Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria

by munomana


Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria


Kirby slowly came to his senses as he awoke from his slumber. The world around him spun for a second before he became fully aware of his surroundings. Suddenly, Kirby realized the hat on his head had already disappeared, meaning that it had worn off long before in the night, but he slept through an entire night regardless. It must have been all those apples that made him tired. Kirby felt as powerful as ever and fully rested. He took a quick look around the cart they were in before spotting a clock on the wall. It had only been about 12 hours, but his dragon friend was still fast asleep, as if he hadn't gotten any sleep for days.

Kirby then peeked outside through the window. The surrounding area was covered in a gold sand. A small streak of green could be distinguished in the distance behind the train. in the other direction was sand, mountains, and a small, colorful speck in the distance.

Kirby turned away from the window before jumping off the bed. He looked both ways before remembering which way he came. Before he could choose which way, the voice of a male boomed from above.

"The train will arrive at Appleloosa station in approximately 5 minutes on our first stop to the Arctic North."

Kirby took in the information before heading back the way he came. The walk through the carts was relatively easy, as he remembered which cart they had been in prior. As Kirby re-entered the doughnut shop car, he couldn't shake the feeling of hunger that threatened his stomach. He quickly searched the floor for loose change, but came up with no luck. He then continued through the other cars before coming to a stop at what seemed to be a regular restaurant.

He spotted 6 figures seated in a large table at the other side of the room. They seemed like they had just been seated minutes ago, seeing how they had nothing on their tables other than menus. Kirby noticed two empty seats next to them, as if they had remembered to include Kirby and Spike.

Kirby then floated over to their table.


Twilight awoke from her sleep as the sun invaded her eyes. She began to gain feeling in her body before her mind was set straight. Twilight slowly sat up in her bed. She noticed the sleeping forms of Spike, Kirby, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. The rest seemed to be up and about. She took a quick peek outside. The area around was full of sand, sand, and more sand. Oh, there was a rock too.

Twilight pulled herself from her bed as she fell to her hooves on the clacking floors of the train. She trotted over to her bag before spying a peculiar blue box on the floor. It was next to Applejack's bed, but Twilight hadn't seen it before. As much as Twilight didn't like looking at other people's stuff, the curiosity in her over took as she levitated off the ground and lifted it in front of her face. She hastily opened it before peeking inside.

Inside, was a small, yellow star. As she examined it further, it suddenly blinked, as if it reacted to Twilight.

'I wonder... This seems awfully similar to Kirby's Star Ship.'

Twilight pondered. This box could hold great importance to Kirby. Twilight mostly wondered what caused the star to flicker.

Without warning, a very unlady-like yawn escaped from Rarity's mouth as she was shaken from her beauty sleep. Twilight quickly closed the box and placed it back to where it originally was.

"Oh, good morning, Twilight." said Rarity as she wiped her eyes, attempting to wake herself up.

"Good morning, Rarity."

Rarity then slowly rose to her hooves before levitating a brush from her bag up to her mane before starting to stroke it through her hair, making sure she looked her best. After a few moments, she lowered the brush down into her bag before bringing her attention back to Twilight.

"So, wh-"


The large sound emanated from Rarity as she slightly cringed at the noise.

"Um, excuse me, darling. I'm rather hungry at the moment. Apologies."

"It's fine, Rarity. Let's head over to the diner down near the end of the train. I'm kinda hungry myself."

"Okay, but have you seen the others?"

Twilight thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"Nope, but we might see them along the way. For now, let's let these guys sleep."

Rarity nodded in agreement as the pair walked out of the car. They passed through multiple train cars before stopping at a seating area. They met up with Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy, who were having an engaging conversation. Twilight and Rarity then asked them to join for breakfast in the diner. The rest quickly complied before they all began walking to the car.

As they entered the restaurant, Twilight created a table for eight in case the rest of the group decided to join.

As the ponies all sat down around the table, Rainbow Dash burst through the doors and sat down with them. They each grabbed a menu before Twilight spoke up.

"Hey, does anypony know where-"

"The train will arrive at Appleloosa station in approximately 5 minutes on our first stop to the Arctic North."

Before Twilight could repeat herself, Applejack chipped in.

"Ah forgot that we're suppose ta' stop in Appleloosa first." said Applejack as a surprised grin grew upon her face.

"Yes, the first stop was to go west to Appleloosa before heading north to where the Crystal Empire is now. This way, we won't have to slalom through mountains.," answered Twilight. "Now, does anypo-"

"I wonder what the crystal ponies look like! They must look absolutely fabulous!" interrupted Rarity as she waved her hooved in the air for emphasis.

"Well Ah wonder what kinds'a fruits they grow over there in such harsh cold!"

"I want to see all the cutsy-wutsy animals they have there!"

"I want to show off my awesome skills to them!"

"I want to throw a PARTY!"


All the mares silenced as Twilight finally gained their attentions. She then cleared her throat before beginning to speak.

"As I was saying, did anypony in this group bring along a blue box with them?"

There was silence before Applejack sheepishly spoke up.

"Ah did. It fell outta Kirby's ship, and Ah thought it might be important."

Twilight seemed to be physically interested. She wondered what power and importance that little star could hold.

"Well, we'll just have to wait and see."

Suddenly, Kirby flew right into the seat next to them.


Kirby seemed to be as excited as ever, as if he hadn't been to a restaurant in years.

"Oh, hey Kirby." said Rainbow Dash as she flew up right next to Kirby.

Kirby just waved his arm in response. Kirby picked up a menu as the rest of the ponies put theirs down. Twilight then donned a confused look in Kirby's direction.

"Uh, Kirby? We're about to arrive in Appleloosa for a quick 30-minute stop."

Kirby seemed to grow upset at the message, but his spirits quickly grew to its natural glow. Kirby put his menu down as he stepped out of his seat, followed by the rest of the ponies.

"We are now arriving in Appleloosa station. We will be departing to the Arctic North in 30 minutes."

"Ahh, Well Ah'm gonna go say hi ta' Braeburn and the other Apple family residents around town." said Applejack as she stepped out of the car she was currently in. The rest of the ponies followed suit as they agreed on finding a good, quick place for breakfast to talk.

Kirby stood alone in the car before stepping to the door out. He wanted to explore the town for anything exciting. He took a quick step outside before looking around the town. In the distance, he saw a large orchard of apple trees in the distance.

He was off.