//------------------------------// // Third Time's the Charm // Story: Luna's Librarian, Twilight's Moon // by TheLastBrunnenG //------------------------------// Sapphire Shores looked down her famous nose at the rustic pony beside her. “Scarecrow again, Applejack? Really, dear, you could do so much better. You could have come by the Boutique any time and I would gladly have - “ The hay-stuffed scarecrow waved a flannel-sleeved hoof at her. “Sorry, Rares. Ran outta time again this year. Had to pull this here getup straight outta the North Orchard. And you know Ah’m not about to get gussied up just to go bobbin’ fer apples.” Haystalks poked the orange mare in the neck, eliciting a wince as she looked over an overstuffed shoulder. “Twi! Glad you finally decided to join us. What’n tarnation are ya wearin’?” The smiling unicorn cantered closer and arched a learned eyebrow. “Same thing I wear every year. Don’t you remember?” Sapphire and Scarecrow shook their bejeweled and haystacked heads. “Starswirl the Bearded? Greatest pony wizard of all time? Ring a bell?” The earth pony barely suppressed a chuckle. “That ain’t exactly a costume there, Twi. Looks more like what you’d wear every day, if’n you actually wore clothes.” Bangles tinkled against sparkling gems as Rarity nodded. “Indeed! Why, Starswirl was certainly a wizard, but you are as well, my dear Twilight. Imagine if I had dressed as a fashion designer, or if Applejack here had come as a farmer.” “So, you think I should change?” Twilight’s face drooped a little and she suddenly found her hooves fascinating. “But I really liked the hat…” “No buts, Twilight! Even on Nightmare Night,” Rarity said as she put a sparkling hoof to her gemstone-encrusted chest, “we must look our best, and that old rag of a robe simply will not do. I have every confidence in your costuming creativity, dear.” Applejack patted Twilight’s withers with a hay-hoof and said, “Aw, don’t let Rares get you down, Twi. She’s just in a huff ‘cause Surely Sapphic or whoever canceled a big order.” As the pointy-hatted unicorn trudged home, she added, ” If’n you want to change, Twi, we’ll wait here for ya.” ~~~~~ “Arf wrff argfnff! Yrrfhrf!” exclaimed the soaked scarecrow. She spat out an overlarge apple and repeated, “Ah win again! Yeehaw!” Rarity shook her head and clucked her tongue. “Applejack, love, it’s not much of a contest. It’s your cutie mark, for Celestia’s sake! I should think a pony of your honest nature would excuse herself from an apple-bobbing contest.” The dripping orange pony smiled through a crisp bite of apple. “Ah was perfectly honest, Rares. Ah told everypony Ah was the champion three years runnin’, and Ah weren’t lyin’. You seen Twi lately?” The white mare squinted, her gaze focused intently down the moonlit lane. “I do believe that’s her now. Oh, no…” A lavender pony-sized copy of Encyclopaedia Equestria, volume 27 trotted up to the pair, beaming a well-educated smile. “Hey girls! I’ve been saving this one. How do you like it? I picked Volume 27 because it covers Nightmare Night through Occipital Lobe, and I thought that - ” An alabaster hoof to a porcelain-white temple foretold the answer. “No, Twilight, just… No. You cannot possibly expect to be seen in public wearing such a monstrosity of fashion. The night’s costumed festivities do not excuse such a travesty of ponywear.” “Give her a break, Rarity. Now Twi, Ah know ya tried, but this here giant book thingy”, she indicated with a waving hoof, “this ain’t even workable. This here book costume’s bigger’n an applecart! Ya’ll won’t be able to play games, or get close to ponies, and Ah reckon it ain’t even gonna fit through the door of the dance hall.” Her green eyes looked up sheepishly. “Uh, sorry, Twi. It’s real creative an’ all, but it just ain’t practical.” Again Twilight turned trudgingly for home. She sighed and admitted, “You’re probably right, guys. I’ll just go back and put on what I was going to wear anyway for later tonight. I’ll see you later. I won’t have time to play games or join you at the dance now, so don’t wait up for me.” The rhinestone-bedecked mare put an arm around her scarecrow and sniffed back a tear. “Oh, I think we were too harsh on the poor dear. We do have a dance to get to, but afterwards, let’s go check up on her. Shall we?” ~~~~~ “Hoo-wee,” cried the stumbling earth mare, “Ah ain’t been to a hoedown like that’un in years!” Next to her a unicorn wearing a straw hat laughed lightly. “Oh, Applejack, you were simply marvelous! I never knew you could dance like that!” After a brief hiccup her partner nodded. “Yep, gimmie some good music, a mug or three o’ Apple Acres’ finest, and a purty mare like you in mah hooves, and ol’ Applejack can cut herself a rug! An’ even - ” She stopped suddenly, swaying a bit before pointing across the now-empty town square. “Hey, that there’s Princess Luna!” The two ponies raced drunkenly up to her, stooping shakily to bow. “Princess! Ah hope you’ve been enjoyin’ the party. This here’s what, yer second Nightmare Night? Third?” The indigo Royal stood alone under her moon, her starlit mane flowing despite the still night air. She turned at the sound of familiar voices. “Greetings, friends! Rise, please. We require no formalities this night. Twilight Sparkle told us to await her here - do you know of her whereabouts?” From around a corner bounced the young librarian. Floating above her in the glowing magenta grip of her magic were a black and blue pom-pom and a little black pennant emblazoned with a crescent moon and the letters “I heart NMM”. The grinning mare herself now sported a tight black shirt with “NMM 4 EVER” scrawled across the chest and a slim leather collar. She skipped gaily to Luna and they shared a quick nuzzle. Rarity stood gaping for a long moment before smiling widely. “Twilight, dear, I knew you were creative, but this takes the cake! I had no idea you could be so fashionably daring. Why ever didn’t you wear this provocatively darling costume to begin with?” “Well,” stammered Twilight, running the pennant’s stick through her mane, “it’s, um, not exactly a costume, it’s more like…” Luna happily piped in. “My dear Twilight taught us a term for such activities when we dress and behave as those unlike ourselves. What was it?” She tapped her chin with an indigo hoof. “Ah, yes, that’s the word. Roleplay!” With a clap of thunder and a burst of purple flames, the alicorn transformed before their eyes into a towering, black-coated, cobalt-maned mare. She flared her great onyx wings and turned a cat-eyed gaze to the merrily bouncing unicorn beside her. “Art thou ready to go, Little Sparkle?” Twilight nodded frantically, a goofy grin plastered across her muzzle. “Oh, I’m definitely ready, Luna! Oh, I mean, er - ” She stopped hopping and her face betrayed a sudden smoldering look as she batted her eyelashes with sultry flair. “I mean… Yes, Mistress Nightmare, I am very… ready.” The obsidian alicorn bared a fanged smile. “Luna? Neigh! Referring to us by an incorrect title is a great insult, little one. Perhaps we shall punish thee, ere the morning comes.” She swatted the younger unicorn’s cutie mark with a sweeping black wing, eliciting a happy squeal as they trotted down the street. “Now, to thy Library! Er, apologies, what was it we agreed we shall deem it? Ah, yes… To the dungeons!” Applejack’s mouth moved for some minutes afterwards but no sound emerged. Finally Rarity broke the midnight silence. “I know, my dear Applejack, and I agree. Blacking out would indeed be welcome at the moment. However, there is likely not enough cider in all Equestria to allow us to unsee that.” She shivered a little. “Still, I believe it may be worth the attempt.”