//------------------------------// // Foreword // Story: The dream of Equestria // by Astarea //------------------------------// If you’re reading this, then that means that either you want to read a good story or you want to go to Equestria. I can’t really help in the first case as this is being written as I experienced these events by myself. If it’s the latter, then I can at least guide you to a better understanding of the so called “Equestria”. Let’s begin by some quick facts. Equestria is a small town in Southern Africa, but that’s not the Equestria we all strive to visit, right? The second thing I want to establish is that there is no portal in Russia (or any other place in the world). You also don’t need to die or fall into a coma to get there. This raises the most important question of this chapter – how exactly does one get to Equestria? The answer is pretty simple – dreams. Dreams can be a very powerful experience and the subconscious aspect of the experience of a dream makes it somewhat magical. And you can guess what Equestria is. That’s right; it’s another plane of reality, hidden inside a dream. It’s a pure dream - as such it is filled to the brink with magic. And that’s how you get to Equestria – you synchronize your dream with that magic. I have tried this many times and only recently I have achieved success, but at a great cost. First, I need you to know me better, to see why I failed, so you can avoid my mistakes and succeed. I’m actually nobody. I am 23 years old and I don’t have a good education, I have no job and I live as a freeloader at my parents’ house. Pretty lame, right? I have tried to be helpful many times but my lazy nature doesn’t help me. I spend hours and hours in front of my computer, reading stories, watching movies and cartoons, listening to music and playing games. But my laziness made me stop enjoying that too. So I tried escaping into the dream world. My first attempts at it were associated with other shows or games I tried to get into, but I had almost no success – simply because the worlds aren’t stable enough or lack the certain “magic”. Oh, don’t get me wrong – I visited many worlds, but that’s all – I could only visit for mere minutes or hours. This took some time. And then a friend introduced me to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. My reaction was pretty similar to everyone – I was skeptical. But then I ended up watching the entire season and then the second season and now, by the time I’m writing this, the third season is running. I started to enjoy the creations of the community – the art and the music. But like everything, even this was tainted by my laziness. So once again, I tried my hand at the dream traveling. To my surprise, I managed to establish a pretty stable link to the Equestrian plane of reality. But that was still not enough. I saw fuzziness and occasional glimpses of their reality. So I tried another approach. As you probably know, large quantities of magic tend to influence lesser quantities. Equestria is trying to make your magical signature similar to its own. That is why most people end up as equines when arriving there. You need to have a pretty strong signature of your own to stay human. So I got rid of all my internal magic (it’s quite easy in a dream) and tried to go to Equestria again. I ended up as a pony, but as one of the background ponies, as my observations lead me to believe. That means that I need to have at least a spark of magic to establish myself as a separate entity. I started experimenting with the amounts and at one time I finally succeeded. I was in Equestria.