//------------------------------// // Fight as one // Story: My little Avengers: Loki strikes, again // by Midnight-walker //------------------------------// Two minute before… “What happened here?” asked Tony after seen how all Canterlot seem like two minutes before, the only difference was that Thor was beside him, his armor was full of power and weapons and the city was now invaded by hordes of changelings that were direct to Canterlot through the Loki’s aircraft. And tends of dragons and major ursas under Loki’s control. “It’s very easy, Tin Man” said Deadpool without any concern “we back in through different time and space with my teleporting belt and we did a lot of stuff. For example: we convince you and Peter to talk with Celestia’s scientists for improve and fix your armor and made more web for Spider’s web shooters. Oh and we bring Captain here too” pointed Deadpool to the white stallion with blue suit and a circular shield with strips and a star in the center. “You have to explain me lots of things when we arrive home Tony” said Steve Rogers aka Captain America while he stood looking at the changelings. “Great, now what’s the plain cap?” asks Rainbow dash excited about what was coming. “Leave me think rainbow Pegasus” said Captain while the mare six and the avengers surround him for listen at the plain “I get it. Tony, fly with the blue Pegasus and take cake of the dragons, Thor I need you for keep those creepy creatures out from the city, T’challa I need you in Loki’s aircraft and trying to take him down, Everypony else with me defending the city. And Banner, I need you to get angry”. “Sorry captain” said Bruce with solemnity “I just can’t get angry in this world, it’s just, I can’t get angry with her looking at me” said Bruce referring Fluttershy. “Don’t worry Bruce, I know you can do it” said Fluttershy giving a kiss in Bruce’s cheek. “Ok Fluttershy, only for you. Gahhhhhh. Sorry I can’t”. “Oh for Stan Lee´s sake” said Deadpool hitting Bruce in his crotch. “What, have, you doooooooneeeeeeeee” yells Bruce while he turns into Hulk. And jumping with anger Hulk smashed Deadpool against the floor and he went to vent his anger over the next Major Ursa that he finds in his way. “Ok, now we have the big one, let’s start this battle. Now where are those loyal guards?” “Oh yeah, about it” response Deadpool a little awkward “They still in the hospital, I completely forgot them. Sorry” “That leaves us fifteen against that army” said Steve with a smirk “Even better than New York. Avengers assemble” And then starts the most epic battle of the century. Iron Pony flew through the air shooting his energy beams over all the changelings he saw, while Thor used his mighty hammer for hit in all the dragons he could. Sparkles and blood spread with every hit he gave against all the creatures he finds in the air. Dragons, changelings, even a major Ursa fell over his mighty hammer. Back in earth Rarity, Applejack, Deadpool, Captain America start to hit all the changelings they could find in their advance to the City. Shield launches, kicks, muffins shoots and martial arts were used over the enemy. Beyond them, Shining armor and Twilight combine their unicorn magic for summon a giant titan in unicorn shape controlled by Twilight and Shining armor in a complex spell use by the brothers using ancient magic learned directly from Celestia’s private library. Using his hoofs and horn, the giant titan starts to finish with all the enemies that he could find in his way. Back in the air, Rainbow Dash makes Sonic Rainbows at an incredibly speed, leaving the changelings stunned time enough for Spider Colt trap them with his webs and uses them as projectiles against the other changelings in earth Fluttershy wasn’t left behind, she used her animal empathy for summon all the creatures from the Everfree Forest including honey badgers, bears and timber wolves that obey the Fluttershy’s orders without protest “You attacked my home, destroyed my house, and threatened my friends. I, won’t, forgive you. With no mercy my animals, they don’t even deserve a pinch of kindness”. A few miles besides her, Hulk smashed all the enemies that was in his rank, it doesn’t matter if it were a dragon, puny changeling or a Major Ursa more than one hundred meters, Hulk just smash and smash. Back in the city a few hundreds of changelings could escape from the first defense line and went direct to the City where they start to give chaos and destruction in an unimaginable way. But Captain could arrive just at time with Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack and Deadpool. And using throwing his shield Captain could stop some changeling hitting them in the head killing them instantly. One of the changelings could escape and get into an apartment window, and sneaking inside for victims, the changeling prepared his fangs for receive some fresh love from a grey earth pony that was sleeping in her room. But then Captain irrupts in the room breaking the window and kicking the changeling with his hind legs killing them instantly. The gray mare awoke scared by the changeling’s dead body that was beside her “Sorry madam” apologizes Captain grabbing the dead body and jumping out from other window, breaking it in more chunks “Where’s Deadpool?” asks Tony when he could knock down the last dragon with a tank missile. “I don’t know” response Spider Colt trying to ignore the constant hammering inside his head every time a enemy tries to attack him “But Pinkie doesn’t shows neither” Meanwhile, inside Loki’s aircraft: “Are you sure about this?” asks Pinkie to Deadpool disguised as Changelings. “Of course I'm sure about this Pinkie. After all, what is the best way to explode a cake? From the inside that’s correct” “What kind of metaphor was that?” “Shut up brain”. “Oki Doki Loki. Sorry I mean… hashashashasha” response Pinkie trying to imitate the changeling’s “that’s the spirit, now, let’s blow up this cake”. Meanwhile, in a far away corner of the Everfree Forest, Thor flew looking for a place where he could summon his thunders for keep the Loki’s minions away. When suddenly, he felt a strange presence, a disturbing, ancient, evil, with thirst for revenge, and specially, insane.