My Little Civil Activist: Equality is Magic

by GrouchoMarxDisciple

Apples and Carrots

It had been a pretty good day at the marketplace. Ponies usually bought the Apple family apples like crazy, which was not surprising because everypony who has ever tried one knows they're the best in Equestria, but today had been especially fruitful. And it was only mid-morning! Applejack turned away from the crowd for a second to count how many apple crates had been emptied so far.

Okay, so ah've sold one... two... Applejack scracthed her head. Ah coulda sworn I sold at least three crates by now. Ah guess the day hasn't been so spectacular after all. Oh well, it's still early and the ponyfolk are still buying.

The marketplace was bustling and loud, and Applejack had to shout at the top of her lungs to be heard over the chaos that was the Saturday market. "Fresh apples for sale! The best in Equestria! Only 2 bits!" With so many ponies in the marketplace, there had to be at least one pony who wanted an apple. Somepony... Anypony...

A pony approached the stand.

Anypony but that one.

"I would like two apples please." the yellow mare smiled smugly.

"Carrot Top? What the hay are y'all doin' here? I thought ya hated apples." The anger in Applejack's voice was matched only by her confusion.

"Well, maybe I changed my mind! There is no law that says ponies can't change their minds... Though if somepony watched you for long enough they might think there is."

Applejack glared at her old enemy. "Juhst give me your bits, take yer apples and git. Y'all are lucky I even let you come within five feet of mah stand after what you did."

"Why so angry? I come here to give you some business, (which, judging by the fact that you are still wearing the same old dusty hat you desperately need), and you insult me."

"You're the one givin' me trouble! You have been for years!" Applejack's voice was angry and loud, alerting some other ponies to the fact that something was up. A small crowd began to gather around the stand.

"And now you are yelling at me! Is this any way to treat your customers? Tsk tsk tsk...." Carrot Top shook her head. "I always thought you were a better businesspony than that. You, of all ponies, should know that the customer is always right." She laughed.

"Ah refuse to do business with a pony who will come to mah stand and insult me like this! Now will ya kindly move along?!" The cowpony accentuated her last statement with an angry snort.

"So pushy! Okay, okay, I'm going. But before I leave, I just wanted to tell you that I forgive you." She nodded briskly, and turned to leave.

"Whaddoya mean 'forgive me'? Shouldn't you be the one apologizing?" Applejack called back.

Carrot Top smiled as she turned around slowly. Yes, Applejack. Keep digging yourself deeper. "Oh, I don't just mean about today. I mean for everything you did to me. We have had a... rocky relationship, you and I." At this Applejack grumbled something under her breath. Carrot Top cleared her throat and continued: "However, I have decided that the time for our petty squabbles is over. It is time for both of us to move on. In fact, that is why I came here in the first place. I was hoping to make up and move on, but it appearssomepony just can't let the past go."

"Okay, spill the beans. What are ya tryin' to get me to do? Haven't you humiliated me enough for one lifetime?" Ah know Carrot, and Carrot doesn't juhst be nice. There has ta be another reason.

The orange-maned mare looked around. Enough ponies have gathered. Time to make my move. "I was actually coming to see if I could convince you to vote for me." Carrot Top spoke louder than necessary. "I have been asked by the Moon Party to run against Mayor Mare this year."

"YOU WHAT!?!?!?" Applejack shouted. "I wouldn't vote for ya if you were the last mare on earth! It would be bad enough if you were running for the Sun party or independently, but running for the Moon party? Those hooligans who don't know left from right, prentendin' that this 'new age' requires new laws that are the exact opposite of Ponyville's time-honored traditions? The laws you fight against are inherited from my great-grandma and the laws she set down are the laws that will stay. Do you expect me to jus' throw up mah hooves and let Ponyville be overrun by fillies with air in their heads and stars in their eyes? Fur-get it! You can take your politicking and fancy 'new age' idears and just MOVE ALONG!"

Carrot Top gave her best 'hurt' face to the crowd. "Well... If you are going to be that way, I'll be off. But hearing that makes me think... If the Sun Party's supporters are going to act that way to their fellow mares, then maybe it is time for a change. Maybe it's time for a more caring and open-minded candidate. Somepony like me, not like you."

Applejack thought for a second. With all these ponies around... "Wait just an apple-pickin' minute... you baited me! You wanted me to get upset and yell to make the ponies think that all of the Mayor's supporters are crotchety and insensitive!" And Ah fell for it!

"I baited you? It seems that any move on my part was unnecessary. You proved any point I was trying to make much better than I ever could have." She took a second to relish in her enemy's frustration. But she couldn't stay long, duty called. "If you will excuse me, friend, I have a rally to attend. Carmel and the stallions asked me to speak at the 'stallion's rights' rally in the marketplace today, and I wouldn't want to be late. By the way, can I borrow one of those crates?" Carrot Top quickly grabbed a large crate and trotted off, her nose high in the air. She could take a little time to bask in her victory elsewhere (and maybe celebrate with a carrot smoothie), leaving Applejack with the disapproving stares of everypony in the crowd.

"Ah... Ah didn't mean... She was... I didn't..."

Maybe today was a bad day after all. Ah, buck.