//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: The Fall of the Rainbow Factory // by ShadowBrony //------------------------------// Chapter 3 The stallion stared at the young filly for a few seconds. The black stallion took a few steps closer. “Why have you not been processed yet? My assumption was that everyone who came here either worked here or died here. You appear to be neither.” Scootaloo shook her head, “I had failed a big test that all pegasi are supposed to take. I was then taken here. There were two others that came along with me but one was killed and I don’t know what happened to the other. I tried to escape and caused a lot of damage in doing so. Just when I thought I was home free I found myself back where I had started and was captured. The one who runs this place for some reason thought it would be better to lock me up instead of just killing me. I have not seen her since.” Scootaloo felt a tear roll down her face. “I thought she loved me,” Scootaloo whispered. The stallion was undoing the chains and shackles as she spoke. He broke the final shackle with his sword. Scootaloo rubbed her sore hooves. “Thanks,” she said, “I was starting to think I was going to lose all feeling in my legs after being here for a few weeks.” The black stallion turned around and looked outside the door. All was quiet. He looked around to make sure that none of the bodies had moved or still alive. He looked back at Scootaloo. “Get out now while you still can. My mission is to level this place to the ground. Unless you want to die here get out.” The stallion walked out. “Wait,” cried Scootaloo as she ran up beside him “take me with you. I have a score to settle with some of these pegasi.” The stallion stopped and turned to the young filly. “I am not a filly-sitter nor am I someone who wants a thorn in my side I have to constantly protect. I have to get to the engine room and I don’t need anypony slowing me down.” Scootaloo recoiled as she could feel the anger rolling forth from the hooded stallion. She then gathered all the strength she had and stepped forward, look his strait in the eye. She could see that his irises’ were yellow. “My friends have died here. One sacrificed herself to save me. If only her wing hadn’t been broken then maybe…” her voice trailed off as she started to feel the tears come. But she stood firm. She took a deep breath, “when I was trying to escape and later when I was taken here I got a few glimpses of the room in which you are trying to find. This place is a maze and you will never find it on your own. Take me with you and I will show you where it is. Simple as that.” She never felt more terrified in her life as she stared into those yellow eyes. She stood firm and tried to look as brave as possible. The black stallion stared back he could see the terror in her eyes but at the same time a flicker of fire burned within them as well. “You need me,” she said. The stallion looked away and stared off into space. A few minutes went by. He let out long sigh. “Fine,” he said at last, “ but don’t get in my way; when I tell you to hide, you hide, when I tell you to run, you run…And when I tell you to fight…You FIGHT.” As he said fight he could see the fire grow in her eyes. “Alright lead the way” he said as he turned toward the set of doors. Scootaloo walked to the door on the right of the room she was just in. “This door will lead us down stairs. The room they put me in used to house mostly storage and replacement machinery. They moved that all out partly because they needed most of the stuff in there to fix some of the damage I had caused and to put me in the most out of the way spot possible though I am not sure why.” She led the stallion down a dark spiral staircase. “So why are you here?” Scootaloo asked as they made their way down. “You obviously did not come here to rescue me.” The stallion stopped for a moment. Scootaloo noticed this and stopped walking down the stairs as well. She stared back up at him, “you don’t have tell me, I just wondered.” The stallion was silent for a moment. He then looks at Scootaloo “I had heard rumors of a place like this. I didn’t believe such a place existed. But after awhile, I came across somepony who supposedly worked there. He said that they watch them all the time but he felt the truth needed to be told. He told me of what goes on in here and how rainbows are really made. Later on, I went back to ask some more questions about the place but he had disappeared without a trace. Then I was later confronted by a group of pegasi and after I told them I knew nothing they tried to make me disappear too. I escaped. I then decided it was my mission to find out the truth and destroy the place if it was true.” The stallion lifted up the back of his cloak a ways. Scootaloo saw he had a cutie-mark. It was two skeleton keys crisscrossing over a keyhole. The stallion turned to look at his backside, “my talent is finding hidden truths and secrets and revealing them if necessary. To do this I learned how to defend myself, some hidden secretes can be dangerous and I learned the hard way that if you don’t have a way to defend yourself upon finding these secretes then you might become one as well.” The stallion lifted his hood up a ways revealing a scar across his left eye. “That is why I am here. That is why this place must be destroyed. If I can reach the engine room I can cause an explosion that will be heard throughout the land. Not only will this place come down, but it will also reveal what went on in this horrible place, killing two birds with one stone.” The black stallion feel silent. Scootaloo let out a sigh as she took this all in. She turned around and started making her way down the steps trying to get what he had said around her head. The stallion followed her as they made their way down. “Alright,” said Scootaloo after awhile, “lets finish this, I may never forget what happened while I was here but helping you destroy this place might help ease the pain. My heart feels like it is going to explode. I have been beaten, betrayed, lost some friends, and forgotten. But now I feel a small sense of hope. I am glad to be are part of this.” Scootaloo smiled for the first time in weeks. They made their way down and finally reached a door at the bottom. “This should lead us into a big room where they originally were going to process me. Just past that is another door that leads below this floor and there we shall find the engine room,” said Scootaloo as she waited for the stallion to make his way over. The black stallion made his way over to the door. “We may encounter some resistance, they know I am here and they know what I am going for. Be prepared and stay close. I may need you to help over load the engine when we get to it. Ready?” asked the stallion. “Ya lets end this” said Scootaloo. The Black stallion opened the door. As soon as he opened it a wave of fire erupted from the room, covering the black stallion in a blazing inferno.