Rise of Zyra

by Rennoc215


Heat. That was the first thing it had felt. An unbearable heat, when it was but an insignificant speck. Then, comfort. Like a wonderful embrace. Cold, soft, inviting. After so long, if finally had the strength to grow. It reached out, into the dust, and found nutrients. So it reached farther, embracing all that it could touch, all that it could reach. It would have been happy to remain hidden by the darkness which enveloped it. But then it felt the wall.

The wall was an unseen force, which held it's home hostage. It had reached about, farther into the darkness, and found that this force surrounded it's home. So it lashed out, and found that this wall was also too strong to be broken. That is when it felt the call. It felt something calling it upwards, a direction that it never needed to travel. So it crawled up, through the cloying darkness.

And into warmth. Not the painful burning of before, but a soft, comforting warmth. It felt joy, a pure unbridled happiness. Nothing could end it's joy. And to show the pure bliss it experienced, it decided to put on a magnificent display, for any who could see through the darkness. Although it couldn't appraise it's own beauty, it knew deep down that what it had made was a miracle.

Time meant nothing, to this being. It had no means to measure it, its sole purpose was to exist. It felt as if it alone existed, so it is an understatement to say that it was surprised when it felt the presence of another. It was ecstatic at the chance to show off how happy it was, so it opened itself to the world, as if to say "Hello! Look at my joy, and be happy!"

Little did it know that it actually had brought a little joy to the new being.


"What's this?" Rarity wondered aloud, looking at the new sproutling. The petals pulsed with a red glow, and almost seemed to sway, if such a thing were possible. "Hello there. My my, are you pretty." She said, moving closer to look at it better. Oh! The poor darling must be dying of thirst, flashed through Rarity's mind, and she quickly rushed from the room.


The lotus couldn't comprehend it. The being was there one moment, radiating happiness, when suddenly it left, displaying large amounts of worry. was the being afraid that it would hurt her?

Confused, hurt, it coiled it's display away, bundling it up to protect itself from whatever came next. It felt like an eternity, but soon the being returned. It opened itself up again, but much more reluctantly. It didn't want to scare her away again. Then, it felt a nice cool touch of flowing might, coming from the being. Joy pulsed through it again, and then a new thought came to it.

Maybe the being wasn't scared for itself, but instead for me It thought. Feeling the new found strength that this being had brought, it decided that an embrace was in order. A sign of comfort, a desire to be known. It grew, reaching out for the now happy being. But as it reached out, a pulse of sheer terror poured from the being, and it pulled back, terrified of being left alone again.

Confusion came now, quickly followed by intrigue. It reached out again, this time slowly, and the being remained as calm as possible. Overjoyed, It reached out and flowed over and around its new friend. Five branching objects coming off of a central hub, with a soft sheath. A sixth projection, made of the same softener, came from the far end, and a similar projection came from the fifth branch. This fifth branch was also the center of these emotional projections, and so it completely engulfed this bulb.

Then, their minds met. This experience was world shaking for it, as it began to know who this being was on an incredibly intimate level. Nothing was able to be hidden from it, and it rapidly grew to love it's new friend, and so poured joy and happiness into her mind. Then, it heard a direct attempt to talk.

Hello? Came the thought.

It was still flipping through memories, and didn't quite know language yet. So it did it's best to convey what it meant. So it sent calm and joy back, hoping the being would understand. Aha! It found language, and felt a tinge more joy. Now, the two could actually understand each other.

Who are you? What do you want? Came the voice again.

Company. It replied simply.

You're company? She asked.

No, but I don't want to be alone. It replied.

A wave of understanding rippled from her. Ah, I see. But darling, I still don't have anything to call you.

It searched through her memories for names, and the first one that came to mind was a "Lyra." But it couldn't just steal her name. Just a simple change would work. Zyra. I am Zyra.

She seemed to ponder this for a moment. Zyra is a beautiful name, darling. I am Rarity. She finally said.

And Zyra was happy.