//------------------------------// // The Virgin Ritual // Story: The Stars That Circle the Moon // by Swaglestia //------------------------------// The Stars That Circle the Moon Entry Six: The Virgin Ritual ------------ Why was she so nervous? It was just a kiss. She had pressed her lips against Luna's approximately one-thousand-three-hundred-forty-seven times already, not including the small pecks that snuck their way into the midst of the main kiss. They had bid good riddance to that fresh stage of uncertainty and awkwardness long ago, the cozy warmth of comfortability that now nestled between them replacing the apprehensive hugs and feeble almost-kisses. The first attempt to seal their courtship with the seemingly effortless romantic gesture had not been unpleasant by any means, but Twilight had wound herself up into a tight panic, accidentally coming on either too timid or too eager, bumping their teeth together or struggling to apply any pressure at all. Impressing the princess, as she had been so keen on doing, became a failed mission and the unicorn was certain that her clumsy, uptight mouth had surely tossed her chances of any future amorous encounter out the window. Yet, as always, Luna was supportive and kind and understanding, patient with her flustered bookworm. Now, feeling the gentle writhe of the princess' muzzle against hers had become blissful familiarity, a casual greeting instead of some otherworldly pleasure that Twilight was forbidden to enjoy by some personal anxious blockade. Once she got the hang of it, the act showed itself as yet another thing to master. Now? Kissing was no big deal. Twilight could do kissing. But this... It had started as a mere nuzzle, Twilight's weight against the larger pony causing them to capsize even further into the sea of plush pillows that were piled beneath them. Extending her neck, Luna granted the unicorn access to brush more taut, playful pecks along the broad surface. Their giggles and lighthearted nips at each other's skin had projected the illusion that this seemed innocent enough, no far stretch from their usual routine of unwinding after a day (or sometimes night) of studies and royal duties. After Luna had seized a rather gracious mouthful of twitchy purple ear between her teeth, the offended pony retaliated with a downward shove. Now looming over the princess, she pinned two regal hooves against the pillows, hard enough to feel the rough carpet below. Her brows furrowed and her chest gave a sudden heave, shocked at her own strength; she was always a bit of a scrawny one, all brain and bone, and not once had she ever been able to overcome Luna. Unless... Unless it wasn't her strength at all and Luna was... Her front hooves still immobilized, the princess lifted her hind legs and wrapped them around the lowest point of Twilight's waist, urging their bodies to mesh even closer than they already were. The smaller pony's eyes widened, then closed again when Luna craned her neck up to reach the awaiting lips, which hesitated ever so slightly before returning the token with heedless fervor. This is fine this is okay you got this Twilight They achieved a uniform motion, the pace receding into a steady rhythm that Twilight could adhere to with ease. Sure, the princess would venture on to try and break their little beat, skimming a hind leg along the curve of lavender haunches, but Twilight was resilient, on top, in control -- or at least she pretended to be. Her facade shattered every time the light pressure of Luna's teasing little stunt meandered up her body, muffled gasps giving her position away. She felt the princess' grin, impish and wicked, against her own mouth. She could tell Luna was pleased with herself, able to remain undoubtedly dominant even when she was on her back and vulnerable, front hooves pinned and disarmed. To add fuel to the already raging fire that blazed from Twilight's horn to her loins, she felt the tip of something warm and wet slide past her lips. She froze. Woah WOAH wait you've done this so many times it's no different just relax She caught her breath and invited Luna's tongue in to mingle and stir with hers. Eyes rolling back behind closed lids, her head became light and useless, dizzy with how much sensory input she was taking in; being on top, holding the alicorn down, the heightened feeling of every gentle caress, the sodden noises their mouths were making. Everything. Luna then pulled back as if with great alarm, her features sporting a confused and concerned sort of half-frown. "Twilight?" "Mmphm- huh?" The unicorn breathed in deep and hard, chest expanding and deflating in what would have been worrisome succession to someone who didn't know any better. "My dear, you tremble..." Twilight looked down and, sure enough, her forelegs were quivering and quaking, reminiscent of all the sickening times she would have to recite oral reports in front of her class or attempt to perform a new spell under the eye of Celestia. "Oh. Heh." She released the blue hooves from their shivering shackles, hanging her head as she averted her gaze. "I guess I was shaking a little bit." "Quite a bit, I should say." Twilight offered a sheepish shrug. "I'm sorry...?" "Is... something the matter?" Luna's sidelong glace said enough, just enough to fill in the blanks. Do you want this? Are you ready? Are you sure? A sigh blew its way out of the unicorn as she closed her eyes, although not from pleasure this time. When she opened them, doubtful seafoam irises greeted her, awaiting an answer. "I'm fine," Twilight said finally, reaching down to cup the princess' face. "I promise." Okay, so that may have been a little white lie, harmless and forgettable, but it still made her stomach churn into guilty knots and caused her throat to swell with that unmistakable, suffocating lump. However, desperate times called for desperate measures, and in her book losing your virginity to the co-ruler demigod Princess of the Night was a situation that cried out for something very, very desperate. Even if they just so happened to be in a happy courtship together. Still... It was intimidating. Luna was the embodiment of darkness, the manifestation of everything associated with the night. Elusive and arcane and esoteric and, yes, lustful. Could she possibly deny the princess the desire that was so instinctually wired in her brain? Fervent passion and sexuality were most likely as natural as thirst or hunger, as much a part of her as her own heartbeat. And I'm just... a librarian. Twilight tore her eyes away from Luna's, swallowing hard and feeling the lump bloat even larger in her windpipe. I could barely even kiss her the first time. No. She was going to do this. "Please, Twilight Sparkle," Luna said, trying to slither her way out from under the unicorn as she spoke. "I'm afraid I may have gotten a bit... carried away, perhaps. The last thing I want is for you to feel obligated to partake in such an act." Feeling the princess squirm beneath her, Twilight steeled herself up and plunged back into another kiss, eliciting a sharp, muffled gasp from Luna. Hesitance was left to rot as Twilight's tongue darted into the receiving mouth. An ardent purple hoof strayed down the length of the alicorn's side, whose gasp of shock now morphed into a series of quiet, throaty mewls, the vibrations of her throat transferring to the pony on top, egging her on. Twilight's muscles tensed and she knew herself to be shaking yet again, but shunned it away as she began to trek her way down Luna's jaw. Her mind worked through the frothy film of arousal and focused on summoning up any smutty novels she may have read in the curious years of her teens, trying to emulate the crass actions of the asinine, laughably over-sexualized protagonist. Nipping and sucking along the princess' neck, she was rewarded with noises of affirmation and concluded that, yes indeed, her methods were successful. She felt the pressure of Luna's hind legs wrap around her again and choked back what would have been a pitiful whimper, self-control waning even more so when one of the princess' front hooves snaked up to sweep across the sweet spot where neck gave way to chest. But the unicorn soldiered on and sucked it up. ... Until Luna's hind legs pushed down on Twilight's flank and forced their lower regions to connect, something wet meeting in the middle. Twilight launched off of Luna, propelling herself away in a hot frenzy. She ended up on the opposite end of the chamber, the fireplace crackling right beside her, flames blazing in a manner as crazy and wild as she felt right then. Cheeks reddening, she reached up to massage her temple. "Sorry. Just... sorry. Again." "No, no," Luna said, rolling over and rising to her hooves. She took a tentative, lingering step towards Twilight, lips pursed in a strained frown. "It is I who should apologize." "You didn't do anything." Twilight huffed as the princess sat down next to her, a large wing emerging from its fold and draping over her body. "It's... me. It's always me." "But I-" "No, listen." Twilight stomped a hoof to the floor. "I want this -- I really, really do -- but... I mean, you're you and I'm just me and you've experienced so much and have probably had so many suitors that are, and will be, better than me and, I mean, c'mon, I hadn't even kissed anyone before you and I'm going to mess this whole thing up and- mph!" She was shut up with a kiss, although Luna pulled away before giving the unicorn a chance to reciprocate it. The blanket of wing coaxed Twilight even closer. Luna's gaze could topple entire regimes. "You are truthful when you claim that you want this, correct?" Twilight nodded. "I do admit that it was foolish of me to assume that you would surrender yourself so willingly and with no hesitance. I should have known better." She strolled, fox-like, past the array of pillows on the floor, Twilight's intent stare never faltering from her form. "In my reckless haste, I seem to have forgotten something." The scholar leaned forward, eyebrow cocked. "Forgotten something?..." "Yes," she said, reaching the chest of drawers that lined the wall. She fiddled and trifled through them, sifting amongst whatever it was that immortal beings possibly kept in their room. "Something of dire importance regarding the wanton deed we were about to succumb to." Twilight leaned forward even more, on the brink of staggering over. "Which is?..." Luna tossed a catty glance over her shoulder. "We must perform the Virgin Ritual." "The what now?!" "The Virgin Ritual," she continued, "is a vital aspect of courting a princess, but only if you desire to take the relationship to its most intimate level. Anyone who has their purity and innocence intact, yet still wishes to pursue either Celestia or myself, must undergo the ritual when the time comes." She craned her neck to peer further into a drawer. "I've researched tons of rituals, Luna," Twilight said, bobbing her head this way and that to get a glimpse at what the alicorn was up to. "Whether it be exclusive to race, country, spirituality, or whatever. Believe me, I know rituals, and I've never heard of this one." "My sister is very discreet in nature, as I'm sure you've noticed. Do you think she would allow such lewd implications to be associated with her?" "Okay, okay. Fair enough. So..." Twilight rubbed the back of her head, gnawing her lower lip between her teeth. "Did my brother have to, uh, perform the ritual with Cadence?" Luna's face was buried in her search, but the smirk in her voice was crystal clear. "I'm afraid not, my dear. Stallions are quite a different story. In your brother's case, I'm sure the ritual was not needed." "Oh?" Twilight's eyes narrowed, then widened in realization. "Oh! Gross..." "We all have needs," the princess said, chuckling. The clatter of her rummaging increased in volume, then a small slew of objects were retrieved from the drawer's depths. "Ah-ha!" Twilight just stared. "Face paint?" "Tradition," Luna said, shrugging. With the paint in tow, she ambled over to the smaller pony, looking her over with a critical eye. She ensnared the colored tube and opened it, squirting a liberal pink glob right onto her hoof with an atrocious splat! A hysteric, high-pitched giggle erupted from Twilight, stepping away from the princess. "What does this ritual entail, exactly?" "I cannot disclose that information with you." Luna stalked forward, leaving Twilight with nowhere to move except up against the wall. "That would break the sacredness of it all. As a virgin, you are unaware, and that is how you must remain until the ritual is complete. My role is to simply guide you though it, nothing more." Twilight gulped. "First, I must illustrate the divine motifs of coitus upon your face," Luna said, raising a dripping, pink-splattered hoof. "Since we are of the same sex, the symbols must be reflections of each other." She extended the tip of her hoof to Twilight's left cheek, who felt the cold slimy paint move in what she deduced was a thin oval shape with a tiny array of even thinner lines inside it. Her right cheek suffered a similar fate, making her cringe with each stroke. With a flick of azure magic, the pink that stained the princess' hooves vanished. She treaded backwards to get a better view, seeming to admire her own artwork. "Now," Luna said, unfurling her wings. She shook them as if taking off in flight, albiet much more vigorously. The harsh gust chilled the already frigid paint on Twilight's face, drying on her coat in a tight, crackly mess. "You must be adorned with a part of my own body." She watched as one of Luna's feathers fluttered and wobbled to the ground. The princess levitated it, guiding the soft tuft to the back of Twilight's head, firmly placing the feather in a manner that made it stick straight up out of her hair. "Luna," Twilight began, "Are you sure about th-" "Shh," the princess said, touching a hoof to the smaller one's lips. "You mustn't speak unless told to do so. A single murmur could invalidate the entire ceremony." Twilight nodded and gave a mock salute, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "This next step is of dire value and must not be taken lightly." Luna inhaled deeply. "I need you to hop around me. Once clockwise, once counterclockwise. The pattern cannot be broken and you cannot stop until commanded to. Do not stop for any reason." "Are you ser-" Twilight started, then sighed. She initiated her hopping. It started off slowly, but then eventually morphed into something resembling prancing and skipping. First clockwise, then counterclockwise, just as instructed, with the princess remaining planted in the center. "Hey! Why are you laughi-" "Faster! You must hop faster, Twilight!" And so faster Twilight hopped, paint and feather included, circling around and around the now hysterical princess. Luna was on the floor, clutching at her sides desperately and trying to subdue her chortling, hind leg twitching with a mind of its own. "Now... Now sing! Sing whichever song comes to mind first!" Twilight cast a glare at the alicorn, but continued hopping. "Excuse me?" "Sing!" Luna wiped a tear away, breathless and heaving. "It is required." Instead, Twilight skidded to a halt as a gush of self-consciousness ambushed her, feeling painstakingly aware of the paint and the feather and the hopping. "Luna?" She snorted. "Yes?" "I don't think this is a ritual at all." "It's not." "What?!"