//------------------------------// // chapter 18 // Story: serenity under the night sky // by flutterguy54123 //------------------------------// Chapter 18 Entering the shoe store strange thoughts begin entering Lavender's mine. Taking Cadence to the side she begins speaking. “Ok you're right the spell is changing my mind, but what do I do. All I can think about is shopping and that cute stallion down that isle. Oh and not to mention my fashion sense has improved. Sis I'm scared what if I start forgetting things about my real life? Wait did I just say that stallion was cute? Oh this is horrible!” Clearly seeing her friends stress the pink princess begins speaking. “Lets think this out logically. Mare's mainly think using the left side of their brain, because that side is the more creative. Stallions are analytical in nature so they use the right side of the brain. Since your body has switched gender's you have become more emotional, better at fashion, and more willing to do girly thing. I may be wrong, but I think your brain is slowly changing to fit your new body. The estrogen would cause you to be emotional, and you've already proven that you are thinking like a mare. You may be the first pony in history to do this, but you're becoming a mare. I'm sure once you change back things will return to normal, but lets hope you remember the lessons you've learned. Well enjoy it while you can it's not everyday that somepony has the chance to see life through the other gender's eyes. At least now I know why you chose to ware your dress you couldn't resist....... Lavender I was just wondering now that you can think like a mare how would you want a stallion to purpose to you?” A little shocked at the question the purple princess begins thinking over the conundrum. As she ponders images of her in a white wedding dress start popping into her mind. “Cadence I would like it to be just him and me. I've been in the spotlight for so long it would be nice to have a moment that is important, but peaceful.” Shaking her head the pink princess lets out a giggle. “You really are thinking like a girl. You even said him, if you were born as a filly we would have been literally like sisters. Lavender you might be mad but I think we should invite your mother. She's always wanted a daughter, and now she has one even if it is for just one day.” Completely against the idea Princess Lavender begins objecting. “No. Mother thinks I'm a stallion again. Not to mention she wanted to put me in a dress!” In a flat tone the pink princess of love replys. “Lavender you are wearing a dress, and styling it rather nicely. You should give Celestia this day.” Feeling defeated the purple princess looks at her fake sister, as her ears fall to her face. “Ok, but tell her about everything. I don't want my daughter to know the truth.” With a smile on her face Cadence begins speaking. “Thunder your a great father and you would have been an even better mother. Are you sure you don't want to stay this way? It's been a long time since I've had a marefriend to hang out with, especially after Skyla was born. I'm not complaining about my daughter shes the best thing to have happened to Shining and me. It just she can be a hooffull sometimes.” While rolling her eyes Lavender glances down one of the isle and sees her daughter trying on a pare of shoes. With a little smirk on her face the purple princess of weather begins speaking. “It's alright I know what you mean. Will you go check on Scootaloo? You're right I need to talk to Mother.” Trotting over to a small desolate corner of the door Lavender telepathically calls out to Celestia. Feeling somepony trying to reach her the solar princess answers. “Hello, who's there?” In her mind the purple princess begins pondering what to say. Before she can stop herself Lavender begins thinking in her female voice. “Hello Mother. I need to talk about what happened today.” Hearing the almost song like voice Celestia rolls her eyes. “Thunder I don't have time for this, besides I thought you would be with Twilight by now.” Knowing that she doesn't know the truth Lavender tries to explain how she lied to her. “Mother I never changed back into a stallion it was all a ruse. I used a light spell then one of Butterscotch's toys. Earlier you asked if I was having non-normal urges, well at the time I wasn't. After Scootaloo came to my room I decided to take her to the jewelry store. One thing led to another, and now I'm in a shoe store wearing a dress. Scootaloo thinks I'm Cadences sister, and were having a good time. I was just wondering if you wanted to join us.” Completely thrilled that her son is still a mare Celestia doesn't respond. Shortly after the conversations abrupt ending There is a large commotion in the store as a tall white alicorn enters with a white saddlebag on her back. Peering around the store Celestia sees her daughter emerging from one of the isle's. After trotting over to see her face to face the solar princess makes a sound proof bubble around them. “Thunder In my hast to join you I neglected to ask what you are calling yourself. Oh and if you're going to still call yourself royalty you will need a tiara. I always dreamed that if I had a daughter she would wear this. It was the first tiara I had as ruler of Equestria. After you were born your father and I decide not to have anymore foals for a long time, so I put it away in hope that one day I would have a little filly of my own. Now it seems I've been given my chance, even if it is just for a short time.” Opening the bag Celestia levitates a silver tiara with pink, purple, blue, and green gem's on it roughly the appropriate size for her daughter, and places it on her pink mane. “I thought I would use the name you picked, Lavender Flake. You don't mind do you?” Now having a tiara Lavender reveals her wings to everypony that isn't an alicorn. “No my dear little filly I don't. I do have one more question however. Where did you buy that gorgeous dress. It looks like it was made for you.” Giving a small giggle Lavender tells her the name of the store. Removing the sound proof shield Celestia hears her granddaughter in the next isle over saying something about how pretty the shoes are followed by a yelp of pain. Worried that something bad has happened to her daughter Lavender darts around the shelf and to her side. Seeing the bloody gash along her hoof the purple princess relaxes and begins speaking in a very motherly tone. “It's going to be alright it's just a cut.” During her sentence the wound slowly but visibly closes not even leaving a scar. Scared beyond all belief Scootaloo looks up at her mother in fright. Trotting up to see what is going on Celestia immediately intervenes. “Your father's never been one to talk much. He never told you about how alicorns have regenerative properties did he? If you think about it that explains why you were only in the hospital for three days, when you had three broken ribs and a concussion. Somethings like broken bones take longer to heal, but a simple cut only takes moments if not that less. How ever this doesn't mean you can be careless. Carelessness leads to clumsiness, and how would it look for a princess to be tripping over her own hooves?” Nodding in agreement the little filly goes back to looking at the shoes. Deciding that she is fine for the moment Lavender and Celestia return to the isle that they were previously on. Perusing through the stilettos Lavender levitates a silver pare over to inspect them. Seeing this Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Lavender they match perfectly, but....” In a hushed voice she continues speaking. “What are you going to do with your new wardrobe when you turn back into a stallion?” Thinking this over a thought pops into Lavender head. “Well you know how we have that vault sort of thing? I don't ever want to forget this day, could we put it in there?” nodding her head Celestia begins speaking. “Yes my little princess, and I'm glad to see you have my fashion sense. Now lets make this a day to remember.” Having picked out her heels Lavender finds Cadence in another section of the store. “Hi sis hows the shopping going? I found the pare that I'm going to buy.” Glancing up at Celestia the pink princess begins speaking using a joking tone. “Lavender you look beautiful, and I love your stilettos. Hello Mother were not over spending again are we?” Rolling her eyes Celestia looks down at the two princesses, and smiles as she speaks. “I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would take my son shoe shopping, or see him in a dress. Now I have two full grown mare's referring to me as mother. The two of you are crazy.” Giggling a very girlish laugh Lavender looks up at her mother who is a little shocked. “Sorry Mother were just having a little fun. I'm going to see if Scootaloo has found anything. Does anypony want to join me?” Shaking their heads no Lavender leaves to check on her daughter. Cadence looks over to Celestia and begins speaking. “Princess Celestia I think you should know Lavender is really enjoying herself. Her mind as been slowly shifting to think like a mare, and Scootaloo is loving every second of it. Relax and enjoy the day you have with your daughter because tomorrow she wont be here.” A single lonesome tear trickles down the cheek of the white alicorn. “But shes not a she, shes a he my son. Cadence it's all I've ever wanted to have a daughter, but now that I have one I just want my son back. He changed into a mare by accident. Everypony is using the assumption that it will be the same spell that changes him back. What if it doesn't work? He'll be stuck like this forever, and he will never be with Twilight. Unless she changes into a stallion, but I don't see that happening any time soon.” Understanding her stress Cadence nods her head. “Princess Celestia that may be true, but why would you lend her your old tiara if you thought there wasn't a chance. If you really thought there was no way you would have had a tiara made for her. You have a beautiful and smart mare as your daughter, and If it is permanent do you really think that they wont find a way to be together? Their love is something that you only find once in a lifetime. If it meant going to the ends of Equestria and back you know she would.” Hearing the part about the tiara Celestia cowers ever so slightly as she begins speaking. “Actually that was my first tiara as ruler her's is still being made. I let her think she tricked me back at the castle. I really don't think they have a chance, and what you said is true. She is a smart beautiful mare. I just hope she don't stay that way for to long.” A few isles down Lavender helps Scootaloo tie her shoes. “There....... they....... are. Now remember tomorrow when you see your dad tell him he needs to teach you how to tie your shoes. So little filly what do you want to do next?” Completely excited the little orange princess begins speaking, but not really paying attention to what she is saying. “I don't know what do we usually do next? Oh and thanks for tying my shoes mom!...... I mean Lavender.” Shocked at hearing this the purple princess stands there unmoving, not even breathing. After an insane amount of silence Lavender begins speaking to her daughter. “Scootaloo........ I think you're a great little filly, but your father is proposing to his marefriend. Soon you will have a new stepmother. I'm sure that this Twilight was it... will treat you with the care and love that any mother would use with their own foal. Dear I'm not your mother. I can't be your mother.” With tears in her eyes the little filly doesn't look up at Lavender. Feeling her own heart break at the sight of seeing her daughter sad the purple princess doesn't dare move. With a cracking voice the small princess begins speaking. “You're right. You're not my mom, but why would you waist an entire day with me? We barely even know each other, and you bought me a necklace, a dress, and you were about to pay for my shoes. Why?” Feeling her throat constrict a small tear comes to Lavender's eye. Unsure of what to say to her daughter she begins speaking. “Scootaloo...... I need to tell you a secret, but you can't tell anypony especially your brother and Twilight.” Making a soundproof solid non-transparent wall the purple princess begins speaking. “Dear..... today Thunder was casting a spell that changes him to look like a unicorn. Well this takes an extreme amount of focus and if anything goes wrong it can be very very bad. While in mid-spell your grandmother distracted him, and the unthinkable happened. Hes still alive don't worry about that, but because of the mistake I turned into a mare.” upon hearing this Scootaloo slaps Lavender. “IF YOU'RE MY DAD TELL ME SOMETHING ONLY HE KNOWS! I BET YOU CAN'T, NOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO HIM! ALL GRANDPA SAID WAS THAT THERE WAS AN ACCIDENT, SO TELL ME!”Accepting the punishment from her daughter Lavender begins thinking. “You want something only your father, I would know. While in the room of secrets you asked me why I left Twilight. You thought it was cause of Butterscotch and you, but I told you that the reason was entirely different than that. Scootaloo I'm not lieing to you. The reason I can't be your mother is because I'm your father. When we started out on this little shopping adventure I was just going to do something special for my little filly, but Cadence had other plans. The dress was kind of payback for missing her wedding. Anyways as we've been shopping she and I have made a startling discovery. The longer I'm a mare the more I'm going to think like a mare. I won't go into the whole physiological aspect of it, but I can't change back not until I've had some time to recuperate from that spell.” Trying to soak in the information that she just heard the little filly begins backing away from her mother. “NO! I.... IT CAN'T BE YOU! YOU'RE A MARE NOT A STALLION! THIS ISN'T REAL!” Loosing complete control of her emotions Lavender begins crying as she whispers to her daughter in between her sobbing. “I'm sorry my little princess. I'm not the parent you deserve. You should have a real family not this circus. I'm soooooo sorry.” Knowing that it is her father the little princess sees that she was telling the truth about thinking like a mare, and trots forward to her side. “No you're wrong you are a great dad and not bad at being a mom. Honestly though I can't call you dad right now. Everypony would probably think we were crazy. Can I call you mom?” Giving her daughter a kiss on the head Lavender hold her in her embrace. “Ok, but only until I change back. You must promise you will not tell you're brother this is just between you and me Scootls. Mother and daughter only got it?” Nodding her head Scootaloo gives her mother a large hug. “Got it Mom. I have some questions though. Now that you can think like a mare.” Untying the orange princess shoes Lavender urges her daughter to continue. “Well there's this cute guy at school, and I think he might like me. How can I tell?” Immediately the male part of Lavender's brain goes into a frenzy trying to regain control of her mouth, while the female half starts thinking of ways to help her daughter. “Oh..... colts...... Scootaloo you were right to ask before I changed back. Lets just say if you asked this question yesterday you would be at a new flight school, and now allowed to date for three hundred years minimum. Right now however I'm not thinking strait so I'm going to help. If you think he likes you do not confront him about it. The scariest thing to a colt around your age is non-other than a filly around his age. Why don't you try to be friends with him first, then see where things go from there. You're a smart little princess. I'm sure you will do the right thing.” Now completely out of her shoes the little orange filly give her mother another hug. “Thanks mom and my second question. What is the biggest difference between being a mare and and being a stallion?” Thinking this over with a very serious face the purple princess replys. “Dear, I'm sorry, but that is between a mare and her doctor. Now why don't we join your Grandmother and Cadence? If I remember right next is the salon.” Letting down the force field Lavender and Scootaloo is greeted with a very unhappy Celestia. Not giving them time to explain The pearl white alicorn begins speaking. “So, you told her the truth. What happened to keeping it a secret? Oh well if you can not change back at least you will know what to say to your son. Scootaloo....... are you ok with this?” With a little peppy smile the orange princess looks up at her mother and begins speaking. “Ya mom's cool, or as cool as a mom can be. So were ready to leave how abo......” Not letting her finish her sentence Lavender begins speaking. “Not quite dear. You're ready to leave. I have some unfinished business with some saddlebags right over there.” Following the direction that lavender is pointing with her eyes Celestia begins speaking. “Ok what in Equestia do you need a saddlebag for? Once you change back you will just use your saddle sash.” Paying her mother no mind Lavender begins trotting forward. “Mother don't question me. That bag goes perfect with my dress.” Looking down at Cadence Celestia sees that she is still in shock. “Cadence are you alright?” Shaking her head to clear her thoughts the pink princess begins speaking. “So let me get this strait Scootaloo is calling Lavender mom. She has no clue that you are making her a tiara, and Lavender just basicly told you not to stop her from buying something she doesn't need. Even though Thunder never waist money, unless he has a good reason or it is for some other pony.” With a smile on her face Celestia nods her head. Shaking it off the alicorns pay for their purchases ,and leave the store