Freaky Nightmares

by SweetieStar

The Letters

Dear Sweetie Belle,

Hi, it’s me, Scootaloo. You might have forgotten me, Sweetie Belle, but I’m your friend… and Apple Bloom’s. I know that you are in Canterlot, a famous singing pop star, and you don’t have time for me. But I’m writing this to you because you are my only friend to write to. My coltfriend, Orion died a few days ago and my other friend, Aurora, wants to have nothing to do with me. Sweetie Belle, please read on, I have something important to tell you… I have had these nightmares lately… I remember I told you about them when we were the CMC’s together, they never ended until yesterday. I am not allowed to tell anypony about the rainbow factory, but my nightmares were true. I’m now the worker in the rainbow factory… if you could ever forgive me! I-I don’t even know what to say, I had no choice Sweetie Belle, please… I can explain… it all happened when I was taken to the Rainbow Factory, when Rainbow Dash killed Orion on my very own eyes! I had no other choice but to join. Now, I need a friend, to hug, to cry out my feelings to. I have no other Ponies to love us much as I did you anymore… not even Rainbow Dash. I’m sorry If I wasted your time and you don’t know me anymore… but I wish to hear a reply from you.


I wrote this letter to Sweetie Belle before Rainbow Dash told me her story… I sent it and got no reply. Maybe she doesn't remember me… maybe she doesn't need me. I feel all alone now.

Today Rainbow Dash promised to teach me everything she knows about the Rainbow Factory. She is now my mentor, and apprentices have one goal; to make their mentors proud of them. I am different. I want to try and get out of this situation, I don’t even know how to, I don’t want to kill and make everypony scared of me. Rainbow Dash told me that it is a wonderful experience.

“C’mon, Scoots” Rainbow Dash called out. I flew after her nervously, and I felt like crying; my hero was always a villain.

“Coming!” I shouted.

I rushed to catch up with Rainbow Dash; she was already half way to the Rainbow Factory. She stopped and waited for me. I caught up and we flew together to that horrible place. I kept on thinking of Sweetie Belle; did she even get the letter? Or was she upset with me? Did she think I was some crazy fan of hers? Did she forget me? Did she not care? All those questions were flying into my head one by one and the answers were hard to figure out.

As we approached the factory, we saw some guards. At first, they did not believe that I was even alive, 'cause the last time I was taken there, I was asleep, and I was Rainbow’s victim. But then Rainbow Dash told them something I wasn't able to hear. The doors opened and we went in. The hallways were terrifying with a really creepy décor. I gulped as I heard the helpless victims crying for mercy in separate rooms. I didn’t want to make ponies suffer, but to gain Dash’s trust I had to.

I didn't want to be alone anymore; I would be with a killer if I had to… just not loneliness. Being alone is something that would drive you crazier than anything in Ponyville. I do know that. My parents died when I was just a small filly. I had taken care of myself and lived alone, because at that time there was no law of taking Ponies to foster-care houses or stuff. I was always lonely, even at school there were gossips that my parents abandoned me. No pony liked me. I was all alone and it felt horrible. But then, I met Sweetie Belle. She was my first friend and she didn't care that everypony else were making fun of me, she thought I was awesome. Then we met Apple Bloom and we became the Cutie Mark Crusaders. These were the best days of my life.

When we grew up, I was sent to flight school, Sweetie Belle was sent to Canterlot and Apple Bloom worked at the farm. We promised each other that even if we were split apart, we would always be the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and we will always be friends and we will never be split apart when we finish our schools again.

Now look at us; Apple Bloom is dead, Sweetie Belle is a pop star that probably doesn’t care about me anymore and has forgotten our friendship and I’m a killer’s apprentice. We have not fulfilled our promises. Our friendship is over, friendship is not magic.

I paused to think about it all and tried to decide whether to be a killer with Rainbow Dash, to abandon Rainbow Dash and go on hopeless adventures on finding Sweetie Belle, or to abandon Rainbow Dash and live alone trying to find a better life on the other hoof. For now I had only one choice; to try. I looked at Rainbow Dash’s rainbow colored mane and remembered the story she told me, it was freaky and cool at the same time. I couldn't imagine her with fully red hair!

“Yo Scootaloo! You coming or not?” Rainbow Dash shouted from the front. I realized that I was way behind and ran to Rainbow Dash to catch up.

We went through the empty halls of screams and finally reached to a door which said, in golden letters, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow proudly stepped forward and opened the door. “This is my room, squirt. When you finish training, you will have your own, but for now… my place is your place too.” We went in and Rainbow Dash switched on the lights. The room was not what I expected it to be; it was luxurious and awesome, it had a big double bed with cloudy pillows and sheets in the right top corner and it was surrounded by stare steps! It had a giant T.V on the other side, a few plushy seats, a sofa and a mini table with a laptop on. There was also a coffee/tea machine and a cookie jar. The table also had some cupcakes next to the laptop. The wallpapers were as white as clouds and the floor was sparkly red. Next to the door was a picture of Rainbow Dash being awesome. “This is called a torture room!” Rainbow Dash said. I looked at her with a ‘not amused’ face.

“Really?” I said hardly believing.

Rainbow Dash pushed her picture up and pressed the button that was behind the picture, and the whole awesome room turned into a dark, scary bloody room that I’ve been in before. The chains, the knives, the blood, the bones, the Pegasus décor, the buckets, the medical instruments, the horrible bloody walls and the dark floor. I opened my mouth wide in shock. Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“It’s high tech!” She stepped forward and gazed at my confused face. “We use the luxury parts of the rooms in case royalty would like to pay a visit.” She explained “Or if we have a break.” She mused.

They did everything smartly and it was shocking that they always got away with the 'Pegasus disappearing’ part. I stood next to Rainbow Dash and she explained which buttons work how in the room. I listened carefully to her, showing some interest. She went on about how everything works and what we have to do with the machines and what we have to pay attention to and were we should put the organs.

“…And now I will show you were the rainbows are formed!” She said excitedly. We went on to a room which said Final Stage

I gulped as Dash asked me if I was ready or not. I nodded and we came into a big room. There were different buckets with different colors of the rainbow. The buckets were huge and steam went out of them, they all went down to a level lower and met together. After they met, there was a hole and the rainbow went out of it. The rainbow fell on to the clouds and made a stream where workers mixed the rainbow and made it shoot into the sky. I then saw how the workers on our level were putting the buckets of flesh, organs, eyeballs and hair into the different bigger buckets. I looked at Dash, her eyes were shining and she was thrilled in teaching me everything.

After the tour, I settled at Rainbow Dash’s home (where I had to live) and the guestroom was now my bedroom. I sat on the bed took my quill and ink and a piece of paper and started writing to Sweetie Belle again. I didn’t care if she didn’t get my letters; I just wanted to write to some pony. I wrote about what Rainbow Dash showed me and how I wished my life turned out differently. I also wrote that I wished to see her so badly. I wrote to her, sent it and fell asleep.