New World, Friends, and Life

by Warrios

Chapter 7: A Suit for the Gala

Chapter 7: A Suit for the Gala

A week has passed since I arrived in Equestria. It has been the same routine over and over: Get up, work, go help the school, talk with friends, sleep. The Cutie Mark Crusaders will ask me to help them every now and then, or just to come play with them. So far, it has just been fantastic here. I was walking through Ponyville, enjoying the day. The Apple family asked me to take a day off, since I have been working hard. I received my pay for working so far – 200 bits. Yeah it seems a lot, I even denied taking so much money but they insisted and I just cannot lose an argument with those big puppy eyes they throw at you . . .

“Michael!” I hear a voice call from behind me. “Wait up!”

Running straight at me from down the path, wearing her saddlebags on her back, was my great friend Twilight with Spike following right behind.

“Hey, Twilight.” I greet. “What’s the rush? Did I forget something?”

Twilight smiled warmly. “No, but I need you to come with me to Rarity’s”

“Why is that?” I wondered. “Did I forget something important?”

She gave me a grave look. “Don’t you know? The Grand Galloping Galla is coming up! She needs you to come over to take measurements.”

“Never heard of it.” I retort. “What’s so special about this Gala?” I said ‘Gala’ out loud and she snapped. “Shh! don’t say it out loud!” she glanced around, as if checking to make sure she wasn’t being followed.

I gave Spike a confused glance. “What’s so special about this Gala? And why doesn’t she want me saying this out loud?”

“It’s a grand event that everypony wants to go to at least once in their life. It’s only held once a year, at the city of Canterlot.” He explained quiet enough only for us to hear. “And the only way to get a ticket is to be directly invited by Princess Celesta herself. So the reason why you don’t want to say it out to the world is because if everypony found out you have an extra, you will be pestered about it until you give it to someone.”

Spike took out eight tickets, each looking like they were made of gold. “Okay… I count eight. . . Which means there’s one for Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, both you and Twilight. So who’s the eighth one for?”

“You, silly!” Twilight laughed. “That’s why I need you to come with me, so Rarity can take your measurements!”

“I don’t know, Twilight…” I said uneasily. “Only Ponyville knows about me. And going to a city that will be filled with ponies from everywhere around the world, and to add to that, the princesses don’t really know about me.” Going to Canterlot, I can just imagine the chaos. Ponies running away and getting the guards, armed with swords and lances . . . being captured and being put into a dungeon. Don’t get me wrong I am initially excited being invited to such a grand event

Twilight giggled. “Well, don’t worry about it. We attended the Gala last year, so I can tell you what to expect. I used lived in Canterlot. It’s going to be a bit boring and dull, but once you go with friends it’s much more fun.”

I frowned. “What about the princesses?”

Twilight smiles wide and regards me. “Don’t worry. I already sent a letter to Princess Celesta. She’s eager to meet you.”

Part of me wanted to go to this event, getting to meet the princesses, ponies from around the world, getting known to the world. But there was a feeling in my gut telling me to deny the request, stay home and let the girls have their fun. They are my friends, so I’ll go with them to make them happy. If I said no I would get so many puppy-eyes. I can just see it now, the adorableness from those eyes . . . you just can’t say no.

“Alright.” I said. “I’ll go.”

Twilight did a little cheer. “Come on, let’s get going!” She trotted behind me and started to nudge me forward with her head.

“Ouch!” I yelped. “Watch the horn!”

Twilight blushed, embarrassed. “Heh… sorry.”

“No worries.”

As we walked through Ponyville, I was pondering on what Canterlot would be like. It’s a big city, from what Twilight told me. Before I could even think any further, Pinkie leaped out of nowhere in particular.

“Mikey!” Pinkie shouts. “Get under something! My tails twitching!”

I looked at Pinkie, oblivious to what’s going on. Her tail was twitching like it was having a seizure. Looking around, everything seems normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. “Pinkie? What’s going on?”

Before she could answer me I was knocked to the ground as something crashed into be from behind. My glasses flew off my head. I grunt as I hit the ground.

The impact was not painful, but it was enough force to bring me to the ground. I turned my head to see a mare pegasus on top of me. “Um . . . Miss? Can you get off, please?”

The pegasus stood up and allowed me to stand. Her coat was a light gray while her mane and tail were a faded yellow. Her cutie mark was a set of seven bubbles. What caught my attention the most were her yellow eyes, they were cross-eyed. “I’m sorry mister. I didn’t mean to run into you.”

I stared at the odd Pegasus as she gazed at me with her strange eyes. “Don’t worry about it.” I said. “I don’t believe we have met. I’m Michael Scott, and you are . . .?”

“The name’s Derpy! Derpy Hooves.” she replied. “Nice to meet you, Michael.” I snickered under my breath, since ‘derp’ is a slang term back on Earth that came from the internet.

I smiled. “Nice to meet you too, Miss Derpy. If you don’t mind me asking: What’s the rush?”

“I’m looking for the muffins. I can smell them! Where are they?” she asked and starts to glance around.

I point to Sugarcube Corner, “If it’s muffins you want, Sugarcube Corner is right over there.” Derpy then turned and ran toward the bakery.

“Strange mare. . .” I said. “But she’s nice.”

Twilight trotted over to me with a smile, “I see you met the mailmare. You alright, Michael?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said as I brushed myself off. We continued to Rarity’s place with Pinkie following. “What was that all about?”

Pinkie Pie explained, “My tail’s kind of like a sixth sense to me. I call it my Pinkie Sense since I seem to be the only pony to have it. For example, when my tail twitches, it means something’s going to fall! And something fell, all right!”

“So, it’s like a hazard alarm?”

“Well, not all the time. Sometimes when my back is itchy, it means it’s my lucky day! And sometimes I get ‘combos’.”

“Combos? So that mean like more than once?” I asked.

“Yup! Like Ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter? That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow!"

“Any other combos?” I ask, curiously.

“Yeah! There’s Ear flop, then eye flutter, then knee twitch. That usually means 'look out for opening doors'." Pinkie said.

“Opening doors?” I repeated. We just arrived at Rarity’s front doors. I reach for the door handle. . .

Pinkie starts to spasm again. “Uh-oh! Ear flop! Eye Flutter! Knee Twitch!”

“What does that mean again?” My question was answered when I turned the door handle and it was flung open hitting me right in the face, I thought I would be slammed into the building’s wall, but I guess I held my ground as I just stood there, a bit of blood trickling down my face, before I fell and blacked out.

I woke up feeling like I was hit by a truck. My face stung the most.

I saw a blue ceiling above me. I heard a conversation coming from another room, and smelled perfume in the air. I was lying on a purple couch, probably in Rarity’s place since that’s where the mishap taken place.

I sat up, and a white cloth fell off my face. I realize there was blood on it. Taking the cloth to my nose, I blow and even more blood comes out. The flow seemed to stop. A box of tissues sat next to me, so I took a few and went to stand and head into the other room.

Walking into the next room, Twilight, Spike, and Rarity were having a conversation.

“Girls, what happened?” I ask.

Twilight gave me a worried look, and then it changed to a smile. “The door slammed right into you. You took quite a blow to your face and blacked out.”

I chuckle. “I don’t really remember. I just remember Pinkie having another spasm as I reached for the door.”

“I’m sorry for opening the door right into your face, Michael.” Rarity apologized.

I gave her a tender smile. “Don’t worry about it. It was a accident.”

Rarity smiles back. I don’t like making my friends sad, or upset. So, I cheer them up pretty quick with smiles and I offer them something or ask them to come with me somewhere. Remembering the conversation with Twilight and Spike from earlier, I decide to get to the point.

“So, you wanted to see me, Rarity?” I ask.

Rarity instantly perks up. “Oh, yes dear!” she beams. “I need to take measurements for your suit to the Gala.”

“Well, I’m ready when you are.”

Rarity nods. “Come with me.”

She leads me back into the main room. Like the last time I came to get measurements, I saw mannequins, shaped like ponies, some draped in outfits in various stages of completion. This time, on the mannequins, were six outfits that looked quite ravishing. The first one that caught my eye was a blue dress, decorated with diamond colored stars. The next dress was pink, with candy and bows decorating it – this obviously belongs to a certain pink pony. The third dress had a rainbow-pattern; on the edges looked like clouds, and holes were cut out for wings. The fourth dress was a brown saddle, with green drapes. A green collar with an apple on it, and green boots. A cowboy hat was resting on the head of the mannequin. The fifth dress was all green. Flowers and butterflies were the décor, and green slippers. This dress looked like it was a part of nature. The last dress was a dress fit for a princess. A yellow tiara rested on the head of the mannequin, and the dress was colored in beautiful colors of pink and dark purple.

“I am going to take a quick guess,” I said. “These dresses belong to you all?”

Rarity turns, and smiles brightly. “Correct my dear! These are for the Gala. I asked the girls to bring them to me to repair them before the Gala.”

I take a closer look, at the dresses. She has the potential to make any type of outfit you ask from her. “Well, you do know how to make beautiful dresses.”

“It IS my special talent, darling.” she replies. “Now, come here and let me measure you.” I went and stood on a stand in the middle of the room. She brings a tape measure into her magical grasp and starts her measuring process.

Rarity finished her measuring and told me that she will begin on a suit immediately. I thanked her and Twilight and I left. We decided to go out for lunch so we stopped by at a restaurant called ‘The Green Leaf’. I had a small salad, and an apple. Twilight ordered a daisy-sandwich. We enjoyed our lunch, having a conversation about what the Gala was like. After an hour, we decided to call it a day and head home.

The next day, jolt awake after a loud crash of something massive falling downstairs. Worried, I rush down the stairs to find one of the bookshelves have fallen over. Books were scattered all over the place. Twilight looked really agitated, so I approached slowly.

“Everything alright, Twilight?” I ask.

Twilight grumbled. “I accidently knocked down one of my bookcases, now I have to reshelf the whole thing.”

“Need some help?”

Twilight glanced over toward me. She looks grateful that I want to help. She smiles and her horn starts to glow, taking some books into her magical grasp.

“I would love some help.” Twilight said. “This might take awhile, so I hope you don’t mind.”

I smile. “Don’t worry about it. I’m a guest in your household, so I am willing to help you with anything.”

Twilight nodded. Despite being quite angry about something, I liked the fact that she calms down pretty quickly. And I kind of like the fact that she seems to love to be around me.

“Let’s get to work,” Twilight stated, “because its going to take awhile getting everything reshelf.”

After around two hours of putting the books back on the shelves, I decide to go out for the day. Walking through the town, ponies wave in greeting. I wave back, and continue on my day. Time for work. I slowly approach the apple farm in the distance. Applejack is bucking a few trees, making the apples fall down to the buckets on the ground.

“Hey, Applejack.” I greet. “How’s it going this fine morning?”

Applejack smiles. “Its been fine, Mike.”

“So, what’s on today’s agenda?”

Applejack stops and ponders on what I was going to do for the day. “Ah know! Ah need ya to take those apples,” she points to a cart of apples on the patch to Ponyville. “And take them to the market in Ponyville. Put them at the Apple stall, and sell some apples.”

I salute. “Right away, ma’am!”

I walk to the cart. Since I am not a pony, I can’t latch this thing onto anything. The only thing I can do is lift and pull. So, I turn and face the path to Ponyville. Reaching down, I grab the handles and lift. The cart was pretty heavy. Try pulling a wagon filled with a lot of luggage in it. That about sums it up.
Arriving at the stall in the Market Square, I stop. I grab some buckets off the back and start to set up the stand. Customers start to approach, observing the apples, looking for good ones to pick.

I arrived at Rarity’s place after I returned a sack of bits from the stall to Applejack. She was really happy to see me again. My suit was already done. It was a work of art. It was full black, like it resembled the night sky. The suit had long sleeves, with a red tie up at the collar. Black pants, really nice new black shoes. I was amazed. She had a toothy grin, waiting for my input. I offered to pay her, which she refused the offer. I said I was not going to take no for an answer. We argued for a few minutes and I ‘gave up’. As I went to leave, I snuck a hundred bits and put it on her front desk, and dashed for the door.

The Gala was tomorrow, and I had to prepare.

End of Chapter 7