The Fall of the Rainbow Factory

by ShadowBrony

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The black stallion cleaned off his sword with his cape. He looked at the two fillies. “Get out now” he said as he walked between them. They stared at the stallion before realising that they have an oppertunity to escape. They hurried past him and out the door. They ran down a long hallway and disappeared through a door at the end. It read upper floor. The stallion went in the opposite direction. He walked down a long hallway passing doors that were all locked and appeared blanck. He passed a door that said observatory. He thought for a moment then turned around and walked in.

When he entered he was met with several pegasi with white coats. They appeared to be monitoring the whole area through windows into different parts of the factory. Switches and levers appeared everywhere in front of them. They didn’t seem to notice the stallion as he walked in. That was all about to change. He turned to the Pegasus nearest to him and spun him around. Their faces were inches apart. “Where is the engine room?” he whispered. The Pegasus looked at him but said nothing. The stallion unsheathed his sword and used it to pin him against the wall. “Where is the engine room!?” he said, this time a little louder. The Pegasus looked at him in fear. “I…Don’t…Know…” said the Pegasus. The stallion loosened up on his grip. As soon as did, the Pegasus reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a tazer. The Pegasus lunched it forward but the stallion blocked it with his sword, jamming the blade into the Pegasus’ leg. The current of electricity traveled down the sword into the Pegasus’ body. He cried out in pain and fell to the floor unmoving. This, however got the attention of the other pegasi; they all moved toward the stallion with their tazers out stretched in the mouths. The black stallion looked at them coldly. He let out a sigh, “it appears you all don’t have the information I need, therefore I see no reason to go easy on any of you.”

He lunched forward with his sword, jabbing the blade into the neck of the Pegasus closest to him. He then lifted the Pegasus above him and brought him down on the next one closest to him. A Pegasus then tried to attack the stallion from behind. The Pegasus drew his sword from the neck of the Pegasus, spun around and smashed bottom of the blade into the head of the Pegasus. The Pegasus took a few steps back them dropped like a rock. The last Pegasus, witnessing all this ran toward the nearest window and tried to jump through it. His head hit the glass, but he didn’t leave no more than a crack. The Pegasus looked at the crack as blood started to pour from his head. He fell to the ground. The black stallion didn’t notice that as he fell, he hit a red button on the console. The Pegasus slumped to the floor unconscious.

The black stallion searched the pockets of his fallen victims for maps or anything that could lead him to his destination but found nothing he could use or that could lead him where he needed to go next. With a sigh of annoyance, he left the room and continued down the hallway. He eventually found a stare case leading downwards and decided to follow it. At the bottom there was a single door. He opened it and found himself in a large room. He looked up and saw part of the observatory above him. As he started to walk forward he saw all sorts of machinery on the sides of the room. Chains and gears lined the walls as they seem to all moving at different speeds. Above him in the middle all along the ceiling were several vats and air locks. On the far side of the room he saw three doors. The ones on the right and left appeared to be normal wooden doors but in the middle was a steel door with a massive lock on it.

As he made his way across the room he stopped in the middle. There were several strange noises coming from the vats above him. All of a sudden, several of the doors to the vats flew off and hit the ground as pegasi with black coats came flying out. They landed around the stallion each holding either a tazer or a club. The stallion looked back up at the observatory and noticed a blue pony with a yellow mane and a white coat was standing in there looking at him grinning. He stepped up to a microphone and laughed. His laugh could be heard throughout the room almost as if it were an echo.

He pointed at the stallion, “It is time to die” he said. "You think you can bring this factory down? Look around you. Your were doomed the moment you walked in this factory." He turned his attention to the pegasi, “try not to make too much of a mess”. The pegasi attacked; the first one bringing the club down upon the stallions head. The stallion closed his eyes. The world around him seemed to slow down. The pegasi slowed to a halt. Time itself seemed to slow down around him. The blade appeared, slicing through the club and passing clean through the Pegasus’ neck. Before the decapitated head even hit the ground, the next wave of three pegasi came at him with tazers. The stallion brought his sword upward cutting the hoof of the Pegasus in the middle sending the tazer up into the air. The stallion threw his sword up in the air as well, catching the fallen tazer with his mouth barrowing it deep into the Pegasus on the left while the sword fell landing on top of the Pegasus on the right, the sword burying itself into the scull of the Pegasus. Time around him started to move normally again.

“Don’t let that stallion get near that steal door!” yelled the blue horse. “Thanks for the directions” yelled the stallion. He lifted his sword out of the Pegasus and made a dash to the door, hacking and slashing at any pegasi that got in his way. By the time he made it to the door, there were none left to stop him. The black stallion sheathed his blade and looked back up at the observatory. It was the black stallions turn to smile. The blue pony yelled in rage. He then left the observatory, running down the hall yelling and cursing all the way until the microphone could no longer hear him.

The black stallion stood in front of the door. Taking a deep breath, readying himself for whatever was behind it, he took out his blade and broke the lock on the door. He stepped in and was surprised to find himself in a small dark room. “Hello?” he heard from the back of the small room. It only took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust. Hanging from the ceiling, covered in chains and shackles was a small orange filly with a purple mane. There was a shackle for each hoof. She was looking down at him. She appeared to have been crying a few moments ago.

“Who are you?” she asked, “my name is Scootaloo, are you here to rescue me?”