
by ArgonMatrix


The farmstead glowed welcomingly in the crisp, cool night as Twilight approached the door. Most of the time when she arrived at Sweet Apple Acres she found the whole Apple family working hard outside. This was one of the few times she’d ever been there after sunset, and it was clear that the family took to the confines of their house once it was too dark to work productively. Despite the lack of any familiar faces, the house still maintained the friendly air of the ponies who dwelled within.

Under the gaze of the moon, Twilight knocked politely on the door. She wasn’t sure if speaking with Applejack would help her solve this riddle, but she knew that she needed to talk with all of her friends if she wanted the full picture.

Several thoughtful moments later, an orange mare wearing her defining Stetson opened the door. A sudden nervousness seemed to come over her as she saw Twilight staring back at her. “Oh, uh... hi there Twilight.”

“Hey Applejack. I know it’s late, but I really need to talk to you. Do you mind?”

“Er, sure Twi, we can talk.” Applejack closed the door behind her and motioned to the swinging bench which sat on the porch to her left. The two friends sat side by side, wordless.

“You probably know what I’m here to talk about, don’t you?”

Applejack stared off into the night sky. “I reckon I do.”

“So, are you upset with me over... whatever’s going on, too?”

“‘Course I’m upset, but it ain’t so much for the same reason as the others.”

Bewilderment struck Twilight’s face for the umpteenth time that day. She turned to face her friend, cocking an eyebrow at her as she asked, “How so?”

Applejack sighed and didn’t meet the unicorn’s gaze. “I reckon you had a pretty darn good reason for doin’ whatcha did. Knowin’ you, you wouldn’t ‘ve missed somethin’ this important for anythin’ short of Princess Celestia herself commandin’ you to miss it. Even then I doubt you would. I dunno what reason you had for not bein’ there, but I’m positive it’s a fine reason.”

“What I don’t get is why in tarnation you wrote what you did on that note. At first I didn’t even believe you’d written that, but your writin’ is plum unmistakable.” After what had felt like an eternity of stargazing, Applejack, finally locked eyes with her desperate friend. “I know you don’t feel that way, Twi... I just know it. So why didja write those hurtful words?”

Twilight felt more confused than she had all day, and all she could do was stare blankly in response to her friend’s question. Thoughts raced through her mind at the speed of light, but she couldn’t seem to make sense of what Applejack had just said. Maybe her raging torrent of emotions was clouding her judgment, but nothing that Applejack had told her made much sense.

“Applejack, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I didn’t write any hurtful words to anypony. I would never do that! Why would you—”

“Exactly!” cried Applejack, both confusion and frustration ringing in her voice. “I know you would never do that, but you did do it, Twi. An’ don’t even think o’ lyin’ to me sayin’ that you didn’t. I know your writin’ when I see it.”

“Applejack, I swear I didn’t—”

Applejack cut her off abruptly. “D’you think I’d even be makin’ this accusation at all if I wasn’t one hundred ‘n ten percent sure of what I was sayin’?! All I wanna hear is why, Twilight. Why’d you do this?”

Twilight felt as though her bungee cord had been cut as she hung over an eternal, black abyss. She was confused, frustrated, and at a complete loss for how to proceed or react anymore. All of her friends—the ones who had given her life meaning beyond just academics—were suddenly against her and she had no idea why. The world crumbled before her eyes and all she could do was break down and weep. Her face collapsed into her hooves as wave after wave of helpless tears surged from her closed eyes. Nothing made sense to her anymore and all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and disappear forever.

Taken aback by the sudden meltdown, Applejack instinctively took her friend in a loving embrace and said nothing. Time was no object as she let Twilight relieve her pent up emotions in the only way that made sense. The world seemed to stop around the duo as the familial scene played out.

After countless minutes of nonstop bawling, Twilight exhausted herself and managed to regain some semblance of composure. Applejack released her hug but remained close in case her friend needed comforting again. A long silence ensued as the broken unicorn wiped the last of her tears away from her puffy red eyes.

“I don’t understand,” Twilight managed in a raspy tone, “I really, really don’t understand. I can’t think of anything that I did to any of you to make you all so upset with me. No matter how hard I rack my brain, I just can’t put the pieces together. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I figure this out?”

Applejack took a long, wise sigh before making her reply. “I don’t think it’s my place to tell you what’s goin’ on; it’s best for you to figure it out on your own. What I will tell you though is that maybe you oughta think more clearly about the situation. Don’t just focus on the five of us who’re disappointed in you. The fact o’ the matter is that this hardly even involves us at all. Go home ‘n think about all this on a bigger scale, Twi. Once you realize what’s goin’ on, I know you’ll make it right.”

Twilight sniffled. “But what if I can’t figure this out? What if I can’t fix this? What if—”

“Twilight Sparkle, you are without a doubt the smartest pony I’ve ever met. You can overcome anythin’ if you really set your mind to it. It might take some pain ‘n sufferin’ to get you to learn, but you’ll always come out on top, Twi. Always.”

Earnest hung on her every word and Twilight considered them all carefully. She looked into the earth pony’s warm, welcoming expression, and smiled. The two friends then joined in a quick, meaningful embrace which marked the end of their conversation.

“Thank you Applejack. I promise I’ll figure this out.”