//------------------------------// // Prologue: My name is Jolly Thinker // Story: To fly with your own wings. // by Dr.SmileyWilly //------------------------------// Prologue: My name is Jolly Thinker One week ago I arrived in Ponyville and bought a small house not too far from the centre of the town. There I installed myself and built my own office. I didn't see the point in renting a building when the other ponies could get their appointments with me in my house instead. Anyway I always felt like ponies would be more at ease in a house rather than in a building meant to work. It felt more friendly. This house wasn't anything big. It had five rooms in all and a bathroom. After all I couldn't afford the luxury yet. I decorated every room to make it like you were at home. The entrance would greet you with a sympathetic small red rug to let you put your hooves on something soft and warm as you enter. The view you had when entering my house was leading you to the living room. Nothing too special there, I placed a great brown and red designed rug in the centre of it with two cushions, a couch and a small table was in the middle as well. It's pretty useful when you have guests and simply want to have a nice chat in the living room with them while having a nice drink. As for the colours, I wasn't very picky about them. I decided to leave everything as it was for now, but later I would need to retouch a few things here and there where the colour is wearing off. This red wouldn't last for very long. Yet I was too impatient to start my work. I couldn't wait to have my first clients so I could find a solution to help them smile. The next place in the house would be the kitchen. Here again there wasn't anything too special as well. I liked the drawers on the counter siding to your right as you entered the piece. Just above it, wooden cupboards were installed. They were a little old, but very robust. The doors were opening well and the shelves inside were still very sturdy. Facing the counter we could find my pantry. A simple, rectangular box made of strong wood with four shelves inside each with a lot of space to put many things in. It wasn't full at the moment. I still needed to do my shopping for that and for now I was eating outside at the restaurants around or simply bought a few things to prepare myself a small meal. I was too busy making preparations for the opening of my office. Then as we walk through the kitchen we land in the dinning room, which is very small to say the least. Since I was alone, I had only a round table there. At least the walls were adding some life to this little room. Their gentle blue colour gave a calm atmosphere so much that I couldn't wait to sit there and relax with my meal. Unfortunately it was one of the places in the house I didn't have the time to decorate. Other rooms had priorities. Which leads us to the next one that I love very much! Ah, my own office. My place of work, the room of joy, the smiling piece. As a psychologist I needed to give this place a bright green colour and the great window there was doing a perfect job at lighting the place with the radiant light of the sun. The white curtains made of tissue were letting the light come through without blinding us. My desk was placed on the right side at the other end of the room as you entered it. It's three drawers being placed one over another contained my files and other important papers while the other one left over the empty space of the desk contained my material such as pens, pencils and notebooks. I had my black soft armchairs to let the clients sit comfortably while they tell me their stories as well as one long chair for those who needed to lay down and so I could help them perform relaxation exercises. The wooden floor had been reworked already. I had put all of my efforts in this one room so I could begin to work early. I wanted to add paintings to the walls, but I didn't have any at the moment. That would lead us to the next and last place of my house, if we skip the bathroom that is, my own bedroom. All I could say about the bathroom anyway would be that... there is a toilet and a shower as well as a sink. It's not like details on this kind of room are too important. The piece is pretty small anyway. As for my room, I liked the colours there already. They resembled those of my office, only a little bit darker. My simple bed was very comfortable. The sheets and blanket let me drift off to sleep very fast when my mind was clear. Other than that I could simply enjoy the softness of it all. As for when I go to sleep, I always put my glasses on the desk of my room. A simple enough wooden structure with a few drawers. A picture of me and my family was decorating the top of it and the rest was empty. I yet had to put more things in this house, but I'd need more bits for that. And with all of that, I was finally ready to open my office... that is, if I was still at home. * ** I walked around in Ponyville, exploring more of its areas, but mostly because I was looking for a shop where I could buy and make a signboard to, let's say, advertise my office. I never really liked to use this word since I always preferred to be helping for free, but I had to pay for my things as well. It's no longer than after thirty minutes that I found what I was looking for. I had to ask somepony, but now I was inside the shop. Looking around for something simple and efficient, I stumbled upon the owner who looked at me with a smile. ''Is there something I can help you with, sir?'' he asked me joyfully. I smiled back at him and explained to him my situation and what kind of job I was doing. The pony merchant and I discussed a little and I used of this opportunity to try and spread words about my house and who I was. Along with the wooden board and a few materials to make my sign, I paid at the front, nodded to thank the merchant and headed outside with the things in my saddlebags and held the signboard's bag in my mouth. How else would I be bringing it? * ** I made it back home with my stuff. On my way back I had crossed a few of the residents of the town. I kindly nodded to them to say 'hello'. They responded positively, some waved and some spoke, I even heard a few talk about the colour of my dark blue and dark cyan mane, but there was a special pony who neither said anything nor did she gestured at me. Instead she glanced at me and looked confused. That pink pony then trotted away as if nothing had happened. I watched her go and went back to my business until I reached my home. After putting down my purchases I immediately started to work on my sign. I was far from being the good artist and my creativity could be off at some times too, but I wrote in blue painting my name, my job and the hours I would be opened during the week. With my clumsy writing I tried to write the best I could. I was careful in my movements as I wrote since I didn't want to create a mess with the painting, but mostly because I wanted the whole thing to be readable... In the end the letters appeared well and clear! It looked a little something like this: JOLLY THINKER THERAPIST OPENED FROM: MON TO FRI: 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM ON APPOINTMENT After taking a look at the signboard on the floor of my living room I cocked an eyebrow and I honestly thought that it could be a whole lot better. How I was supposed to do it, I had no idea, but for now it would have to do. I deposited the brush on my table and waited for the painting to dry before taking it outside in front of my house. Grabbing the hammer, a few nails, the board's post and the board itself I trotted outside and finally could put my sign in front of my house. I began hammering the nails and made some noise in the quiet area. It didn't take long to make, but all that manual work was tiring me. I was sweating already under my purple coat in the heat of the sun, and it wasn't even that hot on this day. At least I could relieve myself once I was done. I turned the sign around to see what it looked like and smiled with the hammer in my teeth. There was only one more thing to do. Plant it right in front of the house and then I could finally be able to open. Of course that moment only asked for less than a minute to do, but in the end I was all done and ready! I couldn't wait to start! I was so eager to enter inside and wait for the first person to knock. I had done my studies only for this day! Yet before I could step back inside, I was quickly interrupted in my movements. All I could do was lift my front leg before I heard a loud and cheerful 'Hi!' behind me. I turned around and to my great surprise it was that pink pony who stared at me back then. That look on her face seemed to be full of joy and energy. I couldn't help but smile back at her. ''Hello!'' I began to say to her as I completely turned around. And before I could ask her something, she started to speak without giving it a rest. ''I've never seen you around before! Earlier today I saw you and I was all 'I've never seen him before. He must be new!' because I know everypony in Ponyville and then I went away because I wanted to prepare a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party just for you! So I went back and made all the preparations and everypony is already there for you! Now all that's missing is you! By the way I'm Pinkie Pie!'' All that restless speech and gestures with such enthusiasm left me without words. I stared at the pink pony to try and follow what she wanted to tell me. In a moment of silence and of her smiling widely at me, I thought and tried to assemble the words in my head to understand. So what she told me was that she made a party in my honour for being a new resident of the town. Quite original! I liked the idea! ''I'll be pleased to attend it!'' I told her. Without any more waiting, the mare grabbed my hoof. ''Okey dokey lokey!'' she let out as she dragged me about quickly. I didn't try to resist, but it felt odd to be pulled by the sort like this. * ** The party thrown by Pinkie Pie at the Sugarcube Corner was pretty amusing and moving. There were drinks, a lot of sweets, balloons and streamers everywhere! The music was very entertaining too! I had fun out there even for my first time going to such an event in the town. Pinkie Pie kept saying how she felt terrible that she didn't make it sooner since it's been a week. I tried to reason her that it was fine, that I was very busy with all of my things that needed to be unpacked and installed. Nothing could be done... Pinkie Pie was still making a huge story out of it so I decided to let her do so. She'd get over it. At least that's what her friend Twilight Sparkle told me. Aside from that this evening was very entertaining and different from all the things I had done in this week. I could have fun for once instead of working on opening my clinic. It was my passion, but I had to have fun once in a while too and I even met a lot of other ponies, young colts and fillies included. In the course of the evening Pinkie introduced me to her best friends Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and a very shy one named Fluttershy. The poor filly had some trouble communicating, but she had gotten over it pretty quickly. All in all it was great to meet them all and they were all different and unique. Many other mares and stallions were there and I had a great time meeting them all as well. I had taken part of this party to talk about myself a little and mostly about what I do. I also thanked Pinkie for this amazing party. I noticed that Twilight was paying attention to what I was saying. I didn't know her very well, but I could tell we would talk again eventually. At the same time, many asked me what my cutiemark was standing for. I was happy to tell them that this picture of a brown book with a heart on its cover was representing the positive thoughts I liked to share with everyone. It was what lead me to become who I am today and I am very proud of it. I loved this party. But everything must come to an end at some point. * ** Arriving at my house, I took one last look at the signboard and shook my head disappointed at it, but I let a smile form on my face too. Everything went better than expected and it was all thanks to Pinkie Pie. Tomorrow I was expecting some visits that it was for an appointment or not. I simply expected somepony at my door.