Help From a Star

by Mat the Brawler

Chapter 4

Thunder and Lightning

“A HAT!?” A confused and frustrated Twilight sounded, “Kirby’s oh-so-powerful ability is making hats!?”
“Remind me to ask Kirby to help me at the boutique later.” Rarity whispered to Fluttershy, who was hiding in a trash can.
“You do not understand Ms. Sparkle,” Meta-Knight started, “Kirby has a very unique ‘copy ability’ that allows him to get special powers from what he eats. That Yellow hat has a blade sharp enough to pierce steel, and he has an infinite supply of them.”
“Then why does it have eyes on it?” Twilight asked.
“As I said Kirby is still very young, and it shows in some of his ability hats.”
“Why did he need my boomerang for that?” Pinkie seemingly came from nowhere.
“The cutter blade functions as a boomerang; it will travel a short distance frontwards then a very quickly backwards as it returns.”

[Mood Music]

Kirby flew toward the now massive cloud; riding is warp star like a skate board. He dodged many bursts of green lighting as he rose into the air. Eventually, he floated at the demon beast’s height. Kracko charged a green aura opening him up to attacks.
Not daring to bridge the gap between them, the Pink warrior tossed blade after blade from his hat. After a short flight forwards, the golden cutters curved over Kirby and pounded Kracko’s eye. After an onslaught of boomerangs, Kracko had his aura fully charged.
A brilliant ball of green slammed into Kirby sending him spinning end over end away from his warp star. The vehicle chased after its owner. A mere 10 feet from the ground and the star caught Kirby, who flipped to his feet. The lightning demon had enough time for another aura to build up and be fired. Quickly, Kirby did a barrel roll around it.
As the puff breathed a sigh of relief, a bolt of lightning shot past him. From the ground the battle looked like a fierce thunder storm with a yellow star flying towards its eye. Desperate to bridge the gap between them, Kirby boosted forward. He bobbed and weaved past shot after shot.
Finally, he was close to the monster. With a final boost of speed Kirby went right up to Kracko’s eye. He grabbed a blade from his yellow hat and mercilessly sliced at the cloud.
“NYAH!” He cried as he did a powerful jump slash. “HAY!” He slammed on to his warp star onto the ground with great force, running his blade through Kracko as he did so. The warp star soared down, the demon beast exploding behind it.
[Music Stops]
His friends where on the ground to meet Kirby as he came down. When he did he spat out the boomerang, losing his power in the process. Then he did what he always did when he achieved victory; he danced.

[Fan Fare Plays]

He jumped and turned a full 360 degrees in the air, then rolled across the ground. After a few arm pumps he moon-walked and struck a pose, with one foot on the ground the other straight outward and he pointed his arms in different directions.