//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Consequences // by Antisocial Ind. //------------------------------// "There it his. His freaking house. When I see that douche I'm gonna strangle him!" Scootaloo increased her speed, headed straight for the medium sized house. "O-oh my!" Fluttershy could not believe the speed which was achieved by such a young pegasus. She was definitely Rainbow Dash's daughter. Fluttershy increased her speed as well, barely keeping up with the young flier. With a soft thud, they landed on the stoop of the front porch. Scootaloo, with a determined look on her face, wasted no time running to the door and knocking as hard as she could. For a few moments, nothing happened. As she was about to knock again, she could hear a lock being toyed with. After a moment, the door cracked a few inches, secured by a small chain in the inside. Scootaloo didn't have time for that crap, so she bucked the door wide open, flinging Dart back several feet, landing on his back. Scootaloo charged in, ready to beat the crap out of him if he wouldn't tell her where Rainbow Dash was. She was about to verbally berate and threaten him when she saw his face. The fur around his face, almost randomly, matted. His head was bleeding from numerous head wounds, and his eyes were bloodshot and puffy. Fluttershy walked in behind Scootaloo, and gasped in horror. She was horrified, and so very very confused. She was about to beat and threaten somepony who looked like they'ed already been beaten horribly. She noted that he had no other wounds anywhere that she could see, so whoever did this made sure that it was the poor colt's head that got the beating. Scootaloo softened her tone before she spoke, not wanting to hurt him anymore than he already was. "Woah, I'm sorry. What happened to you?" Fluttershy was already examining him. "He has multiple forehead wounds, and from the looks of them, it was a thin blunt object. Who did this to you?" Dart finally opened his eyes. I'll show you, mom! I'll be the best son ever! I'll remove the people who want to hurt you from Equestria. Then we can finally live together just like we did when I was younger, everything back to normal. Dart finished this thought just as several urgent sounding, loud knocks came from the door. Dart quickly flew over to the door, and looked through the peephole. His jaw dropped. There, on the other side of the door, was one of those very people: Scootaloo. There was some other pegasus with a pink mane and yellow coat whom Dart didn't know, but she would probably not be an issue. He thought about how Scootaloo's presence could be used. Then he remembered his face. Yes, deception would work well in his favor, if he pulled it off correctly. He fumbled for a moment with the locks, and opened the door as far as the chain would allow. Just as he was about to say 'Hello?', Scootaloo bucked the door open, shattering the wood around the chain's base, and sending Dart backward a few feet before he landed on his back. It didn't really hurt, but he decided that he needed to milk the injuries a bit to get them to believe him. "He has multiple forehead wounds, and from the looks of them, it was a thin blunt object. Who did this to you?" Dart opened his eyes slowly, deliberately. He saw Scootaloo and the unidentified mare looking very concerned for him. He'd smirk, but it would betray his facade. "It was... mom." Scootaloo gasped at this revelation. Perfect. "No, there's no way. You mean my mom, right?" Oh my Celestia this is too easy. "Yeah," he said, his face becoming a glare. He called upon his distraught emotions to fake some tears, although technically they weren't fake, since he was feeling depressed that his mother apparently didn't love him. "Now she's your mom. I only wanted to be with her again, but instead of accepting me, she slammed my face into some iron bars repeatedly. The stupid bitch locked herself in the shed out back, and I don't intend on letting her out until the police arrive." Both Scootaloo and the yellow pegasus were incredulous. "I'm sorry," said the yellow one, "but Rainbow would never do that to anypony, especially not a child." He gave her a cold look. "Oh, so I suppose I did this to myself!?" He raised his voice to emphasize his point. She squeaked and stepped back, apparently frightened. Scootaloo leaped in between the two, as though Dart was some kind of threat while laying on his back. "Don't yell at Fluttershy, she didn't do anything." Dart decided to bring this facade to it's glorious end. He stood up, and wordlessly walked over to the back door, picking up the key to the padlock on the shed, intending for them to follow. And follow they did. He undid the lock on the back door, and proceeded to the balcony. He walked down the four steps into the back yard, and walked the ten feet to the shed. He walked silently, attempting to keep Rainbow from hearing him coming. Luckily, the other two also walked silently, though they probably did it out of habit. He reached the door and quietly undid the locks with the key, and opened the door as a true gentlecolt would. "Right inside, ladies. You can ask her for yourself." Scootaloo eyed him suspiciously, but took his invitation. Fluttershy stood fast "Thank you but I'd rather stay out here." Whatever, she's not going to do anything, pushover. The shed smelled slightly of mildew and mold. They stopped when they saw a Rainbow Dash, apparently trying to put a bunch of random tools together. Scootaloo smiled widely and inhaled sharply. This got Rainbows attention, and she turned her entire body into a fighting stance, ready for any threat. She was surprised to see Fluttershy and Scootaloo, and it shocked her into silence for just a moment. Her eyes widened in horror when she looked past them to the now-open door. "TURN AROUND NOW!" But it was too late. Dart closed the door and locked the other two females inside. He donned a fierce look on his face as he flew over to the barred window. He looked inside and tapped on the bars, getting their attention. Both Rainbow and Scootaloo flew at the window, ready to annihilate Dart from the face of Equestria. "LET US OUT YOU JACKASS!" Scootaloo yelled, trying to hit him through the bars, and falling short by inches. "Fluttershy, help us!" Fluttershy, in a daring move that was very out of character, flew up to Dart. She stopped a few feet from him, knowing that she wasn't going to do anything anyway. "It's no use, Scoots." Rainbow said. "He's not gonna let us out. He's crazy. See those marks on his face? They're from when he rammed his freaking head into the bars!" Scootaloo stared in awe, shocked that her peer would do something like that to himself. Fluttershy stared at him with a determined look, but she shrank back in fright when he looked at her with his bloodied face and intent gaze. "Uh...s-sorry." Dart, with Fluttershy now taken care of, turned back to Rainbow. "I'm not crazy, mom. I just wanted you to love me again!" His eyes became watery once more. "I mean, do you know how much it hurts to see your own mother prefer your rival over you? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ACT WHEN THAT HAPPENS!?" Rainbow stared intently, trying to think of a way to make him let them out. "You hurt me, mom. Now, I'm going to hurt you." Dart turned and flew into his house at breakneck speeds. Rainbow also fled fro the windows, over to her daughter. "We don't have time, Shy! We gotta go!" She remained frozen to the spot, crying over Darts horrible mindset. Rainbow gave a sigh of frustration at this, and turned to her daughter, who she knew would listen to her. "Listen, we gotta break out of here. Help me try and break the door down." Scootaloo nodded. "Right!" They flew over to the door, landing with their haunches facing the door, simultaneously delivering powerful kicks to the door. Which didn't budge. They tried several well-timed bucks, but to no avail. Scootaloo took a seat on the floor, panting, exhausted from her hard work. After a few moments, Rainbow did the same. They sat and looked at each other, both hoping the other would have a plan. They broke their gaze when they heard the sound of a door opening and closing. They heard Fluttershy's "Eep!" signify that he probably had something bad with him. Rainbow flew up to the bars and gasped. He was carrying several cans of lantern oil and a box of matches. "Dart, what are you doing?" She asked. Scootaloo flew up next to her mother, but retreated when Rainbow gave her a look. "Well," he said,spitting out the box of matches, "since you no longer love me, and now you love her, I figured the least I could do is show you how happy I am that you're happy." He unscrewed the lid off of the first can, flew above, and began pouring it onto the roof. The roof was flat, and full of small holes. The highly flammable liquid seeped through the wood, dripping everywhere and onto everything. He kept pouring more and more of it onto the shed. Eventually most of the inside had some liquid on it, including Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. When he was done, he returned to his box of matches. "Dart," Rainbow said, her voice shaking slightly, "don't do this. You don't need to do this. At least let Scootaloo go, she didn't do anything to yo-" "BULLSHIT!" he yelled, startling Rainbow. They locked eyes through the bars yet again, and now she could see just how truly disfigured this poor child was emotionally. He had to witness his father die, and his mother imprisoned by the mother of the same filly who beat the tar out of him. On top of all this, he gets convinced that somepony else was his mother, and she didn't love him. The pain was unimaginable, like looking into Tartarus itself. "She beat me, and took my mother away! She stole you and you went with her! As far as I'm concerned, you only want to hurt me, the both of you! So now, I will HURT. YOU. BACK!" He darted over to the box of matches, pulling one out in his mouth. Realizing what was about to happen, Rainbow darted over to Scootaloo, and grabbed her head, pointing it to look straight at her. "Sweetie, listen to me. We need to find a way out of here, NOW. But no matter what happens, I want you to know that I love you and that you were the best thing that ever h-happened to me." She was cracking up with tears, and so was Scootaloo. Scootaloo didn't have to know what Dart was doing, she knew it must have been bad to warrant such a statement from her mother. They broke and frantically began looking for weak spots in the wall, since the door wouldn't budge. They found a few and rapidly began assaulting it with powerful kicks, again to no avail. Rainbow Dash heard the loud pssshhhhhhh of a match being lit, and knew that they didn't have a lot of time. She grabbed Scootaloo into a tight hug. "I love you," she whispered. She could feel her coat become wet where Scootaloo began to cry. "I love you, too mom!" And they sat there, midst a fuel-soaked shed, waiting for the flames to take them. They waited several moments, but nothing came. Scootaloo opened her tightly shut eyes when she heard a familiar sound. "Hush now, quiet now. It's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now. It's time to go to bed."