//------------------------------// // A Little Get-together // Story: Parental Problems // by Speven Dillberg //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie’s response upon learning that they would be leaving town was... obvious. For a pony that was famed for being incredibly random, she was paradoxically predictable. Rainbow and Postie had told her, upon finding out what was happening, that they wanted nothing big; their departure wasn’t permanent or likely to affect anypony drastically. After much talking and bouncing on Pinkie’s part, the necessary details were decided upon. They all agreed that it wouldn’t be big, just close friends, and that it would end at a sane hour so the pegasi could leave before noon. After getting Pinkie to Pinkie Pie Swear to not drink any alcohol before or during the party, they left her to do what she did best, not knowing just how bad an idea that would turn out to be. “You’re lucky, you know that?” “Huh?” Postie turned to Ditzy, the mare leaning against the counter and looking a little glum. “Sorry. It’s just, you going to see Rainbow Dash’s parents made me think about when I met my in-laws for the first time.” Postie grabbed the saddlebags and slung them onto his back. “That must have been unpleasant.” “That’s probably the biggest understatement I’ve heard all year,” Ditzy replied with a chuckle. “It was terrible.” “Really?” “Turns out his parents were purists,” she said, the distaste in her voice clear. “Purists? What’s that mean?” Postie asked, head tilted in confusion. Ditzy blinked. “Right. I keep forgetting,” she said as she shook her head. “A purist is a pony who thinks that the blood should not mix. Unicorns with unicorns, pegasi with pegasi, that sort of thing.” “Oh,” Postie replied, his ears drooping. “I see.” He was a little shocked that such views could exist in Equestria, given how kind and generous the inhabitants seemed to be. “Basically, the night ended with him telling them that they would either accept me or lose him as a son.” Postie wasn’t sure whether to applaud the stallion’s gall or be disgusted at how readily he would disown his parents. “So, what happened?” “They caved.” Ditzy shrugged. “They don’t like me, but they don’t try and force us to split, especially with Dinky around.” “Huh.” Postie had no idea how to respond. After a few moments he decided to just change the topic. “Anyway, Pinkie’s throwing a party.” “Why?” “She doesn’t need a reason,” Postie replied with a chuckle. “But this one is because me and Rainbow are leaving town for the next week. Nothing big, but I’d really like it if you were there.” Ditzy smiled at the stallion’s thoughtfulness. “Sure. Not like anything bad can happen.” Two days after Postie had received the letter was the day of the party, held in Sugarcube Corner. All of Rainbow’s friends, along with Big Macintosh and Ditzy, were there. Postie realised then that he had to go and make a few friends that were also stallions. Being around so many mares had to be problematic in the long run, he thought. “Ahem.” He turned to see who was clearing their throat behind him. Applejack stood there, wearing the awkward expression worn by anypony doing something they would rather not. “Oh. Hey, Applejack,” Postie replied awkwardly, not sure why the farmer had approached him. “Uhh...” “Ah wanna say sorry,” she said, pawing at the ground nervously. “It was wrong of me to stay angry as long Ah did.” “Applejack, you have no reason to apologise. You have every right to be angry. We had no right to do what we did where we did, and I am sorry.” He glanced over at Rainbow, who was getting herself a cup of punch. “I’m pretty sure Rainbow is too, even if she doesn’t actually say it.” “She can be just as stubborn as me, sometimes,” Applejack commented. “So, yer not upset that it took this long for me to say anythin’?” “A bit, yeah,” Postie admitted. “But hey, you did, and that’s all that matters.” “Phew. Ah’m glad we cleared that up.” “Cleared what up?” They both turned to see Rarity standing nearby, a small cup of punch levitating next to her. “Oh, just a little argument, nothing serious,” Postie replied, waving the unicorn off. Applejack waited until Rarity was out of earshot before giving the mailpony a confused look. “She doesn’t know?” “When Applebloom ran off to find you, we got Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell to Pinkie Pie Swear not to tell anypony that they saw us. I do not want to know what Rarity would do to me.” The pegasus shuddered. “I do not want to be a gelding...” Applejack shook her head and chuckled at that. “Ah don’t think she’d do anythin’ like that, Postie.” “Maybe, but I don’t want to risk it.” He glanced nervously at Rarity. “Unicorns kinda scare me,” he admitted as Applejack walked off, rolling her eyes. Rainbow was about to drink her cup of punch when somepony called her name. She turned and saw Twilight standing behind her, a plate with cupcakes hovering next to her. “Oh hey, Twilight.” “Hey Rainbow,” the unicorn replied, wearing a dazed smile and stumbling a little. “Are you okay?” the pegasus asked, noting her friend’s odd behaviour. “I’m fiiiine!” Twilight said a little too happily, waving her hoof and leaning closer to Rainbow. “This party is good!” “Uhh, yeah,” Rainbow answered carefully. She knew something was up with her friend, but she didn’t know what. “Are you sure you’re okay?” “I said I’m fiiine.” Twilight hiccuped and turned tail. “I’m gonna get some more punch.” Rainbow simply watched as the unicorn staggered back to the food table. Postie, who had just finished talking with Ditzy about what would happen with his pay, had seen this entire display and went up to his fillyfriend. “What’s up with her?” “I have no idea.” Rainbow took a sip of her punch and her eyes went wide. “Okay, now I do,” she said as she swallowed. “Huh?” “Take a sip.” Postie took her cup warily and took a small sip. He resisted the urge to spit his mouthful back in. “Y’see?” Rainbow asked, not noticing. “I can taste alcohol,” Postie said quietly as he passed the cup back. His last experience with alcohol had not been particularly pleasant. He had failed to take into account the change in body mass and metabolism, resulting in him drinking as much as he would have been able to as a human. The end result had been a mild case of alcohol poisoning and three days in Ponyville’s clinic getting detoxified. After that he hadn’t touched a drop. “So somepony spiked the punch...” Rainbow muttered, putting her cup down. “Who?” “What are you guys talking about!?” Both pegasi jumped as Pinkie Pie appeared in the space between them, despite there not being enough space for her to actually appear. Three months had proven more than enough time for Postie to get used to the pink mare’s shenanigans, so his only reaction was to stare at her, as was Rainbow’s. “Haven’t you ever heard of personal space?” Postie asked. “We think somepony went and spiked the punch,” Rainbow said, pointing at the cup on the floor. “Oh, silly Dashie! You can’t spike punch if it was like that to start with!” “Wait,” Postie said, raising a hoof. “You brought out alcoholic punch the night before we both have to fly all day?” “Do you have any idea how bad it is to fly with a hangover?” Rainbow asked. “Well... No, but... Well, it’s not much of a party without something!” Pinkie exclaimed in an attempt at justification. “Pinkie, just... get us something that isn’t alcoholic for us to drink,” Postie said as he resisted the very strong urge to face-hoof. “That... might be a problem,” Pinkie replied, wearing a sheepish grin. “Why?” Rainbow asked suspiciously. “Everything has alcohol in it.” “What?” “Everything?” “Yep!” “But...” Postie was speechless. “The cupcakes?” “In the frosting.” “The cake?” “In the cream.” “The biscuits?” Postie asked, scared at what the answer would be. “Even the water?” “What? That’s not water, that’s vodka.” “Hang on,” Rainbow said. “You broke a Pinkie Pie Swear!” “No I didn’t! I swore to not drink any! You never said anything about eating it!” Pinkie bounced off merrily as both pegasi just stared in dumb shock. “Now I’m gonna get drunk off jelly doughnuts!” It took a moment for the pair to find their voices. “Did... did we just get outsmarted by Pinkie Pie?” Postie asked, still not sure if what had happened actually had happened. “I think so,” Rainbow replied. Before their conversation could go any further there was a loud whooping from the center of the room. The both spun around to see Twilight standing on a table on her rear legs before losing balance and falling off. This was met by a chorus of laughter by most of the other ponies. Rarity had face-hoofed, Ditzy Doo was shaking her head and Fluttershy and Big Macintosh were nowhere to be seen. “Let’s go before this gets worse,” Postie whispered as Twilight conjured a pole into existence and began to dance around it. Rainbow pulled him towards the door and they managed to get out without being noticed. At least, they weren’t noticed by the ponies inside. Just outside the building, next to the door and half-hidden by the night and a bush were Big Macintosh and Fluttershy, the dainty pegasus mare passionately locked in a tight embrace with the giant farm-pony stallion. There was a moment of silence as thay all stared at each other before Postie pushed Rainbow away and nodded at the pair with a simple “Carry on.” Rainbow waited until they were out of earshot. “Was Fluttershy - ” “Yep.” “And Big Macin - ” “Uh-huh.” “And they were - ” “You saw it,” Postie replied. There was a brief silence. “I just never thought that those two would - ” “Same here,” Postie replied. “But they’ve been seeing each other for a bit now.” “I always knew Fluttershy had a thing for Big Macintosh.” Rainbow was smiling. “Still can’t believe she managed to ask him out.” “Actually, it was the other way around,” Postie clarified. “He asked her out.” “Really? How do you know all this?” “They... asked me to keep all this a secret,” the stallion replied, a hint of aloofness in his tone. “Really?” Rainbow asked, disbelieving. “They trusted you with a secret like this?” “Hey, I know when to keep my mouth shut,” Postie shot back before catching the grin she was wearing. “Yes, ha ha, very funny, are you done?” “Yeah. Let’s get to bed,” Rainbow said as she spread her wings. “We have to be out of Ponyville just after sunrise tomorrow.” Author's Notes: I would like to thank my partner-in-crime Beese for suggesting that Pinkie Pie shift into maximum overtroll. Twilight's shenanigans were of my devising. And I whole-heartedly support the FlutterMac ship.