serenity under the night sky

by flutterguy54123

chapter 14

Chapter 14

At seven o'clock Thunder trots up to the library door in his new tuxedo. Knocking on the door the former prince start getting fidgety with his purple bow tie. Upon opening the door both ponys stare in awe at their significant other. Looking over her coltfriend Twilight sees him in an expertly styled tux with a purple bow tie ,a midnight blue shirt ,and an off white coat with a pink rose in the lapel. Letting out a huff she begins speaking.

“You went to Rarity didn't you?” In much the same manner as her the former prince replys with an annoyed tone.

“Yes. You know she did this unpurpose right ,but I must say Miss. Sparkly you look ravishing this fine evening. Please this way.” Holding up a hoof Thunder gestures toward a white limousine with golden wheels and a decorative door pulled by twelve pegasi. Gasping at the shear size Twilight gawks as she slowly trots closer.

“I hope you don't mind ,but unless it has no roof it needs to be quite large. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to sit down.” Trotting toward the carriage Thunder uses his magic to to open the door. Stepping in Twilight is astounded by the how much room there is. Glancing around she observes that the down feather pillows are embroidered with the former prince's personal seal. Swiftly entering after his marefriend Thunder takes his seat next to Twilight.

“Twilight this isn't to much is it? I'm...... well I'm not new to dating ,but it has been a long time. I'm sure somethings have changed.” The lavender mare nods her head in agreement.

“Um... ya same here ,but all of this is just beautiful. Right out of a fairytale.” For the first time since entering the carriage Thunder looks around at the inside of his large vehicle.

“My dear lady on the worst of days your radiant beauty will still shadow the confines of this carriage. My only regret is that I could not find something to give you that equals how I feel about you. Though I may not be a prince any longer you will always be my princess. My Star.” Heat rushes to find a spot in the lavender mare's cheeks as they rapidly turn a bright hue of pink.

“Thunder I love you too ,and all of this it's just perfect. If you're trying to impress me you don't need to. I think you are the best stallion in Equestria ,and nothing could ever change my mind.” The two pony's stare into each others eyes as the limo larches to a stop. Standing up the former prince opens the door and waits for her to exit. Trotting out of the carriage she is taken back at seeing that they are in Canterlot in front of Pony Deen's. However the experience is short lived when she notices that there are no pony's in front of the restaurant. There is just on single unicorn holding open the solid glass door. Looking over to her coltfriend she begins speaking.

“Where is everypony? This is one of the most exclusive restaurants in Equestria.” Motioning her forward they trot into the building exposing grand dining room with only one table and two chairs. Not even giving her a chance to protest the former prince begins talking.

“I didn't want us to be disturbed. With you being one of the bearers elements of harmony and I being the son of Celestia I doubt we would have had a second of peace. You don't mind do you?” Trotting over to the table Thunder pulls out her chair ,and waits for her to talk a seat. Sitting down Twilight continue the conversation.

“No ,it's lovely. You're probably right ,but I do have one question. Now don't lie because this is very important. It may be the most important thing I ever ask you.” Beads of sweat start forming on Thunder's brow as she continues.

“How did you really feel about the way I painted your room?” Letting out a sigh the former prince starts chuckling. Looking in to her eyes Thunder responds.

“Twilight, to tell you the truth every time I went into that room my eyes watered. The bright colors might have been fine for a filly ,but I couldn't stay in there long.” A smile comes to his face as he continues speaking.

“But I loved it because you had done it special for me.” A smile reflects his own form the lavender mare's face. Trotting up to the table a waiter welcomes them.

“Hello my name is Brawny Bolder and I will be your waiter this evening. Do you know what you would like to drink or would you like some more time?” Casually both pony’s answer the rather short stallion with Twilight speaking first.

“I would like a water with lemon please ,and Thunder how about you?” Looking over the menu he shrugs his shoulders.

“What ever this charming lady orders I will have the same. It will be interesting to try something other than my regular choice.” Twilight raises an eyebrow ,and with an inquisitive and cautious tone she begins speaking. Not sticking around for the conversation the waiter leaves.

“Do you really trust me that much? I remember there was a time you wouldn't even let me cook.” A sly look plasters its self to the former prince's face.

“I never said you couldn't cook. That was all you ,but the black cloud that was coming from the stove doesn't completely capture my trust. My dear currently I don't trust you with large kitchen appliances.” The lavender mare rolls her eyes as she glances over the menu. In Ponyville at Sweet Apple Acres an angry Applejack berates her brother.

“Macintosh! Did yu really say we'd watch Scootaloo and er brother?” Without much emotion in the red stallions voice he replys.

“Eeyup.” Annoyed to all get out the orange farm pony continues her questioning.

“Will yu ad least tell me who asked yu t'do it? We don't even know their ma an pa.” Tuning his head to the side the red stallion remains ever so secretive.

“Nope.” Giving a huff Applejack marches off to her room in anger mumbling something like ,why would somepony ask him and not me. Reaching the door the element of honesty and her brother hear loud crash followed by the little princess saying oops. Shaking her Applejack continues speaking.

“On second thought yu can watch 'm. I'd hate t'be the one t tell granny if they broke somethin of her's.” Hearing this the red stallion bolts into the other room so fast you would think a tornado is coming. Looking around the room Big Mac sighs seeing the whole in the window. Standing silently he waits for an explanation. Eventually the little yellow filly begins speaking.

“Sorry big brother we kinda got carried away.” Looking over to her friend she continues speaking.

“Um.... Scootaloo d' yu think you could fix the window with your magic?” The little orange filly begins thinking.

“You know I've never even used it. I don't even know how. Well there was that time at the hospital ,but I don't count that.” The little filly's eyries's expand covering most of her eyes. With excitement in her voice she continues speaking.

“Maybe my cutie mark has something to do with magic!” The little orange filly starts twisting her face into an expression that shows true focus only to be interrupted by a red stallion.

“Nope!” Completely confused Applebloom begins speaking.

“Uh........ what d'yu mean?” Big Macintosh sighs as he realizes that he will half to explain. Not liking to talk he searches for the right words.

“Um........ well little sister this ain’t the right place fr yuns t'be practicin somethin like that. D yu understand?” The yellow earth pony nods her head as her friend talks.

“Ya.... sorry about the window. You know how crazy hoofball can be. I hope dad doesn't get to mad.” The red stallion just smiles at the thought of seeing the prince's face when he tells him about the window. After finishing her sentence a thought enters the little filly's head.

“Big Macintosh who asked you to watch us tonight?” The red stallion continues smiling as she answers.

“Your pa. Mighty nice stallion too princess.” Easdropping in the doorway Applejack bursts into the room.

“In the name of Celestia wha'd you just call her?!” Before the orange mare can make any assumptions Scootaloo begins talking.

“No ,Applejack it's not what you think. I'm.......” The little filly begins mumbling.

“I'm really a princess.” The orange farm pony cocks her head to the side as she tries to figure out what was just said. Running it through her mind Applejack is so dumbfounded that she fells the need to ask for a second time.

“In the name of Celestia wha'd you just call her?!” Not letting Scootaloo explain Applebloom interrupts the conversation.

“Ya ain’t it great Scootaloo an er brother Butterscotch were adopted by the prince!” A somber look comes over the orange mare's face as she addresses the filly.

“Sorry your Hines I didn't know bout yu been a princess.” Saying this the element of honesty bows before Scootaloo. Groaning the little filly waits for her to rise.

“Applejack you've know me and brother for a long time. Since before dad adopted us you don't half t' bow down to our every whim. You're our friend.” The farm pony nods her head as she looks around the room for the little colt.

“Speakin of your brother where is he?” Hearing this Big Macintosh face hoofs realizing he never picked up the little prince. Without saying a word he starts trotting to the door only to be stopped by Applejack.

“An where d'you think yr goin? I aint gana be the one t explain to Granny why the winder is broken. I'll get em. Where is he?” Before the large stallion can answer the smallest apple sibling begins speaking.

“I think he went to Fluttershy's ,at least that's were he was last I heard.” The annoyed farmer rolls her eyes as she begins thinking of the long trot to her friends house. In the Canterlot Castle Luna stares out into the night sky as her sister approaches from behind her. Hearing hoof steps on the marble floor of the luxurious balcony she doesn't move.

“Luna? H...... how is their date going?” The princess of the night stays quiet for a moment thinking on whether to lie of tell the truth. After stalling as long as possible she changes the subject.

“Tia, Lucien told me the truth. I know why we can never be with normal pony's.” Celestia hangs her head in shame. Before she has the chance to apologize Luna continues speaking.

“I don't blame you I probably would have done the same thing ,but why are you torturing yourself by asking about their date?” The eldest sister lets out a sigh while she kicks at one of the tiles on the floor.

“Because it is my fault. I never should have made that deal. I was young and very gullible. Please sister can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?” The night princess nods her head yes much to the relief of her sister.

“Tia, to answer your question their having the best time they have ever had. Must you really veto his reasons for abdicating the throne?” Feeling worse than before the princess of the day replys.

“Yes Luna. If Thunder doesn't continue being a prince he will lose the foals. I dread having to tell them that they can never see each other again. Luna you've always....... excelled..... in finding loop holes. If ever the case called for one it is now. Please for my son and prize student. They deserve each other ,and I don't believe I will be able to keep them apart. Not for long anyways.” The lunar princess remains silent ,but nods her head agreeingly. At Pony Deen's Thunder and Twilight finish their salads and begins talking again with Thunder speaking first.

“Star, I've been thinking.” A smile comes to the lavender pony's face as a witty retort pops in her head.

“Careful Handsome that can be dangerous.” the former prince rolls his eyes at the cheesy joke. Bringing his napkin up to his mouth he wipes away any stray food ,even though there is none.

“Ha ha very funny. Dear this is actually something serious. Nopony knows that were dating except for Mother ,Father ,Aunt Luna basicly my whole family. The point I'm trying to make is I could shadow my true form and things would remain normal for you. There would be no press nothing needs to be complicated.” Twilight is taken back by the off white alicorns proposition.

“Thunder I.... I don't know what to say. I love you and I love what we have. I don't want it to ever end.” True joy engulfs the couple as they stare into each others eyes.

“My lavender flower, may I have the honor of another night such as this again soon?” Heat race's to find a spot in Twilight's cheeks as she answers her coltfriend.

“What kind of marefriend would I be if I said no. After all you are my gallant knight. There is something I've been wondering about though. Scootaloo and Butterscotch, that is one very active filly do you think you can handle her?” The former prince begins laughing as she hears the question. Pondering the right words to say the off white alicorn begins speaking.

“To tell you the truth does any parent know how to control their foals? When I adopted them it felt right. You don't mind me being a father do you?” Worry plasters itself across his face as he waits for her to answer. Seeing his fear Twilight begins speaking in a calm voice.

“No, I don't. I'm glad that you want foals. I just never thought that one day I would be dating Scootaloo and Butterscotch's father. Their very good foals you should be proud of them.” Thunder relaxes back into his chair as he runs thru his thoughts about the dates schedule.

“Twilight if your finished eating there is something I have been wanting to show you.” The lavender mare looks down at her empty plate and nods her head. Seeing this the tall stallion becomes extremely excited.

“Right this way my dear. It is a little ways off ,but it is worth the agonizing carriage ride.” After Thunder pays for the food the two pony return to the oversized limo with glee plastered across their face's.

“You never said where we are going. Want to give me a guess?” The former prince sits thinking about the question that was just proposed to him.

“My delicate flower to quot a wise and dear friend of mine, Nope.” The prize student of the solar princess gives a huff not liking the answer.

“Well will you at least tell me what our estimated time of arrival is?” Struggling not to tell her Thunder returns his reply.

“Nope. You know this city almost as well as I do. If I told you about what time we would arrive then you would try to figure it out. Am I correct?” The lavender mare slowly nods her head in shame of him seeing through her plan. After about an hour of silence in the carriage they come to a stop. As if on instinct the former prince opens the door and helps his marefriend out of the carriage. Looking around Twilight doesn't see anything just the top of the mountain. True most pony's would never even think to come up here ,but it is nothing special.

“A long time ago there were two pony sisters ,but you already know that. What you don't know is that they were lonely. With nopony around their lives were miserable. Eventually their mother ,my grandmother, saw their despair and made an entire world full of ponys. However it was not without cost. After that fateful day all alicorns were cursed. We must find our true love before we reach the age of five hundred. The reason I'm telling you this is because in two weeks I turn five hundred years old.” Turning to face his marefriend Thunder continues speaking.

“Twilight I believe with every fiber of my body that you are my true love ,and nothing will ever change my mind.” Slowly the lavender mare trots toward her coltfriend.

“Thunder why did you bring me up here?” A smile comes to his face as he starts nuzzling her.

“My dear this is a sanctuary ,of sorts. What I mean is this is where I come to escape everypony. Only my Mother ,Aunt Luna ,and Grandmother know about this place. True from time to time pony's try to make the long hike ,but they rarely make it. Twilight from here you can see all of Equestria. I wanted to share this with you because I always want you to know that there are no more secrets between us even something small like this.” Right after saying this he remembers about his inability to have foals ,and his face turns grim. Seeing this Twilight begins worrying.

“Thunder? Is everything ok you look like you just saw a ghost.” With despair in his voice the former prince begins speaking.

“Twilight, there is one more secret ,and you should know it before anything further happens between us........... If we do end up together we can never have foals. I'm sterile.” In a calm and retinal voice the lavender mare begins speaking as she looks strait into his eyes.

“Thunder we don't need foals. True I think ours would have been gorgeous ,but if that's the truth then there is nothing we can do about it.” Relief spreads through the mind of the off white alicorn as he nuzzles his marefriend.

“Star you really are the mare for me. Although I really am wondering what do you think of my oasis?” The lavender unicorn rolls her eyes.

“It's simple ,nice ,and away form everypony. Perfect for thinking ,but it is a little chilly.” After retuning to the carriage they end their date ,their night if bliss.