//------------------------------// // The Factions // Story: Command and Conquer: Equestria // by smoers06 //------------------------------// SOLAR EMPIRE The Solar Empire is the main Power for the Equestrian species. Residing on the Continent of Equestria, many of its citizens value the Six Elements of Harmony that Celestia told them were the pillars of society. Many View Celestia herself as a Goddess, one that will lead them to victory in even the most trying times. Government Type: Monarchy Ruler: Princess Celestia Royal Army: With a Combination of Earth Ponies and Unicorns, the Royal Army is a well oiled, well organized fighting machine. The Royal Army is the largest of the three factions, and uses these numbers to devastating effect during battle, using the magic of the unicorns to bring massive firepower down on their enemies as the Enduring Earth Ponies engage in standard combat. Royal Air Force: With thousands of highly skilled Pegasi willing to serve the crown, the Air Force of the Solar Empire is the Strongest of the three factions, ranging from machine guns to bombs, the RAF is ready to bring the rain of death down upon the Empire’s enemies. Royal Navy: With the Alliance fleets dominating a majority of the Oceans, The Empire has opted to built smaller, faster ships that can outrun and outmaneuver the large ships of the Human Alliance. Imperial Intelligence: With the Cold War reaching its peak, the Empire found that they were sorely lacking in vital intelligence. In an attempt to fix this problem, the Celestial Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Strategic Information Service (SIS). Both of these agencies deal with issues, and have capable ponies, such as the two great Archeologists Daring Do and Storm Chaser, within them, though the ponies struggle in trying to infiltrate the Human Mainland Organizations of Note The Wonderbolts: This crack team of RAF Flyers are claimed to be the best in the world, saying that one Wonderbolt can take down an entire Alliance Jet squadron by themselves. Though these claims may be farfetched, it is undisputed that these Pegasi are certainly dangerous opponents for anyone who dares to cross the Solar Empire. Cerberus: Though many Equestrians see humanity as a stain on the world, there is still a human force loyal to the Solar Empire. These few hundred men and woman of the Cerberus organization are an elite fighting force that are willing to lay down their lives for Princess Celestia. NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC After the chaos and destruction of the First Equestrian War, many humans and ponies fled for the safety that Princess Luna was offering. Now, they stand ready to defend their new home, humans and Equines standing side by side to face anyone who would challenge their Princess of the Night. Government Type: Monarcho-Republic Ruler: Princess Luna Republic Military: Though the Republic has welcomed many hundreds and thousands during and since the last war, it still has a much smaller population than the other two factions. As a result, the entire Republic Military is smaller than the rest, and must rely on the skill of its soldiers and cutting edge Technology. Whether it be the Republic ground forces with heavy support vehicles, or the Air Force with armaments beyond anything their opponents could counter, the Republic is most certainly a power to be reckoned with. Republic Special Forces: With Eyes and ears all over the globe, the special forces units of the NLR are the most powerful and influential soldiers of all the factions, with agents and operatives that specialize in Sabotage, Assassination, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; these Commandoes can wreak hell on any forces that will face their beloved Republic. Organizations of Note Garuda Squadron: With the world uncertain as it is, Princess Luna needs a Squadron that can control the Skies, whether it’s day or night. The NLR picked a young woman named Talisman, a street urchin who joined the military to stay out of Prison, to lead the Squadron. The joint human-pony force is considered one of the best air units of the world, the Republic boasts that even the Wonderbolts pale in comparison to Garuda Squadron. Evening Armada: With the Focus of the on Air and Ground Forces, the Republic could not afford to make the numerous fleets to compete with the Alliance, so they instead chose to build one Massive fleet: The Evening Armada. This massive force would make even the great Navy of the Alliance Hesitate before engaging. HUMAN ALLIANCE After the Invasion of Equestria during the First Equestrian War, humanity Realized that they needed to gather under one Government for protection. Now, the Alliance is the main power for humanity, in controlling the Continent known as the Human Mainland. Government Type: Democratic Republic President: Jacob Rousey Alliance Navy: Ever since the first invasion, the Alliance made it a priority to have total control over the oceans. While this Goal was impossible during peacetime, this didn’t stop the humans from building a massive Navy. Today, over a dozen large fleets now patrol the oceans, and have uncontested Naval domination. Alliance Marines: Although the Alliance does have an army branch, the Marines have the largest amount of soldiers and tech for ground forces. These men and women, are highly trained, and ready to face anybody who they believe threatens the Alliance. Alliance Air Force: With the advance of technology, humans could now fight Pegasi in the sky, using new jet technology. Although not nearly as large as the RAF, the AAF is full of great and eager pilots who are ready to show the world their skill Alliance Special Forces: Unlike the NLR or SE, the Special Forces of the Alliance have dozens of departments and branches that each respond to, such as the SAS, SEAL, Green Berets, ect. These units are made for combat situations, and are not usually used to infiltrate entire cities. Organizations of Note Mobius Squadron: Ever since the First aircraft was created, the Alliance knew they would need an Elite Squadron to counter the Pegasi of the NLR and SE. Mobius squadron has been around for nearly a century, the names of its members are highly classified, and very little is known about the Squadron itself. Mobius One, who’s name and Gender is unknown, is widely considered the deadliest pilot in the world. Pony Auxiliary Corps: Though much hatred remains between ponies and Humans, there are those who reject Celestia’s “Lunacy”, believing her to be a warmongering Tyrant who wished to eradicate an entire Species based on the actions of few. Led by Vinyl Scratch, these ponies are Loyal to the Alliance, believing the Humans to be a great cultural species who could teach much to the Equines. The Factions are made The lines have been drawn Choose your side Solar Empire Human Alliance New Lunar Republic