//------------------------------// // Another Problem // Story: Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria // by munomana //------------------------------// Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria Another Problem It was so close. Only another hundred feet. Finally. Apples. Kirby continued to run at full speed towards the orchard. He was always interrupted by something before he could have a proper meal. Kirby couldn't stand it. He was so close to so many of some of the best apples he'd ever tasted. He ran past the ponies working and carts around. He then stopped in the middle of a path stretching through the orchard. He took a few steps back before he opened his mouth. Kirby then began to inhale as much air as possible, harder than ever before. The surrounding wind began picking up the pace in the direction of Kirby as it bounced through apples and leaves. The wind began ripping apples from their branches and launched themselves towards Kirby's gaping maw. The apples were then accompanied by leaves, branches, and baskets. Moments later, the wind began to die down as the tornado around Kirby's mouth dissipated. The air grew still, not a sound was audible. Kirby then rubbed his stomach as a sign of contentment. He then looked up to assess the damage. A total of seventeen trees were entirely bare, showing no sign of apples, leaves, or branches. Some of the surrounding trees were missing branches, leaves and most certainly: apples. *EEK!* Kirby turned around to what sounded like the scream of a little girl. Behind him was a pony. It was different from the ponies he had seen before. The pony was had fur with a similar shade as Fluttershy. It's mane consisted of two shades of orange in layers, a light orange, and a darker orange. It had a large, red apple on its flank, probably meaning he had to do with this apple orchard. It wore a brown vest on its front and a brown hat on its head. One weird part was the fact that it had a differently shaped head. The pony looked in complete shock and fear, before turning around and sprinting at full speed. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~" The other pony workers around Kirby looked in complete shock at Kirby, but they did not react like the one before. They just stared at him with dilated pupils while slowly backing away. Kirby then looked back towards the small town before going back to look for his friends. Applejack, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all trotted down the streets of Appleloosa. They were all looking for a quick place to eat, yet all of them so far had been sit-down restaurants that sold primarily apples. "So, anyone up 'fer apples?" Everypony gave an unamused glance to Applejack before they kept moving. "Ha Ha, good one Applejack." said Rainbow Dash as she did a barrel roll before falling to the ground and stopping. She quickly looked behind for a moment before giving a confused expression. "Say, does anyone know where Kirby went? I could'a sworn he was following us." "I'm not sure, Rainbow. Maybe he-" "EEK!" The ponies stopped in place as a very shrill, girly-sounding scream emanated to their left. They all quickly looked to where the scream came from. In the distance, they saw an apple orchard, yet something was off about it. "Those buffalo better not be messin' with the orchard again!" Applejack then began running in the direction of the scream with haste. She quickly stopped a second before looking behind, signalling the rest of the ponies to follow. Most of the group of ponies then began flying in behind Applejack. They then continued on their way to the orchard. Behind them, a yellow figure hid behind a barrel, shaking. The group continued towards the orchard, dodging civilians and carts along the way while weaving through streets before they reached a stretch in the road that had a sign that read, 'Appleloosa Orchard'. They followed the dirt path down towards the orchard before Applejack stopped, which caused the ponies behind to bump into her and causing them all to topple over. They all stood back up before looking towards Applejack. A moment later, they looked towards the orchard before gaining the same expression as Applejack. Before them stood more than a dozen of entirely bare trees along with other damaged trees. It looked like a small hurricane was placed right in front of the orchard. Walking coolly back down the path was a round, pink, and satisfied Kirby. The mares looked to each other, mouths still agape. Nopony said a word for moments before their silence was interrupted by a noise. *CHOO CHOO* The station train's horn blew, signifying that they were boarding and were going to leave in ten minutes. Applejack then walked up to the nearest farm-hand and dropping a bag of bits in front of them and gave the reason of, 'For the damage.' She then trotted over before she turned towards the train and began walking in silence. The rest of the group then followed suit, followed by a bouncing Kirby along with a bouncing Pinkie Pie, who seemed to think Kirby's antics were fine. The group reached the train, minutes before it was to leave. They each climbed the steps, one by one. Twilight was the last one in the line getting in. he was about to climb the steps to the station before something caught her eye on the street beside her. Next to her was a blue box, identical to the one she examined on the bus. She was completely surprised by this. 'Why is this box on the street?' Twilight levitated the box up to her face before opening it. Inside, was a star. Twilight quickly lifted her head before jerking it around, looking for something. On the road far away, was a pony-pulled cart. What was strange about it, was the fact that there was a huge amount of luggage on it. What was even more suspicious, was the fact that there was an easily distinguishable copy of Rarity's cutie mark embedded on the side of most of the luggage. Without a word, Twilight grabbed the box in her mouth before lifting Kirby up from the station steps, who had been eyeing Twilight with a confused expression. Twilight then sprinted full speed towards the cart with Kirby in tow. She weaved past many ponies, carts, and other obstacles as they rushed through the streets of Appleloosa. It wasn't long before they reached the outskirts of the town. They continued down the sandy path, getting closer and closer to the thieving pony. Twilight was planning to fire lasers at the cart's wheels, but holding Kirby made it impossible to do. Twilight then came up with an idea. She lifted the star's box from her mouth before levitating it up. Using a burst of magic, she threw Kirby high into the air and released him. 'This star must provide some use to Kirby. He can fly anyway. Maybe he can help me catch the thief with it.' Twilight then opened the box and took out the star. She got a good aim, before launching the small star toward Kirby. "Kirby, catch!" Twilight watched the star fly up to Kirby. Instead of it flying towards Kirby and him swallowing it, the star began to grow, and grow. The star then stopped growing and stopped right underneath Kirby. Kirby then fell onto the star before using it to propel himself down towards Twilight. Twilight was about to question it, but she remembered about the chase at hand, and she continued on. Without warning, she felt the tiredness from continuous running catch up with her. She stopped for a moment before looking to the thief. He was close enough to fire at one of the wheels. The unicorns horn began to glow as Twilight cocked her head forward. She concentrated for a moment as a small ball of energy formed on the tip of her horn. She was about to fire, before a burst of air pulled her backwards before it became dark. Kirby flew in the sky, finally re-united with his Warpstar. He had not seen it since he crashed, and he was glad enough that Twilight had just happened to come along with it in hoof. Kirby looked down towards the ground where he saw the pony with the cart running away as Twilight was stopped in the middle of the road. Kirby got an idea. He quickly swooped down from behind Twilight. He noticed the small ball of plasma energy on the tip of her horn. He then flew right behind Twilight as he caught up with her motionless state. Without her consent, he inhaled deeply. Twilight and the energy ball were swept from the ground and into Kirby's mouth. In a flash, a crown of plasma and electricity, topped with a green jewel appeared on his head as his skin turned a light shade of green. Kirby then sped forward from the spot and quickly caught up with the pony. He flew down to his level and back a couble meters before charging a shot. A line of plasma emitted from Kirby as it flew through the cart, obliterating the cart and slightly singeing parts of the luggage. The pony in question had a large burn mark on his backside as he rolled down the road screaming. Before anything could happen, a loud *choo choo* came from behind. The train then could be seen beginning to move down the tracks. Kirby then lost his power as Twilight flew out of his mouth. He quickly began to intake air again as the luggage and Twilight began to move. They were quickly flown in his mouth, but not swallowed. Kirby then lifted himself high into the air using the Warpstar before speeding off towards the train. Kirby sped across the sandy desert as the train came closer and closer. On the caboose of the train, he could see six figures, all lined up, leaning over the railing watching Kirby come closer. Kirby then flew right over the caboose before descending down. He reached the hard, wood floor before hopping off the Warpstar. Before anypony could say anything, Kirby spit out Twilight and all the luggage onto the floor in a second. The whole cart was silent for a second as the ponies behind him sighed in relief, glad to see their friend and luggage back and safe. Twilight silently looked up towards Kirby with a deathly glare. She opened her mouth before she spoke in an icy tone. "NEVER. AGAIN."