s frustration. “Sorry, Rainbow. I can’t let you have that one. It’s from the princess’ personal library and I have it on loan for a research assignment.” Rainbow’s eyebrow raised as she kept her focus on the book. “What’s it about?” “It tells about legends behind ancient mystical artifacts such as the Elements of Harmony,” answered Twilight. “It contains valuable knowledge that the princess doesn’t want common ponies to know, so only I can read it.” This only raised Rainbow Dash’s eyebrow more. “Oh, come on. It looks really interesting. I saw some of those stories and they looked really action packed,” begged Rainbow Dash, giving the puppy dog eyes. “Just for one night. That’s all I’m asking.” Twilight looked at the book and then at Rainbow Dash, trying to ignore the innocent filly look. With a reluctant sigh, she levitated the book into Dash’s saddlebags. “One night, Rainbow. Then I want it back.” “No sweat, Twi. See you later and thanks!” Waving goodbye, Rainbow Dash exited through the window she came through and headed for her home in the skies. *** Dash yawned, her eyes growing heavy. Turning to the candle next to the bed, she saw that it was halfway finished. Shaking her head, she flopped back onto the pillow, making sure to keep her eyes focused on the book. Granted, she skipped some of the more wordy parts, but the rest of it held cool pictures about some pretty awesome items. I’ll have to thank Twilight again for it. Thinking about the librarian reminded Dash of the letter. It made Dash furious to know the griffins were still free and not dangling from the gallows for what they did. It almost made her want to rip the book in two. If she had had her way, she would have told the Prime Minister to shove it and marched on through. Nothing would stand in the way of her search for justice. All four of them would suffer for their crimes and maybe she would finally know peace. Sighing, Rainbow Dash leaned her head back against her bed and stared into her plain ceiling. Am I really going to live the rest of my life like this? Thinking about Applejack and what could have happened? I would give anything... anything to bring her back. To fix everything so that nopony would suffer anymore. My friends. Apple Bloom. Ponyville. If I could just do something... It still wasn’t fair. The mare she loved was dead. Everypony was sad. And her hometown hated her. Maybe I should go back to Cloudsdale? At least until things cool down a bit... She looked at her wounded hoof and wondered how long it would take for both hooves to bleed out. To slowly fade away until she fell asleep, never to wake up again. To be at peace. To see Applejack again. Rainbow Dash quickly banished such thoughts and turned back to her reading, trying to avoid the tiny suggestion in her head. Her eyes passed across pages of a sword that could sing, a flute that could summon demons, a mirror that could grant any wish… Rainbow Dash froze, her once half-opened eyes were now completely open. No, it couldn’t be. There was no way that this, right now, was happening. If this is a cruel sick joke… With her mind fully awake again, Rainbow Dash’s eyes were focused on the page in front of her as she read each word slowly and carefully: The Eye of Exchange Also known as the Mirror of Desire and the Alchemist’s Dream, the Eye of Exchange is one of the oldest and most mysterious artifacts known. It is so ancient that its designer is still, to this day, a mystery. Some say it was created by a now extinct race, while others claim it was created by a powerful dragon lord during the First Dragon Empire. The power of this mirror transcends even the bounds of reality. It is said that the mirror has the ability to grant one wish to the one who looks at their reflection. No matter the wish, it will come true. However, the mirror demands that something of equal value must be given up in exchange for the wisher’s desire. Over the millennia, many races have fought against one another for this mirror. Those victorious have used the mirror’s powers for their own gain. Sometimes these wishes have caused great calamity with the rise of tyrants with near unstoppable armies and even the destruction of nations all resulting of the mirror's power. Other times, it has birthed ages of enlightenment, heroes of great valor, and discoveries of wonders. In 320 A.D. (After Discord) the leaders of Equestria, Draconia, Grydon, and other kingdoms agreed that the mirror was too dangerous to exist despite its possibilities to be used for good and so they sought to destroy it. But the mirror’s magic was too powerful for them to destroy. Desperate to keep it from being misused, the council of rulers locked the Eye of Exchange away in a magical temple. They vowed to keep secret of the temple’s location, but some of the information has leaked out over the years. Based on what little facts and rumors that can be discovered, inside the temple is something called ‘The Gauntlet:’ An esoteric test that can only be passed by those desperate and determined enough to see their desires come to life. The nature of The Gauntlet, or how it works, is unknown. As for the temple’s location, it is rumored to be past the western Grydon borders and in the snowy mountains of Tintangila’s Passage. Further proof that this may be the location of the temple is the fact that it is forbidden to even approach Tintangila’s Passage without permission from the Grydon Republic. Those caught trying to enter are given the harshest of punishments. Rumor has it that some have managed to brave the journey and use the mirror since the temple’s foundation, but no proof of such claims exists. The mirror was well known for delivering the following wishes: Ultimate Power, Immortality, Reviving the Dead, Seeing the Future, Curing Diseases, and Unlimited Wisdom. Reviving the dead. The three words repeated in Dash’s head over and over again. Three words that held so much weight it made her tremble. If what she was reading was true, if the Eye of Exchange did exist… then that meant… Shaking her head, Rainbow Dash quickly calmed herself and began to think. First off, did this mirror even exist? The pegasus was willing to believe in many things: aliens, ghosts, Pinkie Sense and more. Yet a mirror that was pretty much a lamp with a genie? Turning the pages, Dash saw many rumored accounts of the mirror being used. Like how a griffin warlord used it to make his army one of the most powerful in the world, but at the cost of all his soldiers’ souls, turning them into undead abominations. In the end, his mindless army devoured him. There was also a unicorn who had wished to save her dying daughter, at the price of never using magic again. Years later, she fell off a bridge and couldn’t teleport to safety. It seemed that anybody who dealt with the mirror would have to deal the consequences of their actions for the rest of their lives… however long or short those might be. Was it worth it? Was everything, even Rainbow Dash’s own life, worth risking to bring back Applejack? The pegasus thought of the funeral, how everypony had cried and had mourned the loss of their dear friend. The somber looks of the entire Apple Family. Little Apple Bloom, weeping over the cold body of her departed sister. If Applejack could be brought back, it would solve all the problems in the world. No more sorrow, no more guilt, and no more nightmares. “Grydon, huh?” Rainbow Dash muttered to herself. She had been there once, back when she was still friends with Gilda. During her high school’s break, Gilda invited her to stay for a week at her home in Pecksylvania. She had a good time, but other than that, her knowledge of the griffin lands extended no further. Even if she avoided trouble, she would still have to go through a dangerous piece of land and avoid getting caught. If anypony, or any other race for that matter, knew she was going to head to Tintangila Passage, then she would be in huge trouble. The book clearly stated that it was a high crime even to approach the province without authorization, much less to try to find the mirror. If Dash got caught, who knew what would happen to her? Rainbow Dash wondered what her friends would think of this. Twilight Sparkle would rather burn books then go against Princess Celestia. She would tell Rainbow Dash to stop thinking about it at once and never speak of it again. Rarity would almost certainly think the same. Plus, she would never last though such a long and dangerous journey. Fluttershy had a hard enough time dealing with Gilda. Going through a country full of griffins might give her a heart attack. And Pinkie? Who knows how the party pony might react? If Rainbow Dash decided to do this, then she would have to do it alone. It would be her redemption. A chance to fix her mistake and to make everything right. A chance to change fate and make everypony happy again. To bring back Applejack. To bring back her love. But again, was this all worth it? The journey to even find this mirror seemed to be more life threatening than the entire Everfree Forest. If Rainbow Dash wasn’t killed or captured by the time she reached the province, she would still have to find the temple and go through The Gauntlet, whatever that was. Was it really worth risking her life just to see Applejack one last time? The answer was simple. *** As the sun rose in the sky once more, Fluttershy nervously began to wonder if she should have brought the others with her. Despite what had happened the day before, she knew Rainbow Dash didn’t mean to hurt her. I’ve probably made her worry all day. I hope she can forgive me. When she arrived at the house, she lifted her shaking hoof to knock on the door. She stopped when she noticed a note taped to the front. “To anypony who reads this, I’ve decided to take a small vacation and head back home to Cloudsdale to be with my folks for a while. I’ve already mailed my notice to my Weather Team so things should be fine without me. If any of my friends are reading this, I’m sorry I left so suddenly, but I think it might be best if I stayed away from Ponyville for a while. Also, Twilight’s book that I borrowed is on my couch, so please return it to her. Be back soon, Rainbow Dash P.S. Can somepony ask Fluttershy to watch Tank for me while I’m gone?” *** Rainbow Dash had only place to go before heading to Baltimare and finding passage on a ship. Flying over the fields of Sweet Apple Acres, she suddenly remembered that she didn’t know where Applejack was buried. Before she could ponder any further, she noticed Big Macintosh readying his plow near the entrance of the farm. She slowly flew as quietly as possible, debating whether or not to ask him. He looked as calm as ever, as if nothing had changed; nevertheless Rainbow Dash was still nervous. Maybe if she just flew quietly… “Ya gonna float up in them clouds all day or ya gonna come down?” called out Big Macintosh, much to the pegasus’ surprise. Dropping close to the ground, Rainbow Dash gulped as the big stallion turned around and faced her with his usual stoic look. “Hey…” Big Macintosh just nodded as the two of them looked at each other, one nervous and the other unreadable. “Somethin’ ah can do for ya?” asked Big Macintosh with a raised eyebrow. “Um, yeah. Just came by to… speak to Applejack… I wasn’t there when they buried her and…” Rainbow Dash trailed off into silence, trying to avoid the farmer’s gaze. “She’s over at that hill over there, with Ma and Pa...” Mac nodded to a nearby hill. “Ah’m sure she’ll appreciate ya comin’ around for her.” “Yeah, thanks…” Rainbow Dash nodded as she stared nervously at the hill. “Eeyup,” said Big Macintosh turned his focus back to the plow. Rainbow Dash was ready to fly, but stopped herself and closed her eyes. “Do you hate me?” Big Macintosh didn’t answer. “I… I won’t blame you if you do. You can even say you wish it was me instead of your sister, I understand. I… I just want to know…” Rainbow Dash trailed up, unwilling to finish the thought. She kept her ears ready to hear the words… “Nnope.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. Turning around, she saw Big Mac looking at her with gentle eyes and a small, sad smile. “Ah don’t hate ya, Rainbow Dash. Never have. Ya’ll were my sister’s friend… and Ah know how much she cared about ya. There is no hate, Dash. None at all.” Rainbow sighed in relief and felt her heart slow back down to a normal beating. “Thanks, Mac. I... wasn’t really sure with everything that happened... and Apple Bloom.” Macintosh sighed. “Don’t worry about mah sister, Dash. She just needs time. Applejack always considered ya family, and that still stands, even now. Just don’t blame yourself for all that’s happened. If Ah can forgive ya, then Ah’m sure ya can do the same.". “I... I’ll try...” muttered Rainbow Dash. “Goodbye, Macintosh” She nodded and flew towards the direction of the hill. Minutes later, she landed a few feet away from the set of graves that stood under the large oak tree. A part of her really didn’t want to be here. She didn’t want to face the stone cold tomb of her love. But she had to. She had to remind herself what this journey was all about. Slowly, she made her way to the set of graves that never once left her sight. Images of a hearty, smiling Applejack were vivid in her mind. Just a week ago they were arguing on which sport was better, Hoofball or Rugby. Now Rainbow Dash was walking towards the final resting place of her best friend. She arrived at the grave, and stared down at the tombstone. Here lies Applejack, the Element of Honesty A Daughter, Sister, and Friend R.I.P. Rainbow Dash wanted to cry, but she shed no tears. She had to remain strong. If everything went according to plan, this grave would be gone in a few days. “Hey, AJ,” said Rainbow Dash, continuing to stare at the grave. “I guess you’re pretty mad at me, huh? Blaming myself and nearly drinking to death just because I couldn’t accept this... Chances are you’d buck my flank like crazy until I promised to never do it again.” Rainbow chuckled at her statement, but then her face turned somber. “I… I miss you… you don’t know how much I do. Every day I think about you. Hay, every moment I’m thinking about you. I guess that’s what love does to a pony. It never lets you forget. To think, I was ready to confess to you that day, and when I did you also admitted that you loved me too… You don’t know how… happy I was to hear that… when I heard you say ‘I love you’… I felt like I had just beaten all the Wonderbolts in a race with one wing tied behind my back. It felt better than when I first learned to fly, or even when I got my cutie mark. I… I wanted to just have that moment forever between us. I wanted time to just end, and let our love be the only thing left standing for eternity.” Rubbing her eyes, she continued, “But then… you died… you died and I was left to watch it all, helpless. You, slowly bleeding to death. Then me, having to end it. I felt as if my world had died along with you.” Shaking with rage, Rainbow screamed, “I hate you for making me do that! You should have held on! You had a family to take care of! Look at everypony! They’re all in tears because of you! You stupid… stupid… selfish jerk…” Rainbow Dash glared at the grave and shouted, “Don’t you know how much pain you put me through?! How many times I keep hearing your voice in my sleep! How many times…I wished I was just with you for one last second…” Shaking her head, Rainbow Dash forced herself to calm down. She wasn’t sure if Big Macintosh could hear her from this distance, but she didn’t want to cause a scene. “I know if you were alive you’d tell me that this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. You’d tell me that it’s not worth risking my life over. But you know what? I don’t care. I need you. We need you. If it means losing everything, then so be it. I don’t care. I love you and I’ll always love you. If I have to fight Celestia herself to bring you back, then I’ll kick her in the face so hard that crown of hers flies right into the sun. I’m going to do this. I’m getting that mirror. Nothing will stop me. Nothing…” Dash whispered, “And should the worst come to happen? Well, I guess I’ll get an earful from you when I join you, huh?” Rainbow Dash turned around and forced herself to not look at the grave again. She was ready, or as ready as she could be. Taking a deep breath, she flared out her wings and flew into the sky. Her journey had begun...