serenity under the night sky

by flutterguy54123

chapter 19

Chapter 19

While trotting down the street Celestia notices the several stallions are staring at her daughter with their mouths agape. Looking down at Lavender she sees the Scootaloo is right underhoof making it hard for her to trot, but the purple princess isn't saying anything about it.

“Lavender have stallions been staring at you like this all day?” Glancing around the princess
sees another group of stallions look at her. In an irritated tone Lavender replys.

“Yes Mother they have, and I wish they would stop. It's like they've never seen a mare in a dress before.” While thinking of how to style her mane a strange sensation comes over Lavender followed by a flash of light from both sides of her flank. Seeing this Cadence and Celestia force her to go into a public restroom for some privacy. Lifting up the side of her dress the solar princess and the princess of love gasp in shock. Looking in the mirror Lavender raises her dress showing a new cutie mark. Instead of a cloud on a map resting comfortably on her flank is a rose on a canvas. Turning to face her mother a worried look comes to the purple princess's face. Knowing exactly what happened Celestia checks the room then begins speaking.

“Lavender, even though we don't like to say it you know what we are. I'm the goddess of the sun, Cadence is the goddess of love, you were the god of weather. Since your body and brain have changed you've started thinking of things differently. That cutie mark represents beauty. You're no longer the god of weather. You're the goddess of all things beautiful. What I don't understand is that you look just like a regular mare except you're an alicorn. Usually our body's have an extra effect due to our element. You have a purple coat nothing special.” Thinking this over the goddess of beauty begins speaking.

“No it does. Look at it again a rose on a blank canvas. Back in old Equestrian times before everypony was under the same kingdom pink was the symbol of beauty and purple was mystery. I've become the goddess of beauty and mystery. Great just what I needed. More stallions staring at me.” Suddenly a thought appears in the purple princess's mind. With her ears flat against her face she looks up at her mother.

“Scootaloo's been trying to aquire her cutie mark since who knows when. Now mine just changes to fit my body. What am I going to tell my little filly?” With a compassionate smile on her face Celestia brushes her mane out of her daughter's face and begins speaking in a very motherly tone.

“You're thinking of your foals first. I'm starting to think this might be reality trying to right a wrong, but only my mother can tell us that.” After moments of silence a thought emerges in the solar goddess's mind.

“Lavender how exactly did you come to know that your brain was changing.” Remembering the incident heat rushes to the purple mare's cheeks turning them to a bright pink. Thinking back to the account Cadence begins speaking.

“Well I suspected it because she was acting over emotional. To test my theory though I said she had a big flank.” Giving a chuckle Celestia begins speaking.

“To the princess of beauty that must have been quite the insult. Lavender there is no doubt that you're a beautiful mare. Just try to not be so........ how do I put this? Try not to make yourself irresistible. Now Scootaloo has been very patient waiting outside it would be wrong of us to not take her to the salon.” Nodding their heads Lavender, Cadence, and Celestia leave the restroom and continue trotting down the street with Scootaloo at their side. After entering the salon everypony there tries to be the first to Celestia. With a style finally chosen she is taken it to the back room where the more lucrative customers are taken care of. A flower blue pony with a bright pink mane begins looking over Lavender as she gasps at the raw beauty of the mare. However with her mane hanging flat she can definitely be improved. Trotting up the stylist begins speaking as she notices they are all wearing tiaras.

“Hello, my name is cherry wrap. I will be the one taking care of you today please follow me.” Guiding them into the back room Cherry swiftly gathers three teams for the waiting princesses. Turning to Lavender she begins speaking.

“Princess, there's a changing room right down the hall. If you would remover your dress it will be safe in there.” Giving a light nod the princess of beauty turns to her daughter and begins talking.

“Dear, I will be right back. Don't cause any trouble while I'm gone.” With a smile on her face Scootaloo replys.

“Ok mom I'll do my best.” Giving her daughter a questionable look Lavender trots down the hall into the changing room. Looking up at Cadence Scootaloo begins kicking at the floor in boredom. Seeing this Cadence begins to giggle.

“Not sure what to do that wont get you in trouble?” Nodding her head the little filly levitates her tiara off her head and begins inspecting it for no reason. Placing it beside her on a table she hops up into a chair. The second she does this a team of beauticians begin their work. Removing her tiara Cadence does the same. In the changing room lavender removes her dress and begins inspecting her body for a second time that day, except this time she focuses on her flank. Giving a large sigh the purple mare puts her dress on a hanger and joins her family. Trotting into the room Lavender hears her daughter giggling uncontrollably, and sees a pore unicorn trying to give her a hooficure. Sitting in the chair beside her a group begins asking her what she wants. Thinking it over Lavender responds.

“Would it be to much trouble to give me a perm. My mane and tail are simply not at there full beauty when they are dragging on the ground. After brushing out the purple princess's mane one of the beauticians begins speaking.

“Princess you must tell me how you keep your mane from having split ends. I didn't find a single one.” With a smile on her face Lavender replys.

“I'm sorry, but that is a family secret.” Looking over to her daughter she sees the little orange princess is having her mane styled as well.

“Darling are you having a good time?” Glancing over the little filly tries to nod her head yes, but is stopped by the beautician curling her orchid mane.

“Ya mom I'm having fun, but the shopping was funner.” Giving a giggle Lavender hears somepony entering the shop and trotting toward the back room where the are. Throwing open the curtain a dark pink filly with an indigo and pail yellow mane gallops right up to Cadence talking the whole time.

“Mommy! I found you! Daddy said he would win first, but he was wrong.” Opening the curtain a white stallion with a blue and light blue mane enters the room.

“Ok Skyla you won, but that's only because you were galloping.” Trotting over to his wife Shining Armor gives her an affectionate nuzzle.

“Hi honey how was your day?” Not giving her time to answer Skyla jumps onto the chair and squeezes in beside her mother. Looking at her husband the princess of love answers his question.

“It was interesting to say the least. Oh you remember my sister don't you? She arrived in town today and we've been having a mare's day out.” Glancing over at Lavender a puzzled look comes to the prince's face.

“But you never told me you had a sister. I've never even heard you mention her before.” Giving him an obvious fake smile the pink princess begins speaking through her teeth.

“What do you mean? I'm sure I've mentioned her?” With her eyes she motions toward Scootaloo then back at Lavender repeatedly only to end at their daughter. Catching the hint Shining begins speaking.

“Oh of course how careless of me. Your sister.....” Not giving him time to answer the purple princess begins speaking.

“It's a pleasure to meet you Shining. When I arrived at the castle today. Scootaloo dropped by, and we've spent the whole afternoon together. It's almost like shes my daughter.” At this point the little orange filly jumps into the conversation.

“Ya I've even been calling her mom.” Looking at Lavender the prince's eyes widen into the size of saucers. Seeing this the purple princess begins speaking.

“You may be my brother in-law, but I don't think we've been properly introduce. My name is Lavender Flake.” Looking beside Cadence the violet princess continues speaking.

“And you must be my niece, Skyla.” Smiling from ear to ear the little dark pink princess gives a nod. Clearing his throat Shining Armor looks at his fake sister in-law, and begins speaking.

“Lavender if you can pull yourself away for a moment I would like to have a word with you in private.” Glancing at her beautician she sees her nodding her head yes, almost as if she were giving her permission to leave. Leading him to the back room where she changed out of her dress she waits for him to begin speaking. Closing the door behind him the white prince's face turns instantly sour.

“What do you think you're doing? You may have tricked the guards at the castle, but Prince told Lucien me what happened. I've forgiven you for breaking my sister's heart once I wont do it again. I was talking with my mother and father today when they told me you payed them a visit. If you want to be with Twilight then you have to change back.” Staring at him strait in the face Lavender begins speaking in a very girlish voice.

“I can't change back. Don't you think I would if I could? I've over exerted myself today, and after that accident I feel like I'm almost completely drained of magic. To make things worse my brain is slowly changing to where I think like a mare! In fact it's affected my thoughts so much it changed my cutie mark!” Looking around to see her cutie mark Shining Armor soon wishes he didn't, because of a very emotional mare slapping him.

“Don't look at my flank! Besides you're married.” Quickly after slapping him Lavender begins feeling guilty.

“I'm sorry Shining. I shouldn't have done that. It's hard keeping a calm mind like this. Will you please forgive me?” Shocked that his friend just slapped him for looking at her flank Shining Armor begins speaking.

“You have a mare's body right? It looks like you gained their attitude as well.” Feeling insulted Lavender turns around giving him a softer slap in the face with her tail.

“Hows that for attitude!” Not wanting to be slapped for a third time the prince begins choosing his words carefully.

“Uh..... Thunder......... you're acting like Cadence right before....” Turning around Lavender begins speaking not letting him finish.

“You better not say what I think you're going to say!” Trying to calm down the over emotional mare he puts a hoof on her shoulder.

“Thunder just think about it. You have a mare's body, maybe you should know whats happening inside of you.” Waiting to be hit again the white prince closes his eyes. Surprised when it doesn't come he opens one making sure it is safe. Glancing up the prince of peace sees the beautiful mare quietly crying. After several moments of not knowing what to do she begins speaking.

“Shining you're right, but I don't want to know. I'm afraid that if I accept to much of this I wont come back. Now you're telling me I might be going into heat! This sucks ponyfeathers, and don't let me catch you looking at my flank ever again! How would you even know if that was happening? Now if were done I have a perm to finish.” Trotting toward the door the purple princess is stopped by a hoof to her chest. Becoming completely enraged she looks at the white prince. Seeing this Shining Armor's ears fall flat against his face as he begins speaking.

“Now Thunder you know I would never do that to a mare..... I was just trying to stop y....” Turning around Lavender slaps him in the face as hard as she can with her tail. Eying him into submission the purple princess begins speaking.

“You deserved that last one, and call me Lavender. It would be bad if you said Thunder in front of your daughter, and every other pony out there.” Rubbing his throbbing red cheek the prince of peace nods his head.

“Fine Lavender, but what are you going to do about Twilight. I don't want to see my little sister hurt again.” Sulking a little Lavender's horn begins glowing with a deep crimson aura. In seconds a teal box with a white ribbon appears in the room. Popping off the lid Lavender levitates the engagement ring over to the stallion.

“Before I had my accident I was planing on asking her tomorrow. I'm not even going to tell you how hard it was to get her ring size without her knowing. Lets just say one little dragon will be having a very very large gem stone dinner one night.” Staring at the ring Shining Armor's mouth drops to the floor. Stuttering the stallion manages to finally speak.

“You were going to ask her tomorrow? I'm sorry dude you have the absolute worst luck ever!” Putting the ring back in the box the purple mare places it in her saddlebag. Seeing this the white prince brings an inquisitive look to his face.

“Lavender is that stuff yours?” Rolling her eyes the goddess of beauty and mystery begins speaking to her friend.

“Yes now lets go we've been gone to long, and don't touch my saddlebag. It's new, and you haven't washed your hooves.” Shaking his head the white prince turns around and leaves the room followed by Lavender. Sitting back down in her chair she sees her mother raise an eyebrow. Wondering the same thing as Shining Armor Princess Celestia begins speaking.

“Lavender after we finish here, and drop Scootaloo of at the castle maybe we should see the royal physician. I'm worried that you may not be feeling up to the activities tomorrow.” Thinking very carefully on what to say so the other pony's in the room don't catch wind of the meaning the purple princess begins talking.

“Princess Celestia, I'm sure that I will be fine. A nice quiet night and I will be good as new.” Staring down her daughter the solar goddess remains silent. Removing the curlers from her mane one of Lavender's beauticians begins speaking.

“Dear how do you keep your mane. It is so easy to work with I'm jealous.” Looking at herself in the mirror the princess of beauty starts bouncing her new manestyle with her hoof. With stars in her eyes and a large grin on her face the violet mare begins talking.

“It looks perfect! Oh I am definitely coming here again!” Hearing this Celestia raises an eyebrow, but Scootaloo beats her to talking.

“Mom you look great!” With her mane and tail finished the little orange princess jumps out of her chair and into her mothers. Giving her daughter an affectionate nuzzle Lavender hears a groan come from Shining Armor. Glancing over at him the goddess of beauty shoots him a warning with her eyes. Unable to take being in a salon for another second Shining Armor begins speaking to his wife.

“Cadence, If you want I could take Skyla back with me. I was planing on going to the sports shop down beside the bowling ally.” Shaking her head the pink princess begins speaking.

“No dear, you've had her all day. You can go do whatever it is you do there.” With a smile on his
face the white stallion crosses the room to his wife's side and gives her a small kiss on the cheek. Upon leaving the room Cadence hears a woohoo come from her husband. Shaking her head Lavender looks over at her fake sister and begins talking.

“Stallions can be so foalish sometimes.” Immediately after the words leave her mouth a look of fear comes to the gorgeous princess's face. Understanding what she just said as being the utmost truth the princess of love is still shocked to have heard it said from non-other than a stallion in disguise. Looking at her fake sister Cadence begins speaking trying to remain as cryptic as possible.

“Lavender, I think the flapjack has completely flipped.” Understanding the meaning of the analogy the violet princess nods her head in agreement. Looking down at her daughter Lavender begins speaking.

“Dear, are you ready to return home? I have some.... things I need to attend to.” Giving her mother a cheerful smile the little orange princess starts talking.

“Mom, I'm not dumb I know you're going to see the doctor.” Patting Scootaloo on the head Lavender glances over to see her mother let out a small sigh. With Her mane and tail styled Lavender steeps of the chair, and returns to the changing room to put on her dress and gather her things. Trotting back to her family she heads strait for the counter. Looking around the princess of beauty sees all the different products and decides to buy some.

“I would like to buy one of those brushes and some shampoo.” Pointing to what she wants the mare behind the counter quickly gathers the items. Completely pleased with the treatment Lavender pays for their services.