Pattycakes: The Remake

by GlitchyProductions

Chapter Twenty-Four

The Next Morning

The light shined through the cracks in the thick yellow curtains, everything was dark on the inside. Only the sound of electricity buzzing and surging through the refrigerator keeping it nice and cool was the only thing that kept the kitchen lively. But the noises and sounds of a spoon colliding and smashing against a bowl soon followed.

Rainbow Dash was sitting down in the middle of the kitchen, enjoying a bowl filled to the top with a healthy cereal along with a nice cup of tea encased in a large baby bottle.

All the lights downstairs were turned off and the sound of the TV echoed in the back. Her attire still remained the same, a cyan tank top, running shorts, a pacifier hanging round her neck via a pendant that she obtained and a thick adult sized diaper for her wearing pleasures.

Her attention was focused only on two things for now, her delicious bowl of cereal filled to the top with coco pops and her bottle full of tea. She was hungry, really hungry. After the events of last night, she needed to cool off. And relaxing in this form was better than anything she had ever felt.

She paused for a moment and wiped her mouth with just her arm, leaving small crusts of milk and cereal scattered on her arm. She swallowed what was left in her mouth and reached out for her baby bottle filled with warm sweet tea and picked it up. She aimed the rubber nipple towards her mouth and slowly pushed it inward and started to purse her lips round and sucked some of the liquid out of the bottle.

As she was doing that, Rainbow Dash could hear the sound of footsteps making their way towards the kitchen. She plucked the bottle out of her mouth and licked her lips, trying her best to get in the most of the sweet tea. After lightly placing the bottle back down onto the kitchen table she turned her attention to who was coming through the archway.

Not much to her surprise was a very tired looking Fluttershy wearing her usual yellow night-gown making her way through the archway, her tired look gave Rainbow the assumption of what happened last night had taken it all out of her. She wasn't exactly sure, but she had to find out.

Fluttershy slowly lifted up her pale thin arms only to rub her eyes and yawn quietly. Her eyes opened back up to see Rainbow Dash sitting down on the kitchen table with some food ready at her disposal. She walked over and grabbed a chair and pulled it outwards and slowly sat down.

Rainbow could hear the crinkling sound that Fluttershy made as she lowered herself to sit down on the chair; this brought a smirk that even Rainbow couldn't ignore. Fluttershy could only blush as the crinkling noise stopped as she froze her body.

"Well, looks like the baby is awake." Rainbow was the first to speak, she picked her spoon back up and shoved some coco pops into her mouth and started to chew.

Fluttershy sank into her chair a little, hearing these words coming out of Rainbow's mouth was enough to make her blush even harder than she did before.

"G-Good Morning Dashie..." Fluttershy raised her arm and gave a little wave across the table to her friend.

"Morning Fl-shy." Rainbow spoke just as she inserted another round of cereal into her mouth, causing her speech to sound muffled.

"Uh... I see you have breakfast... I w-was uh, g-going to make some for you... b-but it turns out t-that you made some y-yourself..." Fluttershy lowered her hand back onto the table and looked downwards, unable to make contact with her best friend feeling ashamed. She spoke as she stared at the table’s shiny wooden surface.

"No thanks Fluttershy." She gulped down the cereal in her mouth. "I can make cereal on my own." Rainbow winked.

"Oh... okay..." Fluttershy squeaked, her voice whimpered under the sound of the spoon going into the bowl again. Rainbow looked up to see her best friend looking not so happy again.

"Is it because of last night? I told you, I'm fine with it." Rainbow had swallowed up the remains of her cereal and now moved over to pick up her baby bottle to drink her warm tea.

Rainbow Dash quickly got back to her food and inserted the baby bottle into her mouth and started to suck out the tea once again.

"B-But..." Fluttershy quickly leaned her head back up and reveal that tears were building up around her eyes and her bottom lip started to quiver.

"I don't wanna hear it Fluttershy..." Rainbow plucked the bottle out. "I said its fine, perfectly normal... or whatever I said last night."

"I just didn't want to make you and Scootaloo feel left out... S-So I..." Fluttershy wiped her tears with a table cloth and whimpered as she spoke. Almost sounding like an upset child.

"Yeah..." Rainbow nodded. "I got it Fluttershy; you don't have to worry about the littlest things. Wearing one of my diapers to make me and Scoots feel better isn't bad. I don't know why you're making a big deal outta this."

"I j-just wanted to make you both comfortable when y-you were..." Fluttershy began to speak again, but was quickly cut off.

"Again, I get it. You wore one of my adult diapers secretly, big deal. You're still awesome for wearing them last night, and I can hear your diaper still crinkling now." Rainbow pointed at Fluttershy and smirked again. Fluttershy on the other hand turned round and looked down to hear the slightest crinkling as of now.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy gasped, she placed her hands down below her waist, secretly trying to hold down the diaper to make it stop constantly crinkling.

"Plus, you look cute in them. Heck, you shouldn't be sorry. You tried somethin' new and it made you look awesome. We should totally switch round." Rainbow leaned back in her chair and shoved the bottle back into her mouth.

"Sw-Switch?" Fluttershy turned back round and looked at Rainbow holding her bottle.

"Yeah sure, I could be the mommy and you and Scoots could be the babies. How 'bout that?" Rainbow smiled.

"B-But it wouldn't be right... would it? I mean... you'd need to know how to take care of us and you... you...." Fluttershy panicked, the idea of switching roles obviously scared her and it caused her blush red around the cheeks again.

"Relax; I'm sure you just have to make sure you don't cry, right? Check your diaper, feed you and just mess around with some toys. Heck, forget toys. How about some video games?" Rainbow smiled again, she leaned back forward and plucked her bottle out of her mouth and looked at the container to see that no tea was inside of it anymore. Without much thought she put it back on the table and stood up.

"I- I- Uh... Don't know..." Fluttershy whimpered.

"C'mon, you can't always be the mommy Fluttershy, sometimes even the mommy and daddies need time to relax. So swappin' places would be awesome for both of us." Rainbow slowly made her way round the table, causing Fluttershy to slightly cower as Rainbow Dash got closer. But she leaned down and wrapped an arm round her neck and sat down on Fluttershy's lap.

"B-But what about S-Scootaloo?" Fluttershy squeaked; the added weight from Rainbow Dash caused her to lose some air.

"Hrm..." Rainbow hummed for a moment, she clicked her fingers for a moment. "Aha, she could be the big sister."

"B-But... I'm older..." Fluttershy added rather childishly.

"Think about it, a seven year old baby looking after a twenty-three year old baby. It sounds awesome." Rainbow burst into laughter at just the thought of Scootaloo looking her mom is such a way. She couldn't imagine how it would all be set out, but just the idea of Fluttershy dressed in diapers and onesies made her laugh harder.

"Uh-huh..." Fluttershy nervously nodded.

"Hey, lets all stop this stuff for now. It's seven in the morning. Scoots has got to go to school at nine, right?" Rainbow sighed and wrapped her other arm around Fluttershy to commence in a hug.

"Sh-Should I wake her up now?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, I'll let you go get her. I'm sure she's been having loads of dreams about all the things that she wants to do with you- Oh, scratch that. I'll go get her. You make some good breakfast for the both of you and I'll wake her up." Rainbow unravelled her arms and jumped off Fluttershy's lap and headed over to the archway. Slightly leaning her arms against the wall waiting for Fluttershy's response.

"Yes, you can go get Scootaloo out of her crib... but uh... please be careful with my little baby..."

Scootaloo was still asleep; her body was wrapped round in a thick baby blue blanket lay over the crib to prevent her from being touched by the nasty cold outside. The nursery lights were still dimmed from last night and the sunlight started to shine through the windows at the right angle.

Wrapped around her arms was a big light brown teddy bear with a small bowtie attached to his neck. The bear was also wrapped round in the thick blanket to keep him warm.

The nursery door slowly opened, making a creaking noise as it opened. Rainbow Dash poked her head through the door to get a blast of sunlight beaming straight into her eyes; she immediately looked away and raised her hand up to her face to blot out the sunlight.

Rainbow slowly walked into the nursery to take a good look at what she could see without the bright lights of the sun intruding her vision every few seconds. She saw the child sleeping in the crib and knew exactly what to do, even if the sun was protruding into her vision she couldn't care less.

Rainbow leaned over the crib to see Scootaloo still sleeping peacefully wrapped in the baby blue blanket, the teddy bear was still wrapped around her arms and her pacifier was hanging out of her open mouth. A small trail of drool followed onto the pillow where the pacifier had fallen. Rainbow couldn't help but smile at this.

"Scootaloo... it's time to wake up, you gotta go to school today." She leaned down even further to get a closer look at Scootaloo and used her free hand to tap the child on her visible shoulder, but as she tried to wake the child up, she squirmed around as if something was bothering her.

"Wake up Scoots; you don't wanna make your mommy mad." Rainbow Dash continued to wake up the child; her attempts were starting to get to the child. It took a few more seconds but Scootaloo slowly opened her eyes and gave out a big yawn.

Scootaloo felt good, her whole body felt incredibly soft. The first thing she saw as she opened her eyes was the face of a big brown teddy bear. Her arms were strangely wrapped around the bear and it was close to her chest, she obviously felt something wet and warm between her legs. But this felt normal.

"You awake Scoots? Yer' mommy is making some breakfast."

Scootaloo turned herself round, somewhat unable to fully turn herself round because of the thickness of the blue blanket. But as she looked up in between the wooden bars of the crib, she saw Rainbow Dash leaning over with her pink pacifier hanging round her neck on some sort of pendant.

"Hello Rainbow Dash..." Scootaloo gave a weak smile and unravelled her arms and rested them on the top of the blanket.

"Hello Scoots, how ya' feeling?" Rainbow gave a smile back and leaned back up to find the switch on the crib.

"Fine... Just really tired..."

"Yeah, you're fine." Rainbow chuckled. She took a small step away from the crib and twisted the crib guard switch to lower the wooden bars; slowly they fell down into place which caused some of the toys inside to fall out onto the carpet.

"Rainbow Dash..." With the crib guards now down, Scootaloo reached out for her best friend and stretched out her fingers.

"What's up?" Rainbow Dash got back up and walked up to the crib and sat down beside the child.

"I peed in the night again." Scootaloo leaned up and wrapped one arm round Rainbow's waist.

"Better than making a mess all over your crib, huh? Fluttershy should buy you one of those bed wetter charts." Rainbow returned the hug and patted Scootaloo on the back.

"Do you think you could change me?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's a school day today; you gotta go in your undies. We don't want you wearing diapers to school, now do we?" Rainbow proceeded to rest the child on her lap and continued to hug her.

"Tee-hee... No..." Scootaloo giggled. "It'd be really silly!"

Rainbow Dash paused for a moment and smiled for a moment at the child.

"I guess wearing one more diaper for a few hours before school wouldn't hurt, let's get you changed." Rainbow leaned forward and grabbed Scootaloo from under her arms and lifted her out of the blankets, she placed Scootaloo down on her lap and wrapped her arms round her and stood up to keep her balanced in her arms.

"Did you pee in your diaper too?" Scootaloo clinged onto Rainbow's chest and rested her head on her friends shoulder.

"Nah, not yet." Rainbow whispered as she started to make her way towards the changing table.

"Why? Are you afraid of peeing in your diaper?" Scootaloo giggled.

"No, I don't have to go yet." Rainbow smiled. "Besides I can change myself, but a little baby like you can't."

"You'd cry if mommy saw your dirty diapers!"

"Me? Getting upset? Nah... At least I don't get as upset as you when you break your scooter."

"Well you... you... uh... you don't... ever take a shower! Yeah!" Scootaloo playfully grinned; she giggled and then rested her head back on Rainbow's shoulder.

"Man, you suck at throwin' insults." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"I'm better at being a baby..." Scootaloo whispered.

"Sure you are, if you're such a baby. Then I guess you wouldn't be able to date Spike, huh?"

Scootaloo's cheeks turned red amongst Rainbow's laughter.


"Be cool Scoots, right. I'll change you and then you can go have breakfast with your new mommy."


"And... there we go..." Rainbow yelled in accomplishment, she rubbed her hands proud over what she had done to Scootaloo.

The child wiggled her legs from side to side to feel the new padding in between her legs, she soft diaper crinkled as it moved. Scootaloo couldn't help but smile at her own sight, she picked up her pacifier and placed it back into her mouth and started to suckle on it.

"I bet Fluttershy will hug you to death after seeing you in a new diaper, I'll tell her about your wetting, 'kay?"

"Yeah! And I can tell her I had an awesome dream!"

"What was the dream about?"

"Me, You and Mommy all sitting down on a beach having lots and lots of fun! I was wearing my swimmies and I was jumping into the sea! You and Mommy were sitting down on the sand having a picnic together."

Rainbow Dash laughed and looked back at Scootaloo with a smile, without saying anything she decided to pick up Scootaloo and wrapped her arms around the child to make sure she was secure.

"You're pretty funny, you can't swim Scootaloo."

"But I know that you and Mommy can teach me!"

"Yeah, sure. And I can fly really fast."

"Can you?"

"Pfft! No... Let's go downstairs."

To be continued...