Keeper of the Night

by EsauCursehoof

Prologue : The New Night Keeper

"Sister, how fares the Crystal Empire?" asked a tall pony, a pony with both wings and a horn -an Alicorn -. Her coat was the color of the night, and her mane and tail the shimmering mists of darkness. She wore the royal-looking accessories and armor, showing her to be of high nobility.

"I can't say... Sombra remains as stubborn as ever, and our spies tells us that he may turn against us soon..." replied an even taller pony, another Alicorn, but she had a coat of pure white, her mane and tail as though a reflection of a rainbow in a lake. She also wore the armor of nobility, but her gentle looks were somewhat tainted by her frustration.

"Then shall we lead an attack on him before Sombra attacks Equestria?" asked the black Alicorn.

"Do you mean only you or us both?" laughed the white Alicorn, her frustration gone in an instant, "I never was used to the old way of speaking, and you should try to change too. It confuses both me and our subjects."

The black Alicorn didn't even have time to click her tongue when a guard knocked on the doors. After getting permission, he enters the room and bows in respect. The guard had more rounded armor and a diamond embroidered on his chestplate, showing that he's a Royal Guard- guards whose jobs were to protect the Canterlot Castle.

"What is it?" asked the white Alicorn.

"Princess Celestia.... and Princess Luna.... we have some sort of problem at the castle gates." reported the guard.

"Bring us there." ordered Princess Luna, looking at her sister, "shall we, sister?"

"Can't hurt to have a look." shrugged Princess Celestia.

Following the guard, they arrived at the castle gates. Everything was in order, there were no signs of attack and most guards were still patrolling. The night was still peaceful. But-

A platoon of guards stood in a circle around something or somepony. The Princesses took no time to trot over there themselves, wondering what is causing the commotion.

What they saw was unexpected, a mare, donning the robes of a Solar Priest, the Elite Royal Guard under Princess Celestia, was holding a sleeping baby unicorn colt in her hooves. The colt was fast asleep, his mane an absolute black, and his coat a light tinge of gray.

"Princess!" said the Solar Priest, bowing slightly as not to drop the colt. The surrounding guards did the same.

"Why are you holding a colt? If my memory still serves me well, I'm sure you aren't married yet." asked Princess Celestia.

"This child was brought back from the front lines, Princess. He's the child of two Night Keepers." said the Solar Priest. But it looked as though she was withholding something.

"Then where are his parents? Order them back. They should take a holiday-" said Princess Celestia, but she cut off when she noticed the Solar Priest starting sobbing.

"They're dead, Princess. The squad tried to save them but- but-" sobbed the Solar Priest.

At these words, Princess Luna strode forwards and picked up the colt from the sobbing Solar Priest. And with her voice as gentle as it sounded sad, she said, "Poor thing. We are so sorry your parents had to die... in our name... fighting our war..."

"Shall I bring him to the orphanage, Princess?" asked the Solar Priest once she had snapped out of it.

"No... let us raise him." said Princess Luna, to everypony's surprise. "He's the child of our own knights. And as our gratitude to them for serving us until the end, we will treat him as our own."

Princess Celestia smiled. Her sister was uptight, yes. So very close to the customs she had set for herself, yet she still was a generous and kind ruler at heart. She turned to the Solar Priest, who was smiling admirably to Princess Luna and asked, "What's the colt's name?"

"I'm sorry I don't know, Princess." said the Solar Priest, looking sadly at the colt, "His parents died before they could name him."

At these words, the colt stirred and opened his pure azure eyes. The colt yawned, but even though he was surrounded by strangers, he didn't cry. He then snuggled closer to Princess Luna, and fell asleep again.

"Aw, he likes you-" said the Solar Priest, before catching herself and continuing on, "Er, I meant he's like his parents... they didn't even flinch during their last moments..."

"Morning Star." said Princess Luna suddenly. "We shall call him Morning Star."

"Ah, the star that rises during the darkest times of the night to call out the sun." said Princess Celestia poetically.

"Fitting. Is it not, sister?" said Princess Luna, turning towards her sister.

"Truly." Princess Celestia smiled back.


It was a fine morning. The castle was busy with guards and servants doing their everyday work. The atmosphere seemed a little different lately, more peaceful and happy. King Sombra of the Crystal Empire was showing less tyranny over the crystal ponies due to a recent pact with Equestria. And Equestria itself lately reclaimed some land east of it from the hands of the diamond dogs.

Princess Luna, not wearing her usual armor, was sitting in the shade of a tree in the courtyard, looking at the young colt who was training magic techniques. She did tell him to take a break earlier, but he insisted on continuing.

Morning Star was brought under the care of her, she did what most mothers would, taking care that Morning was not hurt in any way. Day by day he grew up, and even though he was surrounded by aristocrats, he was never a fan of a posh life.

The Princess would find him training his magic with books taken from the Star Swirl's the Bearded wing. He also liked to train with the wooden spear and staff Princess Celestia gave him for one of his birthdays.

Surprisingly, when Princess Luna revealed to Morning Star that his parents died and that she wasn't his real mother, he didn't even cry. Instead he trained even harder, as though he was trying to achieve something.

Morning Star was relentless lately, thought the Princess. She looked into the sun and wondered if Morning Star's parents would approve of this.

"Princess Luna! I've done it!" exclaimed Morning, snapping Princess Luna back to her senses. He then produced a massive fireball, threatening to swallow an old tree, before Princess Luna could stop him, he extinguished the fireball, leaving nothing behind but small ripples in the air.

"Impressive, Morning Star!" said the Princess, she had been very surprised and proud of Morning's progress, as he had already reached a very high level for his age.

"Princess Luna." said Morning Star suddenly, looking determined, "I want to join the Night Keepers."

Princess Luna blinked, but Morning Star continued, "I knew that my parents were Night Keepers, that they died in the front lines. I overheard you and Princess Celestia two years ago.

The exact time he started training himself, thought Princess Luna.

"First I wanted to kill those evil ponies for taking them away, so I trained and trained." said Morning, "I wanted to secretly go out of Equestria to find them."

"But then, you told me the truth yourself. And it felt different. I knew I was wrong to even think of going to find those evil ponies alone. That's why I trained even harder, I wanted to become a guard, and carry on my parent's legacy."

Without warning, Princess Luna took Morning Star into her embrace, Morning Star was surprised, "Princess, why did you-"

"We are so proud of you, Morning." said the Princess, "You don't have to risk your life..."

"But I want to." said Morning, "I want to fight for Equestria!"
Knowing that Morning Star had a stubborn streak almost as formidable as her sister's, Princess Luna sighed. She knew it was no simple task to dissuade it, so secretly, she hoped that the Night Keeper's recruiting tests may turn him away.

"The training's going to be really hard though, you sure about this?" asked the Princess.

"Yes I am!" said Morning Star, looking happy while hugging back Princess Luna.

Perhaps, somewhere in her heart, she also hoped that Morning Star would become a Night Keeper too.


"Yes I am." I said, lifting my head high to stare at the Night Keeper mentor, the one I may or may not replace. At all times, the amount of ponies who held the title of 'Night Keeper' is fifteen. So if a new recruit joins the ranks, an existing member has to retire. If he or she wasn't already dead.

It was dark, the only light sources were the dying lamps. It was also cold. This was the Room of Oaths, a hidden underground room under the Canterlot Castle. Around the two of us stood fourteen other ponies, the rest of the Night Keepers.

Princess Luna was standing in an elevated platform, her expression unreadable.

"To swear absolute loyalty to Equestria? To protect it even if it means you're going to die? Can you really become a Night Keeper of that mindset? Are you even ready to be one?" asked the Night Keeper.

"Yes I am!" I screamed, loud enough to be heard from outside this underground room in the Canterlot castle. I was angry at this old stallion, but nevertheless, he personally knew my dead parents, and he did teach me the way of the Night Keepers.

His features softened, which threw his scars into great emphasis. The sign of a stallion who fought a lot of battles, and lived through them.

"I'm sorry, Morning. I was just... reminded of your ma and pa. I am really sorry I couldn't save them that day..." said the stallion. A certain corner of my heart ached, but I ignored it.

"Me too. I shouldn't have lost my temper. But you're one harsh mentor, I'll give that." I joked. The old stallion gave one of his crooked smiles, and slowly took of a necklace with a diamond shaped like a moon on it.

"The defiance of your ma and sheer insensitivity of your pa." smiled the old stallion. He walked over to me and put the necklace on me. "Your parents would have been proud of you."

Cheers, congratulations, cider bottles erupted all around me. The other Night Keepers came up to me to greet me, their new brother, and some to thank the old veteran for the services he's done all these years.
Through all the commotion, I saw the old stallion walk up to Princess Luna, and gave her a deep bow. And with the heightened senses I trained myself to have, I heard them have an exchange.

"Thank you for all these years, Apple Ale, Equestria wouldn't have been what it is now without you."

"Oh, Princess Luna, the true heroes are that kid's parents. They saved my flank back then... Make sure you take care of him for me."

"We always did. And we will continue to. What to you plan on doing now?"

"I've always wanted to start an apple farm, you know. Sitting out in the country with my banjo. Settle down."

I silently thanked Ale for taking me under his wing, and for giving me his position of Night Keeper. A favor I would never be able to return. I pushed out of the crowd and hugged him, putting all my thanks in what may be the last time we meet.

"Take care, boy."