//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Scootaloo // Story: To fly with your own wings. // by Dr.SmileyWilly //------------------------------// Chapter 1: Scootaloo KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK I heard the noise coming from the door the very next day after the party at Sugarcube Corner. I went and opened. Three ponies were standing there. A mare, a stallion and a young orange coated pegasus filly with a pinkish purple mane and tail. ''Hello!'' I greeted the three equines. ''Good day, sir Thinker.'' The mare answered with a smile. ''We heard about you yesterday. Our daughter went to your welcome party and we thought we could use your services. After all you are the first official therapist in the town.'' ''Please come inside then,'' I said as I moved out of the way. The ponies all walked inside and I could see the filly entering with not so much enthusiasm as her head was hanging low. The mare had looked around a little while standing where she was and left me a small compliment about my house which I took with gratitude before leading them to my office. Once inside I invited them to sit on the chairs, which they did except for the filly who decided to stand away. ''Now what may I help you with today?'' I asked. ''Our daughter Scootaloo... We think she could spare some time to talk about a few things.'' The mother said. I listened to her words and took a look at Scootaloo who didn't look happy at all. Something was on her mind at that moment and she was disturbed. ''What did you have in mind today, Scootaloo?'' I suddenly asked the filly. At first she looked at me with an angry look, then turned away. ''Certainly not coming here!'' Scootaloo let out after she turned. She sounded angry and deranged. We started to talk to each others for the first time. ''I'm almost certain it would be better for you on a different day, am I right?'' ''How about never? I don't need help!'' ''I won't force you to anything, Scootaloo, but if your parents are here with you then they must have a reason to it.'' I explained. ''I don't care! I don't have any problem!'' the filly insisted. I turned to the parents instead since I didn't want to resort to anything authoritarian. ''Does she have school today?'' I asked them. Her father answered positively and the mother agreed with a nod. I suggested to the two parents that she should go attend class for the day so I could discuss with them. It might be rough since she was already not in the mood, but at least she could be with her friends if she had any. I supposed she did. The parents looked at each others before giving me back their look. ''It's a good idea, sir Thinker.'' The father smiled. ''Scootaloo?'' he turned to his daughter who looked at him. ''Go attend class for today, dear. We'll give you more time.'' The young pegasus found back a smile as she sat there. She might not be totally convinced, but I was certain that she had plans today. I remembered that I had seen her at Pinkie Pie's party the previous day and she was with two other fillies. She probably was spending a lot of time with them and didn't have any time to receive help from a therapist, believing that everything for her was fine. I wished she was right, but I would only find out with the help of the parents. After the leaving of Scootaloo, I began to chat with her parents about the problems she had. ''We feel our daughter is not satisfied with what she has right now. We tried to talk to her, but she doesn't want to tell us anything. She keeps saying that she wants her cutiemark to appear. We're thinking that she's becoming too desperate...'' the mother explained to me. I sensed in her the energy she had already spent trying to help her daughter. Her husband was holding her close to him with his wing. They simply wished the best for their child. They told me about how she idolized Rainbow Dash, who I had met at the party, and how she wished to be able to fly, but wasn't able to do so yet. ''We've also tried to get more time with her,'' the father added. ''She loves us, but it's as if we were unable to give her what she really needs.'' ''I see...'' is all that I could say at this point since I needed to think of something. I looked down with my eyes as they were scanning the ground while my mind was at work. At this point there wasn't much that could be done. I understood what they wanted me to do. I would need to work with Scootaloo for that. The filly was already refusing any session of therapy. I also couldn't just walk to her and convince her. The ponies had to have the will to come here. ''I may have an idea.'' The father began to say. I was all ears to hear this idea. ''Can you come and meet us at her school after class? Maybe we could try and speak with her then.'' Yet I had to refuse this proposition and showed my disagreement with a shaking of my head. ''I have to say no to this. Your daughter must have the will to come. I won't force her to see me even if I can get her to speak.'' I explained. ''Give her some time.'' Before agreeing with me, the father looked a little away. His wife didn't seem to know what to say and I wished I could help them with that, but I can't satisfy them when it's their daughter who seems to be needing my help. From this point we didn't have anything else to tell each others. I didn't know Scootaloo enough to be giving them any good tips. The two ponies got up and were about to leave. ''Well... Thank you anyway.'' The father told me and began walking away with his wife. It's then that I remembered something. I made a step toward them to speak. ''I forgot to mention something!'' I hastily said. The parents stopped in their track and looked back at me. ''I think it's important for you to know that sessions with me are thirty bits per hour.'' ''Uh... do you want us to pay for today?'' The father asked. ''Oh, no no!'' I laughed. ''It's only on appointment. I just wanted you to at least know the price. I hope it's fine with you.'' ''Yes, of course.'' The father answered. ''Oh, and I'm sorry I can't do anything for now, but if there is anything you can always come see me again and we can try to discuss it out. I won't charge for that.'' I told him and his wife. With this, he smiled and nodded before crossing the doorway to step outside. * ** Not any later than only one hour I heard someone knock and call my name ''Sir Jolly?'' That voice sounded familiar. I was certain I had heard that voice at Pinkie's party. Though there were many voices there, there was one I was able to recognize. I answered at my door after I got to it and smiled at the sight of Twilight Sparkle. ''Hello, Twilight Sparkle.'' I greeted. ''You can call me just Twilight if you wish. I see you've already opened your clinic!'' She said. ''But that's not why I'm here. Actually I think I could use your help.'' ''What can I do?'' I asked her with a bit of a confused look. I couldn't think she would need a therapy since to me she seemed to be in order. ''Somepony in town is being desperate right now.'' Twilight told me with a worried look. I could already tell that the unicorn tried to help the pony in question. ''And what exactly is happening?'' I asked trying to get more information. ''She's panicking. She's scared of everypony right now.'' She explained. I took the time to think a little as I rubbed my goatee on my chin. ''Take me to her.'' I decided firmly. Twilight Sparkle hurried and showed me the way to where this mare was. When I got there Twilight pointed with her hoof a pony who was laying down with her head under her legs. ''It's her. I told her I'd get some help.'' Twilight said. ''I'll handle this. How long as she been like that?'' I asked. ''For about ten minutes. I tried to be as fast as I could to get you.'' She answered. ''What's her name?'' I asked. ''Snow Breeze.'' Twilight answered simply. Just with that I could begin my intervention. I walked to the white pegasus with her light pink mane, but kept a certain distance with her. When she saw me she reacted immediately and tried to back away while crouched. ''Snow Breeze?'' I called calmly. ''G-get back!'' She replied with fear. ''Don't worry, Snow Breeze. I'm here to help. Twilight Sparkle came to me.'' I said. ''You know her, right?'' I asked. Snow Breeze nodded with her eyes closed. ''Can you trust her?'' again she nodded the same way. ''She's with us right now. I'm Jolly Thinker. You can look at me, I promise nothing bad will happen to you.'' I said. Slowly, Snow Breeze opened one eye while shaking and looked at me with it. I didn't want to approach yet. I was afraid I'd only scare her by doing so. I waited some more as I stood there. Then Snow Breeze could look at me with both eyes and even raised her head a little. I looked behind briefly ''Twilight?'' I called calmly before looking back at the poor pegasus. The unicorn advanced and came to my side with a smile. Instantly Snow Breeze began to shake less. She felt reassured that Twilight was there. ''Do you mind if I come next to you?'' I asked, hoping for a positive answer. ''N-no... I'd rather stay distant...'' Snow Breeze answered with a shaking voice. I expected it, but at least I wanted to give it a try. The process would have been faster. ''Then do you accept to tell me and Twilight what is making you like this?'' I asked. It took some time and Snow Breeze looked away, but she began to say something. ''I'm scared...'' She began to say. I waited a moment. ''I think... I'm being stalked...'' ''Do you have an idea of who or what could be stalking you?'' I asked calmly. ''It's... I think it's a stallion...'' ''Do you know him?'' ''... No.'' ''How long do you think he's been following you?'' ''Maybe... a week.'' Then I went on to proceed with a big question. ''Snow Breeze. What I'm going to ask you may be personal, but it could help me find out what's happening. Do you think you could answer a question like that?'' I needed to know if it came from her past or if it was a recent event. She looked at me briefly before sighting the ground. She nodded very slowly. ''Feel free to remain quiet if you want to.'' I told her then I asked my question slowly. ''In your past, did something happened to you that was involving a certain stallion?'' She shut her eyes half and I could see them watering. I had my answer. We all remained silent. I needed to think of something. Yet, as I was about to get lost in my thoughts I heard Snow Breeze who began to breath faster and faster as well as louder. ''Snow Breeze!'' Twilight called seeing the same thing as me. I looked at Twilight and gestured to her to get next to Snow Breeze. It was risky, but she needed to be assisted right away. Twilight went next to the pegasus and put herself at her level. As for me, I decided to stand where I was. All I could do was talk to her. ''Snow Breeze, listen to me. Look at me!'' I said raising my tone a little so my voice would reach her effectively. Snow Breeze did the best she could and looked at me. She was indeed entering a panicking state and was having a panic attack. ''You're not in danger. Twilight and me are here with you. Everything will be fine.'' I told her, then I quickly drew a line on the ground with my hoof. ''Focus on this line and listen to my voice.'' I said. She did as I told her and looked at the line. ''You are not in danger. Everything here is safe. You are in security. Breath in deeply and let it all out slowly, all right?'' She nodded quickly as she kept breathing fast, but already began to do it slowly and deeply. I kept on speaking to her to reassure her. I kept telling her she was safe while she was breathing in and out deeply. In less than a minute she had already calmed down and could breath normally. She had let out a sigh at the end. Twilight got back up. ''Are you able to get up?'' I asked. ''Yes... I think I can now.'' Snow Breeze answered me. She did what she said and stood up slowly on her four legs. She seemed a little weak, but it was normal after such an attack. ''Thank you.'' She said then looked at me with a smile on her face. ''It was nothing. It's thanks to Twilight that I got here in time,'' I smiled back at her. ''I see you're not having it easy with your life.'' ''I'm not... and maybe it'll be a good thing for me to visit you from time to time. Jolly Thinker, was it?'' ''Yes.'' ''Words are spreading fast here. I've heard you're a therapist.'' ''Yes, that's what I am. I'll be glad to have an appointment with you anytime,'' I smiled. ''Twilight?'' I asked as I looked at her. She looked at me. ''Are you free today?'' ''Well, I have some work to do at the library. What is it?'' she asked. ''I wondered if you could spend some time with Snow Breeze just to make sure things will be fine for her.'' I answered. Immediately, Snow Breeze reacted and even giggled. ''Oh it won't be necessary! I'll be fine by myself, thank you very much.'' She said. I looked back at her ''Are you sure?'' ''Yes, definitively.'' She answered as she opened her wings. ''Take it easy then. If there is anything, don't hesitate to come to me if you can. Else I'm sure somepony will come to your aid.'' I told her. Then she left in just a few flaps as Twilight and me watched her go away. ''You did a great job.'' Twilight told me not getting her eyes off of the pegasus. ''Thanks. It's not always easy, but I just love to see the good results. It's always satisfying.'' I replied. Twilight giggled some before laying her eyes on me. ''I guess so. Well maybe you should go back to your place now. Who knows, maybe somepony is standing by the door?'' ''Haha!'' I exclaimed ''I hope not.'' ''I guess we'll see each others some other time then. Gotta go!'' Twilight said before trotting away. I turned back and as I looked around I quickly noticed that there was a school nearby. I could see in the schoolyard. The kids were having their recess it seemed, but as I took a closer look I saw Scootaloo who was looking this way. Did she see the whole thing? Her attention was taken away when two other fillies came and almost dragged her away to play a game. I didn't know much about the young orange pegasus, but her curiosity was enough to tell me she was maybe considering something. I couldn't force her to come see me, but maybe her parents wouldn't have to try either. Only time could tell. * ** I opened the door to my house with a few things I was carrying. It was fortunate that no one was waiting for me earlier. My clinic was closed and I took the time after to make a few purchases. I was very hungry. I deposited everything inside my kitchen on the counter and took the necessaries to prepare myself a tasty dandelion and mushroom soup. I placed the mushrooms on the counter and picked a knife to begin chopping everything. While I was finishing slicing the ingredients I had started to boil some water. Shortly after, once the temperature was high enough, I put everything in the pot. It's then that I heard more noise at my door. I looked straight at it from the kitchen. ''I'm coming!'' I said loud and clear. I pulled to open only to see Twilight Sparkle again. ''Hey.'' I said grinning. ''Good evening, Jolly.'' She said. ''Can I come in?'' ''Of course, of course!'' I said as I got out of the way. Twilight walked in and waited for me to close my door. She took two sniffs at the air. ''Am I interrupting? You seem to be cooking.'' Twilight said. ''I'm in the middle of that, yes, but I don't mind. It's always pleasant to have company. Besides I need to wait.'' I explained. ''Oh then I guess we can talk.'' ''Of course. You can go have a seat over there.'' I said and pointed at the cushions and the couch. Twilight didn't hesitate to pick any pillow there and waited for me to join her. ''I was thinking about what you did today again.'' She said as I was getting over to join her. ''I read a lot of books, but I don't think I could have handled that one by myself.'' I sat down in front of her ''Are you stressed over something?'' I asked. ''Well, I do have a lot of work to do.'' She answered. ''What kind of work do you do?'' ''I work at the library in Ponyville, but I was sent here because of Princess Celestia who asked me to study the magic of friendship.'' She said. ''Really?'' ''Yes. And thanks to that I've made a lot of friends, but mostly my five best friends here who you met yesterday at Pinkie's party.'' ''Ah I see. That's one interesting concept.'' I said and let out a small chuckle. ''So did you have any clients today?'' ''No.'' I said. ''Well, unless two parents who came to have a bit of information to help their daughter counts,'' I paused ''Scootaloo, was it?'' ''Scootaloo?'' ''Yes. According to her parents she would be becoming desperate about getting her cutie mark.'' I answered. ''She and her two friends are testing their talents everywhere around Ponyville.'' Twilight giggled. ''They get in trouble often, but they never stop.'' ''Do you know her well?'' ''Her friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are the sisters of AppleJack and Rarity.'' ''That I didn't know.'' I said. ''One thing was certain though. Today was not the best day for her to come over here. She didn't want to hear anything and pretended everything was fine.'' ''Well maybe her parents are overreacting?'' She wondered. ''I doubt it. She was disturbed.'' I began to say. ''Earlier today we crossed sight again after you left when we helped Snow Breeze. She seemed curious, but then her friends got to her.'' I paused again for a second. ''I wish I could help her.'' ''Have you thought about approaching her?'' Twilight asked. ''I did, but it's out of the question with me. The ponies who come here must come by will only. I want them to make the first step.'' I explained with a more serious tone. ''Well...'' Twilight began and turned her head away for a second. ''Maybe I can tell you a little about her. That could be helpful if she ever comes here,'' but I shook my head to refuse this offer and smiled at Twilight. ''It's no use. Why getting this information if she never comes? Besides I don't want to stress myself over nothing if I'm wrong. Scootaloo has to live her childhood right now. If something bothers her she will talk to those she trusts. If she really wishes to come here and talk to me because of the help I'm offering to all the ponies, then so be it,'' I paused to stare at Twilight while keeping my smile. ''And I'll be very happy to give her everything she needs.'' Twilight contemplated my face for a moment and responded with a small smile. ''Maybe I should get to study this more.'' She said. I chuckled ''Well if you're interested in psychology then yes! If you need to understand anything you can always come to me.'' Knock Knock Knock Both of us turned our heads toward the sound of the door. ''Now I'm very curious to know who that is.'' I wondered. Twilight remained at her place and watched me go open the door. I kept having a questioned face until I opened the door. I looked in front of me then downward when a purple and orange colour caught my eyes. ''Why good evening there.'' I said as a smile formed on my face. ''Evening sir uh...'' Scootaloo said. ''Jolly Thinker. Call me Jolly if you want.'' I reminded her. ''Okay. Evening then Jolly.'' she replied. ''Is there anything I can do for you?'' ''Well I wanted to talk to you about something.'' She told me. ''Of course, just come in and we'll talk.'' I said as I moved out of the way to let her walk in. After getting inside she walked and turned toward the living room where Twilight was. ''Twilight? What are you doing here?'' She asked surprised. ''I just wanted to pay Jolly a small visit.'' Twilight replied. ''What about you, Scootaloo? I never thought you'd come here alone.'' ''Yeah well... I wanted to talk to him about something. But I guess I'll come back since you two are busy and...'' she stopped to smell the air ''Are you cooking?'' ''I am.'' I answered. ''But it's nothing, Scootaloo. If you want to you can talk to both of us.'' ''Um, I think I'd rather come back some other time.'' Scootaloo said as she turned back to go toward the door. ''I get that you want it to be private.'' I made her notice. The young pegasus stopped in her track to put some thoughts into it. ''Now would be the best time before you forget.'' ''No I'm fine, really. I'll just come back another time.'' Scootaloo defended. Twilight got up and walked to us then toward the door. I watched her do so and guessed she wanted to leave us alone, not leaving a choice to Scootaloo. ''Well I have a few things to do and I have to make sure that Spike did what I asked him to do,'' she winked. ''I won't hold you any longer then, Twilight.'' I replied. She left after saying good-bye to Scootaloo and me and closed the door behind her. ''We're alone now.'' I told Scootaloo. The filly turned around and I showed her the way to the living room where she could take a seat. She went to one cushion and I went to the kitchen telling her it wouldn't take long. I just needed to check on my soup a little if I wanted to eat tonight. After a small check-up I could say that everything was in order. I went to the living room and sat in front of Scootaloo on the other side of the table. ''What was it that you wanted to ask me?'' ''It's about today,'' she began. ''I saw you help a mare when we had recess. I was curious as to know what happened exactly.'' I chuckled at the sound of that. It was cute. ''Well, yes I did help her.'' I said. ''But her life is a private matter. All I can tell you is that she needed some help from me. Twilight came here to ask me.'' I explained. I bent my head to get just a little closer to Scootaloo's level. ''Do you know what a therapist does, Scootaloo?'' I asked. ''Not exactly...'' she admitted ''I know you help ponies feel better, but I don't know how.'' I raised my head back. ''A therapist is a pony who is able to help the others who need it, yes, but they offer their help with psychological problems.'' I explained. ''Do you know a little about psychology?'' ''Not really.'' She answered feeling a little ashamed of it. ''Don't feel bad about it.'' I reassured her. ''Psychology is the study of behaviours and psychic facts. They are related to our emotions and sentiments. Sometimes we can live atrocities that will leave a scar inside of us. Not the kind of scar you find once your body heals a flesh wound, but a scar that affects the way you behave and live your life.'' I explained and paused for a few seconds to let her get the information right. ''It's not only about bad things though,'' I continued. ''Happiness and sadness are both part of it and will both develop us as one unique pony.'' I said. ''Yet these inner wounds need to be treated. Else they can cause damage for as long as you live and some ponies go through a lot just because of it.'' I added. ''You're still very young though and you're not done with your own development.'' ''I think I get it.'' Scootaloo said, but the small frown she did made me believe she didn't quite get all of it. ''Is that all you wanted to ask me?'' I asked. ''Yes.'' She slowly said. ''I wonder though,'' I took on before she could move. ''Why are you so interested in what I do when just this morning you didn't want to hear a thing about it?'' I asked. ''You even claimed you didn't need any help.'' ''Actually that's...'' she paused to think. ''... because I need to pick a subject for schoolwork!'' she said as an excuse and finding back her confidence. I just went along with it. ''Well then I'll be glad to help you with anything you need!'' I said joyfully. ''If you want to you can come back tomorrow after my clinic is closed and I'll answer any question you need.'' I said. ''Is that all right?'' ''Oh uh... sure, well maybe not tomorrow.'' She precipitated to say. ''I told my friends I'd join them after school so we could try to find our cutie marks!'' ''How about this week-end then?'' I asked. ''You'll have plenty of time, no?'' ''Yeah...'' She answered almost defeated with a fake grin. ''It'll be uh... awesome. I'll see if I can.'' ''Just come by whenever you need to.'' I said. Scootaloo stood up and walked toward the small hall then turned around to look at me. ''Well then see ya!'' she smiled and ran off. I went to my window to watch her run away and smiled. I didn't expect her to be here this week-end, but I expected her to put some more thoughts in what she wanted to do for herself. In only one day she went from not interested at all to very curious. Like I said I'll be happy to help her with anything.