//------------------------------// // Sapling // Story: Rise of Zyra // by Rennoc215 //------------------------------// "What is it that was so important again, Rarity?" Twilight asked her friend, who had dragged her out of a very important test in order to show her... something. "You just won't believe it! I didn't at first, but then we met and... Ooh, you'll just love her!" Rarity raced ahead, as if whatever was waiting couldn't wait a little longer. Twilight raised an eyebrow, but kept pace. "Her? Is it a new pet, or a new pony?" Twilight asked tentatively. Rarity hushed her, and then gave her a wink, which drew an exasperated sigh from Twilight. Finally, after this mad dash across Ponyville, they finally stood before the Carousel Boutique. Rarity looked around before opening the door, and pulled Twilight in before quickly shutting the door. Rarity flicked the lights on, momentarilly blinding Twilight. Twilight blinked rapidly, clearing her vision. What she saw was certainly disturbing. An oversized blood-colored lotus flower sat growing out of a tiny grey jar. Also rising from the small jar were vines that seemed to be actively seeking out Rarity. "Rarity, look out!" Twilight called out, using her telekinesis to slash at the vines enclosing her friend. At the harsh touch of her telekinesis, the vines retracted enourmously, retreating as fast as they could, and they formed a protective wall around the lotus flower, which had now closed up, as if it were night. Twilight grabbed Rarity and pulled her back, but found her friend rushing towards the wall as soon as her magic had released her. "How could you do that to her?" Rarity asked, as if Twilight had just struck her child. Twilight took a step back, raising an eyebrow. "Her? It's a plant, Rarity. And a dangerous looking one as well!" She retorted, but Rarity was ignoring her. She was rubbing and patting the wall softly, causing the vines to loosen up a bit, and eventually begin snaking their way across her body. Rarity giggled a bit, and Twilight felt a shudder of revulsion. But what came next drew Twilight to scream. A long, off color vine snaked its way up Rarity's spine, stopping at the base of the skull. Then, like watching a tree grow at incredible speeds, small, root-like projections shot downward into her spine, sending a shiver to course through her body. -+-+-+-+-+- Rarity heard Twilight's scream, and felt Zyra recoil in terror. She's just as afraid of you as you are her. Rarity tried to comfort her. Zyra, bless her heart, had never experienced the sense of sound, or most senses for that matter. Color was lost to her, as was taste and smell. She hurt us. We are scared. What did we do wrong? Zyra asked her. Nothing, darling. She is afraid that you were trying to harm me. Let me go speak with her. Rarity replied. She felt Zyra's reluctance to let go, but a stern push of determination motivated her to let go. As Rarity felt Zyra's mind grow colder and more distant, she added, I will be back. -+-+-+-+-+- Rarity shook her head to clear her thoughts, and turned to find Twilight. Twilight, bless her, had fainted. Well, this will make it easier to draw her over, Rarity thought with a smile. Using her magic, she drug Twilight over to Zyra, and guided the connection vine over Twilight's spine. Like the good flower she is, Zyra extended a second connection vine for Rarity, who welcomed it on her back. -+-+-+-+-+- Darkness. That was the first thing Twilight noticed, was complete and utter darkness. She felt some hard, unrelenting force on her back, and the image of Rarity with that strange vine on her back flashed into her mind. She screamed again, but found that it sounded more like a resounding echo rather than actually coming from her. Ah, you're awake darling. You wouldn't come meet Zyra, so I had to find a new way to get you in. Fortunately, you had fallen unconcious, so I had to drag you over and plug you in myself. came a voice in her head, which sounded suspiciously like Rarity. Also, just... "project your thoughts." Don't actually speak, because you can't hear yourself in here. Unless, of course, somepony else hears it and feeds it into the mind. So, is this what you wanted to show me? Twilight asked sardonically. Clop clop clop. Can I go home now? A short laugh came from Rarity. Of course not, darling. You haven't even met Zyra yet. Zyra? Come out and talk to Twilight. Twilight felt a tentative mind brush her own. A pulse of calm, then a wave of happiness, followed by more calm, barraged her mind. Twilight heard Rarity scolding the new mind. Now now Zyra. I tought you language so you could use it when you met other ponies. Use your words. The mind came back to the fold. It stayed silent, but began pushing against her defenses. After a while of futile attacks, the mind pulled back, and a ripple of relaxation forced itself on her. Zyra pushed again, trying to break through her mental defenses, but failed again as well. Zyra pulled back away yet again, and a wave of dissappointment rolled over Twilight. She suddenly felt Rarity's mind wrenched away, seperating her utterly from the two of them. After what felt like forever (But seemed to only take a few minutes), the two minds returned, Zyra once again pushing down on her defences, but Rarity seemed to be supporting it. Twilight, came Rarity's voice, I know it must be hard, but let Zyra in. All she does is flip through your memories, which helps her understand you. She is so afraid of making a mistake in meeting new ponies that she won't open up unless the others do to. Besides, once she's in, she makes you feel better while she searches. If Twilight had a hoof, it would be at her chin right now. I guess that I might... Twilight began, but was interrupted by an echoing sound. A resounding crash sounded through the darkness, and Twilight felt Zyra tremble with fear. Like a filly, Twilight suddenly thought, before they all heard something they hoped they wouldn't hear next. "Hey are you two alright? I heard Twilight scream and... What the buck?" Came the voice of their very brash friend, Rainbow Dash. Her voice echoed through their minds, and Zyra was once again quivering in fear, but a wave of reassurance from Rarity calmed her down. "Let go of them, you monster." Came their friend's voice again. Zyra's mind pulsed, and Twilight felt everything move, yet couldn't move herself. Zyra, what did you do with my body? Twilight demanded. A pulse of calm, then comfort came from Zyra. She says it's safe, darling. Came Rarity's reassuring thought. And I just came up with the most splendid idea! Zyra? You need to let me go. I'll calm down Rainbow, you two get yourselves acquainted. Twilight felt Rarity's mind fade, and heard a strange popping sound, and then she was gone. Zyra's tendrils inquisitively poked at Twilight's mind, and she mentally sighed. Let's get this over with. She resigned. -+-+-+-+-+- As Rarity's vision cleared from the black haze, she came to see the wall of green. She poked at it, and Zyra flinched for a moment, before opening a doorway for her. Once Rarity stepped out, Rainbow Dash tackled her, saying, "I got ya. You're safe now." Rarity laughed. "Really? What was I in danger from?" Rarity asked with a toss of her mane. "I know you musn't be speaking of Zyra? She wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone us." Rainbow Dash hovered there, mouth agape. "Well, now you've gone and ruined the surprise. I was going to introduce Fluttershy next, but since you're here, I'll have you two meet." A knocking came from the door, followed by the voice of a certian orange earth pony mare. "Everythin alright in there, Dash?" Rainbow Dash gave Rarity a guilty smile, who promptly facehoofed. The door opened, and Rarity quickly flipped the lights off. "What the hay?" Applejack exclaimed as she stepped inside. "Now look what you two have done! You almost ruined the surprise." Rarity scolded. "Now, I'm going to have introduce you both to her early." Rarity flicked the lights back on, the plant holding it's distance. She stepped forward, pulling her friends closer with her telekinesis. "Isn't she gorgeous?" Rarity asked, starry eyed. Applejack looked at the wall of vines in confusion, and Rainbow shook her head. "Uhh... It's... green." Applejack stammered. "It's eating Twilight." Rainbow Dash interjected. "Rainbow Dash! I never expected something so ignorant from you!" Rarity shot her an icy glare. "Right now, they are probably having a pleasant chat." Rarity added nonchalantly, pulling the two up to Zyra. The tentacle-like vines reached out gingerly, Rarity wiilingly stepping onto one, the other two beckoning them to draw closer. "Now now, don't want to keep her waiting." Rarity added, a sultry look on her face. "Well... I don't know..." Applejack sat there, thinking hard, and while they were distracted, Zyra reached around and grabbed both of them. "Hey!" Appljack cried out, flailing in confusion at being lifted up. A pair of pale tendrills neared them, and Rarity smiled. "Relax. Zyra won't hurt anything." Rarity said as their vision darkened, before they were beset by feelings of happiness and calm. -+-+-+-+-+- Applejack shook her head, yet her vision remained black. Welcome to Zyra, girls. Came the reassuring voice of Twilight Sparkle. Dont speak, think "Out loud." Saying something produces a pretty freaky effect and scares Zyra Like this? Came Rainbow Dash's thought. Percisely. Replied Twilight. So... Why did Rarity trick us in here? Applejack asked warily. To meet Zyra. Twilight responded hastilly. Yes, they are comfortable. Yes, I think you can meet them. No, they don't have mental shielding. Twilight thought aloud. Uhhh... Twi? Who are ya talkin to? Applejack asked warily. A new mind entered the fray, answering Applejack's question. Me, It said timidly. This is going to be interesting... Isn't it? Applejack asked nopony.