The Voice of Music

by Tavi n Scratch


One year later

“Good luck out there Vi,” Octavi said as Vinyl walked out the door of their room at the palace.

“Thanks Tavi, not that I’ll need it.” She shouted back. The after party for this year’s Gala was about to begin. A thought passed through Vinyl’s mind and she changed directions. She walked through the door to the familiar stairwell. Taking the steps one at a time, she came upon a familiar window. It was the same window as before, but the picture was changed.

Next to the white unicorn sat a grey earth pony with a black mane, and above those two sat a cyan pegasus, lounging on a cloud. They all stared at the sunrise. The scene made Vinyl smile, she had always been intrigued by the castle’s enchanted glass.

With a grin on her face, Vinyl finished her descent and trotted out to the courtyard, where a crowd of loud ponies gathered. She stepped outside and took her place next to her co-DJ at the turntable.

“You ready for this Vinyl?” Dash flashed a cocky smirk on her face.

“One second,” Vinyl took out her trademark goggles and placed them over her eyes, and her expression changed to match Rainbow’s. “I’m ready, let’s do this.”

“Gooood evening Canterlot, are you ready to party?” Vinyl yelled into the microphone. The crowd cheered.

It felt good to be heard.