//------------------------------// // -1- Being a Brony/Meeting Celestia // Story: Welcome To Equestria! // by BluPony //------------------------------// Welcome To Equestria! The Pre-Arc.. ~~~~Chapter One~~~~ ~~~~Being a Brony/Meeting Celestia~~~~ Hey, Blu and Hotshot here. This tale is quite an interesting one. Of course, no one's going to believe it because it's just too outright crazy, but I'm putting it here so me and my friend Hotshot can remember it forever. Believe it, or just enjoy. ~Blu and Hotshot Our epic adventure started with a letter Dear Princess Celestia... I doubt you even know of our existence, however powerful. We, me and my friend Hotshot, have been living our lives calmly, but also hectically. A lot of stuff happens here in our world. It seems completely busy with everything it can get it's hands (hooves) on. There are some moments where we get some peace, but work will pile up if we are not careful. There is also war that happens here. Some large, some small, and some in our hearts. We, however, aim to stay out of them, physically at least. Enough of that. The chance you'll read all this is practically none anyway but alas, we are writing this to get things off our minds when we cannot do that with anyone else. The hecticness of our lives currently is what's troubling us at the time. Hotshot's family has always been discorded to him (no pun intended to the chaotic god himself), and as for myself, my friends have been diminishing. However, if you do happen to stumble upon this letter and you indeed have the power to help the two of us, I ask that you do and in return we will serve you diligently and with great loyalty with whatever you may need us to do. Your otherworldly human fans and hopeful servants, ~Blu and Hotshot ~~~~Viewpoint: Blu~~~~ Now, we hadn't had a hope to send it so the next day, we just burnt the letter. It wasn't too big of an event. I invited Hotshot over to my place to have a fire-pit and I had a copy of the letter printed out. He suggested we taint the fire green to have more of an effect, like in the show when Spike sends his letters with his green fire. We talked a little about how things were going while the fire crackled and spit out small shards of wood that ended up burning to ash he prepared the color effect that he came up with to put in the fire. "This would be way easier if Spike was here." He joked. But in the end the effect was well worth the preparation. I rolled the letter up and tied a string around it so we could toss it in together. It landed on top of the fire as we watched the paper burn in the green flames. All of a sudden, there was a small gust of wind! The small remains of the letter went up in the sky and with a flash, it was gone. Neither of us knew what to think at the time. Maybe it was pure coincidence. Maybe it was something more. Either way, he stayed over in case anything decided to happen and also just to hang out for a little more. Unknown to us at the time, Celestia stood as she received the letter. ~~~~Viewpoint: Princess Celestia~~~~ “Hmm...? What might this be? It’s almost time for me to rest and Twilight sends me a letter now?” She picked up the letter with her magic and read it, noticing immediately the writing was from another world. Reading it however, made her realize the circumstances of the situation. A royal guard was stationed next to the door as Celestia burst out of it, causing him to fall flat on his rump. “Princess?! Is there a problem afoot?” He asked, not sure of what else to do since it was only his second day on the job. “I need to see my sister. It isn’t too much of a worry but I feel like it may make a difference if I can do something about it tonight.” She replied and started walking to Luna’s usual place where she prepares to raise the moon. “Don’t take too long, Princess! You still need to lower the sun and get some rest.” The guard called after her, but his message did not reach her ears. The Princess of the Sun kept up her pace. Tonight was not going to be a boring night. Honestly though, she wanted, no, NEEDED to relieve some of her boredom that had been going on recently. Honestly, who ever heard of a boring Equestria?! ~~~~Viewpoint: Blu~~~~ Here is where our side of the story gets unbelievable. It seemed Luna blessed us with some quite amazing dreams that night. Celestia reigned in our dreams as we slept and her face was seen throughout them. The morning after, we discussed our dreams and we found them both to be consisting of Celestia's watchful eyes. Little did we know, even then, the watch was being continued. The weekend had come and gone and soon we were back to our separate schools. Spring break was on the way on the next weekend so we tended to our lives as we usually did, but promised to meet up once again on friday to discuss things again. And it was so. We met once again and discussion went on for a while as each detail was brought up. However, the details were too fuzzy to really work off of. It was a bit annoying to have a sinking feeling that someone is watching us, especially in a dream. Being the bronies we are, we joked about Luna having a hand at the dreams. Little did we know that’s exactly what was happening. A couple days went by and we both continued to have the dreams. Celestia’s mane flowed like a flag while we slept. Finally, it was safe to say we’d had enough. Originally, the plan was to just send another letter to ask what was happening. (or of course bang our heads against a hard surface to see if we could get enough brain damage to make the feeling go away, but that was out of the question before it even got to the table.) The plan, however, changed for us. Celestia was also having enough of just researching us and decided to arrive at Hotshot’s backyard. The display of her just arriving was so majestic we couldn’t believe our eyes. It was every Brony’s dream come true to have the ruler of the mystical land of Equestria pretty much right before you. The sight was also a bit scary, despite the Princess only being our height, but hey, magical pony, ya never know what could happen if you encounter one. We invited her in since we were lucky enough to have Hotshot’s parents out at the time. Thus, the conversation of a lifetime started. ~~~~Viewpoint: Hotshot~~~~ “I have received your letter.” She said with a concerned face. “Yet I wonder how you got it to me from another world altogether...” Blu and I exchanged looks that would have been perfect for the camera. “Well you see, Blu and I just decided that with the fire we through the letter in we would make it look more like the show how spike blows the green fire to send you letters.” I explained, ”After we burnt the letter a gust of wind came out of nowhere and we thought it was just coincidence, but as it turns out it obviously wasn’t.” “About this “show” you talk about as well...” The Princess of the Sun started. “Could you explain exactly how you know about us and some specifics of our world?” “That’s a bit simple, princess.” Blu jumped into the conversation. “You’re basically part of what we humans call a cartoon called My Little Pony, which was intended for young human girls, and it was for about three generations, not mentioning 3.5. However, in it’s fourth generation created by an amazing human named Lauren Faust, that’s when we older males came in. Thus, it started to grow into this large group of fans known as the MLP Fandom or what’s usually called “The Bronies”. “I see.” Celestia said with a face of remembrance. “There was once another alicorn that called herself Faust in Equestria. From what I remember, she was around before I started controlling the sun. She may be the Faust you are speaking of.” The Alicorn cleared her throat before continuing. “But enough of the past, I’d like to tell you a bit of why I am here now.” Blu and I both gave a small nod as we were still processing all the information we were getting. “I have studied you for the past few days.” She explained. “What I have observed has been quite interesting, after awhile I could tell you had your suspicions which revealed you two aren’t foals, I have also realized that you both if given the chance could wield one of the elements, Hotshot with Loyalty and Blu with Magic and that could come in good use in Equestria, another particularly interesting thing i’ve noticed you both have your own designs of yourselves as ponies.” “Well yes. You see, that's how we wanted to look like if we ever were to head to Equestria.” I explained. “As for the cutie marks we want those as well if possible, and now knowing how you’ve been keeping track of us you have probably seen how our abilities played out in our dreams” She simply nodded. “ I'm not sure about what we’ll do about the Cutie Marks but I’ll think of something.” She cleared her throat once again, “Though I'm afraid it won’t be all fun and games when you go to Equestria, for there is the matter of what will happen here as well when you leave.” “What exactly do you mean by that?” Questioned Blu. “When you leave here, people will notice your absence and I cannot guarantee your relatives acceptance of your pony forms and circumstances of departure." The Princess of the Sun said. “Alright, we can try and deal with that, hopefully.” Commented Blu. “Will we be able to switch between human and pony form if we need?” “I’ll have to work out a bit of the detail, but I’m sure it’s possible.” Celestia said as she nodded. “How about switching worlds?” I added in with a curious expression. “That will be up to you.” She answered. “You will both have the power to transport yourselves when you’re in pony form, but only together will you enough power. Along with that, you can’t tell anyone of where you truly came from or of this occurrence.” “That might be a bit too difficult if we are to explain this to our parents.” Blu said with a sigh. “Ah, yes, this isn't your own roof...” The white alicorn nodded with a hoof to her chin. “I think I can help with that...”