//------------------------------// // Epidemiam // Story: Vita Ultimum // by Kapwnage //------------------------------// “We need to make it to the roof!” Clockwork yelled. Ponies began to swarm around, bursting through the wooden doors of the rooms. We ran out into another hallway, but it turned out to be a four-way intersection. “That way is out,” Clockwork pointed, “to the lobby.” “What about straight?” I asked, panicking. “The stairs to the roof, that way is to the helicopter. If you want to escape town, go out that way.” He pointed towards the last hallway. At first he stared at me, then moved forward and turned back. “Are you coming with me?” “I- can’t leave her behind.” I mumbled. “Who? Who are you worried about?” “Nopony, I barely know her. Let’s get to the heli.” I cursed myself for leaving her behind but the city of Ponyville was most likely overrun by this point. We swerved around corners and charged through conference rooms to finally get to a maintenance shaft, which had stairs that led up to the roof. Other ponies were stranded up there waiting for help to arrive. Doctors covered in bites, nurses clinging to life with their legs torn and gashed. Another pony dragged himself off the building, nobody cared to stop him either. “What is going on here!?” I yelled, looking at the handful of survivors. A pegasus doctor limped up to me, his neck had a massive split down the side and his wing was snapped sideways and hanging off, dripping blood. This gore was getting to me... I puked. “My god!” Clockwork looked over to a small, pegasus nurse. She was getting ready to kill herself with a scalpel. “What are you doing?!” “I- don’t want to turn.” She muttered in pain. “What do you mean, turn?” I asked. “Once you’re bitten, you change. You aren’t yourself anymore. The infection-” she paused “-it kills you, and brings you back. When you get back up, you’re not yourself. You’re-” she paused again to breathe, “You feed, and feed, and cannot stop. One bite is all it takes.” “You look fine to me,” I said, “I don’t see any bites.” She turned around and her tail was completely torn off. Blood slowly pumped out of the wound. She grimaced in pain. “But if it was torn off, it can’t enter the blood stream,” I said. “That's how infections work. You’re not infected; you don’t have to do this!” “Look around you,” she began to cry, “we’re stranded on a roof three stories in the sky. I’m not strong enough to make it down; there’s zombie ponies running around everywhere, and we have no way out. I think a knife seems like a good way to go right now. Its better than getting... torn apart... by those monsters! Pretty soon, whoever was bitten up here will turn, too. We’re fucking screwed either way!” She began to panic. “We have a helicopter coming to save us.” Clockwork added. “We can get you out of here!” At first she paused and looked around, then she nodded. She stepped away and dropped the knife, getting closer to me and looking around. “We have to get that patched up.” I said, looking at her tail. “Before it really gets infected.” In the distance, a helicopter buzzed through the sky. I was glad we were going to survive. Suddenly, the door behind us busted open and infected spewed out all over. They attacked the survivors on the roof and ran after us. The helicopter hovered near the building. The intercom rang, “Jump!” “Run! Go! Get to the chopper!” Clockwork screamed. We galloped as fast as we could with the infected close behind. Clockwork and the pegasus jumped first, and the helicopter pulled away. I was grabbed from behind and yanked backwards. I kicked the ponies skull in and jumped with whatever strength I had. Falling. I was dead. My eyes were closed, but I was still alive. I opened them, and saw the pegasus pony grabbing onto my front legs. I sighed and levitated myself up into the vehicle. Thanks for whatever luck I had. “You would have died if you hadn’t saved me,” the pegasus told me. “Thank you.” “I should be saying the same.” I chuckled in excitement, looking off the plane. We landed just outside of Ponyville in an old radio station. It was dusty, but one of the only safest places to go. Downtown, from what we saw from above, was completely overrun with ponies. Automobiles crashed and caused explosions, smearing blood all over. Colts and fillies tore into eachother like rabid animals. Infected ponies horded and took over all of downtown Ponyville. It was true chaos. The helicopter left for the news station to emergency broadcast. This virus was on its way to becoming worldwide but was confined to Ponyville until it could spread. Thank god its not airborne. The room was completely dark. I looked around and searched for a light switch. Clockwork pulled a latch on the wall causing the lights to dim and flicker on. It was a small, claustrophobic room full of old radio equiptment collecting dust and cobwebs. He walked over to a red case in the wall and smashed the glass with his hoof. He motioned at the axe. “Theres also a pistol on the second floor. I’m not sure its good on ammo though. We might be able to scavenge for some. Or you can go for the baseball bat in the lockers over there.” He said, looking around. He grabbed a camera and checked the film. “You come here often?” I asked. “I visit from time to time. I’ve been working on the radios. Thought I’d better not let them go to waist.” He chuckled. “It works for a shelter, for now.” “What about the windows?” I checked the door, it was bolted shut. The thin glass windows had been cracked and weakened, though shielded by another thin metal mesh. “We can get out of here or steal a ride in town and go for the hills.” The pegasus said. “You really think we should go back?” I asked. “Your choice.” Clockwork said. “I’m up for an adventure.” (Your vote will affect how the story plays out!) A: Grab the pistol and go for a vehicle. B: Grab the axe and secure the building. C: Grab the baseball bat and scavenge. D: Random.